niryumnam · 2 months
My Feline Guide
Often on rainy days, I'm reminded of home,
a place so far in distance yet
so close in heart. 
Still I can remember more of such rainy days; 
of daring and going out with a torn umbrella 
just to buy roasted yellow peas of Rs. 5. 
And that's quite a dare! 
To relish with red tea,
nestled all we closely near the Meiphu so happily,
unmindful of our impoverished condition. 
Knowing that on the tin roofs
were perforations abundantly, 
making mama busy all day, 
to hold the drippings in buckets. 
The rhythmic pattering lulled us otherwise,
not in a cozy, soft bed with warm blankets
but in a straw mattress with frayed Haophi.
Years apart, I have come to this point now,
that often on rainy days
my wistful heart finds cheer from them
in cozy bed, with snugness so close. 
Their fur so fluffy, my sanctuary 
and by my side, their luscious faces.
My purring friends, my feline confidants/confidantes
bring exultation and placidity right by my side. 
Their happiness so pure and bright,
in gentle rain and soft gloaming,
together in this harmonious space,
life's cares vanish without a track and vestige. 
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niryumnam · 3 months
On Death
I've been thinking too much of late
about the purveyor, the mediator of 
life and afterlife.
And I weigh between my reason and faith.
While I was rummaging for an absolute answer,
I felt lost.
The failure made me distressed, resulting to complete torpidity. 
Then I cried and shuddered while 
looking at my loved ones ( humans & pets). 
Why is it so hard to accept
the existential death anxiety? 
Sometimes I try to ignore that it's coming, 
while often busy with life and 
its experiences. 
But yesterday, I felt fear.
I trembled at how everything ceases after it.
I fear nothing continues on in any sense.
I deeply fear since it is such 
an absolute elimination of the self. 
At the back of my mind, I often 
reflect on its existence, its inevitability. 
I wonder what it is,
what lies beyond it?
That it's unknown makes me so scared. 
When contemplating on it day and night
I scoff at the trivial things for what they are
and face up to the fact that 
much of what we worry
and consume ourselves with 
is not so important after all...
But, on the contrary, I found an answer
to my uncertainty, to my skepticism and
to my ultimate fear,
while I was looking at the sapphire sky
at the frolicking hummingbirds 
at the blooming bougainvillea;
while breathing in the first petrichor
and the scent of mogra;
while listening to the melody of summer koel,
to the imploring cry of kittens. 
I begin to gravitate towards them which offer 
an escape from my fear.
All awaken a greater appreciation
and gratitude for life, 
help me realise the beauty in the mundane,
learn to celebrate the small victory as
often as I celebrate the big ones, 
and accept that 'Death' is a natural process.
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niryumnam · 3 months
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niryumnam · 10 months
Shall I call you Home
When I try to color my lips
draw kajal on my eyes
place a bindi between my eyebrows,
and take a deep look inwards, 
I realise that 'This's no man's land'. 
This region's uninhabitable.
There's plague far and wide. 
There're boils left behind
Scarring every nerve and senew. 
When all the sacred mountains are tainted and fenced 
when all the houses are turned into ashes
when all the temples and idols are desecrated 
when these people's faith is challenged
I realise that 'This's no man's land'. 
When the children are starved
when the women are raped
when the men are made impotent
when the right to life is denied
when existence becomes liability
I realise that 'This's no man's land'.
What should we do now then
when our hands are cuffed 
when our legs are chained
when our wings are clipped
when our aspirations are fogged?
I realise we're like chickens in a cage
ready to be chopped off 
helpless for ourselves and our own fellows
despite knowing the charades.
Only, only to discern myself that 
'This's is no man's land'.
First, people were shouting and screaming
at the top of their lungs
but people are sobbing and mourning now
when their trusted leaders act 
like the three wise monkeys.
When they rub their pot bellies
when they pat their buttocks 
I realise that 'This's no man's land'. 
No regret, no remorse, no guilt, no fear, 
and no Karma for the perpetrators. 
Here, a man's lot is determined by his wealth. 
In this land, wealth is power.
The one who holds the magic wand, 
before him, flies and tiny insects are we. 
...Yet the children in the relief camp ask ...
What's our fault? 
Where's our future? 
Shall we endure all the injustices like this? 
When shall we have a 'home'? 
