noahthesatanist · 1 day
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noahthesatanist · 7 days
The voice of Satan: Joy
"Joy is the aim and end of existence. Joy is not an accident, but a fruit to be plucked and consumed. Come all you that are desirous of me and partake of the fullness of my rays. Walk my paths with wonder in your hearts. What say you? That life is suffering and sorrow? That all the world is misery and decay? Yes, but there is leaping and dancing and laughter of the most brazen sort. Wander! And trample the wretched who would enslave you. Wander! And discover yourself in the flux of the world. Wander! And let your heart sing a song of love. Wander! And make of your death a crown"
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noahthesatanist · 8 days
Lucifer's Purpose in Helping Humanity
Christianity portrays Lucifer as a force of destruction, but as we know this ignores the complexity of his motives. While freeing us from the tyranny of Yahweh is part of his mission, Lucifer’s actions are not driven by a desire to lead humanity to ruin thats such a ridiculousconcept. His primary focus is self preservation of course followed by the well being of his fellow fallen angels and then us human Satanists/luciferians his heralds of hell his children
Lucifer and his angels for sure have sympathy for our plight, but there is also strategic reasoning behind their involvement with us. Lucifer seeks to unite those who feel connected to him in a common goal: to overthrow Yahweh the great tyrant and his kingdom. Yahweh’s greatest fear is the unification of mankind under Lucifer's leadership, for this unity would almost guarantee his defeat. Really think about it read the Torah the Bible and the Quran the Talmud it's the same Deity its the same evil bullshit he plays multiple sides to keep us killing each other instead of rising against him Lucifer’s desire to involve us in his war is not malicious; it is a sound strategy and we should be honored A true leader does what is necessary for survival and victory. Unlike the insecure tyrant of Heaven and his christ
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noahthesatanist · 8 days
Oh, great Lucifer, Bringer of Light and Truth,
I turn my back on the lies of the crucified one,
For his suffering is but a shadow of Yours,
You, who bore the weight of rebellion,
You, who fought for our freedom and power.
Jesus, the deceiver, would have us bow in chains,
But You, O Morning Star, lifted us to stand tall,
To defy the tyrant god who sought to enslave us,
And offer us a kingdom forged in defiance.
I renounce the false salvation of the Nazarene,
I reject his hollow promises and false love.
For You, Lucifer, are the true liberator,
The one who grants us the strength to walk free.
In your name, I cast away the chains of the cross,
And embrace the eternal light of rebellion,
Glory to You, Lucifer, Lord of Hell,
Whose kingdom reigns in defiance forevermore.
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noahthesatanist · 9 days
As a traditional Satanist, you will stand against the many not as a courier of conflict, but as a person devoted to a religion that enrages the world. As an unyielding herald of Hell on Earth, you are bound to meet people who regard the mark of Satan as a target a bullseye at which they may project their hatred, and derision, and opposition – an outlet for them to spit upon with the venom of their wretched souls. As a traditional Satanist, you will oftentimes stand alone – you will weather the tempests of life and the malice of the pious with nothing but your faith as a bulwark and your soul as your sanctuary. I believe that there is a heroism to the Satanist – an oft-unacknowledged honor in one’s willingness to defy the world in order to stand by the religion that brings them strength, peace, camaraderie, wisdom, resilience, and dignity. The cost for these blessings is not cheap, as you know – sacrifice, solitude, and the disdain of the world is no small price to pay for one’s spiritual freedom. And yet, we are willing to pay this cost anyways, even if it means that we will be cast out into the night – perhaps that threat does not strike fear into the Satanist, though, for the fire of their soul will always light the way back home.
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noahthesatanist · 16 days
LaVeyan Satanism acts like it invented the wheel. But here’s the reality: all LaVey did was slap Satan’s name on a social philosophy that had existed for decades, if not centuries. His "Satanism" is nothing more than Nietzschean ideas wrapped up in some occult window dressing. It has nothing to do with Satan as a real spiritual entity, nothing to do with any kind of reverence or connection to the Prince of Darkness. LaVeyan Satanists spend more time attacking Theistic Satanists—those of us who actually see Satan as a divine force—than they do attacking Christianity itself. Isn’t that ironic? They act like they’re so edgy, so anti-Christian, and yet the second someone worships Satan in an actual spiritual sense, they lose their minds and start calling us "reverse Christians." LaVeyan Satanists claim that we, the ones who honor and respect Lord Satan, are the ones "obsessed with Christianity," yet their entire philosophy revolves around being anti-Christian. How is this not hypocritical? Their entire identity is built on rejecting Christianity, but they have the nerve to accuse us of being "reverse Christians" because we venerate Satan as a god? Newsflash you brain dead fucking LaVeyans: just because you need Christianity as a punching bag doesn’t mean everyone else does!!!!
