nix-lw · 28 days
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Hello Lorfolk! This month, we have some exciting new content and development plans to unveil, including details about Chapter 2 and a brand-new mutation pattern. Read on to find out more!
What’s New?
Chapter 2 Expansion Announcement
Fawn Pattern
Happy Pride Month
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Chapter 2 Expansion Announcement: Dark Horizons
A dark shadow looms ever closer…
Our team is happy to reveal our project roadmap on Lorwolf's first expansion, titled 'Dark Horizons.' This expansion will bring a new chapter to the campaign, as well as increasing lorwolves’ level cap, new patterns, companions, lore, and so much more! Dark Horizons will feature brand-new experiences and content that will test your skills, unravel hidden lore, and expand the world for you to explore. Prepare to step into the unknown and face the growing darkness. 
Work on weeklies, pack events, bug fixing, etc. will remain as normal as we continue tackling the expansion projects listed below. (Please note that this list is not exhaustive and the launch date has not been decided yet; additional content is likely to be added in the future as development and testing continues.)
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We want to express our deep gratitude for your unwavering support over the years. Your support has been instrumental in our journey, and we hope this expansion will bring even more joy and excitement for our players, both new and old!
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Fawn Mutation Pattern
And that’s not all; we are delighted to unveil Lorwolf’s first-ever mutation pattern, Fawn! This pattern’s Accent layer adds a small set of antlers, giving it a charming appearance. We plan on adding even more mutation patterns in the future like extra tails, horns, claws, etc. This pattern is available via Marvin’s Mole Market for a set number of pebbles. 
We invite our players to try this new Fawn pattern on the Wolf Demo.
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Rainbow Featured Items
Happy Pride Month, Lorfolk! June’s featured items are back in stock at Marvin’s Mole Market! Check out the Featured Items section and grab your rainbow gear today. They will remain in the shop until July 1st.
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nix-lw · 3 months
AAaaah look at my girlie~!! I am so happy with this commission she's beautiful! Once again thank you so much for the wondeful artwork! ^^
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commission for Nix on Lorwolf!
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nix-lw · 3 months
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Direwolves are here! First to get changed was Drifa, daughter of my progens and leader of the Nattdreipír. Second was her mate Greipr. I am loving this breed and the lore it came with, gonna have so much fun putting it into my lore.
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nix-lw · 7 months
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We're back! Apologies for the radio silence over the past few months, we're pleased to say that JimJim's arm has been healing well and is almost entirely recovered. Our team has been hard at work building, testing, and creating art assets for the achievement system - and we're pleased to announce that it will be launching today as soon as the scheduled maintenance has concluded!
We've also taken this time to go back and address some of the bugs and issues that have been reported. Recent code changes have been recorded in the latest Patch Notes 1.1.6.
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It's finally ready; achievements have just landed in the world of Loria! Players can track their progress as they complete goals and unlock achievement-exclusive rewards through everyday, regular gameplay. Navigate to the Achievements page from the Den menu:
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Achievements have been divided into four subcategories - General, Gameplay, Professions, and Den. If you have an achievement reward available to claim, it will display as a small red dot next to the tab name.
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General: For completion of general gameplay tasks such as achievements completed, weekly activities completed, etc.
Starter: A category to help onboard new players to the game. Apparel items awarded in this category are not soulbound, and can also be purchased from Marvin's Mole Market.
Gameplay: Includes Arena, Campaign, Gauntlet, and Pageant tasks and awards several different exclusive apparel sets and recipes.
Professions: Covers every profession and awards weekly event vouchers.
Den: A category for miscellaneous tasks such as inventory management, wolf breeding, etc.
Completing an achievement may grant any of the following: Achievement points, Moonstones, Pebbles, Forum titles, Companions, apparel items, food, materials, and more. (As a side note, this update has almost doubled the total number of official game apparel!) Once an achievement has been claimed, it will be sent to the player via Notifications.
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Achievement points and titles will display below a player's profile within the Forums. Titles can be set from the Account Settings page.
