nineteento1 · 3 years
metro (m)
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✯pairing: fushiguro toji x reader
✯synopsis: you were a naive little thing, thinking that he’d save you when he was the one you should’ve been running away from
✯wordcount: 3k
✯warning: DARK CONTENT! chikan, noncon, dubcon, gun play, public sex, cunnilingus, oral (male receiving), spit, spit play, forced impregnation, forced pregnancy, breeding, train sex, voyeurism, dom/sub themes, the use of sir, pet names, dumbification, dacryphilia, age gap, degradation, squirting, cream pie, unprotected sex, nipple play and i think that’s it
✯note: i…this is for my thirsty toji stans. (i didn’t put a taglist because this much darker than usual and i’d rather not trigger anyone.)
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“Excuse me, sir…please leave me alone.” you plead, doe eyes nearly tearing up at the sight of the man, his phone visibly clutched in his hand as he silently stares at your figure. His eyes continue to rake up and down your body, a chill running through your spine as you frantically scan the empty train cart. 
Your heart was racing, palms sweating profusely as you feel knees weakening, your mind racing a mile a minute, unsure of what action to take. Were you to call for help? How would you fight back? What if he did something worse?
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nineteento1 · 3 years
latest update: 18 august 2021
NOTE: small drabbles, thirsts, etc. may not be listed here to view them you can check out my tags. NSFW will be indicated respectively, if you are a minor do not interact with it! if any of the links are wrong do let me know- drop a message in my dms or send me an inbox!! DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!
• • • GENSHIN IMPACT • • •
#multiple characters
> playing video games with them -[kazuha, xiao, venti]
> oddly specific things i want to do with them -[ klee & albdeo, kaeya, kazuha, venti, xiao, zhongli, hutao]
> NSFW dreamt of foursome with them -[zhongli, xiao, venti]
>NSFW random headcanons with them -[kazuha, xiao, albedo]
#kaedehara kazuha
> NSFW sweet like syrup
> NSFW mewl for me
> someone might catch us!
> comforting kazuha
> NSFW reuiniting with you
> kazuha misses you
> kazuha comforting a f gamer! reader
> NSFW kazuha + your breasts
> A-Z with kazuha
> what xiao would have been like without his karmic debt
> good night, i love you
> NSFW modern zhongli fucking you on a table
> getting into an argument with zhongli
> a life after death
168 notes · View notes
nineteento1 · 3 years
latest update: 18 august 2021
NOTE: small drabbles, thirsts, etc. may not be listed here to view them you can check out my tags. NSFW will be indicated respectively, if you are a minor do not interact with it! if any of the links are wrong do let me know- drop a message in my dms or send me an inbox!! DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!
• • • GENSHIN IMPACT • • •
#multiple characters
> playing video games with them -[kazuha, xiao, venti]
> oddly specific things i want to do with them -[ klee & albdeo, kaeya, kazuha, venti, xiao, zhongli, hutao]
> NSFW dreamt of foursome with them -[zhongli, xiao, venti]
>NSFW random headcanons with them -[kazuha, xiao, albedo]
#kaedehara kazuha
> NSFW sweet like syrup
> NSFW mewl for me
> someone might catch us!
> comforting kazuha
> NSFW reuiniting with you
> kazuha misses you
> kazuha comforting a f gamer! reader
> NSFW kazuha + your breasts
> A-Z with kazuha
> what xiao would have been like without his karmic debt
> good night, i love you
> NSFW modern zhongli fucking you on a table
> getting into an argument with zhongli
> a life after death
168 notes · View notes
nineteento1 · 3 years
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Okay, but may I suggest…
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[I couldn’t confirm artist, image from here]
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nineteento1 · 3 years
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medicine seller
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nineteento1 · 3 years
kinktober - day one
akaashi keiji - friends to lovers 
kinktober faq kinktober prompt list  
NSFW warning featuring: fingering, dry humping, first time together, unprotected sex other tags: lots of exposition, too many words, years long pining, accidental almost confession, emotional real one, mentions of characters having previous partners, oblivious reader, hidden feelings, slight angst, oh no there’s only one bed!  fem reader
word count: 7380
Akaashi Keiji knows everything. 