As such, should we justify in silence
that all these happen since they are born 
in a place called Manipur
in an ethnic group called Meitei? 
And I realise that 'This's no man's land'. 
15th Nov, 2023
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niryumnam · 1 year
To Darkness
That he was so blameless of his deed,
the delirium on his head
blackholed the truth into utter darkness.
The distant blaring and thud
heard from this abandoned-drenched island
had to house him as an investigator
to unearth the truth.
The inmates looked strange and hysterical
as he passed his glances into
their fettered faces.
Crouching they locked their eyes unto him
while zombied themselves under this devilry.
He was here to exhume the truth or
die like them in search of the killer
of his beloved wife and daughter.
He furtively glimpsed outside,
the somber-lashing rain beyond the window reminisced his days of yore
with his wife and daughter…
He saw and was confused of a woman
stood dripping near the door.
While at the back of his mind was playing
a familiar-suspenseful music accompanied
with intermittent lightning
augmenting superfluous strangeness and prescient warning!
The image of whirling smoke up and up
Led his delusional mind to the
muffled scream of that woman who seemed humming under the swing holding his cold-dead daughter
Turned out to be his wife.
The flashes of creaking swing near the backyard pond
Of dead bodies lying cyanosed
Crossed his hallucinatory mind
Letting all slipped through his fingers and evanesced.
Then a distorted image surged like bolt
Migrained him for the moment.
…He tried hard to open his eyes,
To aim his pistol and shoot at the image.
That all happened inside his head throughout
he was absolute unaware.
When the image didn’t die repeatedly
With his bullets,
the lunatic head reloaded the gun
and again missed the target.
Sensing something was wrong, he ejaculated his entombed-unsated cry.
The flashback returned…
Of the past killing many unknown, unnumbered in inebriated state.
In fact a war veteran of many medals
Who lost his sanity to nervous breakdown.
Who was delusional of the reality-
The “truth” that he killed his own.
Now the sweaty-feverish intellect seemingly accepted the ultimate truth.
But never was his mind enlightened when
He feebly mumbled, “I’ve yet to hunt the killer.”
25th April, 2023,Vadodara
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niryumnam · 2 years
The Imbicile
I have witnessed the dark side of this underworld
Its hideous masks worn by sinister man
Sporting and preying on everyone's flesh
Trying hard to scratch and mark wounds here and there
Creating his territory like dogs and cats
Showing his mights in his so called petite kingdom
As cocoon inside a jackfruit feigning pseudo-king
Like komodo dragon flicking out his glued tongue
And slurping down his preys as if to attain foodgasm.
Everywhere he goes, his disciples will swarm like bees
Kowtow and greet Salaam!
One will polish his boot and one will fan his sweats
The other will comb his hair and spray perfume
Infact, all line up in queue
Waiting for their assigned tasks.
They love to worship him as God himslef.
Wah, what an analogy!
What an awestruck vista!
Perhaps, this is meant to be
Here right under this hell of Beelzebub
Everybody's both old and young
Hiding behind the raging flames
Felt the scorching heat yet failed to extinguish the fire.
Maybe Tagore's 'Where the mind is without fear' is lost in translation.
Nevertheless, sure, a few will search the flickering light in the dark
And rise like a Phoenix from the ember.
Time is out of joint yet
it's but time which will show to us-
Every dog has its day!
And there, there itself, i really wanted to say aloud-
"What you're putting up, Mr., is all blatant."
14th Oct, 2022, Baroda
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niryumnam · 2 years
Lottery Ticket
It's certain he is gone this winter.
Winter, inspite of its frigid demeanor,
is always wizardly.
It's in this winter,
the early augury of snow is welcomed,
the various festivals have arrived in ceremonial attire and paraphernalia,
the scrumptious meals are relished
basking under the warm sunlight.
And most significantly, the vacation after exam.
Winter, it's unusual this time.
No more magic, no more thrill.
The deadliest winter ever experienced.
A sinister winter as it always is.
As Athoiba lies in his bed.
All over his pallid face, the pungent tears start gushing down.
The fever is high, the body dead cold.
The throat is parched, the tiny lips desiccated.
Ashangbi's first born son seems moribund.
Not a single cent to fetch a doctor,
she is sitting in utter void near her dying son.
The harder she contemplates, the silence sweeps her heart.
The small eyes are wide set in a fixed glassy stare.
