no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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Hey babes! As requested, here’s a roundup of my favorite study tips that I’ve picked up over the years. Happy studying!
studying for exams
Create a study group and meet regularly (not just before exams!)
“Teach” the material to someone – your pet works well!
Keep a list in the front of your notebook/binder of topics or points that seem important enough to be on the exam, that confuse you, or that you’re interested in so you can go back and study them.
Study a little over a long period when you can, instead of cramming for an entire exam in one night.
Create a “cheat sheet” of important information for studying on the go.
Try the Pomodoro method to keep from getting burnt out.
Try creating a timetable for studying so you don’t spend too long on a certain subject and run out of time for the others.
Knock out your least favorite subject first, so you can have the rest of the day to work on more enjoyable subjects and relax. 
Create a study guide for the class using Google Docs that you can all contribute to.
If you’re unclear about something, Google it. There’s more than likely a video that can explain it more clearly than your textbook.
Keep a running list of questions to ask during office hours, & actually go!
Study in a public place (the library, a coffee shop) so that you’re less likely to get distracted watching cat videos knowing people can see what you’re doing. 
Get plenty of rest the night before an exam! Cramming is not worth it.
homework tips
Write everything down, even if you think you’ll remember it.
Keep a planner and check it first thing in the morning.
Do the work for your least favorite class first so that it’s out of the way.
Start early. Way earlier than you have to. That way you have time for delays, to start over if you have to, or to take a night off to go to a party. 
If it’s something quick, like a worksheet, do it as soon as it’s assigned.
If you have a long break between classes, use it to work on small assignments that you can get out of the way.
For big projects, like papers and presentations, break it up into smaller pieces. “Write thesis” is a lot less daunting than “write 8 page paper”.
Do homework before you study, so you’ll know what you’re confused about and need to pay more attention to. 
If there’s an option to buy an ebook rather than a physical copy of the textbook, do it. Not only is it usually cheaper, but it frees up space in your bag and you can search for specific terms easily.
If you have a lot of work to catch up on, set aside a block of time to knock it all out at once (with breaks, of course).
If all the homework for a class is due at the end of the semester, give yourself due dates for the individual assignments so you don’t put it off and have to do it all at once. 
Install a site blocker so you don’t get distracted from your work.
If you have an online class, schedule a regular time to work on it as if it were a traditional class.  
Don’t just Google your way through the homework! It may save time now, but it’ll only make things harder when it’s time for exams.
even more tips!!
More Study Tips
Time Management
Intensive Revision (Cramming)
Public Speaking
Writing Papers Quickly
Study Habits
Final Exams
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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Mysterious and Spooky, They’re Altogether Ooky » The Addams Family
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
Things that are technically “Addams Family” canon whether we like it or not
The Family owns Central Park and sometimes lives there
We have seen a canon!Female Pugsley
Pugsley’s first word was “Help”, after Wednesday threw him down a trapdoor
Gomez went to Law School and actually somehow passed and also doesn’t know what the fifth amendment is
Morticia was in an arranged marriage to some guy but Lurch accidentally caused his death via toothpick so
Lurch has both a mother and a father and at least one of them built him
Wednesday was once stalked by a cat
At one point the Family had to hold a seance to bring Pugsley back to their plane of existence but stopped halfway through to play Charades with Thing
Morticia’s Mother was the Wicked Witch of the West
Grandmama had a brother named Jester who liked to play pranks
Gomez can be hypnotized by the sound of a bugle
Fester somehow had a baby with the Moon
Pugsley once wanted a job at the bank so he tunneled into their vaults and started counting money for them
The Addams Family have actually met the Scooby Doo Gang; they housekept for them while Gomez and Morticia were on another honeymoon
Speaking of which they canonically have had at least 32 honeymoons
They also banged during a hurricane definitely more than once
Grandmama has a Drug Cart
Wednesday taught Lurch how to dance at least twice
The Addams Family have an Alligator that has changed genders at least once and though that was probably more of a continuity error than anything I don’t care I love the Genderfluid Alligator™
Pugsley knows how to drive
At one point Gomez was voiced by Scrappy Doo
When Pugsley turns “Normal” he becomes an Underwear Intern
Wednesday has set fire to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and also a Camp but we all knew about that
Grandmama ran a Psychic Hotline
There’s a very good chance that Pugsley hatched out of something
Wednesday once had a crush on a boy so she tried to guillotine him
EDIT: Since for some reason y’all like this post here’s a version that has sources.
