nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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The sent of the air after the rain... I heard your pulse. I saw the light
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
It was hard for Kasumi to believe that they were already so comfortable with each other even though they haven't met until not too long ago. She, in a way, enjoyed the other yokai's presence. She'd like to get to know even more about him; maybe they'll end up being good friends. She hasn't talked to anyone for this long in a while. 
"Right again. Hm, you're pretty smart." Kasumi remarked, nodding slightly. "Now it's my turn. You're a yokai too, aren't you?" She paused and began to examine him, her bright eyes taking in his features. "Judging from your expressions, you remind me of a kitsune... but I could be wrong." 
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"You're the captain of the basketball team?" Kasumi's eyes widened slightly as an impressed expression formed on her face. He did give off that type of aura that leaders often had, and it's interesting to see another yokai be the captain of a team of humans. "You must have a lot of respect, huh?" 
sadisticmegane started following you
The kitsune wasn’t surprised by her honesty, and it made him more comfortable around her, not that he wasn’t comfortable before. He grinned at her and replied to her in a sing-song voice that was so… strange for him that Imayoshi couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into him. Maybe he was just excited.
"Maybe a yuki onna? I’m not quite sure, I’ve never actually had the chance to meet one in person." He was feeling so giddy about everything. It was calming to him.
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"Ahh, Touou’s team is led by me. Though I do believe that much of our success comes from our lazy ace." He chuckled and shook his head. "But of course, it’s mostly from all of us. I suppose you could say that, anyway. We don’t rely on teamwork too much."
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
Kasumi listened closely to his words, and a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as he continued on. She was not afraid at the slightest as the other yokai moved closer to her, however, if he were to do anything she wouldn't hesitate to defend herself. Luckily, he seemed to have distanced himself from her. "Bingo." She said, the half-smile never leaving her face. "Do you know what type of yokai I am, by any chance?" Kasumi already had a good idea of what he was; it was quite obvious. 
"It's a nice school overall, if you ask me." She shrugged a little. Her school wasn't particularly elite, but many students who aspire to go into show business usually went to Horikoshi. "Really? Hmm...I heard that Touou has a pretty successful basketball team." 
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sadisticmegane started following you
Imayoshi perked up and moved closer to her, opening an eye, “You’re no ordinary human, are you?” He examined her face closely, and upon realizing that he was probably making the girl uncomfortable, he moved away from her. “You’re a yokai, are you not?” He figured that it would be so rewarding in the end if he were to just come out ask her. Perhaps she would tell him the truth. If not, that was fine too. Imayoshi was certain that he was correct. His instincts were usually on-point.
"Ah, Horikoshi, eh? Sounds nice.~" He hadn’t met many people that went to school there, though he was sure that people from his middle school must have surely gone to school there. "I’m attending Touou, it’s an alright school, I suppose. Honestly, I’m bored with it."
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
"Suspicions?" Kasumi tilted her head slightly to the side in a mock-innocence fashion. "Would you mind telling me what those suspicions are, Imayoshi-san?" It was obvious that he was already aware of her yokai side, and it'd be much easier for Kasumi to just end their little game by telling him straight out what she was exactly, but she was enjoying this. She wanted to continue a little longer.
"I'm attending Horikoshi High." She said while running her fingers through her jet black hair. "How about you?" Kasumi was curious about Imayoshi and wanted to know more about him. She felt that the both of them were rather similar...but he was obviously more sneaky in more ways than one.
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sadisticmegane started following you
He chuckles, “My suspicions of you might be correct after all, Kasumi-chan.” He knew of this type of yokai, and at least, he hoped that he was right in assuming that she was a yokai. If she wasn’t, then she was certainly quite the lady, especially around other humans. He could feel his heart leaping in joy at the thought of finding someone like himself in this world. 
"Where are you attending high school at?" He didn’t recognize her as being a student at his school, so he was curious. It would also help him to further look into her character. She was obviously smart, that much was obvious. 
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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"My...eyes?" Kasumi looked a little surprised, although she shouldn't be because it was a very clear sign that she wasn't normal. Last time she checked, not many of the Japanese descent had blue eyes like hers. It seems that Imayoshi was pretty set on getting the truth out of her, but unfortunately for him, she wasn't that easy. However, that didn't mean that she was going to keep the secret from him forever. She settled back into her default expression. "No...not quite. I guess you can say it has something to do with my eyes." 
She figured that it was a dead giveaway. He seemed intelligent enough to be able to decode that small hint he was given, considering how he's graduating high school and what not. "I see..." She gave him a small smile. "That's funny because I'm graduating high school soon also." 
sadisticmegane started following you
"It’s in your eyes, Kasumi." He chuckled softly, pointing toward one of his now open eyes. He knew those eyes from somewhere, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on where. He was glad to see that she could keep her cool under pressure. He was determined to get her to tell him what exactly she was, and what she was hiding. He had to admit to himself that she was a bit hard to decode, unlike most people that he had met throughout his life. "Ah, school, huh? Did ya get sick?"
