lovingly yours,
34 posts
eve elizabeth quincy. ♥ member of the pelago islands. bank: 56,145g even drunk, i am caught off guard by the way i remain intoxicated by you. ♥
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
Evening Drink
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“I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t got a clue about wines. I just order what sounds right, but I’ll go and check if we’ve got that Pinor noir for you.” He laughed and walked down the bar towards where he kept the wine and scanned over the bottles, brown eyes focused on each label as they passed over them. Once he spotted the right bottle, he grabbed it and approached the blonde woman with a grin. 
“Looks like you’ve got luck on your side. I’ve only got the one bottle, and it’s pretty young. From 2015, it looks like.” He went to work at opening it up, using the corkscrew tool to get the cork out with a satisfying ‘pop’, and he poured the woman a sample of the ruby drink into a wine glass. “Here, let me know how you like it before I pour a whole glass, just in case.”
The blonde chuckled softly and shook her head a little. “What happens when someone wants to order wine, then?” She didn’t mean this in an accusatory sense, as shown in her amused tone; she was more than content with her service so far. He was a pleasant, charming guy whom she expected could talk any wine-loving lady into ordering an ale, and with a generous tip, too. A wine brewer wasn’t exactly your average customer, admittedly.
“How lucky for me. ♪“ Eve took her sample gratefully and brought it to her face, taking an indulgent inhale and smiling in satisfaction.
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“That’s certainly a Pinot noir.” Finally, she sipped from it, and hummed. “It’s lovely. Please, a glassful. ♥”
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
stories » eve & lily
Lily shuffled in the bar stool to make herself comfortable then leaned forwards, her elbows on the bartop. “I’m well,” she said simply. “I’ve been thinking of other stories from my travels that I could tell you, and there’s one I can’t believe slipped my mind! Have I ever told you about when I was involved in a cave-in? It was before I became a treasure hunter, actually, but it’s quite fascinating.” 
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She had never considered herself much of a talker. In conversations, she was usually the quiet listener. And she got the sense that Eve was naturally someone who assumed the role of the talker. Yet here they were, forming a friendship with the roles reversed. 
“Oh, could I perhaps have a medium glass of red wine, too, please?” she asked, reaching for her purse. It would be rude to come in just to chat, plus the liquid helped keep Lily’s voice intact whilst she talked. 
The barmaid leaned over the counter, resting her chin in her palm and lingering on Lily’s every word. Though the adventurer was clearly not as talkative as Eve herself was, she seemed to enjoy retelling her feats--so many for such a young woman!--and Eve savored every story. Visitors of the Underground had so many experiences in each and every one of their lives, and Lily’s were some of the most thrilling.
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“Oh, my,” she exclaimed. “That sounds terrifying! I don’t believe you have told me that one.” She smiled appreciatively at her friend’s request, but shook her head gently. “Of course, but it’s on the house, darling.” The blonde straightened up and turned to prepare a glass for her. “Think of it as repayment for your fascinating stories. ♫”
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
mining ; 6/27 ♥
76. big crystal - 3,000g
46. sapphire - 1,500g
9. small rock - 5g
Someone wasn’t happy with her today.
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She lifted herself from the dusty stone and sat back, feeling in her bag for the few items she’d managed to retrieve. The movement made her wince.
Hopefully these would pay for a clinic visit...
profits ;; 4,505g
new total ;; 60,650g
0 notes
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
activity check ; 6/27 ♥
She found the beach to be prettier in the autumn... but it was nice to see everyone enjoying it now.
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It was a good time to mix some cool drinks. ♥
-4,000g - living in Snowstyle Apartments
-2,000g - Commuter’s Pass
+1,500g - first job at the Underground
+3,000g - owning and operating the Underground
+1,000g - second job at Charde Jewelers
+1,000g - third job at Cool Breeze Cafe
new total ;; 56,145g
0 notes
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
Dynamite Duo || Sam & Eve
Sam perked up as even trailed off. there was something missing. Was it something he did? Something new she was planning?
His face lit up when she suggested he warm up. 
“You got it!”
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He whirled around the counter of the bar, pointing finger guns at Eve as he did before running into the back to get his equipment set up. After a few minuets the speakers in the building crackled and popped to life. Electricity buzzed through his guitar as he plunked a few notes on the strings. 