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Some final notes:
Due to this being the very first iteration of Achievements, the majority of player progress made prior to this update can not be backdated. Achievements such as profession and companion level will be updated automatically by the system. Moving forward, players should expect some adjustments as we continuously work to ensure a fair and rewarding experience. We've set the rewards and requirements according to the predicted data of an average player who logs in over the course of a year, but this may change as more players engage with the feature and provide feedback. Some achievements will be met relatively quickly, while others are to be earned over paced regular gameplay. We plan to add even more achievements and rewards as the site and its features grow to ensure the average player always has something to work towards. We welcome any and all gameplay suggestions from our community to be posted in the Suggestions Forum.
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New Recipe Search and Mining Ore
A new search, sort, and pager feature have been added to both the Crafting and Cooking professions. Now, players can easily search and sort through their ever-expanding list of recipes without having to scroll through the entire page.
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It's time to collect all the shinies - precious gemstones can now be mined throughout the caves of Loria! Players can now rarely find Sapphire, Ruby, Amethyst, Citrine, and Emerald gems. As of now, these gems can be used to craft the exclusive Achievement daggers. We plan to release many new crafting recipes and apparel items featuring these rare gems.
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New Breed Sneak Peak
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Shown above are a couple sketch ideas for Lorwolf's upcoming wolf breed - Direwolves! We're aiming for this breed to be big, bulky, and powerful; with massive fangs and a short bob-tail. It will be similar to lynx cats in appearance and will have a special affinity for nature and ancient magic.
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In other news, our annual Black Friday sale returns next week; more info about that will be coming soon! Thank you for sticking with us, especially when development may seem slower than usual. Our small yet passionate development team is committed to bringing the best experience to our players. We are so proud of how far we've come, and we want to thank you for your continued patience.
Moonsblessings, Alaunis, JimJim, and Swell
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nix-lw · 10 months
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Finally drew some art for my girl Kalahari, leader of a traveling merchant caravan that trades with Goldsea and Icerun.
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nix-lw · 10 months
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I made a family tree for my starters. Limiting it to the pups I've kept in my pack as to not overcrowd it, I think it turned out pretty neat~
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nix-lw · 11 months
Lost and found
It was early summertime in the southern part of Loria. A pair of lupins could be seen trekking through mud and swampy water as they painstakingly made their way into ever denser vegetation. Having recently moved to Murkwood and been accepted to stay with a pack living in the Entangled Swamp, the pair had sought to prove themselves worthy of respect amongst their new friends. They had been tasked to take care of a particularly aggressive Colpach that had begun attacking scouts in the area. After tracking it for three days they had found themselves face to face with the looming beast somewhere in the middle of Southmarsh. The battle between them had been long and hard but in the end the lupins claimed victory. After packing the antlers into a leather bag as a trophy, the pair had begun their journey back. However, what the pair had failed to consider was that the monsoon season had just begun and heavy rainfall drastically altered the terrain, making it almost impossible for wolves unfamiliar with the area to keep track of where they were. Now, four days later, they had come to accept that they were absolutely and utterly lost. “Where in Orrin’s name are we?!” the young female snapped, her striped fur raised in anger as she clawed her way over yet another mud covered log. The sword at her side got caught in a small branch, hindering her efforts for a bit before she finally wiggled it free with an annoyed huff.
“Further into this blasted swamp than we’d like to be Drifa, that’s for sure..” came the deadpan reply of her mate. His once shiny silver coat was now so soaked with murky water that it appeared more green than gray, same for his armor and sword.  
The female turned her head towards him with an unamused look on her face.
“Oh, you don’t say, Greipr? Do you have any other totally obvious things you’d like to share, hmm?”
He shrugged unfaced at her sarcastic question and followed her up over the log, stopping right beside her to scan the surroundings. His eyes landed on something that peaked out from behind a tree. “Actually, yes. There’s something over there. I..think it might be…a sign?” At that Drifa perked up, her eyes trying to find the object Greipr spoke of and sure enough, there it was. With renewed energy she leapt over the log back into the muddy water and ran over to inspect the object.