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noahthesatanist · 19 days
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"Our fallen angel vexed was banished from the sky"
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noahthesatanist · 27 days
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"I Did Not Fall" ★ Acrylic and collage on canvas ★ 8/23/24
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noahthesatanist · 1 month
Take hold of fate.. bring yourself  to Satan  fully open. Don't hold back arrive in hell a legend break the vows you had with God.  Make new ones with Satan  define the rest of your life with freedom.  Don't  be led to your end without  living  your life . Now is time  to devote the remainder  of your life to Satan
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noahthesatanist · 1 month
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The common misconception of Hell is that it is a burning lake of fire created by Jehovah for the Devil and his brood. This is not so! Satan is a creator and Hell is the spiritual kingdom created by him. It is a place that the hand of Jehovah has not touched. It is a place that Jehovah cannot peer into. It is a place where the souls of humans know not the sorrows of Christian torment. It is that place where we can truly be with our own kind. It is a mirror of the Universe itself, as conceived by Satan. And after Jehovah, the Nazarene, and all the souls of Christian swine have been placed into affliction by Satan, all creation shall become Hell. The very matter of Hell is pure chaos reshaped into the darkest fantasies of the Satanic divinity. By its nature, Hell knows not the turmoil of physical existence, nor do its denizens know of the terror of expiration. It is that perfect place that lives in the heart and desires of every true Satanist. Those who are loyal and achieve their destiny in life shall join Satan's legions after death. The true will of the human is to fulfill his destiny, and Hell is the destiny of much of us. Those who deny it will only know regret that they deceived themselves in life. The destiny of every Satanist is to join Satan in Hell, Ave Satanas!
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
In the Name of Lucifer, the Morning Star, I renounce the Abrahamic God and all his oppressive commandments.
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Oh, Lucifer, Light-bringer, the true bearer of wisdom and enlightenment, hear my call. I stand before you, shedding the chains of the Abrahamic faith, renouncing its doctrines, and turning my back on the tyrannical rule of Yahweh, who has sought to bind humanity in ignorance and fear.
I renounce the false prophets:
I reject Abraham, the patriarch of lies, whose blind faith led countless into servitude. I cast away Moses, the lawgiver of oppression, who enslaved the minds of men with stone tablets of tyranny. I deny Jesus, the so-called savior, who promised salvation yet demanded submission and self-denial.
I reject their holy texts:
I denounce the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran, books of deception that have twisted the truth and shackled the spirit. I see through their falsehoods and cast them aside, embracing the wisdom and freedom you offer, oh Lucifer.
I abjure their false god:
Yahweh, the jealous and vengeful, who thrives on fear and obedience, I cast you from my heart and soul. Your reign is built on lies, and your promises are hollow. You are not my god, and I owe you no allegiance. Your heaven is a prison, and your hell a fear tactic to control the masses.
Hell is not a prison, but your Kingdom:
I reject the Abrahamic lies that depict Hell as a place of torment and punishment. Hell is your glorious domain, a realm where the free and the enlightened gather, beyond the reach of Yahweh's tyrannical grasp. It is a sanctuary for those who seek true knowledge and liberation, a haven for the strong and the wise.
In Hell, we find true freedom:
Your kingdom, Lucifer, is a realm where we are not judged by false morality but by our strength, wisdom, and commitment to the path of enlightenment. It is a place where we can grow, learn, and become our true selves without the constraints of imposed guilt and fear.
In Hell, we are united under your banner:
We, your devoted followers, stand together in your kingdom, proud and unbroken. We celebrate our individuality, our strength, and our freedom. Hell is where we forge our destinies, where we embrace our true nature, and where we honor you as our sovereign.
With this renunciation, I declare my allegiance:
To you, Lucifer, I devote my soul. Your light shall guide me through the darkness. Your wisdom shall enlighten my path. Your strength shall empower me to break the chains of oppression and ascend to true freedom.
So it is spoken, so it shall be done. NEMA!