Typically his music was kept light and fairly jazzy, but with no one here he decided to shred his guitar pick down the string. Speakers belting a heavy rock melody. 
“Too loud?” hollered from the stage.
As Sam rushed off to go prepare, shooting finger guns her direction on his way backstage, Eve couldn’t help but chuckle. His energy, his spark, was just too endearing... Playing favorites with employees probably wasn’t perfectly moral, but she couldn’t help herself. He was a darling--and a talented one, too. ♫
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The place was nice enough without live music, but there truly was no replicating it with recordings over speaker. (Plus Sam was an attraction in and of himself, which he seemed to relish.)
The blonde settled down at one of the tables nearest the stage--though there was still some distance, as the dance floor was directly in front of the stage, pushing the tables a little ways back. But that would prove to be no issue, as the speakers awoke and she winced a bit. “Just a little--!” she called back with a strained smile, raising one hand to pinch her thumb and index finger just an inch apart.
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
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She had settled on entering the contest. If she didn’t win, that was okay. She just wanted the attention.
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Everyone needs a little confidence boost every now and then.
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
⇢Andrea was just about to get violent (with the little strength she had at the moment) when someone approached and spoke in a calm, but formidable voice. She could feel the men flinch at her sides. This would usually be enough to make her laugh, but she was having trouble focusing on the person in front of her.
The two men gave the blonde a dirty look, but stumbled back onto the dance floor. Andrea sighed, glad she didn’t have to deal with that anymore. Usually, she wouldn’t have a problem scaring away some creeps, but she was rather inebriated at the moment.
“Thankss…but I could…I could’ve handled ‘em,” she said, managing to slur every word. This was a lie, of course. Truthfully, Andrea couldn’t be more thankful, but she was never good at thank you’s. Especially when she was drunk.
“I coulda handled ‘em,” she said again, not realizing she was repeating herself. As if she had just noticed the beautiful woman, Andrea flashed a goofy grin. “Heyyy.” She tried to wink, but ended up just blinking instead.
Fortunately, the pair wandered off--though she made a note to herself to keep an eye on them for the rest of the night. It was a shame people like that had to exist, ruining others’ times with being creeps. She hoped her patrons felt safe and comfortable under her watch, at least.
Once she’d lost sight of the two, Eve turned her attention back to the poor girl and smiled sweetly at her. “I’m sure, darling,” she answered soothingly, though it was more than obvious she didn’t actually believe it. There was no need to hurt her confidence.
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The young woman cracked a ridiculous smile and greeting, and Eve couldn’t help but giggle. “Hello, love. Can I help you? Do you need an escort home...?”
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
activity check ; 6/13 ♥
The Underground is a handful to take care of... But it’s fun, too.
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Maybe in a few decades, she’ll retire to a calm little vineyard.
-4,000g - living in Snowstyle Apartments
-2,000g - Commuter’s Pass
+1,500g - first job at the Underground
+3,000g - owning and operating the Underground
+1,000g - second job at Charde Jewelers
+1,000g - third job at Cool Breeze Cafe
new total ;; 55,645g
0 notes
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
stories » eve & lily
Lily hadn’t made many close friends since arriving at the islands. She’d met many people and would consider herself acquainted with many – after all, the islands were small, and running into people regularly was a common occurrence – but as she always planned to move on eventually, it was easier not to put down too many roots. However, there was one woman who Lily made the effort to see regularly. 
She’d met Eve at The Underground on Leuda and the friendly blonde had quickly warmed Lily’s heart with her enthusiasm for her stories from her past adventures. Part of Lily enjoyed reliving the best moments of her career as well. So, now, whenever she found herself on Leuda, she would check to see whether Eve was working so she could stop by.
It was still early evening and The Underground had just opened its doors to the public. As a nightclub, it didn’t tend to get busy until the later hours, but the loud volume was bad for talking so Lily usually left when the crowds started to pour in. For now, though, the establishment housed only a couple of lone drinkers and the bar staff. She spotted Eve polishing some glasses and lifted her hand in greeting, taking a seat at the bar close to her friend. 
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“Good evening,” she said. “How have you been?”
