8 posts
no longer a minor!! I'm an adult now! read the pinned post! icon is by hows-my-handwriting who is my dumb sibling and I love them
Last active 2 hours ago
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no-thoughts-only-apex 3 years ago
this blog is super cute, is it still active?
Yes!! I just don't have any requests ;w;
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no-thoughts-only-apex 4 years ago
Here's my secret santa gift for @lonelycouchpotatoe! Hope you like it :D
"So, uh," Elliott started, regretting his choice soon after, "Marvin. How you- how're you feeling, bud?"
Said robot didn't give a reply, only staring at the wall. The screen on his chest was blank, something that almost scared Elliott. It always had something displayed on it. Always.
Elliott shuffled in his spot in the doorway before walking over to Pathfinder. He placed a hand on his shoulder, "Marv? Buddy?"
Pathfinder's head moved to look at Elliott. He was quiet for a moment before his head bumped against Elliott's shoulder, "I miss Ash."
Elliott couldn't help but jump at the sudden contact, quickly backpedaling and wrapping his arms around Pathfinder's shoulders. He tucked his chin on top of Pathfinder's head, "I know, buddy. I'm sorry."
Pathfinder wrapped his arms around Elliott, holding him tightly. His grip was a bit too tight, and the angle of the hug was almost uncomfortable, but Elliott didn't mind. Pathfinder was obviously upset and Elliott wanted to do anything to make him feel better, and if a slightly awkward, uncomfortable hug made him feel better, then Elliott was more than willing to oblige.
The two stayed like that for a while, Elliott keeping a tight grip on Pathfinder, one of his hands rubbing at his back. He kept quiet, not wanting to say the wrong thing and make Pathfinder more upset.
Pathfinder pulled back after a couple of minutes, and Elliott still kept his hands on his arms. Pathfinder's shoulders were slumped and his screen showed a blue frowning emoji. He folded his hands together and sat down on his bed; something Elliott never understood why he had. He was a robot and comfort wasn't necessary when he slept, so why have it to begin with?
"Can you stay with me for a little longer, friend?" Pathfinder asked, looking up at Elliott.
Elliott jumped a little before nodding frantically, sitting down next to him on the bed, "Y-yeah! Of-of course I can, Marv. Do you uhhh- wanna watch a movie or something?"
Pathfinder rested his head against Elliott's shoulder, "Okay, that sounds nice."
Elliott nodded and wrapped an arm around him, grabbing the remote to the TV. He rested his head against Pathfinder's and picked a boxing show. He never got the appeal, but it was Pathfinder's favourite type of show. It always made him happier. Hopefully it would do the trick now.
Pathfinder seemed to brighten up at the show, his fingers tapping together.
Elliott sighed in relief slightly, brushing his fingers over Pathfinder's arm. He knew he couldn't cheer Pathfinder up just by playing a tv show he liked, but it was a start. Ash had left pretty recently and Elliott knew how much it hurt having someone just leave put of the blue. He would talk to Pathfinder about it more later, when he could find the right words for it. But for now, it was a start.
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no-thoughts-only-apex 4 years ago
Horizon headcanons I have!!
So she's actually 6'2, but after spending so much time in space she's grown a couple of inches and is now around 6'5!
She's a trans lesbian!! Her and her (ex) wife adopted their son together! They split up because Horizon spent so much time working and didn't spend enough time with the family.
She really loved nature and forests!! She used to take her son on walks throughout the forest
She also really loves robots and absolutely adores hack, DOC, path and even Rev to some extent!
Her robot (Newt), doc, and Hack are all dating I dont make the rules
She really loves breakfast food! Specifically waffles with strawberries
She also loves telling stories and would volunteer at a children's hospital to tell stories to the sick kids! When she joins the games, she goes with wattson to visit schools!
I might add some more stuff later, but this is all I have for now!
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no-thoughts-only-apex 4 years ago
i'd love to hear ur headcanons for trans tavi!
Trans Tavs!!!
Once again, super fluffy! Mentions of surgery and transphobia, so be mindful of that if it makes you uncomfortable!
He first realized he didnt want to be a girl when he was really little, around nine or ten. He was at a store with his dad and an old lady called him 'such a sweet boy' for helping her get something from a bottom shelf. From then on, he only wanted to be called a boy. He would outright refuse to wear girly clothes and ignore his parents if they called him a girl.
When he met Ajay, he said he was a boy, and ever since then she's only called him he/him and Octavio. When they were in eighth grade, she even got him a binder! She got it after she saw him wrap his chest with bandages, making him promise never to do it again because of how dangerous it is. She also made him promise to only wear it for certain amounts of time, and let his chest breath, and never sleep in it, and make sure it's not too tight, and-
She cares about him a lot and wants to make sure he's safe and okay.