At least, he seems to. 
You realized this only a month after knowing him. He turned around to you, the girl who sat behind him in biology, and gave you one look before saying, “You have no idea what this lesson is about, do you?” And you laughed, because it was so absurdly true, while Akaashi turned his desk around and introduced himself as your study partner. 
You still don’t know how he knew you were struggling. You thought you hid it well, but his eyes must have caught the poor grade on the quiz the teacher returned to you the week before, or the way you seemed to immediately sulk the moment you walked into the classroom. He could see everything you tried to hide - even things you couldn’t see yourself.
And he wouldn’t let you get away with anything but a stellar grade, so study sessions became routine for the two of you - a friendship was destined to bloom, and fast. 
He was too observant for his own good, which was something you learned while watching one of his volleyball practices. He had been inviting you to come watch after study sessions for awhile, but it took you a bit to work up the nerve to walk into the giant gymnasium filled with boys you didn’t know. 
As you watched him play, you saw his superpower: Akaashi’s eyes were everywhere at once. On the ball, on his teammates, on his opponents, on his own feet - he always knew where everyone was at any given moment, all while somehow managing to spare you a few knowing glances during the mess of the game.
You never knew how he did it, but you figured you didn’t have to know. It was because he was Akaashi, and that’s it. 
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nineteento1 · 4 years
🎃 kinktober 2019 prompts 👻
hi friends! i’m very excited to share with you my prompt list for my first kinktober event. instead of using a list made by someone else, i decided to make my own!
i’ll be posting a kinky smutty sexy scenario every day for the month of october, each one about a different volleyboy. 
some days have multiple prompts - that’s because i couldn’t just pick one for that character. feel free to use this list for yourself or change it to your desires - and make sure you send me anything you write based on the prompts! 
you’ll notice the characters haven’t been included in the list - that’s cuz i wanna keep that part a secret ;) do you have any guesses about which characters are assigned for which prompts?? send me your predictions or hopes! if u get one right ull get…..a…prize? 
day 1 -  body worship - tendou satori  day 2 -  dry humping - kenma kozume  day 3 -  face sitting - ennoshita chikara  day 4 -  humiliation - hinata shoyo day 5 -  over-stimulation - tanaka ryuunosuke day 6 -  edging - sugawara koushi  day 7 -  degradation - shirabu kenjirou  day 8 -  massage - akaashi keiji day 9 -  toys - yaku morisuke day 10 -  cock worship + deep throating - bokuto koutarou  day 11 -  69 - yamaguchi tadashi  day 12 -  public sex - ukai keishin day 13 -  intercural sex - kyoutani kentarou day 14 -  fingering + orgasm denial - tsukishima kei  day 15 -  dirty talk - takeda ittetsu  day 16 -  shower sex - asahi azumane day 17 -  cock warming - futakuchi kenji day 18 -  strip tease - kiyoko shimizu day 19 -  praise kink - goshiki tsutomu day 20 -  cunnilingus - terushima yuuji day 21 -  breast worship - kuroo tetsurou  day 22 -  spanking - ushijima wakatoshi day 23 -  blow job - lev haiba day 24 -  sleepy sex - kageyama tobio day 25 -  choking - semi eita day 26 -  size difference - matsukawa issei day 27 -  voyeurism exhibitionism - oikawa tooru day 28 -  food play - nishinoya yuu day 29 -  masturbation - yachi hitoka day 30 -  against a wall + angry sex - iwaizumi hajime day 31 -  daddy kink - daichi sawamura 
the event is getting close - i hope youre as excited as i am! :)
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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batch 3 of haikyuu drawing practice ;>
(batch 1 | batch 2)
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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Closeups from this Captain’s Piece!
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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Silence is violence and I will always stand up to injustice anyway I can.
As much as I try and keep my opinions offline as possible, these past few days I've reflected on the horrors happening at the hands of those who are said to protect and serve to innocent people, and I cannot be quiet.
In unity we have strength.
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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We love a yandere
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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Jojo whhhyyyyy
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nineteento1 · 4 years
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Been watching jojo during this quarantine so hers a drawing of Ceasar
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