The early evening was a good time in the Underground. Though it was a nightclub, filled to the brim with activity until the early hours of the morning, its owner actually wasn’t particularly fond of partying. She was content to leave that to her clientele. For her, sunset, before the music was turned up and the dance floor was full, was more intimate.
With the few early birds content with their drinks, Eve kept busy maintaining the glassware. Hearing a new one approach over the low, slow melody of the music, she lifted her head, and a smile quickly lit up her face.
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“Oh, Lily, darling, good evening,” she greeted sweetly. “It’s so good to see you. ♥ You look lovely as ever.” It truly was always a treat to see her friend, and her expression told it. Not only was she brilliant conversation, a strong and determined woman whom Eve related to deeply--but she also told the most fascinating, glorious stories of her adventures. She was a real treasure hunter! Who wouldn’t be enthralled in her?
The blonde leaned over the bar, resting her elbows on its surface. “I’m well. Busy... but well, thank you.” She tipped her head to the side. “How are you, dear? Do tell me what you’ve been up to. ♫”
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
Dynamite Duo || Sam & Eve
“Wham, bam, thank you mam!” Sam grinned, snapping the damp wash cloth against the table. 
He had begun helping prepare for opening by cleaning the tables. Of course, he was a little early, but he had nothing better to do. Besides, he liked his job when he had such fun co-workers. 
Speaking of –
“Alright, the tables are clean!” He slid back behind the bar, dumping the dirty water down the sink. 
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“There anything else you can think of that I should do, Eve?”
While Sam cleaned the tables, Eve busied herself behind the bar, wiping it clean and polishing the glassware to a gleam. A small smile warmed her features as she listened quietly to her employee’s enthusiasm, roseate gaze lifting from her work to watch him. What a darling.
For one reason or another, the young man had endeared himself to her, and she had grown almost protective of him. Though there was only something like a decade of an age gap between them, to say she mothered him would not be a far reach.
“Brilliant job, sweetheart,” she praised. “Thank you. ♫” The blonde finished up her final glass, pressed her hands to her hips, and pursed her lips in thought, looking over the empty club.
Pleased with her assessment, the woman beamed. “I think we’re all ready. Except...” Eve raised a hand to motion towards the stage, a sly smirk on her face.
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“Someone needs to warm up. Let’s hear it, hm?”
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
activity check ; 5/30 ♥
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She flipped the love crystal in her palm, running her thumb over its iridescent surface. A soft sigh passed her lips, and she set the gem on her desk.
-4,000g - living in Snowstyle Apartments
-2,000g - Commuter’s Pass
+1,500g - first job at the Underground
+1,000g - second job at Charde Jewelers
+1,000g - third job at Cool Breeze Cafe
new total ;; 55,145g
0 notes
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
His ears twitched almost imperceptibly as something metallic within the parcel slithered against itself before making contact with the wooden counter.
Tungsten, maybe? Or… solid gold. 
He looked from the carefully folded handkerchief to her face, to find her vibrant gaze turned away. Something in his chest felt tugged slightly out of place. His own fell back to the table, to the slender, lovely hand that lingered beside the parcel, despite seeming unwilling to touch it again. After letting another silent moment pass, the blacksmith slowly reached for it.
A watch chain? He wondered, as he turned it over in his hand. It must have belonged to her grand–
No. A thickness rose in his throat. No, it was too thin, and that was thinking too much about it.
“…A necklace?” He guessed instead, glancing briefly up at her while his fingers worked to reveal it. He almost wished he hadn’t, as if saying it had made it so.
Three vivid, incarnadine sapphires glittered up at him, set in yellow gold and further complemented by two intricately chained strands of freshwater pearls– one of which was severed, and seemed to be missing a link. He felt like he should have been more surprised to see it; perhaps all the hours he spent hunched over it at his dimly lit workbench had burned the necklace into his mind– a permanent fixture he would never be rid of, no matter how much he imbibed.
All that work, and for what…? To see her smile? Make her laugh?
It didn’t seem so unreasonable now, with her lighting up the other end of the counter simply by standing there.
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“Heh,” he gave a laugh himself, more air than sound, a complicated emotion on his face. “You still got this old thing?”