He got top surgery when he was 19! Ajay went with him, and since the two were sharing an apartment at the time, she also helped him take care of the scars and make sure he was drinking plenty of water and getting all the nutrients he needed. She swore that sometimes she felt she was taking care of a plant or a pet, rather then her closest friend
After a year or two after getting top surgery, he got bottom surgery! Once again, Ajay helped take care of him and make sure he was okay
Now he's proudly out as one of the trans legends and is a big supporter of all sorts of pride related things! He once wore a pride flag as a cape during one of his motorcycle races and after he won, he gave the flag to a fan of his! It was a very sweet moment and the fan cried and the two hugged
He has a trans flag in his room! It's visible during his streams and a lot of new fans comment on it. If anyone says any derogatory remarks, they're instantly kicked off the stream and have a two week ban. Octavio may be an easy going guy who's super chill and nice, but any form of transphobia (or homophobia) he won't tolerate
If any of the other legends are trans and are in need of money for binders or packers, medication, or even surgery, he's your go to guy for help! He'll tell them which sites have good quality binders or packers, give them tips about what to do after they get surgery and how to take care of their body, and even offer to buy them things they might need!
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no-thoughts-only-apex 4 years ago
spare cryptane with crypto麓s cat and octane麓s rabbit?? perhaps... maybe. . . ??
Cryptane shippers come get y'alls juice!
Once again, pure, tooth rotting fluff
It all started when Octavio found out TaeJoon had a cat, a small black munchkin cat named Mittens. TaeJoon named her Mittens because of her white paws. After one date night where Mittens curled up in Octavio's lap while he cuddled up next to TaeJoon, Octavio knew he wanted a pet.
He talked to Ajay and TaeJoon about wanting to get a pet, a bunny. Ajay made him do hours of research so he would be able to properly take care of it, not wanting it to die because of Octavio's negligence or him not knowing what to do if it gets hurt or sick. TaeJoon brought him to a popular pet shop he goes to. They treat their animals well, have good quality pet food and a variety of toys and other play toys for pets. Once Ajay deemed Octavio fit for caring for a bunny, TaeJoon took him to the pet shop. It was more of a date then shopping for a pet. TaeJoon spent most of the trip watching Octavio gush over the bunnies, playing with four of them in a small pen.
Octavio settled on a mini rex, a golden brown one. He had dark brown eyes and one missing leg. The workers explained that the bunny came from a bad home and lost one of its legs due to the conditions he lived in. Naturally, Octavio adopted him on the spot, saying they were almost matching and it was meant to be.
The bunny, who he named Mullido, got his own room in Octavio's apartment. He has a huge pen and numerous pet toys and other items. Of course, there are a fair amount of cat toys for whenever TaeJoon comes over and brings his cat.
TaeJoon totally babies the shit out of both pets. He's a total sucker for begging eyes (something Octavio often explotes) and let's them do almost anything. He constantly gives them treats and carries them around from place to place.
Octavio shows the pets off in his streams!! They'll be in his lap or laying across his shoulders while he plays games. The fans love them and constantly ask how they're doing. They even asked if merch would be made from them. He even attempted to hook up a small gaming controller to them so they could game with him. It didn't work, but TaeJoon and his fans thought it was adorable.
Cuddle nights with the pets are often when watching a movie or something, but they rarely sleep together. Octavio doesn't want to accidentally crush one of the pets while he sleeps, and TaeJoon shares the same concern. They only cuddle with the pets when they're awake and know they won't fall asleep. However, there have been a few times where one or both of them fall asleep with the pets in their arms, cuddled up against each other
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no-thoughts-only-apex 4 years ago
your thoughts on cryptane headcanons?
13+ I guess? Pure, tooth rotting fluff. Hope you enjoy!
Octavio was the one who asked TaeJoon out, unsurprisingly. He wanted to do something super big and flashy to ask Tae out, but after some consideration (and asking Ajay what she thought) he thought it best to do something quiet. He brought TaeJoon to an arcade and asked him out with some sort of cheesy video game pick up line.
They teach each other phrases and words in their native languages! Octavio loves to teach TaeJoon pet names and romantic phrases so he knows what they mean when Octavio says them. He loves watching TaeJoon's stoic appearance crumble into a flustered mess.
TaeJoon has taken to carrying around certain things for Octavio after one two many incidents of having to call Ajay for help. He usually has some snacks, Octavio's ADHD medication, testosterone, spare goggles and masks, bandaids and other medical supplies, and stim toys. He always makes sure Octavio has taken his medication when they're together, and texts him when they're apart, but he knows Octavio has a tendency to space out and forget.
Octavio loves sitting in TaeJoons lap!! He feels self conscious about his prosthetic legs and doesn't like to initiate any lap time. Thankfully, TaeJoon is good at reading Octavio, and constantly pulls him into his lap whenever he can. Working on his computer? Octavio's in his lap. Watching tv? Octavio's in his lap. Octavio is gaming? He's in TaeJoon's lap. TaeJoon loves wrapping his arms around Octavio's waist and resting his head against his shoulder.
