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nino-4 · 25 days ago
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nino-4 · 1 month ago
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nino-4 · 1 month ago
People get really weird when they can’t figure you out.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
“to the delulus who think they’re a kpop idol’s future spouse on here…cut that bullshit out. for the love of spirit’s sanity, stop and get some help.”
i wish posts like that actually worked. Unfortunately they gon keep coming strong probably even after those boys get married 😩 😭
i know, i always get the “will jungkook ever cheat on her?” or “are they ever gonna break up?” or “is she a really childish person so he will get annoyed of her?”
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
to the delulus who think they’re a kpop idol’s future spouse on here…cut that bullshit out. for the love of spirit’s sanity, stop and get some help.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria,
do you think Jungkook’s fs and Yoongi’s fs are going to get along? the posts I’ve seen from other readers have been have been kinda mixed tbh and i wanted to know your opinion
two of cups. the hierophant.
they have different passions but a very similar way of thinking. kind of like an opposites attract situation, but they look at life the same way and prioritize hard work in their lives, they *can* connect on a deeper and spiritual level like sisters but one or both future spouses may be too busy to see each other to connect that way.
r: no tarot reading is every 100% accurate
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria,
since you already cleared up that jk's spouse isn't an idol or a musician, are they an actor or a model?
thank you for your answer. <3
ive also cleared up that they aren’t in the entertainment industry. please read my posts. so no.
let’s clear something up, his future spouse is not anyone here reading my posts, requesting posts, asking, or an entertainer.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
Dear lady wisteria, I would like to say that I love your blog! I’ve been really interested in his future spouse as well!
Do you think that’s it’s possible for his fs to know that they’re meant to be? Or would you say they’re still oblivious to it?
she does know that they're meant to be, both of them do, but both are still having a hard time accepting that it will happen.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
Dear lady wisteria,
Will jungkook win a grammy one day?
nothing is 100% accurate, that goes for all readings
the chariot. three of swords.
he will, but only after BTS disbands and they have their own solo-careers. he'll feel happy that he won such a great award but wish his first time was with his members.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
Hello lady wisteria, Would jungkook chase after his fs at first? And if yes would she find it funny?
she'd find it a bit annoying at the beginning but would find it amusing on a later point.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria,
is jk's fs highly educated and intelligent?
attended good schools (the private ones?). grades seems to be very much above average, at least in a in everything and hardly pays attention to the brain rot she could potentially get on social media.
emotionally and academically intelligent. jungkook has a competitor in the smarts.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria,
If its okay, what is JK's FS class?
upper middle class-upper class. she some-what has privileges because of her background, both familial and personal. she is humble though. she may have a silver spoon in her mouth but certainly does not act like it and actually would rather invest in money than show it off.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria
i don’t mean for this question to be invasive but have jungkook and his fs ever met each other throughout dreams/vivid dreams?
wishing you the best
hi, you are no problem.
they have but very briefly, he was able to notice her but she wasn’t able to see him back
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria,
Is it possible for JK's future spouse to change from one person to another? I saw another tarot reader's take on this and they didn't reply directly at all lmao. Thanks!
yes, it absolutely can.
in general potential future spouse couples, all things are not completely set, meaning there's a high chance but the chances of them not even meeting are never zero.
in jk's case, even though you did not ask me for this - i have a belief that there was an energy transfer or energy disconnect (this is normal and can be resolved if you put effort into it) recently between these two.
his future's spouse energy has been almost "empty" in the connection - meaning she was VERY close to giving up fully but only because of jk. she felt his energy was empty to her first, leading her to believe that he "abandoned" her in the connection, which is not the case, which is just a misunderstanding.
he hasn't noticed her feelings yet fully or acknowledged it (probably because he felt that his feelings for her were unrequited). but his activeness in the connection will come soon in bits and bits.
this is her first time on "rebuilding" their connection as these kinds of problems have occurred before and he would usually fix it up but now its her turn. this problem won't be permanent. she feels empty but she knows deep down she has feelings for him, its just that something within her affected her tremendously for her to be like that -- an exterior source.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
Hi Lady Wisteria,
Who will be the first to confess their feelings? Jk or fs
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
dear lady wisteria,
is jk going to be her first bf? ty
hello - no. she's dated multiple times before and is well-experienced with having a relationship.
i'd like to confirm that she is NOT a teenager. she is young but not that young.
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nino-4 · 2 months ago
Dear Lady Wisteria
Is he emotionally closed, as her family thinks? Or is this just a guess? Because according to his birth chart, it's possible that he could be like that. Will jk and fs be able to handle it
he's afraid of being seen as "weak" if he expresses his emotions freely, he's closed off for that reason and doesn't want to be a "burden for other people to deal with."
his future spouse is also the same way but is more attune to being emotionally available, they will be able to handle it. she values communication and honesty as one of the top priorities in a relationship, he'll feel the safest way with her and will always know that his feelings are validated when he's with her.
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