It surely reeks a message _
The sin of ignorance, the blunder of innocence and many whys.
" I buy for my shoe, ma."
"I... for my family, for you."
"I don't do anything wrong, ma."
Athoiba's incoherent words make sense to her.
She incriminates herself of her son's doom.
She breaks her silence eventually.
Ashangbi but 18 then eloped with Tomba.
The culprit behind her deplorable life and her son's predicament was her blind love and faith.
Whatever he promised before marriage turns out to be all shams.
Gambling, stealing and drinking have become his persona,
that deliberately forces her into selling herbs and vegetables on the roadside in order
not to stop the fire in the hearth.
Athoiba's school uniform looks clumsy to him too, he can feel it.
But it is the best outfit he has ever worn
therefore, adores the most.
A torn shirt, a worn out half pant, a short tie and a raddled slipper.
A dream to have a pair of shoes with nice socks remains unfulfilled.
It is during Yaoshang festival, he collects some money from Nakatheng.
He and his best chum, Angou go for singju, pafor, boiled egg and sunflower seeds.
And lo! The epiphany is awoke.
Angou, always mischievous, drags him to buy a lottery ticket.
"We should buy a lottery ticket. It's only five rupee."
"You can buy your shoes and help your ma."
"Really, can I?"
"Yes, ofcourse. C'on let's buy a ticket."
That night Athoiba's eyes refuse to shut. Carefully he keeps the ticket inside his pocket as he is pleasantly lost in his own daydream.
"What are you blabbering, Ibungo?"
"Yes, ma, I'm saying the truth. You know what, today I bought a lottery ticket."
"What? A lottery ticket! Who told you to buy it? Tell me."
Ashangbi starts screaming loudly.
For the first time, she raises her voice.
"You scoundrel, I thought you are different.
I know you will also become like him. No doubt you are his son."
Saying this Ashangbi starts beating her son incessantly till the boy faints.
Everything has changed!
The winter is approaching swiftly.
The exam too is going to end and
the vacation is inevitable.
Winter's fast pace is immutable though
as the Nature happily cycles its birth and death.
Winter comes, never ceases bragging its multifarious hues.
Athouba joins Nature's natural course contributing his body to the coldness of the merciless season.
30th July, Vadodara
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niryumnam · 2 years
To Monsoon
Like all other living entity
Here i am too in this alien land
Waiting incessantly for a drop of rain
To assuage the parched body and mind
To allay the thirst of the scorched soil.
Waiting inside this comfortable canopy
cuddling under this concrete flat
drenching its warmth and snugness,
I see a world full of life frolicking outside my wide window
And ofcourse no sense of worry!
While the amnesiac rain doesn't stop pouring on the grasses, trees, roofs and walls
Lunatic in my head starts dissenting about it
And I ask myself what's worrying me
on this particular magical rainy day instead of rejoicing?
In the deep chamber of my box, i had deep hidden the key.
Not that i distaste it but rather elicits an ambiguous scary feeling to play freely.
A vast cosmos of not so fond memories of rainy days!
Yet rather caustic, graphic and bittersweet at the same time!
Often on these rainy days,
I am reminded of the things past, of home and loved ones.
The contrary and the paradigm shift of situations conjured up by this very rain-
The burden of being alive in those rainy days and nights!
I remember how I hid my head under the plastic sheet laid above the mosquito net
to avoid the harsh rain burst inside the thatched roof.
While the rain was busy wrestling with the mud floor
churning and turning it into slimy and uninhabitable place,
I remember eating many a time my meal on the bed,
under the plastic canopy with a sense of worry in case
the water collected above would break from the grip.
Rainy nights though lulled others to a deep sleep
Made my heart heavy the whole night for the immediate morning.
I remember how my mother's whole day was exhausted
draining, cleaning and mopping the mucky floor.
Indeed, quite a task no one would ever know and appreciate.
She would burn the floor with straws to soak up the moisture.
For the night to be ready again for her child.
The ever life giving force rain wouldn't mind lashing out its collosal power one after another
Turning blind eyes to the efforts of the mother.
As the dawn broke and the weary eyes ceased to close,
a bleak day awaited me with impatience.
And I didn't know how I would go to school without an umbrella, without a cardigan
along with the torn rubber shoes
on the overflowed lenghty roads.
This, I prefer not to recall to my mind
how till knees dipped, I reached school
and sat the whole day inside the classroom with wet soaks
turning into whitish pale my feet.