Silence passed between them as Eve waited breathlessly for the dwarf to reveal the necklace. Dread twisted knots in her gut, but a tiny, outspoken part of her... wanted him to see it. Wanted him to know she had not forgotten. She wished, without hope, that he hadn’t, either.
And she loathed herself for it. She wasn’t here to give herself more reason to cling onto the past. She was here to fix a necklace. It just so happened that she trusted no one else better with the jewelry than the one who had crafted it. She was here to employ him, not to flirt or pine for him or wonder if things could have been different.
Which was all well and good, if she could only get the man out of her head.
The warmth of his touch and his smile and his gaze ran circles in her mind, granting no opportunity to rid her thoughts of them. She could do nothing but struggle fruitlessly to ignore them.
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There was no response to his guess. He would see for himself soon enough.
Her gaze stuck to his fingers, watching him unfold the little package.  Face hot with shame, she caught her lip between her teeth and finally breathed.
“Mm-hm,” Eve answered, daring to raise her eyes to his face, prying for any hint of what he was thinking. She could deduce nothing.
“It’s beautiful.” Lithe fingers reached up to tuck a lock of blonde hair back into place. Then, she continued: “It goes too well with my wardrobe to give up. ... And I like how it accents my eyes... ♫” A fragile smile pierced her apprehension.
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“... Would you mind fixing it for me?”
broken chains. ♥ bado & eve
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
mining ; 5/20 ♥
21. onyx - 900g
36. found nothing!
3. black rock - 200g
42. shiny coin - 500g
23. ruby - 1,700g
41. love crystal - keep
59. pink diamond - 10,000g
55. glass stone - 200g
44. moon stone - 1,500g
56. light ore - 6,000g
Such beautiful gems...
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Admittedly, they made it worth dirtying herself with this work. This heart-shaped one... made her feel warm and cozy. It brought to mind pleasant memories she’d tried to forget.
She pocketed it and went on her way to sell the rest of her finds.
profits ;; 21,000g
new total ;; 56,645g
0 notes
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
If the disturbance of the bell above the door hadn’t roused him from his reverie, the soft, familiar chime of her voice surely would have. The tips of his ears perked visibly, chin raising from where it rested lazily in the palm of his hand while he dreamed up get-rich-quick schemes– each more ridiculous than the last– for his own amusement. His typical, halfhearted greeting intended for customers met an undignified death on his lips, however, when what his heart both feared and longed for was confirmed.
She was even more beautiful than he remembered her, fresh on the cusp of thirty; too young for him, as he insisted many a time at the beginning of what to this day he still struggled to define (whenever memories of them were dredged up against his will from the bottom of an empty bottle). Not that his qualms had discouraged her any. Bull-headed and sharp as an awl, she was a woman who might have been considered ‘high maintenance’ by some, but to him had been a constant delight, when things were kept light.
While it was true she may have resembled herself more toward the end of their… acquaintanceship– in technicality, and for the doe-like trepidation in her eyes– she was still one hell of a sight for his, and it took a moment for Bado’s mind to process the reality of her presence, before permitting his mouth to speak.
“Eve… Hey, uh. Long time no see.” He forced a chuckle, while bungling about for something else to say in a mind that had gone completely blank. “You-… you look good,” he finally eked out, and internally winced. What, by the damned Native Dragons, was that supposed to be?
Nearly the whole of his ears taking on a feverish hue, the dwarf silently admonished himself to act normally, you old fool.
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“Sooo, uh… what can I get fixed for ya?”
As soon as her eyes fell on him, she regretted this. It was stupid to come here, so unbelievably foolish--and to think she thought herself as intelligent, mature. And yet she couldn’t control herself from clinging on to the past, to him, like a desperate little girl.
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With a glance away and a tight purse of her lips, Eve bolstered her resolve. It was fine. Good, even. Confronting her lingering feelings like this, getting it into her head that she had to move on... She could get some closure here, by doing this.
She was well aware that she was lying to herself, but it worked nonetheless. She managed not to turn tail and run.
“Hello, Bado,” she greeted with a hollow smile. His name on her tongue was sweet and sour and refreshing, cold lemonade on a summer evening. And, oh, his compliment, awkward as it was--Goddess, it killed her. Every inch of her longed for more, ached for his adulation.