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
how to study as a busy student
i personally go through this a lot because i have to balance saturday band, honor band, auditions, performances, history club, national history day with school and nonexistant friends. so here u go, friend!! this is my advice to keep up with your (busy) studying!! ha see what i did there im so funny
1. have a planning system. this is a no-brainer. but honestly you’re going to need something to help you keep track of all your deadlines AND your afterschool activities. it doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy; heck it can even be on your phone. but make sure you’re keeping track of everything.
2. use all the time you can to do your homework. if you’re really behind or you have a lot of homework and not enough time to do it at home, do your homework when you can during school. this does NOT mean trying to set the world record for fastest writer while your teacher is collecting the homework. this means on the bus, waiting for your food/the bus/your friends, those down periods during and between classes, during sports practice, and even during lunch. however do NOT make a habit of this!! i get that its a lot, but please still try to have a life!!!
3. set aside a day a week to solely catch up on school work, and another day just to relax. i usually have saturday as my school work day and sunday as my day to relax and prepare for the week. this may seem contradictory, seeing as you may have sports practice or rehearsal on saturday or something. but think of it this way: you’re already going to be working your butt off that day. you might as well keep that flow going and get all your school work together and catch up on any missing assignments. you can also use that sunday off as your motivation to work hard because youre being rewarded with a completely free day.
4. do your homework on friday. please. just do it. this kind of follows the same concept as above: you have school that day anyways, so keep working your hardest. now, if you have no friends like me, this’ll be easy. but if you have plans on fridays (which you should, seriously, go out), stop working 1-2 hours before you have to go somewhere. you can continue any work you havent completed on your catch-up day.
5. drop one or two things. this sounds really painful!!! but being in a lot of extracurriculars and having a nice application/resume is not as nice as your mental health. not being able to balance too many things at once will stress you out and make you sick. like, i used to be in drama club and i also had piano class on wednesdays. once i got older, i realized that these things looked nice on my honor society application, but i didnt have time for what really mattered. (plus i didn’t rly like them anyways.) if you can work your way around it, fine. but otherwise, keep the things close to your heart and drop what you absolutely don’t have time for.
6. if worst comes to worst, talk to your teachers. they will understand, if you’re struggling to be a well-rounded student and keep up your grades at the same time. this doesn’t mean lie or use your teachers as an easy way out. but rather, if everything becomes too overwhelming, talk to someone.
i really hope that helped @ the original anon who asked me this question! sorry this was so late! i’m quite the busy student myself hahaha
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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as requested by quite a few people - a masterpost of educational podcasts. links go to either the site or the itunes podcast store. an excerpt of the description is included with each.
* indicates a podcast that i listen to regularly
*welcome to night vale - twice-monthly updates for the small desert town of night vale
*muggle cast - everything harry potter
general information 
radiolab - investigation told through sounds and stories, and centered around one big idea
*stuff you should know - about everything from genes to the galapagos
*stuff mom never told you - the business of being women 
good job, brain - part pub quiz show, part offbeat news
no one knows anything - the politics podcast from buzzfeed news
wait wait…don’t tell me - weekly current events quiz
*college info geek - the strategies and tactics the best students use
*getting in - your college admissions companion
math for primates - a couple of monkeys who decided that arguing about mathematics was a better use of their time than throwing poo at one another
math mutation - fun, interesting, or just plain weird corners of mathematics
60 second health - latest health and medical news
the naked scientists - interviews with top scientists, hands-on science experiments
60 second science - the most interesting developments in the world of science
startalk - astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe
nasa science cast - science behind discoveries on earth, the solar system, and beyond
*myths and legends - myths, legends, and folklore that have shaped cultures
stuff you missed in history class - the greatest and strangest stuff you missed
the podcast history of our world - from the big bang to the modern age! …eventually
witness - the story of our times told by the people who were there
the history chicks - two women. half the population. several thousands years of history.
entrepreneurship & finances
practical money matters - better managing their finances
the internet business mastery - learn how to create an internet based business
social triggers insider - the fields of psychology and human behavior
listen money matters - honest and uncensored, this is not your father’s boring finance show
writing & literature
professional book nerds - it’s our job to discuss books all day long
a way with words - words, language, and how we use them
grammar girl - short, friendly tips to improve your writing
classic poetry aloud - recordings of the greats poems of the past
esl (english) - improve english speaking and listening skills
language pod
coffee break
search in your podcast app for specific languages!