While I returned home on the way
I splashed the flowing water around me with my torn rubber shoes
and yelled till my heart ached-
"Rain, rain, go away come again another day."
O Rain! You Benign and Malign!
Creator and Destroyer!
How will my heart welcome you unhesitatingly?
14th July, 2022, Vadodara
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niryumnam · 2 years
At last she pleats her strength.
She can no longer wait for God’s hands to foray.
At all is needed has to be done by her alone.
She knows this will be her lot.
Neither can she destroy herself nor the child.
But one truth, she cannot snub –
“What’s the baby’s fault?”
The man’s senses smelled on her blooming body.
She knew he was perceiving her surreptitiously.
She could feel his ravenous-predatory-eyes.
If certain, anytime wolfs his prey in no time.
Time passed by……
As if he had been waiting for this thing.
He didn’t want to slip this break.
He knew this could be his last chance.
So, he mustered up his strength to lure the tender deer,
Who just started exploring the world!
Her house stood alone outlying from the village.
Whatsoever happened remained mysterious, submerged into oubliette.
She was ensnared in the clutches of a monster.
“This is it, this is what I’ve been waiting for all my life.”
Next minute, the hut was filled with noise,
Gradually weakened into muffled sound.
How countless times she screeched and screamed,
Nobody heard but the man.
Her unresponsive body lay flat tranquil,
While the man pulled himself and left the hut composedly.
Days and months gone…
She was no longer that girl.
Someday, she decided to go to the upstream river and,
Cease what was started nine months ago.
She clenched the child about to hurl to the raging river,
When the child looked into her eyes and smiled!
“Is it the child’s fault, she asked?”
And holding the child skintight, she cried-
“Oh, My baby!”
Vadodara, 26th July, 2021
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niryumnam · 2 years
Afterwards it all became a mirage
while I was trying to recollect a fond memory.
It was a surge - sudden, and vivid
when I saw a small girl helped her father plant cauliflowers.
The memory lingered in my mind long after the feeling left.
An untouchable, undelivered, unsurmountable memory!
The memory brings back memory of my mother
who used to toil and sow various seeds in our not so large garden.
While I too was busy mulching the soil and playing with the jelly-eggs of earthworms,
mother's distant thumping on the soil was heard.
First, the sound was loud and the vistas was quite lucid.
Then, I saw my mother's hard-sweats perspiring on the temples gliding uneasily on the cheeks,
then reaching the edges of her lips.
The tart sweats assured her that her children wouldn't die of hunger atleast this time.
And that afternoon, the thumping sound retreated in mind faintly.
Again, the memory makes me remember another fondest memory -
planting shallots, peas, beans, chillies, chives, mustards, hibiscus, cabbage, u-morok and
ofcourse cauliflower
under the shiny sky and the warm days together with my mother.
She was always there with her headdress
ploughing, ploughing, and ploughing.
Suddenly a smile sparks on my face
when I remember how innocent and dumb I was!
I was then young and naive too
when I tried to touch a snake that passed our raised bed of soil.
Surely, it might aslo be a little fellow who was also young and naive like me.
It didn't hiss or bite but glided unfazed.
I don't know how to discard this stream of memories, I really don't know.
How the memory of the fragrance of
my mother's simple boiled curry of
fresh vegetables plucked from the garden with ngari
used to haunt me long after her death.
As if the non-existence of this curry
from the house made her death more real than anything else about her.
Long after she left, the child somewhere in a remote land
stirs the forlorn memory of her in my labyrinthine mind.
Yonder there how she stood and tilled the soil
spreading the scent of her sweat-laden soil gyre and gyre before my eyes.
Memory is a guileful thing.
It doesn't just recall and make the past.
But makes the reality even trickier!
13th June, 2022.
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niryumnam · 2 years
O, Shakespeare!
Shall I invoke thee,
The Bard of Avon?
To resurrect from the cold den
For a mouthful of nectar
To be poured upon us
As now the time is out of joint
Basic instincts dry up
The sanes turn machines
Act like a robotic-puppet
No time to sit and ruminate
Of what went drastic
Of what modernization offers
On the wake of dawn.
Yes, I see a vision of approaching Apocalypse
The sure Holocaust
At this juncture, I take refuge on thee
On thy profound utterances
To solace my angst
To humanize me once again
To save this civilization
And I shall hymn thy name
O, Shakespeare!