“Drifa, hold on!" Don’t rush like that! There could be things hiding in the water for all we know!” “Don’t be such a worrywart, I can take care of anything that dares to try and mess with me.” Drifa rounded the tree and looked up at the wooden item that had been fastened around the trunk. It was indeed a sign, however instead of writing it had a strange symbol painted on it. The young female had no idea what it was and that in turn meant that it was of no help to them. As Greipr caught up to her she let out a loud snarl in anger. Drifa turned her head towards the thick canopy above her as if hoping to set the surrounding leaves on fire with her gaze. “Blasted swamplands and their blasted worthless signs!” Her angry words got swallowed by the thick vegetation, as if the swamp itself ignored her words. Then, somewhere in the distance, came a faint sound. It sounded like…laughter? From the treetops above something large, white and fast swooped down towards them. The two lupins drew their swords and got into a fighting position, ready to protect themselves from whatever was approaching them.It landed with a splash in front of them and to their great surprise they came face to face with an enormous volmyr. Her coat was almost perfectly shimmering white, apart from some speckling of color on her neck and tail. Her red eyes were a striking contrast to her pale fur and they seemed to sparkle with interest as she looked down on the frightened lupins.
“‘Ello there little ones! Couldn’t help but notice you down there, are ya lost?” Her voice was surprisingly warm and friendly, her sharp teeth glistening in the afternoon sun as she grinned at their confused faces.
Drifa and Greipr looked at each other before slowly putting their swords away and bowing to the stranger as they had been taught was a murkwood greeting.
“Hello to you too . Yes, as a matter a fact we are. Lost. You wouldn’t happen to know which way we should go to get to the Entangled Swamp?” The volmyr began to laugh heartily at her question.
“Oh you poor dears, oh no you poor little lost pups! What in the Great Maggot’s name have you been doing? The Entangled Swamp is a week's marsh away from here, in the opposite direction! Come, follow me. I know a place where you can rest for a bit.” Although not completely comfortable with following a complete stranger into unknown territory, everything was better than staying lost in the humid swamp for another minute. The lupins were promptly led around trees, over flooded paths, under lush draping vines and then finding themselves in a clearing. There was a gap between the treetops that allowed sunlight to reach down all the way to the ground, making the spot surprisingly dry for being in the middle of a swampland. Drifa plopped herself down in the sunlit grass, happy to finally have a semi-dry place to sit. Greipr joined her, taking off his armor to allow his fur to dry in the sun.
The volmyr smiled pleased at their relaxed state and told them to stay put while she went to grab some things. With that she swooped up over the treeline and disappeared into the sky. She came back with a basket filled with warm bug stew and home baked bread. To their great surprise she also returned accompanied by another volmyr whose coat was a blend of golden and muted pink clad in a red mantle. Her fierce eyes seemed to look directly into their soul, making the young pair squirm in place as they did their best to appear unfazed by the piercing gaze, puffing up their chests to seem larger. Something that didn’t really make much of a difference when faced with a wolf more than twice their size.
“Are these the fools you told me about? They’re nothing but pups! Who allowed them to wander so far into the swamp during monsoon season without a guide?” “Now, now dear… Don’t scowl like that, you’ll scare them.” the paler female said, gently patting the other with her wing. This only made the volmyr scowl even more, alternating between looking at the young lupins and the white volmyr beside her. Drifa took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves and stood up to greet the unknown wolves properly. “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Drifa and this is my mate Greipr.” Both of them bowed respectfully to their unknown saviors. “We thank you for offering your help to us in a time of need, we shall make sure to repay you in the future. Who might you be?” “You´re twenty years too early to ask that, little pup! Come back when you’re dry behind your ears.” Huffed the scowling volmyr and flapped her giant wings, taking off into the sky and disappearing above the trees out of sight.
