Ninyiuk's dreamland
54 posts
I have always been able to remember most of my dreams and I think it's pretty awesome. Here, I want to collect my dreams, good and bad ones, for I can not memorize all of them and with time, they fade away.
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-11-14 nice staff but stinky skiing boots
we went skiing and i was gonna show Nicholas how and then we went up the baby hill and i saw he had a snowboard instead so i went down and to the rental shop to change while he and my family took the cable to go up again. the 2 guys in the shop were super nice. told me ofc i can change from snowboard to ski. then i needed to change my boots from soft ones to hard ones so one of them brought me a pair of boots and helped me put one on but it was too big. and it was the last pair of boots. the other one was like "well, how long does it take to make new ones for her" then they got new ones for me. somehow they unpacked a folded thing that turned out to be the boots so they unfolded it and were about to help me put them on when the speakers announced that the skiing time for today is over and i cant go up again. my mom came into the shop and i told her i cant go up. she saw i was about to try on new boots and saw also the old pair and for some reason she smelled them and touched them and almost threw up and asked how on earth they dare to rent this out. they need to throw this away.
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-30 help to get back to the city from a tribe village
im at a beach and i go to swim its so relaxing when suddenly i realize that i have been drifting too far from the beach and i panic a little bit. i calm myself down and start swimming back however it was so far that i wasnt sure which direction i had to go. there are 2 islands on each side of me. i just randomly chose one because i need to get out of the water. by the time i reach the beach it was already dark and i couldnt see anything anymore and i didnt know where to go once i got out of the water. but i saw people walking along the water with pumpkin lanterns. they seem to be from some ancient tribe. i got scared but they found me and made some signs for me to follow. i was sure they are leading me somewhere to die. once we reached their undercover village in the dark he leader stopped and said something about that we are home and we are going to enter the village. but harry potter (he pointed at me) shall not come with us. someone shall volunteer to accompany me to the city. it is a dangerous journey and he cant guarantee survival. but once we reach there my guide needs to kill a cobra and drink the water from the teeth otherwise he will die. but if he comes back to the village he will receive great honor. so he waited and asked who is willing to take this mission. only one guy said he will do it. the leader gave him his blessing and everyone said goodbye to him and we left the cave. suddenly the guy took out his phone and called Mae (my ex sister). it seems like he is connected with the modern world but the tribe people dont know. he used my old phone that i gave Mae. (Lulu castagnette from Sagem, a clamshell phone with teddy bear design in gold/white, the lid on the backside for the battery was missing) apparently she gave it to him. once the village people couldnt hear or see us anymore he used that phone to call her and ask if she could pick us up. i got upset and angry because he is basically cheating on his tribe village to gain honor. after a while Mae arrived and we were suddenly almost there (our destination, but I dont remember where that was). we needed to climb up a brush and Amelie was climbing first (Mae's daughter, she was like 4 years old). I was talking to Mae and expressing my anger. She didnt care and just said "well, you gave me phone. I can do whatever I want with it. next time maybe you should think before randomly giving people things. Same goes for the Iphone for Amelie" and I was so angry inside but didnt show it to her. I just thought to myself "everything I gave to Amelie was worth it" because I really love her. but i made a promise to myself that I will be more careful from now on with Mae..
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-28 Just wanna go home
its late when i try to find my way home in vienna and i walk and see some guy walking obviously slow past me then slow down and observe me then i got scared and joined a couple who was walking and started talking to them saying that i am pretending to know them bc that guy is scaring me. we somehow manage to get rid of him but then i am too scared to go home myself so i call some female friend of mine (idk who she is irl, maybe my landlord? i dont remember) if she can come pick me up by car. i think i am sorta drunk. then the couple who helped me suddenly turned into xjapan members who were drunk and we entered the subway but they couldnt accompany me anymore to where my friend would pick me up with her car. because they were too drunk. they could barely move and had to basically carry Hide who was vomiting already and i had to get out of the subway alone. while walking i was using google maps to find the place that she was supposed to pick me up and walked and i was scared bc it was still night and many scary ppl. and i was tired and walked and walked and my gps said i will reach there in 1min but i walk and walk and i keep getting lost the gps suddenly says 17min walk. on the way i am scared of ppl following me so i had to tale a break and join some hippies on a grass and pretend that i know them until i feel safe again to keep walking. but i cant seem to reach that place. i am exhausted and walk and walk and my battery is low on my phone. i recognize the streets where i am suddenly and i wrote to my friend that i am almost there and she said its ok she will wait for me she got 1.25years time. then a tram came and i thought i can go one stop to be faster so i entered. then it took soo long until it left the station because soo many people were suddenly entering with trolleys and babies and it was soo crowded i regretted going inside.. i feel like no matter what i do it seems like i cant get closer to that meeting point. when all i want is to go home. i am so tired and desparate already...
