no-luck-no-hope · 1 day
if anyone was wondering, this is literally the exact way this blog's teto hisses
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Fun Fact: Actually that's fair. [it leaves to find a drink from God knows where]
— ❝ Good riddance...
[Teto continues holding Miku gently while she waits.]
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Fun Fact: Someone's angryyyyyy!
— ❝ [A loud, spitting cat-like hiss comes from Teto. She has to be EXTREMELY mad to even let herself get to the point of showing Chimera traits.]
Don't tease me. Why don't you get Miku something to drink? She's probably exhausted.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
You can cook with that knife! Get to the kitchen!
...The diner has a kitchen, right?
— ❝ Firstly, you can't cook with JUST a knife. And secondly, I don't know... One day something isn't a thing here, and the next minute, it is. It's weird.
What, you want me to cook humans or something?
[Teto makes a dark smile. She's just trying to be intimidating so she's left alone.]
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
gives you the knife miku had.
— ❝ Uh... What do you want me to do with this?
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
— ❝ Someone said you got hurt or that they were trying to hurt you and uh... I just tried to find you. I'm so glad you're okay...
[Teto isn't letting go any time soon as she further presses herself against Miku, trying to hide her tears a bit. Nevermind on not caring, Teto knew her tears would look extremely embarrassing.]
I hope you feel better now.
— ❝ [Teto notices the weight shift from underneath her, and Miku's awake. Of course, she's too worried and heartbroken to care, so she's more than happy to see her awake and alive, and less embarrassed about her red face and puffy eyes.]
Oh, Miku... Sorry, did I wake you...?
Are you doing alright?
[She's being so gentle... carefully bringing a hand to Miku's neck while she checks her pulse. It's stable.]
~ @no-luck-no-hope ❤️
" Mmnnghh... "
A delicate yawn leaves her throat as she stretches. That nap was honestly pretty refreshing!
Miku's not sure what Teto's doing, though, has she always been here?
" No, no, it's fine... whaddya doin'?- "
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Fun Fact time you're going into the Fanfiction loser (ooc)
— ❝ What fanfiction?? This is getting insane...
You're all going into DEEZ NUTS if you don't stop being fucking weird!
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
— ❝ Know about what...?
tetoooo. my guy. you need to stop giving a shit. about everything. trust me it worked for me
- 😎
— ❝ That's how you die. Blissful ignorance will kill you.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Not me reading "fun fact" anon's name as "fanfic anon"... It's over chat
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Fun Fact: My insides consist solely of pizza.
— ❝ Quite frankly, I'm not surprised. This is the world of nonsense, anyway.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
no no not blissful ignorance you just need to stop giving a shit. pure apathy. that's how you win mesmerizer
- 😎
— ❝ ...Ehh, at the very least, the only thing I want to still care about is Miku, y'know? She's the only reason why I haven't–
[Woah! Slow your roll there, Teto! Don't want to scare the people away!]
Yeah. Why I haven't uh, lost it. Mhm.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
tetoooo. my guy. you need to stop giving a shit. about everything. trust me it worked for me
- 😎
— ❝ That's how you die. Blissful ignorance will kill you.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Fun Fact: There are people that miss you! That's great! Not sure if they'll find you though.
— ❝ ... People miss me?
Hm, good luck to them finding me. [Teto sneers sarcastically.]
Fuck knows what way's in and what way's out.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
[Teto's angry, really angry. Her eyes glare a hot red as her face flushes. Hopefully her yelling doesn't disturb Miku too bad...]
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Did you notice that Miku's sleeping bag is themed after you?
— ❝ Well yeah, it's weird, but hey — what can I expect from the anons?
At least she has a place to rest.
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEAAAASEEE it's so BORINNGGG nothing's even ON IT aside a GIF (pronounced like G.I.F) and gibberish pleasuushehh
- ⚰️
— ❝ A– Alright dude, can you slow down and speak my language for just a second? Not complete and utter gibberish?!
[Teto's panting. She looks frustrated, especially being interrupted with her reunion with Miku.]
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no-luck-no-hope · 2 days
Here's a doodle.
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