99% invisible - exploration of the process and power of design
tips and tricks photography 
the arts roundtable
hobbies & other
stash & burn (knitting)
practical defense - staying safe in our increasingly dangerous urban environments
zen and the art of triathlon - a triathlete’s view on living the multisport life
the art of charm - make you a better networker, connecter, and thinker
the indoor kids - isn’t just about video games, isn’t not about video games
rationally speaking - explore the borderlands between reason and nonsense
the dice tower - board games, card games, and the people who design and play them
motivational & inspirational
back to work - productivity, communication, work, barriers, constraints, tools, and more
personal growth podcast - classic and contemporary self development audio
what it takes - conversations with towering figures in almost every field
here be monsters - exploring the dark corners of the human mind
on being - the big questions of meaning with scientists, theologians, artists, teachers
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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40/100  days of productivity - as requested, things to do in the summer (both productive and non-productive)!
1. Take an online course
Khan Academy
stanford writing
harvard courses
MIT courses
2. Start and read a book list (I recommend using goodreads)
recommended books by me:
Ender’s Game series by Orson Scott Card
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
3. Write a memoir or short story
4. Volunteer (places to volunteer at: Art Museum, local Parks + Recreation, YMCA, Boys + Girls Club, local hospitals, summer camps)
5. Start a bullet journal
6. Clean your house
7. Start an exercise plan
8. Go on a hike
9. Go to a local amusement or water park
10. Take a roadtrip
11. Make homemade ice cream
12. Create a bucket list
13. Learn how to code
14. Learn how to cook
15. Learn an instrument
16. Learn how to knit
17. watch university lectures 
18. Learn how to drive
19. Learn a language 
20. Dive into a topic you’re passionate about (queer theory, racism, robotics, etc)
21. Find an internship
22. Visit your local city or state government
23. Watch a court ruling
24. Cute diy projects
25. create a personal website/blog (wordpress)
26. hold a garage sale
27. sell old things (etsy/storenvy)
28. get a part-time job
29. visit potential universities
30. Run a 5k
31. Plant a garden
32. Write thank-you notes
33. Re-organize and plan your calendar
34. Listen to a podcast
35. Organize your inbox
36. Help out at a library
37. Take a self-defense class
38. Learn money management
39. Go on a photoshoot
40. Take a dance or art class
41. Plan a community day-conference
42. Rewrite notes that you want to keep
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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I’m going to uni this autumn, and I feel like most of studyblr’s incoming freshmen are just as clueless as I am. Here’s a bunch of tips from the more experienced among us, and I hope it’s just as useful to you as it is to me!
this took forever to make so i’m really hoping it’s good
Money Matters
Sites where you can get free textbooks by @thearialligraphyproject
Get textbooks online
Tips for textbooks by @theorganizedcoyote
Websites to get cheap textbooks by @theorganisedstudent
Ultimate guide to buying college textbooks
Safe ways to get free textbooks
Saving Money
A girl called jack: eating under the line
Scholarship masterpost by @wallcalendar
Save money while shopping online
College scholarships 2016-17 by @wonderstudying
Tips for finding & getting scholarships
How to budget
Where to find student discounts by @collegerefs
Searching for scholarships by @collegesmarts
Creative ways to save money in college
Places that offer discounts with student id
Ways to save/earn money
Paying for college by @collegerefs
Student Life
Dorm & Living
PSA for college freshmen
Dorm tips from @humanitaes
Ultimate school locker (uni bag) kit by @girl-studying
Resolving issues with roommates
Tips for living like an adult
How to eat healthy in dining halls
DIY dorm decor by @notquitenightingale
Everything I actually used in my freshman dorm room
Guide to living alone by @piratestudy
Living with a roommate by @collegerefs
Packing Lists
Thing I forgot to bring to college by @myberkeleyadventure
Sam’s ultimate failproof guide to packing by @staticsandstationery
Ultimate college packing list for freshmen
College packing list by @kimberlystudies
What to bring to college
Checklist for dorms & campus living
Packing up: preparing for college in @theacademiczine
College dorm packing list by @produitivity
One-pot chicken fajita pasta
100 dirt cheap recipes for students
57 go-to recipes for college students
Cheap & healthy recipes 
Over 400 fast & healthy recipes
Studying & Taking Notes
Organizing notes with Google Docs by @academla
How to write a lecture summary efficiently by @collegerefs
Symbols & abbreviations for note-taking 
How to take lecture notes by @hstrystdyblr
How to take notes in college by @determinationandcaffeine
Getting the most out of lecture by @strive-for-da-best
How to get your best grades in college by @saralearnswell
If you have a bad college professor