"You are not of ages, but of ages."
First Prize, Shakespeare Week, Pondicherry University, 2014.
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niryumnam · 2 years
When You are Gone Too Soon (In Loving Memory of Thambal)
It's already morning.
I could hear the meowing and the jingling from my bed.
She would be waiting for me to open the door
As the door opened, she would be running around the house bragging her fluffy tail.
No more coaxing rubs around my legs
No more pleading cry for treats
No more scratching on the couch
No more gentle purring
No more kneading and no more cuddling around my arms.
That favourite chair of yours is empty now
Where you lie and sleep.
Now, who will say it's time for feeding?
I have put away your bowl and all the things you won't be needing.
When your gilded eyes no longer shine
And we both acknowledge that it's time to go
Don't look at me with fixed eyes so pensive
Instead let's think of better times we shared.
Everyone is telling me - it's April.
April, the harbinger of hope.
This time, to me, April turns out
to be the cruellest month...
Agitating dull emotions with arid hopes
Fusing memories and unfulfilled desires
Positioning me unto utter hollow, dry and empty.
Now, to whom shall i tell my grief
When you are past gone?
Who shall count my hot tears
Shed over my beloved for days and nights?
Who shall narrate the dark disheartenment
Which your dying caused that day?
I know, you're the first vivid bloom I'll see in the Spring
The first cordial raindrop April will shower
You're the first beam of light
When the sun sets out to gleam
And, I'll perceive that the face in the moonlet too is yours.
That your physical body is no more with me
And when your tangible memories fade out
The feel of your pelage, your eensy-weensy head, your back, your warm body against me
The scent and miaou of you when you were here,
I'll never bury those into oblivion.
Although time may bring in new friends and new food to fill the bowl
That one place in my heart belongs to none but you and always will
For nothing loved is ever lost and
You are loved so much.
Hold me now just one more time and let me hear you say
Since you care for me so much, you'll let me go today.
While you take me in your soft arms and embrace
Your tiny face is kissed again and again and again.
As I remember that I love the life we had together and the times we played happily
You seemed so much very tired and knew that your time on earth was over.
Although no stone stands over where you lie
It's on my heart that your life is engraved.
Now I imagine a heavenly image in my head
Of a place where there's no sorrow and pain
Where you and I can meet again to spend eternity.
Vadodara, 14th April, 2022
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niryumnam · 3 years
To War: The Reverist
She dreams of a house in the foothills
Far away from the bright city lights
Distant from the sordid and murky backdrops-
Of Shirui lilies and Dzuko fields
While dreaming, she derives delight.
During the day, she earns an honest wage
Harvesting rice beneath the scorching sun
By night, she dreams of better days;
The amalgamation of gold-ripened fields and forlorn days.
Oh, how she yearns for brighter days
When the sound of Uthum filled the air
Where children used to play, laugh, and sing without care.
Nevertheless, that was long before the war...
Before she lost her husband
Ere another lost the eldest son;
Things are so much different now-
Life used to be of so much fun and mirth.
She revenirs herself from losses
She dreams again of greener grasses and meadows
And the sweet smell of Chakhao.
She dreams of a house in the foothills
Made of U-thambal and Chinichampa.
She seeks and finds solace in her memories,
On a perfect-little-quiet piece of mind-
Delivering her a haven
Rather a sanctuary from the uncharitable world.
14th March 2022, Vadodara
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niryumnam · 3 years
Let me stand still for a moment under this shaded tree
or sit down quietly for a while
on the smell of this fresh-cut grass
and watch fixedly as the world go by
laughing, toiling, and smiling.
Maybe you too can sit with me for a while
holding hands and consoling each other
and enjoy the silence in our eyes.
If we wish we can also ask a few others to join in
and talk to them if we want
of love, life, happiness, sadness, and what not?
And rejoice together uninhibited
at some long-forgotten story
while we silently watch the sun going down
while we worry not to get rushing anywhere.
Perhaps I will tell you my story in the midst of this
that I am too tired of all the thoughts in my head
of all the running, begging, and crying
and not taking a moment to myself, of myself.
As long as we want, we will sit together on the damp grass
holding hands without letting our reverie pass quickly
knowing just for a day
that we are living in the moment!