“Haha, there she goes… Don’t worry about her dears, she’s just a little bad with words sometimes. Ya can call me Saskia, nice to meet ya! Now here, have some soup.” The two lupins got a nice meal, some helpful directions to get back to their home as well as a list of useful ways to avoid getting lost in swamps. Saskia stayed with them until sunset, happily chatting with them as they rested and ate. Drifa and Greipr learned that the other volmyr they had met was named Wormrot and she was Saskia’s mate. The two of them were leaders of a pack that lived in the area and they were used to helping wolves who traveled further into the swamp than they meant to. When the sun was close to disappearing beneath the horizon Wormrot returned to the clearing, claiming to be there to take Saskia home. However the young lupins couldn’t help but notice she also came carrying a basket containing two blankets that she just so happened to forget to take with her when she flew away again.
After bidding Saskia goodbye and promising to visit again once they’ve grown more used to their life in Murkwood the young lupins settled down for a night of well deserved rest ready to finally make their way back home the following morning.  -------------------- A little ramble story about two of my wolves getting lost and @maggotjuicebox-lw pack leaders being kind souls. Bless the swamp wives. 
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nix-lw · 1 year
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Forum signatures... |ω・)
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nix-lw · 1 year
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When you expect chaos pups but the RNG gods bless you with cuties instead 👌✨❤️
First litter of my gen2 volmyr pair and oh gosh I’m in love! All three even got matching eyes!!
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nix-lw · 1 year
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Lorwolf has officially opened and I couldn’t be happier!
Fayrn and Yrsa have been reunited once more. I can’t believe I get to keep my starters this time around! I’m so excited to see how their first litter of pups will turn out.
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Hope everyone had a wonderful launch day and moonsblessings to you all!
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nix-lw · 1 year
I love this piece so much ❤️
Thank you once more for this awesome artwork!
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A commission for @nix-lw of their regal woof!
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nix-lw · 1 year
Lorch Day 31: magic
For the final prompt of Lorch, I decided to write a free verse poem; this is dedicated to the lorbuddies I've made in the Lorwolf community, ty for being so welcoming and kind, I appreciate all of you and your art and creativity inspire me <3 <3 magic thought to be found in hidden corners of the world, within liminal spaces, mysterious trinkets, or ancient, lonely tomes, perhaps requiring an adventure or three. the magic I have learned is of a humbler sort and can be found in all pockets of life. it takes time to kindle, to nurture and grow, and provides a place of warmth and safety. it can be fragile if not tended to, can dwindle and dim if not protected during the occasional storm. but if gifted love and understanding, it will stay a loyal companion beyond a single lifetime. look within your heart, for that tiny spark of light, and share it with those around you - and soon you will understand of what I speak.
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nix-lw · 1 year
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Lorch Day 31: Magic
I made a little two-tailed wolf adopt base and made my friends’ starters~ I’ve met so many new amazing friends since joining LW and I want to say thank you for making my life a little bit more magical.  Thank you so much. @wayfarer-kate @maggotjuicebox-lw @maya-lw @quichelewoof @outpost-lw @ruinous-robes @pancakelewoof @runes-creatures @witchyyweasel 
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nix-lw · 1 year
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Lorch Day 30: Prisma
I made a banner for my pack Nymgryndír, and recolors for each of the five Great Packs. The children of my starters will travel across Loria to gather strong wolves and build alliances with pack from all around the world, and they will bring the symbol of their home with them. 
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nix-lw · 1 year
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Lorch Day 29: Pastel
Pastel colors always reminds me of easter eggs. 
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nix-lw · 1 year
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Lorch Day 28: Gratitude A little short comic of Alaunis opening a gift, filled with love and appreciation from the users. Thank you to the Lorwolf Team for creating such a wonderful game. I am so happy to have been able to be a part of such a wonderful community and to see the game develop over the years. I can’t express how much joy this had brought to my life, thank you so much. 