Transition words for essays by @soniastudyblr
How to analyze historical sources by @rewritign
How to write a university level essay by @healthyeyes
Analyzing a written text
Essay writing: university vs. high school
How to write a history paper by @thehistorygrad
How I plan and write literature papers by @notaperfectstudent
A quick guide to finals by @emmastudies​
10 revision tips for final & first year exams
High school exams vs. college exams
Crucial study tips for finals week in college 
3 day study plan by @getstudyblr
Low stress college study strategy by @plannerdy 
+ More
A college student’s masterpost by @eruditekid
Random college tips by @determinationandcaffeine
College advice by @studenting
Giant college masterpost by @heyiwantyoutostay
Advice for college by @collegerefs
10 tips for starting uni by @studycubs
Advice from a college senior 
Great tips from @fuckstudy
10 more excellent tips
Things nobody tells you about university by @polcry 
8 things successful students do by @frankfurter-studies
Email tips by @haileymostudies
@collegerefs‘ entire blog– so much good stuff that’s incredibly useful
my grace.uni tag– all the posts I’ve saved for university
Staying in contact with high school friends
How to make friends in college
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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I thought I’d put together a list of the most popular new tab Google Chrome extension which pop up on studyblr! Here are links to download:
Be Limitless
Happy downloading! 
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest 
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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FUCK CAPITALISM! This didn’t cost tax payers anything. You don’t need to be a governing body with a police force to do decent things.
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
my fave greek history story to tell is that of agnodice. like she noticed that women were dying a lot during childbirth so she went to egypt to study medicine in alexandria and was really fucking good but b/c it was illegal for women to be doctors in athens she had to pretend to be a man. and then the other doctors noticed that she was 10x better than them and accused her of seducing and sleeping with the women patients. like they brought her to court for this. and she just looked at them and these charges and stripped in front of everyone like “yeah. im not fucking your wives” and then they got so mad that a woman was better at their jobs then them that they tried to execute her but all her patients came to court and were like “are you fucking serious? she is the reason you have living children and a wife.” so they were shamed into changing the law and that is how women were given the right to practice medicine in athens
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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You said you were my friend.
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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I just want to see him. I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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OneNote is literally god’s gift to this earth. [ header art ]
I downloaded OneNote onto my mac air through my school’s office365 [which is a microsoft email login thing but is easily accessible on any kind of device and you can just delete the email acc later if you want]. OneNote can be accessed on a laptop, computer or ipad/tablet. i believe OneNote is available on the appstore as well?
I use OneNote as a digital bullet journal / planner and to write down all my study notes. i also have actual books for my study notes but i tend to prefer OneNote.
OneNote is super easy to use! think of it like an actual book:
When you open OneNote for the first time it will ask you to create a Notebook. You can name it whatever you wish and even choose the colour of it! You can have as many Notebooks as you like, so go wild !!
In your Notebook, you can have “chapters”, called sections or tabs. Depending on whether you use OneNote as a bujo or for study notes, these tabs can look like this:
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Time to fill your chapters! These pages will contain all of your content. Whether that’s a weekly spread in your bujo or a page on DNA molecules in your humanbio Notebook. You can have as many as you want! Pages on OneNote tend to look like this:
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Once you click on which page you want, it’ll open !
4. SPREADS [for planners]
Spreads are completely personalised and customised depending on you! Anything you do in your physical bujo you can do on OneNote. Habit checker? Tables? Homework diary? Inspirational quotes? Cute doodles? Day-to-Day planner? 
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This is just an example of mine, you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT with yours !!
My study notes are basically just what my teacher says during class or puts on the board, which is why they’re almost always in bullet point form like this:
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But obviously, you can edit your notes to be however you’d like them !!