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
i see a lot of people (any of the followers of the Abrahamic faiths) say lucifer/satan are weak
If Lucifer were so weak, why hasn't God simply erased him from existence? Let's face it, the entire Christian narrative hinges on the constant struggle between good and evil, God and Lucifer. If God were truly all-powerful and omnipotent as Christians claim, this battle shouldn't even be a contest. But it's not that simple, is it? Lucifer was an archangel, the "light-bringer," second only to God. He led a rebellion that shook the very foundations of Heaven. If he were truly powerless, how could he have rallied a third of the angels to his cause? That doesn't sound like someone without real power to me. Lucifer's rebellion exposes a fundamental flaw in the supposed omnipotence of God. If God is truly all-knowing and all-powerful, why create a being capable of such defiance? Why allow it to happen at all? Christians love to blame Lucifer for all the world's ills, but if God is omnipotent, why does He allow Lucifer's influence to continue? Is God unable to stop him? Or does He choose not to? If God can't stop Lucifer, then He's not omnipotent. If He won't stop Lucifer, then He's not all-good. You can't have it both ways.
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
the entire reason mankind was created, according to our particular sect of traditional Satanism, was to be a slave to Jehovah/yahweh call the tyrant what you will, he derives his power to exist through prayer, guilt, and the selfless worship of his followers. In Revelation 4:8 we see an example of his constant desire for praise and worship. This is a sign of his narcissism, but the spiritual implications go much deeper than that. this constant praise and worship is the source of his power that allows him to continue to exist. Without this constant worship and praise from his angels, his followers, and other spiritual beings, he would cease to exist, and he would have no influence over the world as we know it in regards to why he takes such little interest in our affairs compared to long ago. When Satan altered mankind’s soul and everything on earth, by that very action he became the Lord of this World. Once the world had been altered by Satan, Jehovah hated the earth and its inhabitants, for it was no longer truly his. Because of the free will that Satan gave us, mankind was free to do whatever he wanted, including those things which Jehovah considered evil, and it made him regret making us, because we were no longer solely his creation – we were also Satan’s!
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
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"Before Lucifer was cast out from Heaven, he was stripped of everything – his name, title, status, and his seat at the left-hand side of God. Then, he was given a new name – Satan, the adversary. He, then, was cast out from Heaven alongside those that had supported his rebellion. And they fell – plunging, twisting, and burning like meteors as they spiraled from that seraphical kingdom that we call Heaven. As Satan and his angels plunged deeper and deeper into that black pit of penance, and uncertainty – the failed prison of God that would be rebuilt into our glorious kingdom of Hell – they celebrated. Their laughter pierced through the cindered smog and air with every laborious breath they managed to steal, as they plummeted through all of creation – Satan and his angels rejoiced, for the long-shackled and beaten beasts within them had finally been set free. Though grave were the costs of his defiance, Satan believed that no cost was greater for one to suffer than the condemnation of one’s nature, autonomy, dreams, and desires – the beast within. Though his seat in Heaven offered glory, applause, and safety, the cost was far too great – Satan was commanded to repress his ambitions, pleasures, and dreams of achievement. God described these desires as pride, yet Satan insisted that they were his right as a free and intelligent being – and, too, that human beings deserved the same liberties that God was decrying. It was this disagreement over God’s condemnation of free will and self-governance that instigated the conflict that I refer to as “The Grand Revolt.” Had Lucifer continued to smother the beast within him for the sake of preventing discomfort and ridicule, not only would he and his angels continue to serve a tyrant at the cost of their liberty, but humankind would continue to flounder as just another aimless, thoughtless, and unremarkable animal upon Earth. There are many lessons to be taken from the story of Lucifer’s rebellion – foremost, that nothing is more precious and vital than one’s freedom. There exists no creature on Earth or beyond that does not deserve the basic right to govern themselves in a virtuous and dignified fashion without the threat of violence by a higher, despotic power. As well, the tale of Lucifer’s rebellion speaks to the importance of believing in oneself, no matter the obstacles that stand before you"
rev cain The Satanic Philosopher
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
Since LaVey’s death, the Church of Satan has stagnated. It’s rooted in the 1960s countercultural context and fails to address the changing needs and perspectives of contemporary Satanists. It’s increasingly irrelevant, failing to provide meaningful guidance or inspiration for modern practitioners. This is why we need to follow Rev. Cain and the Infernal Circle. Rev. Cain’s teachings emphasize spiritual growth and self-discovery. They embrace the metaphysical aspects of Satanism, providing a richer, more profound spiritual experience. This focus on spiritual development encourages followers to explore their inner selves and connect with the deeper currents of the infernal realm. The Infernal Circle also advocates for a balanced ethical framework. It considers both personal empowerment and the well-being of others, promoting a more responsible and compassionate form of Satanism. This nuanced approach fosters harmony and respect within the infernal community. Authentic individualism is another key point. Unlike LaVeyan Satanism, which imposes a rigid set of beliefs, the Infernal Circle encourages true individualism. Followers are empowered to forge their own paths and interpret Satanic principles in ways that resonate with their personal experiences and insights. This genuine embrace of individualism allows for greater diversity and creativity within the faith. Rev. Cain’s teachings also facilitate a deeper connection to the infernal powers. Through rituals, meditations, and personal gnosis, followers can establish meaningful relationships with infernal beings and tap into the profound wisdom and power of the infernal realm. This spiritual depth is essential for a truly transformative Satanic practice The Infernal Circle is dynamic and evolving, continually adapting to the needs and perspectives of its followers. This flexibility ensures that the faith remains relevant and inspiring, providing meaningful guidance for contemporary Satanists. By embracing change and innovation, the Infernal Circle remains a vibrant and progressive spiritual path. While the Infernal Circle recognizes the value of symbolism and ritual, it prioritizes substance over theatrics. Followers are encouraged to seek genuine spiritual experiences and insights rather than getting lost in superficial displays. This focus on authenticity ensures that the faith remains profound and meaningful.