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nix-lw · 1 year
Lorch Day 27: Promise
The Bonding Ceremony is a sacred ceremony where wolves that wish to become bonded mates make a vow in the name of the Spirit Wolves. Though the ceremony is most often performed for two wolves, it isn’t unheard of for three or even four wolves to hold the ceremony. It is a cause of great celebration for the entire pack and is seen as a blessed occasion. The entire pack is expected to join the ceremony and the bonded-to-be might invite their birth packs or other allied packs to the ceremony if they so choose. The invited packs will bring gifts to the bonded-to-be to wish them well in their new life together as bonded mates.
-:Time:- The ceremony is performed during days when the new moon appears in the sky. This is symbolic of the bonded-to-be entering a new stage in their life together, as bonded mates. If the bonded-to-be has a specific request the ceremony *can* be held at another date but this is very unusual and some of the older generation of wolves might see it as bad luck, telling the bonded-to-be that their bond will be weaker if they do. 
-:Place:-  Usually held in one of the nearby temples, the ceremony can however be performed anywhere the bonded-to-be wishes. The location where the ceremony will take place is carefully decorated according to the traditions of the pack and the Spirit Wolf the bonded-to-be is dedicated to. Flowers, ribbons, feathers, jewelry, lanterns, whatever the wolves might think of can be used as decoration. The time spent on the decorations is however very important. It must take four days, no more no less, as it symbolizes the four seasons as well as the four spirit wolves. 
-:Preparations for the bonded-to-be:- Each of the wolves that till partake in the bonding ceremony chooses a wolf to be their bond bearer, this wolf will help get them ready and offer support during the entire celebration process. The bond bearer will help bathe the bonded-to-be, help them dress in their chosen attire and help braid their fur into the traditional styles of the pack. The bond bearers will sit closest to the seidrwolf during the ceremony itself to provide the bonded-to-be with their written bonding speech.
-:Ceremony:- A seidrwolf, a wolf dedicated to worshiping the spirit wolves and practicing the ancient magic connected to them, is called to lead the ceremony. If the pair-to-be are wolves of great importance the Head Seidwolf might be the one holding the ceremony.  The pair-to-be will walk side by side down a path of flower petals or pine branches, on each side the other members of their pack will sit and howl for them. Then as they have passed the pack they will stop in front of an altar where the seidrwolf will be waiting for them. 
The seidrwolf will then officially begin the ceremony by offering a prayer to the spirit wolves. A prayer dedicated to Orrin might look something like this:
Orrin, great father of Icerun, hear our prayer! We ask you to bear witness to the bonding of the wolves that stand before us today.  They are ready to tie their lives together in the name of the Spirit Wolves.
Then both of the participating wolves get to give their bonding speech. Every wolf writes their own speech and it is very personal, meant to relay the bond the two share and the promises to honor and respect each other. When each wolf has finished their speech the seidrwolf will bring out a ribbon and tie it around the tail of each of the wolves. This ribbon is decorated with runes of protection and symbolizes tying their lives and fates together, creating an unbreakable bond. Then the seidrwolf will give one final prayer. A prayer dedicated to Orrin might look something like this:
Orrin, great father of Icerun, hear our prayer! The vows have been said. The bond has been made.
We ask that you protect them,  as they have promised to protect each other.
We ask that you care for them,  as they have promised to care for each other.
We ask that you love them,  as they have promised to love each other. 
We ask that you Bless them,  as they have promised to bless each other's lives with happiness and joy!
Once the final prayer has been said the seidrwolf will point their staff at the sky and all wolves in attendance will howl in unison towards the heavens. Then the Ceremony is completed and the wolves will have officially become bonded mates.
-:Celebration Feast:- After the ceremony is finished the wolves will sit down to feast. Drinks, food, sweets, the tables will be filled to the brim with delicious things for all to enjoy. The newly bonded will sit at a table overlooking the guests and wolves may take turns offering a toast to their union. Bards will play their instruments as guests dance and cheer, songs will be sung, merriment will last all through the night. The feast lasts until the sun rises above the horizon, at which point the wolves will retire to their dens to rest. 
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