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-27 spiders in my room
I woke up in my dark room and saw a spider so i got scared and wanted to get one of my slippers or shoes. Then I started to notice another spider, a different one, and then I realized that my room had many spiders. All of them different size, colour and shapes... on my out I was panicking and shouting for help when Chuen Ping showed up and told me to look closely. The one spider with a small body and super long legs that I tried to smash was actually made of LEGO, and he walked across the room to my sofa and picked up one huge greeen spider that looked like Spinarak and showed it to me, that it was a toy plushie,... I was still scared though
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-27 CP smoked in my room!
I am coming home from somewhere to find Chuen Ping in my room. I can clearly smell that he smoked cigarette in my room so imI confronted him and got angry. Later it turned out that he was just upset because we went somewhere without asking him to join and he felt leftout. I felt so sorry because we didnt ask him to join and apparently Chuen An said he will be there to spend time with him and in the end he was alone at home.
Worried that Chuen Ping feels left out in out family I guess..
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-19 Ananas, bananas. Bananas, ananas.
I am in my old lab in Vienna and had some cake. There was some leftover but a delivery came so i needed to make space on the lab bench, then my boss and colleagues helped me to eat the cake. While eating I told my boss something about … ananas (= german word for pineapple) and bananas. If you introduce them you will say:“ananas, bananas. bananas, ananas” and i found it sooo funny
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-18 argument with Chuen Ping
i had an argument with chuen ping and i was holding a glass cup in my hand. he was standing next to me when we already almost finished our fight and were calming down. for effect i wanted to gently hit him with the glass on his arm but the glass broke and and i immediately said "oh, i am sorry. i dodnt think it would break" and i brushed off the shattered pieces of his shirt when i cut my arm and a piece of glass was stuck. he was angry again and we were arguing again about something while i was trying to clean. we were in some kind of shared apartment or somebody was trying to sleep in the room next to us and complained then we started an argument with her because we weren't that loud and we just had to defend against her (i dont remember what she said, just that we teamed up against her haha) we moved to another room a bit upstairs within our apartment while she went downstairs and was going to sleep there. chuen ping said something about needig to talk to me and i got really angry again saying that i am not in the mood to do some emotional analysis talk..
what? haha i dont want to fight with chuen ping. will msg him today, see how he is doing haha
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 7 years ago
2017-10-16 Crush on Bjergsen
I am in some mountains in a wooden house with a few other people. It is some kind of camp i believe. We had a break inbetween our program so I was resting on the bed. Bjergsen was with me and he hugged me and cuddled me and I was saying to him that his weight is basically nothing because he was lying on top of me and I couldn’t feel any of his weight. Then he asked me about my relationship, how it looks like. He was basically hinting that he was interested in me I think and I didn’t give an answer, just had a “I don’t know”-look. Then I thought that I find him very cute and attractive and that I do sort of have a crush on him. We were supposed to gather for some game. There were 2 groups, one was called “summer” and the other one was called “winter”. Bjergsen went to the winter group. Somebody in the summer group called me but I pretended to not notice him and walk past. I had a feeling I should go to the summer group because I am supposed to be with that person who called me. But I looked around and counted the people and found and excuse, saying that there are not enough people in the winter group, so I went to the winter group instead where I heard Bjergsen say that he chose the winter group because I said that I like winter. Before the game could start Chuen Ping called me to take a look at some rainbow leafs outside my room and I went to the window and it was really pretty, but I wasn’t looking at what he was pointing at so he got a bit frustrated and told me to follow him to go there. It was another wooden house with a transparent plastic foil instead of the window and it started raining so I helped Chuen An (yes, suddenly it was Chuen An and not Chuen ping anymore) to pull back the plastic. Then he was suddenly holding his left eye in pain and I asked him what happened and he said he accidentally smacked his head on the way here, his eye was swollen and he had a small cut but it was nothing serious. I was a bit worried but he said it’s fine. 
finally I am remembering my dreams again. this one was so nice too hahaha I am such a fan of Bjergsen <3 it reminds me of my Doublelift dream a while ago (2016-10-29) hahaha TSM TSM TSM <3 <3 <3 ahahahahaha 
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
2017-04-15 matching pump tattoo
I was going to the mall with frida to get a matching cheesy friendship tattoo sonce we are soulmates haha .. I didnt want something mainstream like everyone has with hearts or whatnot. Instead I wanted a pump tattoo with her. Some steps for a doubles that start on her and end on me or something like that. I even had a specific chart in mind. Where you run across the whole pads starting from the left side 7153971539. it was suuuch a good idea. we were waiting for our turn and in the meanwhile played some arcade airplane shooting game. The tattoo cost 9€ for each of us and we paid ... omg. what a cooool dream!! maybe we should get matching pump tattoos haha it was soo cool!!!
