nissapew · 5 days
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nissapew · 6 days
I swear to god today it’s just one bad piece of news after another
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nissapew · 6 days
Russia commita war crimes with impunity and Tumblr "leftists" will still say Ukriane should give up land.
I don't think people understand just how FUCKED Russian culture is.
Basically, if America hits the wrong target with a drone, it's an international scandal, if Russia kills kids with glide bombs, that's Tuesday.
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nissapew · 6 days
One thing I get asked a lot is "Why is always Ukraine with you?" and I'd like to answer that as best as can now.
For context I'm not Ukrainian. I'm American. But I have been closing following this war ever since the full scale invasion in 2022. People in my life have noticed it's a big thing for me know and my support for Ukriane has caused more than one... disagreement.
It's actually very simple. I don't have any high minded ideas about NATO or the EU.
I care because a nation and a culture are being destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people are dying and being injured because Russia won't fuck off.
Because in 2014 Russia waltzed in and annexed a piece of land roughly the size of BELGIUM, and they were sent night vision goggles and blankets by Obama.
Because Ukrainian children are being abducted, given Russian names, moved to Russian families and forced to speak Russian.
I care because there's a nation of people bleeding in the fields of their homeland RIGHT NOW in order to try and stop that madness. Trying to forge a better life for themselves and their children.
I don't care about Russia crying about NATO expansion, or their access to warm water ports or any of that bullshit because it's not Russias decision what happens to Ukriane and for that matter it's not the west's choice either. It's up to UKRIANE if they want to join NATO, or the EU. It's up to UKRIANE to negotiate UKRAINIAN Foreign and domestic policy without worrying what some tinpot dictator in Moscow thinks.
So people can sit there and ask "why is it always Ukraine with you" but then they turn around and talk about " america bad, something something Iraq war" but when ACTAUL IMPERIALIST AGRESSION happens right in front of you.... you don't give a shit because war and politics are messy and this situation doesn't give you the chance to feel good and "own the libs" or whatever side of the political bullshit spectrum you identify with.
Thanks for reading this vent post I guess.
Slava Ukraini
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nissapew · 12 days
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JENNA ORTEGA via Enrique Melendez's Instagram
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nissapew · 12 days
holodomor denial is genocide denial. the systematic starvation of an entire people is not something for you to debate on the internet with your lenin pfp and your xi jinping header while you sit in your warm safe home with a full stomach and plentiful access to food. the generational epigenetic trauma that is irrevocably coded into modern ukrainians’ dna after the scale of manufactured starvation that their families experienced is not a ‘narrative’ or a ‘lie’, it’s proof of an atrocity that you’re continuing by denying its existence.
despise the west all you want but do not sit back and enjoy the comforts it gives you while handwaving the experiences of millions of ukrainians. there’s plenty of propaganda out there for you to be mad about. there’s plenty of it on your own fucking blogs. you don’t need to start shitting on the graves of my family’s dead ancestors.
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nissapew · 12 days
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Bee Movie (2007) dir. Simon J. Smith & Steve Hickner X-Men: First Class (2011) dir. Matthew Vaughn
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nissapew · 16 days
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Image was posted by OP btw. They thought they did something lmao
God forbid country that was attacked by imperial power fight back, we're supposed to be ideal victims or some shit so they could write 575756 essays about how wrong it was to kill 40 million of us or some shit 🙄
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nissapew · 16 days
On one hand, posts about Ukrainian tragedies are shared mostly by Ukrainians. Just constantly re-sharing news we already know between each other. On the other hand, what else is there to do? I feel despair in not being able to do more, but at least it's something. Idk
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nissapew · 21 days
Every time I see poems by Joseph Brodsky in my feed, I'm once again reminded how westerners see him as this edgy moody russian-american poet, while I remember him as a dude who threw a hissy fit in an incredibly xenophobic poem because Ukraine got independence. Called us slurs and everything. Mind you, he was persecuted by the soviets and lived in the USA when he wrote that poem, dude just couldn't handle the fact that across the ocean Ukrainians don't want to live under russia
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nissapew · 23 days
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this is the art of nika kozhushko, an 18 year old ukranian artist from kharkiv. she was killed by russia yesterday.
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nissapew · 23 days
I just saw a photo of a teenage girl sitting on a bench with most of her head missing from today's russian air strikes on Kharkiv.
She died because she was born Ukrainian and living in Ukraine. It was enough for russia to kill her.
That picture won't be in the top of world news. People do not care.
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nissapew · 24 days
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Veronika Kozhushko, young Ukrainian artist, was killed today by russia. This is her last drawing.
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nissapew · 24 days
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Tomorrow 내일 (2022) Dir. Kim Tae Yoon, Sung Chi Wook – Episode 7
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nissapew · 24 days
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Tomorrow 내일 (2022) Dir. Kim Tae Yoon, Sung Chi Wook – Episode 7
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nissapew · 1 month
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never thought i'd say this but i want to put a man in my pocket 😔😔😔
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nissapew · 1 month
no handsome has ever handsomed the way ro woon is handsoming in destined with you
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