father of at least two kids, and 47 dnd characters
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“No you can’t name your weapon shop ‘Bloodbath and Beyond’.”
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Concept: a D&D campaign that borrows the format of a Pokémon journey: the party is a bunch of goofy teenagers going on a road trip to brave the strongholds of legendary exemplars of the twelve core-book character classes and win tokens of their esteem. Each stronghold would be themed around the character class of its master: e.g., the Wizard would have a puzzle-filled dungeon under their tower; the Fighter would require the party to participate in a four-on-four tournament against other adventuring parties for the right to face them in battle; the Rogue would refuse them out of hand, but leave the badge in a conspicuous-but-secure location as an unspoken challenge to steal the dumb thing if they want it so badly; and so forth.
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Advice podcast in a fantasy setting with questions like "I love my werewolf girlfriend but she has a fierce territorial dispute with the neighbour's St Bernard. How can I let my girlfriend know I'm on her side and I love her but also let her know that I think she shouldn't be arguing with a literal puppy without upsetting her"
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More inadvisable Dungeons & Dragons campaign premises:
A post-apocalyptic transhuman space opera game where “dungeons” are the ruins of cities and space habitats that have been devastated by various XK-class doomsday weapons, and characters with classes and levels represent people who’ve been modified to survive in those environments. Core-book character creation is used 100% as written, with each player being individually responsible rationalising their class features as the result of transhuman body modification and/or space opera hypertech; the GM reskins monsters and such in the same way.
The party are members of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Sign-Painters, the people who are responsible for putting up those inexplicable signposts you always find in ridiculously dangerous places helpfully informing you that it’s twenty miles north to the Pit of Flaming Despair and fifteen miles east to the Forest of Eternal Peril. The campaign starts out with fairly straightforward “go here and put up a sign” missions, and eventually develops into uncovering the terrible secret of who’s paying for these signs to be put up and why.
The party are a group of tiny fairy companions to the Chosen Hero. Each fairy wields the power of a particular core class, but can’t use those class features herself: she can only grant them to the Chosen Hero by magically merging with them, one at a time. In game terms, each player writes up both a full-featured “hero mode” character representing their particular hero/fairy gestalt, and a much simpler “fairy mode” character to use at all other times. When a fairy is in “hero mode”, her player controls the resulting gestalt character, while the un-merged hero is an NPC.
The party own and operate one of those shady-looking magic shops you could have sworn wasn’t there yesterday and probably won’t be there if you ever try to find it again. Each mini-arc begins when the shop pops into a new community, and proceeds through scenarios ranging from dealing with unusual customers, to replenishing their supply of cursed gimcracks, to covering up the consequences of selling them to people who can’t follow instructions; fortunately, they don’t have to manage the latter for very long, as the shop will move on in about a month.
A shitdark Game of Thrones style low fantasy setting where there are no crafty wizards or heroic paladins and humanity is at the absolute mercy of the terrible monsters that lurk the wilderness, except for the player characters, who have full access to all the core-book D&D classes and archetypes and their associated paraphernalia by virtue of the fact that they’re magical girls. They can only use their class features while transformed, but otherwise there are no special mechanics for this – being D&D characters in a Game of Thrones world is their special power.
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Every DnD game that starts out with a serious “Lord of the Rings” type of tone turns into a Monty Python sketch and every DnD game that starts out like a Monty Python sketch turns into Lord of the Rings
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D&D Character Alignment Charts for Dummies

Defined by Lawful Good
Defined by Chaotic Good
Defined by Lawful Evil
Defined by Chaotic Evil
Defined by True Neutral
Defined by Philosophic Theist
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@tilthedayidice my starlit swim dice arrived!! And came with an extra baby d20!! Also, this BEE-autiful dice bag (from @magicandstitchcraft) arrived!!!!!! It’s even prettier in person and i absolutely adore it
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I took these outside for a whole two minutes and now they’re Supercharged

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Friend: “How does D&D work?”
Me: “You need to buy a shitload of dice and then pretend like you know what you’re doing.”
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I never posted official pics of this set. I love Krakens dice but I dont think I will be buying from them for a while.
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Y’all loved the original post of these lemonade babies, so I decided to make a more phone background-friendly post.
If anyone actually uses one of these as their background please tell me bc I’ll love you forever.
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been taking a lot of dice photos lately lads
(Chessex Nebula Nocturnal)
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So I'm still planning to draw critters based on the dice backgrounds, but before I start, do you have a particular background you would want to see in animal form? :D
I think the Scooby-Doo one would be hella fun!!!!

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