One feature i really like about one note is the fact you can make the paper look like whatever you want. such as blank paper, margined + lined paper, graph paper etc. this is really helpful when writing notes and especially drawing diagrams !!
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also, across the top is literally everything you’ll ever need.
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Please download OneNote !! it’s so user-friendly and customisable. I was honestly shocked that more people weren’t using OneNote in the studyblr community. It’s such a lifesaver near test + exam time because all of your notes are in one place !!
also, OneNote autosaves and doesnt close if you close your laptop [as long as you’re not logged out or the computer is shut down] so you’ll never lose your work !!
HERE is another post about me yelling about OneNote lmao
If you have any questions or problems, feel free to ask !! ((-:
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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Weekly Planners!
Plan your week out with these new planners! I’ve made 3 versions for you, and they’re available in 4 colors! 
Click below for all three versions:
Letter Grid:
White | Blue | Pink | Yellow 
Letter Gridless:
White Grid | White Gridless
And many thanks to @xiotetudes​, @aestudiant​, and @19hf​ for helping me make revisions. You guys are the best. :’)
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
Must-watch Documentaries.
“Why We Fight” (BBC, 2005)
“Fahrenheit 9/11” (Michael Moore, 2004)
“War on Democracy” (John Pilger, 2007)
“Hijacking Catastrophe” (Sut Jhally, 2004)
“Breaking the Silence” (John Pilger, 2003)
“Fog of War” (Robert McNamara, 2003)
“Food Inc.” (Robert Kenner, 2008)
“Super Size Me” (Morgan Spurlock, 2004)
“Planet Earth” (Discovery Channel, 2006)
“Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People” (Jack Shaheen, 2006)
“Control Room” (Magnolia Pictures, 2004)
“Hearts and Minds” (Peter Davis, 1974)
“Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media” (Herman, 1992)
“Weapons of Mass Deception” (Danny Schechter, 2004)
“The War You Don’t See” (John Pilger, 2010)
“The Century of the Self” (BBC, 2004)
“Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech” (HBO, 2009)
“Debate: Political Islam – Is it a threat to the West?” (Doha Debates, 2009)
“Bowling for Columbine” (Michael Moore, 2002)
“Hamza Tzortzis: Liberalism & Islam” (LSESU, 2011)
“Jesus Camp” (A&E Indiefilms, 2006)
“A Time for Burning” (William C. Jersey, 1966)
“Malcolm X: Make it Plain” (AE, 1994)
“Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land” (Sut Jhally, 2004)
“The Israel Lobby” (Stephen Walt, John Mearsheimer)
“Defamation” (Norman Finkelstein, 2009)
“Palestine Is Still the Issue” (John Pilger, 2003)
“Occupation 101” (Abdallah Omeish, 2006)
“The Road to Guantanamo” (Michael Winterbottom, 2006)
“Taxi to the Dark Side” (Moazzam Begg, 2007)
“Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre” (Italy, 2005)
“Generation Kill” (Journeyman Pictures, 2004)
“The War Tapes” (Deborah Scranton, 2006)
“Commanding Height: Battle for the World Economy” (PBS, 2002)
“The Corporation” (Noam Chomsky, 2003)
“Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices” (Brave New Films, 2005)
“Money as Debt” (Paul Grignon, 2006)
“Darwin’s Nightmare” (Hubert Sauper, 2004)
“End of Suburbia” (Gregory Greene, 2004)
“Life + Debt” (Stephanie Black, 2001)
“Smartest Guys in the Room” (Alex Gibney, 2005)
“Inside Islam: What a billion Muslim really think” (Dalia Mogahed, 2009)
“Islam: Empire of Faith” (PBS, 2000)
“Inside Mecca” (National Geographic, 2003)
“Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple” (PBS, 2006)
“Death of the Freedom Fighter” (Al Jazeera, 2009)
“The Trouble With Atheism” (Dimitri Collingridge, 2006)
“Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” (Premise, 2008)
“To Catch a Predator” (Dateline, NBC)
“An Islamic History of Europe” (Omaar Rageh, BBC)
“Free Fahad” (Siraj Wahaj, 2008)
“Entrapment or Foling Terror?” (Amy Goodman, 2010)
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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I just want to see him. I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.
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no-justno-blog1 · 7 years
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If the repair kit never stops working, then why did you give her two?
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