Not to mention ached for him.
“... Thank you.” Her smile was more real now, cheeks dusted a gentle pink. “You look good, too.” Handsome. Stunning. Perfect. She could go on and on.
A silent breath escaped her lips as she stepped closer to his counter. Her hand slid back into her purse, retrieving the little wrapped package. She looked up at him, scarlet eyes wide. His build suggested him to be a man of stone, but the creases in his cheeks chiseled by countless smiles revealed otherwise. She had adored both his firm, strong arms around her, and his beaming smiles after telling yet another awful joke...
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Eve’s gaze averted almost shamefully as she set the parcel on the counter with a soft, muted clink. “It broke,” she announced flatly, though she didn’t dare unfold the handkerchief herself. It was a necklace, one of her favorites, owing in part to where it had come from. She couldn’t bear to give it up; it was truly beautiful.
Its memories were beautiful, too.
broken chains. ♥ bado & eve
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
⇢Andrea often sought out fun out the only nightclub on Leuda. It was the perfect place to get wasted and forget her dull life. When no one else was, alcohol was always there for her.
Drink in hand, Andrea found an empty place to sit. She had too much to drink and wasn’t feeling too good. Of course, this was the perfect time for two equally drunk men to sit on either side of her. She really wasn’t in the mood to deal with this. 
Before they could even say anything, she let out a low, “Fuck off.” This obviously didn’t persuade them because they just laughed in response. They spoke some words at her that she couldn’t quite make out as they tried to pull her to her feet. The only word she made out was “dance.” Her head was spinning as she resisted, but they were persistent. 
As much as Eve enjoyed working in the Underground, whether bar tending or serving, a place full of drunk people often required some governance on her part. That was less fun.
She wasn’t exactly scared of conflict. In fact, she was quite level-headed about it. Be it cutting off someone who needed to go home or scolding those who got too loud... It was little more than a chore at this point.
But there were others... who were particularly unpleasant. Disgusting, if she was being honest. Those who failed to respect the people around them--there was no excuse for it, drunk or not. And it was why Eve’s sharp gaze regularly swept the place, looking out for anyone who was not behaving.
It was practically fucking babysitting.
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Seemed she had some children to deal with tonight.
Eve wasted no time in striding over to the offending pair and the target of their harassment, nose tipped up and eyes narrowed. The click of her heels on the floor was a declaration of her authority.
“Good evening,” she greeted, voice laced with venom. “I thought I should inform you gentlemen... we have a zero-tolerance policy on harassment here.” She moved closer, resting her fingertips gently on the poor girl’s shoulder. “So please step away from her, before I’m forced to take further action.”
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Panic at the Underground
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nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
activity check ; 5/16 ♥
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Maybe she should consider a roommate.
-4,000g - living in Snowstyle Apartments
-2,000g - Commuter’s Pass
+1,500g - first job at the Underground
+1,000g - second job at Charde Jewelers
+1,000g - third job at Cool Breeze Cafe
new total ;; 35,645g
0 notes
nirvanasvintner · 5 years ago
Kasey sent the woman his most charming smile as he leaned his arms against the bar where she had taken her seat across from him. “Well,” he started as he grabbed the menus from nearby, thankfully within arm’s reach, and placed them gently on the bar in front of the woman. “I’m no expert with wines, since I’m more of a beer guy myself, but we’ve got reds and whites if that helps you out any.” 
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“I’ve got old stuff and newer stuff, so just give me some hints as to what you’d like and we can go from there. I’ll even let you sample ‘em, since I’m feeling nice at the beginning of the night.” He winked, then laughed as he stood upright and awaited her response. 
Eve relished the smile of the handsome young man, pleased to be getting the special, “first customer of the night” treatment. She rested her chin in her palm, index finger pressed lightly to her lips as she looked down upon the menu. “Mm, you do seem to be the beer type,” the blonde observed, scarlet gaze flicking up to her bartender.
A pleased smile graced her features at his generous offer--what a sweetheart. “What a dear you are,” she purred. “I’m glad I caught you early, then. ♫” After another moment of pondering, she continued: “Are you familiar with Pinot noir? I prefer them younger. The aroma is to die for. ♥️“
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Evening Drink || Open to multi.
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