It was a genuine question, but he wasn’t really expecting for her to answer him right away. He waved a hand, “I’m not exactly planning on going today, you see. I’ve already done everything that I need to do. I’m graduating next week.”
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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Blue Pond & Spring Snow,Hokkaido | Kent Shiraishi
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
"Imayoshi...Shoichi." She repeated the name quietly to herself. "I see. It's nice to meet you." There's a certain feeling in her gut that is telling her that Imayoshi is definitely not human... but what exactly is he? She felt that it'd be rude to ask outright, so she decided to be more subtle and cautious. "Not quite normal? What makes you assume that? Although...I could say the same to you." There wasn't a hint of anger in her voice; it was quite the opposite actually. Kasumi was always good at keeping her calm, after all. 
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"Me? Well, I was planning to go to school today, but something came up so I'm heading home." It was somewhat of a lie. It wasn't safe for her to attend school with her true eyes showing anyway. "How about you, Imayoshi?" Her icy blue eyes gave him a piercing stare. "I assume you're going to school, yes?" 
sadisticmegane started following you
"Imayoshi Shoichi," he replied, raising his eyebrows at her. It wasn’t every day that he met another yokai in the presence of humans. Imayoshi had to wonder what she was doing here, especially in the daylight. "It seems like you’re not quite normal, huh?" This had definitely peaked his interest. His eyes were still opened half way, focused on Kasumi’s face.
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"What brings you here, Kasumi?" He can sense something about her, but he’s not sure. He’s almost positive, though— there’s something different about this one for sure. He was trying to coax it out of her, maybe he was trying to admit something himself.
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
"No problem." She replied simply. Kasumi subtly observed the male before her. His face reminded Kasumi of a fox, in some ways. It seems that he has also taken notice of her eyes, and from what she could tell, he didn't show any hints of fear. That was the first, most obvious sign that he wasn't a normal human, but she didn't want to jump to conclusion. 
Since he wasn't afraid (and there was also the fact that his eyes seemed to be permanently closed...), Kasumi decided that she can actually look at him without having to worry about her true identity being discovered. She tilted her head slightly to the side at his words. Her name? It seems that she'll be staying here for a while. 
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"Kasumi Yukina... and you are?" 
sadisticmegane started following you
Upon hearing the nickname, Imayoshi turned around, curious as to who might have decided that it was alright to call him that. Not that he was angry about it, anyway. He looked down at the paper and reached for it, studying it carefully. “Oh, whoops. Looks like I dropped my homework.” He frowned and placed the paper back into his bag, “Thank you.” 
When he looked up, he noticed her eyes, and that caused him to open his just a bit. “Ah, I see…” he seemed to study her eyes for a moment before pushing his glasses up, smiling. “Hm…” he chuckled a bit, he wouldn’t dare say that he was nervous. Imayoshi Shoichi didn’t get nervous. 
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"I didn’t catch your name, miss."
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
sadisticmegane started following you
"Megane-kun." Kasumi called out to the taller male that was walking ahead of her. In her hand was a piece of paper, she assumed it was a homework assignment of sort, that had fallen out of his school bag. Not knowing his name, she decided to give him an impromptu nickname, hoping that she didn't come off as rude, somehow. Kasumi jogged lightly to catch up with him and stuck the paper out towards him. 
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"You dropped this." She muttered, her voice soft and barely audible. Kasumi instinctively averted her gaze just in case the other might be a human. She had forgotten her brown eye contacts today, so if he were to be a mortal, he would become terrified at her appearance. 
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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Fushimi Inari by nikkorglass 
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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"Hm...but Yuusha is quite interesting though. At least, he interests me."
She wanted to examine the jaw a little more closely, but feared that doing so might be an invasion of Hana's personal space. She decided that it'd be better if she would just save that for another time, perhaps when they're closer or better acquainted. At this point, Kasumi feels that asking questions would be more sufficient. 
"Are all jaws like that, or is there some sort of variety to them?" She questioned, a glint of curiosity in her blue eyes. 
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"Ah, really? Neat!" She replied, a bit surprised by that statement. If anything, Hana thought that her kind were pretty common! Or…perhaps not. She pursed her lips, staring off as she tried to peel apart the present and the past in her mind; they liked to overlap more often than not. And made her think briefly; has she ever encountered yuki-onna? It was a strong possibility, Hana has been around the block for awhile.
But that was neither here nor there. In which the concern quickly dissipated just as quickly as it had materialized. “You could just ignore him. He’s quite nasty.”
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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nixdomina-blog · 11 years
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雪の日 by harumekko 
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