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
2017-04-01 broken phantom blades
I am about to enter a skating training. I got new skates because they were cheap and I start skating and doing jumps and spins. Steffi was there too. All of a sudden I see a broken blade, broken in half, on the ice. I only see the back half of it but i recognize it as mine and in my mind I already say "oh nononononono" and I look under my rigt skate.. and only the front half of it was still there. I knew I had to buy new blades now and I got soo sad because I loved mine. Its phantom blades that not many people use and I am proud to be one of the few people who can skate with those. Also they are super expensive so I was worried that I might not be able to affort them Haven't been able to remember my dreams lately. Lots of stress and moving and heartbreaks. Then I found this skating club and I am thinking about skating again for fun. And thinkingg about getting new skates. And the ISU world championships was last weekend so my mind was full of skating <3 it would break my heart if my blades broke like that for real
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
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2017-01-31 first aurora sighting I guess my dream came true 😍❄️🇸🇪
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
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2017-01-31 shiny cloud that probably inspired my dream
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
2017-01-31 shiny cloud shen long fight with charizard
Iwas with 2-3 friends looking for the northern lights and we were building some kind of treehouse to save some other friends who were trapped in a building. there was a cliff at the end of the field behind the building and i saw a shiny orange cloud just like the one i saw earlier yesterday. only that this cloud was much bigger so a ran around the building because i wanted to take a pic of this cloud. when i saw it i realized it had the form if shen long. i was so amazed and ran closer to take pictures when i noticed there was a gigantic cloud charizard fighting with the cloud shen long. i saw them fly closer to the ground and dangerously close to me. i told my friend to duck and he fell, as well as i did, on the gound. cloud shen long and cloud charizard were fighting and swooshed pass us, almost hitting me. i didnt know how to get out of there when suddenly a smaller charizard (a real one not made of shiny cloud) appeared. it was mine apparently and it fought its way through the big fighting clouds and flew past me and my friend while we grabbed its tail and it pulled us out into safety. meanwhile the building with my friends to rescue was about to collapse. the treehouse construction that we made was supposed to free them. but some tornados appeared and we tried to find shelter behind the building. we heard a singing from kids down the hill on the other side if the field. this was our sign for danger and we knew we had to evacuate. the tornados were too close. we ran and 2 of my friends tied themselves on a gigantic rubbersling. i was wondering what they were doing since we had to evacuate. but our leader said we need to run while they destroy our treehouse. its too dangerous with the tornado. it was our chance to save our friends from this building but we had to destroy it less it kills us all. we can will just have to rebuild it again afterwards. with that he and his companion flung themselves in the air using the rubber sling and catapulting themselves into our treehouse construction to tear it down. meanwhile another friend had a big round platetype thing ready for us to sit in and slide down the hill into safetey. once we arrived at th bottom of that hill another companion at the age of 5 was already waiting for us to and had an escape route prepared ..
next thing i remember is that its night and everthing is dark. we can see the northern lights from the hill but it wasnt in the sky. instead we could see it because the old abandoned ruins of an acient city down the cliff was shining green. it looked a bit like those random green writings from the matrix. it was a breathtaking view and of course i took pictures
oooh my god! what an amazing and exciting and awesome dream! havent had such a cool dream in sooo long. also i havent been remembering my dreams lately. i am currently waiting to see the northern lights in sweden but the weather conditions are crushing my hopes so far. also yesterday i saw a shiny cloud (will upload a pic) that was so pretty and awesome :)
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
2016-12-23 seeing Mikael again
i was at the ubahn station "neue donau" waiting for someone to arrive. the sun was shining but it was a bit cold still. mikael came with the next train and we were happy to finally meet. we hugged and i told him how much i missed him. he said he is feeling better now (in terms of having his feelings for me under control) and gave me kiss on thr cheek. i did the same and kiss his cheek and then i dont know why but we gave each other a kiss on the lips .. then we let go of each other and started walking. i said something like "......(dont remember the first part of the sentence) since you have some relationship problems....(dont remember the rest of the sentence either)" and he told me that he would rather not speak about that with me because it makes him feel uncomfortable. i said ok and let it go. we walked down the stairs outside of the station underneath the ubahn where i used to run for training..side by side holding hands i dont know what this was omg. i miss mikael so much now i even dream of meeting him. and holding hands and hugging. i dont have feelings for him. i dont want to have feelings for him. he is my best friend and i want him back as my best friend. it has been 2 days since he told me how he feels for me and its been 2 days since we havent had contact. its killing me. i miss him and think about him all day ..
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
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I had a dream about getting new hair colour and a pump tattoo (2016-09-18) .. and now I have a pump tattoo and purple hair 💜It's not exactly as in my dream hihi but still .. PIU ftw!
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
2016-11-11 Here is the video that I think triggered my dream 😊 I love it! makes me want to fight my fears and worries and keep going forward!
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ninyiuks-dreamland-blog · 8 years ago
2016-11-11 human chain under water, born to swim
I am in a pool trying to dive and swim but a huge chain of humans with professional swimgear (glasses, hats and team swim suits) were apparently training and almost crashed into me but they avoided me with ease and swooshed pass me like dolphins in a serpentine route .. I was SO amazed by their wonderful movement under water I could do nothing but hold my breath and watch them in awe. I can clearly hear the sound under water and feel the pressure and energy when they passed me one by one, so close to each other like a chain of people born to move in the water. They looked so gracious and majestic, powerful, at peace. they were doing what they know best, what they were born to do - swim my brother showed me a video on youtube yesterday with michael phelps.. my guess is that this was the trigger for this awesome dream. It was a short one but I woke up with this wonderful feeling of being in awe and wanting to do what I do best..
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