Progress Update #8
I finally have my episodes out on my youtube channel. Here is the link if you would like to check it out! :)
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Progress Update #7
Wow! There is one week left of school. It's so crazy how fast this semester went by. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed because there is still a lot more I have to do.
So far I have only completed 7 Logos which means I still have 7 more to go. I don't know how I'll do it, but I have to cram everything within this week to finish the logo designs, upload my videos on youtube along with finishing the research paper.
Though right now I would say I'm at a good pace with trying to get these logos done, I feel that I've been consistent and being efficient with my time. However, I need to work even more quicker in order to get everything done and approved.
I've just been editing my footage, recording my voiceovers and uploading the finished series onto youtube.
The only thing I am concerned about is my research paper. The paper is about 12 pages, and I only have a draft, about 5 pages done. I've just been juggling through with both of the project and the paper so we will see if I can get all of it done within a week.
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Progress Update #6
Finished with the first logo rebrand and am now editing and putting all the footage together.
I’m not going to lie, this was a bit of a challenge for me in terms of getting things done in a timely manner because of how slow I was on the design stage of the process. This did take me a little bit over 3 days and I know I need to work quicker from here on if I want to have a consistent schedule.
Another thing is I was reviewing each of the footage for the b-rolls and noticed that some clips were out of focus :( which was unfortunate but luckily not bad enough that I can’t use the footage. However, this is a good learning curve for future filming.
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Progress Update #5
I have finally started to work on the first logo design and that is for Hasbro (I decided to change it last minute from Nerf because I had difficulties with the sketches). Currently finishing up the sketches and working my way through designing the actual logo.

One thing that is challenging for me though is the sketch phase because I feel a bit stuck… I think it is just a matter of getting more inspired and familiarizing myself again with creating logos. Once I get into that zone of making more sketches, it’ll be a lot easier moving forward and thinking outside of the box and coming up with various ideas.
As for my research paper, a bit of a rough start but it's good to say that I am finally starting to work on it and just juggling through both parts of this project.
Agenda for this week:
Finish 2 Logo Rebrand
Edit Footage
Research Paper - Introduction
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Progress Update #4
I'm glad to say that I am now going into the production phase (yay!). I had a meeting last week and discussed with Sharla about my project and clarified a few questions I had. I was able to finalize everything in the pre-production phase and go straight into the production phase where I will be creating a video series of rebranding companies' logos.
Ideally, I would be making 14 logo rebrands from Toy Companies.
Since I am starting this a bit late, I have cut down the time I will be doing each logo from 1 week to 3 days each. Which means I will be creating 2 logos every week with a break in between and use that time to edit the footage and upload on Youtube.
The schedule would be:
Sun-Tue= Logo 1
Thu-Sat=Logo 2
And so on…
This is how I will be breaking down each of the creative processes in order to give myself enough time to work on each step.
Day 1: Discovery, Research
Day 2: Brainstorm & Sketch
Day 3: Design & Finalize
The first logo rebrand I will be doing is, Nerf. I have completed the first two steps which are doing the research, making the creative brief along with the mood board and am currently working on the sketches. Once the sketches are complete I can jump into digital designing. Because I am doing a video series, I am recording each of the steps as I go, however one of the hurdles I have is having to set up the camera and figure out the angles. It has been a while since I had to film myself so I feel a bit unfamiliar with it but I will for sure get used to it in no time.
Excited to see the outcome of each of these logos! Will update soon :)
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Progress Update #3
Currently still in the same phase as I was from the last update. I’ve just been having a hard time focusing and having motivation to work on my project. I have been struggling with keeping up with the deadlines I set for myself and it does hold me back a little. I am trying to get the information for the creative process but again, it is a bit difficult finding sources and it's just a matter of managing my time to find these sources.
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Progress Update #2
So far I have been moving forward and making progress slowly still. I have created a list of the various creative process stages that will be helpful in my logo designing. Though it had been difficult looking for more resources as I only have 5 confirmed so far. Many of the stages I have found have been all so similar and makes it difficult to find more. I may have to dig deeper and maybe into individual designers and artists.
I have also been working on creating a schedule to organize my thoughts and any assignments that are due for this class because lately I’ve just been running everything through my head and so having this schedule list helps me to better time manage everything for this project. I created different sections from Pre-production, Production, Post-Production, Research Paper along with Assignments due for class and having a to-do, doing and done tab. Seeing everything all in one place has been super helpful and makes it easier to go into the step of my progression. The next step now is to figure out what logo designs I will make and I think from there I can go about starting the creating process and it’ll just be a matter of going through the cycle of Logo Design + Filming > Editing > Posting and repeat. So hopefully, moving forward I can start on the production phase :)
From the very beginning, I was going into this with an unclear idea and mind and have made it difficult to figure out what I needed to do and so now that i’ve sort of have a much clearer pathway into this project, theres so much I want to do that I can’t decide on which one to start first. Though it’s still not easy as my time management is not that great I think that this whole thing has been a great learning experience so far.
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Progress Update #1
I would say that I had a bit of a slow progress throughout the past couple of weeks. I definitely had a difficult time figuring out what I needed to do and how to go about doing so. With the workback plan, it did help me to understand the steps I needed to take. As for finding sources, I know I need to find a lot more than what I have right now since it isn’t really enough to go about writing my paper and so I have been trying to find sources along with doing research on the different types of creative process that artists and designers approach.
I have created my youtube channel > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0w64kPPHiKkjeyjQGyA-lA for my video series and will create content that will show the progress of each of the logo designs I will be making (I still need to figure out what kind of logos I will be creating). Though I did start creating the video script as my template and figuring out how I want the shots to be laid out. I think once I figure out exactly what I’ll be recording, it’ll be much easier to fill out the template. Other than that, it’s just a matter of doing more research and continuing to list everything I need to do. Once I get that done, I will create a spreadsheet or doc to properly set a date of when I will create the logos, filming and editing.
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Hi! My name is Nicole Lacuesta :)
I am majoring in Creative Media concentration in Design & Media.
My senior project is on creative process and will be doing research on which of the creative process stages is most important in making effective design. I will be using a variety of methods used for the creative process that designers and artists use in approaching their way of working on a project. In my self study, I will take those methods and use that in each of the logo making to conduct which stage is most effective.
With my research project, I hope to turn this into something tangible in a way that helps artists and designers to decide what creative process fits them best and how it can be effective for their future works.
After graduation, I hope to gain more experience in the design field and hopefully get a job at a graphic design firm or anywhere in my interest that would call for a graphic designer. I would also like to start planning for a small business that I have had in mind for a while now and use my skills to get myself more out there as a designer.
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