ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
For the final project, I wanted to explore the idea of digital narrative as a form of art, or a projection of the identity we create through social media. I first started with all of the Instagram photos I took during the year of 2017, however it became difficult to show the exact concept I wanted. I then selected a few photos that at first appearance look a certain way, but then as the animated gif processes, the underlying story to the photo appear. 
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
exasperation // working character animation 
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
One thing that interests me a lot is how our generation captures shared experiences through social media, cameras on their phones, etc as almost a form of documentation or memory collection. For this video project I wanted to explore the interconnectedness of sound and memory through music by trying to create another unique shared experience through the music and iMessage and YouTube. Furthermore, my goal was to create a video in which the viewer is transported into feeling like they are present at the concert, and remain apart of the audience even after the event is over. I combined a screen recording with audio recording and then added other videos taken from the festival to piece together. I wanted to have more of a chaotic effect rather than have the video be completely linear, so the transitions are a little abrupt so the viewer has to fill in the gaps of what they didn’t see.
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
Digital Art Video Interview
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
Corey Archangel Video Lecture
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
For the audio project, I was interested in isolating an everyday sound that sounds repetitive when its set apart from other sounds. I recorded myself typing assignments and realized that the pattern of hitting the keys sounded really interesting in the way that it recorded.
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
Using Shapes as Vector Mask Tutorial for Photoshop
Step 1: Bring in your desired background image in to Photoshop. To start with the vector shapes, click on the rectangle icon and choose the shape you want to use for the vector mask. Once you have done this, go to the top left corner and select [Path] from the drop down menu.
Step 2:  Draw the shapes you want to use.
Step 3: At the top you can choose from the menu to organize the shapes and distribute them evenly. (You can play around with these options for which ever one works with the shapes you have created).
Step 4: Go to Layer > Vector Mask> and select Current Path. Make sure you have all of the shapes selected so it cuts them out properly.
Step 5: You will see a new vector mask with the cut out next to the image layer. From there you can add another layer mask to add texture to the existing photo.
Step 6: Select the Mask and go to Edit > Fill and the Fill window pops up. To make it easier to select you can change the view from the Thumbnail to the small list and choose Erodible Patterns and then Rough to add the desire texture.
Step 7:  To adjust the the texture on the mask, have the mask still selected and then go to Image > Adjustments > Levels and adjust the texture from there.
Step 8: Finally add a fill layer under your vector mask by clicking on Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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Using Shapes as Vector Masks - Part 3
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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Using Shapes as Vector Masks - Part 2
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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Using Shapes as Vector Masks Tutorial- Part 1
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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With the Vector Project, I tried to emulate the style of National Parks posters. I first traced the image and then unified the shapes with the paintbrush tool. From there I used the eraser tool to erase the smaller shapes, while trying to maintain the original form created by the shapes traced. I intentionally changed to the background to add interest to the negative space created in the image. Furthermore, I wanted to create a more modern feel to the text, using a more clean and geometric san serif font. Overall, I think the colors in this piece complement each other well and communicate the original image successfully. 
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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// from www.swissted.com
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
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ninaelsp-blog · 7 years
Video Response
The video clip was very interesting to me in that it aimed to address the question of ‘what was the artscene” and how to define it, a question that a lot of the people being interviewed said that there were so many facets to the ANSI and BBS boards that it was hard to explain. One problem that one of the interviewees said she experienced was that she need a way to keep people coming back to her board, to keep people interested. The solution to this was creating art that could be transferred across modems. I think this is still an applicable problem to all areas of art these days, how to keep a view interested and engaged through out viewing a piece of art. Additionally, I liked that she stated “the further back you stood the better it would look”.
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