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niryumnam · 3 years
While I cannot contain myself in fetters and limitations
Rummaging for an alibi
To decipher the very existential questions
Of us human beings and its nuances of
Relationships of myriad sizes and shapes
I am pushed and pulled for the sake of a solution.
For a longer period
My subconscious mind has been in a whirlpool
Churning out varied emotional equations
Of negations and acceptances
Therefore, defying the very argumentative voices inside
I am as if for eternity, tormenting myself
Alone and but alone.
Of all beings, God has blessed us with wonderful minds
Psyches of reasoning and intellects above all.
To be delicate and tough at the same amount
To align and synchronize our soul and body
And to prepare ourselves for the sublime Trimurti-
The Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer embodied in one; so powerful manifestations of an avatar.
I know we have wasted our minds by investing it too much
On annihilating all the races and species
In a jiffy or the blink of an eye
By generating deadly weapons and viruses
Or of cyberwars between powerful nations
Instead of investing our minds
To search for a harmonious
solution of peace and mutual trust.
After all, all wars started within levels of relations of countless associations.
Being the case,
I, at last, turn my back
And stop worrying about the intricacies
of the so called relationships
involved in the climax,
Since I have found my antidote
That enables me to make peace with my inner voices and complicacies.
Of three choices layout before my life-
Either give up the relationships,
Or finding the crux of the cause and continue,
And forgiving myself but for my sake.
I choose the last!
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niryumnam · 3 years
The Child
At last she gathers her strength.
She can no longer wait for God's hands to strike.
Whatever is needed has to be done by her alone.
She knows this would be her lot.
Neither can she kill herself nor the child.
But one fact, she cannot ignore-
"What's the baby's fault?"
The man's eyes fell on her beautiful and blooming body.
She knew he was observing her surreptitiously.
She could feel his lusty eyes where,
if given, could anytime devour his prey like a hungry predator.
Time passed by.
As if he had been waiting for this thing to happen.
He didn't want to spoil this opportunity.
He knew this would be the last chance and if he missed this time, nothing would ever happen again.
He mustered up his strength to lure the tender deer
who had just explored the world.
Her house stood alone far away from other houses in the village.
The nearby houses were atleast two kilometers away.
Anything happened remained unknown lest accidentally some passersby noticed.
Yet, this time, nobody passed her house to stop this fateful incident.
She was trapped in the hands of a monster.
"This is it, this is what I have been waiting for all my life, the man thought."
Next minute, the room was filled with clanging noise and at last the muffled sound. How many times she shouted and screamed, nobody heard except the man.
Now, everything's over.
There was no use of shouting and screams, she knew.
She was lying on the bed lifelessly when the man pulled himself and left the room composedly.
Days passed, months passed.
She was no longer herself.
One day, she decided to go to the upstream river and finish what was started nine months ago.
She went up and held the baby about to hurl to the raging river.
Shockingly, the child looked into her eyes and smiled back.
The innocence of a child could be seen in any child no matter how sinful the act was.
She realised.
"Is it the baby's fault, she asked?"
And holding the baby tight, she cried, oh, "my baby."
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niryumnam · 3 years
Like the Reed Sea on the one side
And the Arabian Sea on the other
Right here, we both are standing apart
Many thousands away from each other
As if waiting for a prophet, Moshe Rabbenu to rescue and cross us to a common anchorage
To escape from this exodus
Where we, no longer, remain as strangers.
In the ripples of my heart's waves
A teardrop glidingly dribbles down effortlessly
and flies to the realm of oblivion through the air.
I know, I have not altogether erased the scars
Etched in these lacerated tissues
As a hurt creaks when I try to sneak the wounds and dies down into flicker of ashes.
While my mind was on the quest of so many whys?
Many a time, I was thrown at the darts
As the dart flits further
I learn the oracular chakravyuh of human relationships
Which, in a jiffy, can be mucked up as mud without a slog.
Perhaps, the world just goes on uninterruptedly
Unmindful to our woes and sorrows on the other hand
Untended to many untold stories of our secret arguments
Of differences in our sentiments.
This is the persona of life; our adopted life.
Maybe, one day, I will find you on the other side of the universe
Right there I long to find myself in a parallel universe
Stretching my hands to touch you, feel you.
And tell the world that our existence is all a semblance
Where differences and bitterness can be averted and resolved.
For at least, we can be friends again!
@Vadodara, 5June2021
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