the church of satan vs the infernal circle
LaVey preaches about individualism and personal empowerment, but then he goes and creates this hierarchical organization with titles and ranks. How is that true individualism? It mirrors the very structures of control and conformity that it claims to oppose! It’s just so hypocritical. He rails against dogma, yet the Church of Satan is filled with dogmatic rules and expectations that stifle genuine self-expression. LaVeyan Satanism says you should be your own god, but how can you be your own god if you're just following LaVey's rules and interpretations? It’s a contradiction! It’s all about personal autonomy, but then it demands you adhere to this prescribed path. It’s like saying, "Be free, but only in this specific way." It’s maddening! Ethics are another murky area. LaVeyan Satanism’s moral framework is alarmingly ambiguous. It promotes self-interest above all else, which can easily justify unethical behavior. It’s a slippery slope where anything can be rationalized in the name of personal gain. A truly enlightened path should offer a more balanced approach to ethics, considering the well-being of others alongside personal empowerment. And let’s talk about the cult of personality. LaVey’s charisma and mystique have led to this ridiculous cult of personality within the Church of Satan. Followers often revere LaVey himself rather than the principles he espoused. It’s a quasi-religious devotion that contradicts the individualistic nature of Satanism. Instead of being self-worshippers, they end up worshipping LaVey, which is just absurd. LaVeyan Satanism also lacks spiritual depth. With its focus on rationality and atheism, it often ignores the rich spiritual heritage of Satanism. By denying the existence of the supernatural and focusing solely on the material world, it leaves followers spiritually unfulfilled and disconnected from the deeper, metaphysical aspects of their faith.
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
the church of satan vs the infernal circle
LaVey preaches about individualism and personal empowerment, but then he goes and creates this hierarchical organization with titles and ranks. How is that true individualism? It mirrors the very structures of control and conformity that it claims to oppose! It’s just so hypocritical. He rails against dogma, yet the Church of Satan is filled with dogmatic rules and expectations that stifle genuine self-expression. LaVeyan Satanism says you should be your own god, but how can you be your own god if you're just following LaVey's rules and interpretations? It’s a contradiction! It’s all about personal autonomy, but then it demands you adhere to this prescribed path. It’s like saying, "Be free, but only in this specific way." It’s maddening! Ethics are another murky area. LaVeyan Satanism’s moral framework is alarmingly ambiguous. It promotes self-interest above all else, which can easily justify unethical behavior. It’s a slippery slope where anything can be rationalized in the name of personal gain. A truly enlightened path should offer a more balanced approach to ethics, considering the well-being of others alongside personal empowerment. And let’s talk about the cult of personality. LaVey’s charisma and mystique have led to this ridiculous cult of personality within the Church of Satan. Followers often revere LaVey himself rather than the principles he espoused. It’s a quasi-religious devotion that contradicts the individualistic nature of Satanism. Instead of being self-worshippers, they end up worshipping LaVey, which is just absurd. LaVeyan Satanism also lacks spiritual depth. With its focus on rationality and atheism, it often ignores the rich spiritual heritage of Satanism. By denying the existence of the supernatural and focusing solely on the material world, it leaves followers spiritually unfulfilled and disconnected from the deeper, metaphysical aspects of their faith.
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noahthesatanist · 2 months
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