Neck kisses!! So many neck kisses. Octavio understands that TaeJoon doesn't like PDA (Hand holding is the most he's comfortable with) and Octavio does his best to keep it to a minimum in public. When they're in private, he continously showers TaeJoon in kisses and all sorts of affection to make up for lost time. His favourite places to kiss TaeJoon are his jaw, his temple, where his skin meets his metallic skin, his shoulders and surprisingly enough, his hands!
Since TaeJoon doesn't like PDA, dated aren't very common. When the two go on dates, it's mostly movie theaters, home cooked dinners, stargazing or cloud watching, or even the occasional dinner date at a fancy (secluded) restaurant! TaeJoon does most of the cooking, as the last time Octavio was in the kitchen, he almost burned his apartment down.
TaeJoon can't help but constantly want to be around Octavio, holding his hand or cuddling with him while watching a movie. After so long on the run, he can't help but crave physical affection. As much as he wants to shower Octavio with affection in public, he knows its safer to keep it on the down low. As soon as they get home, TaeJoon is picking Octavio up in his arms, hugging him tightly as he carries Octavio to their room or the couch.
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no-thoughts-only-apex 5 years ago
Random Miroctane Thoughts/HCs from my Twitter.
1) Octavio teaching Elliott to skateboard but Mirage is scared of falling off and scratching himself up, so Octavio has to hold his hand the whole time to help him balance.
2) Octavio has one of those scrolling notepad widgets on his laptop desktop, to remind him of what videos he has to edit and stuff. Elliott gets hold of his laptop and adds cute messages to the notes to surprise him one day. So, Octavio is working one day and his notes are scrolling past and it's like, "Edit this...upload that...I love you sweetheart...record this."
3) Octavio would have to learn to calm the hell down when Elliott's anxiety is really bad. He lets him snuggle into him as much as he wants, while he whispers him ridiculous stories to take his mind off stuff. His favourite ones are retellings of their favourite movies but with the main characters or plot points replaced by people or things that just don't make sense, coz it usually gets Elliott to laugh. It helps that Tav has awful taste in films coz it makes them funnier.
4) Octavio thinks it's cool that Elliott has an interest in video games because it means they have a hobby in common...except Elliott is absolutely terrible at every game to the point Octavio questions if he's ever held a controller in his life. So, one day he asks "why do you suck so hard, I thought you grew up playing games?" Which is when Elliott admits he likes video games and always has but..he had three older brothers and was always the one who was given a controller that wasn't plugged in, and told he was playing the game when really he wasn't. Tav thinks this is super funny, but also feels kinda bad so tries to find some games Elliott might like to actually play. But he still enjoys letting Elliott watch him wreck people online games. Gotta flex in front of your man, y'know?
5) Octavio could be pretty good at math but he doesn't really know it. He doesn't really realise he's doing math when he's working out angles and speed for stunts and stuff. So, because Elliott is an engineer I like to HC him as being a little bit of a math nerd. And one day he's tryna work on something and it's just not working out for him and Tav comes over and helps him solve a math problem and Elliott is like " did you do that?" and Tav is like "idk I just did it in my head" and walks off, thinking nothing else of it but it leaves Elliott swooning on the inside.
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no-thoughts-only-apex 5 years ago
Basic stuff YOU need to know!
Hey! I'm Blue and I run this blog! I'm now an adult! Yay! I have a job, so requests might be a little bit slow! My pronouns are they/them!
Some stuff about me!
My favourite characters to play are Lifeline, Wattson, and Mirage!
Lore wise, my favourite characters are Mirage, Revenant and Octane!
My favourite colour is gold
I'm learning how to draw!! Rip my skateboarding dreams
I love flowers and will talk about them for hours!!
My favourite band is TV girl right now!
Here's some of my rules and requesting info!
If you don't say the reader is male/female, I'll default to they/them pronouns or try to make it as ambiguous as possible!
I'll write for any character with (nearly) any headcanon for them as long as it's inappropriate! Characters can be a super big comfort to people, and I'm in no place to judge anyone about it!
Please don't start discourse on my posts about it!
I do headcanons, drabbles or short fics! I'll default to headcanons if left unspecified!
I won't do caustic x any of the legends! It makes me uncomfortable because of the larger age gap, but I am 100% okay with doing platonic headcanons of him and the legends, or caustic x reader stuff! While the large gap makes me uncomfortable, I don't hate anyone who ships caustic with anyone! If that makes you uncomfortable in anyway, you can leave!
I also won't do Loba x Revenant!
Nsfw requests are now accepted!! Minors dni with those posts!!
Please don't interact with this blog if you're pro-ship, a transcum/transmed/any variation, pro-map/nomap/any variation, ddlg/any variation, anti BLM, or any of the usual criteria! If I'm missing something important, please let me know!
I think that's all i have to say! Happy requesting! :D
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