The Magnolia Family
325 posts
Saga da Família Magnolia.
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Morgaine 32 - O INÍCIO
Os dias se passaram num piscar de olhos, e assim, ao fim do terceiro dia, Brina foi novamente convocada perante os três sábios.
The days passed in the blink of an eye, and so, at the end of the third day, Brina was once again summoned before the three sages.
"O que você decidiu, Brina?" - sem perder tempo, Bella questiona a jovem.
"What did you decide, Brina?" - without wasting time, Bella questions the teenager.
"Eu aceito o desafio. Quem sabe assim, vocês param de pegar no meu pé..." - a resposta veio acompanhada de um meio sorriso cheio de sarcasmo.
"I accept the challenge. Who knows, you'll stop picking on me…" - the answer was accompanied by a half smile full of sarcasm.
"Ah, que ótimo! Estou satisfeito com a sua decisão! Tenho certeza de que terá sucesso." - Galen quase não podia conter sua animação, internamente.
"Oh, that's great! I'm pleased with your decision! I'm sure you'll be great." Galen could hardly contain his excitement, internally.
"Ainda acho que não é uma boa ideia..." - Laila disse baixinho.
"I still don't think it's a good idea…" - Laila whispered.
"O que disse, Laila?" - Galen colocou a cabeça mais perto da colega, tentando ouvir o que ela acabou de dizer.
"What did you say, Laila?" - Galen put his head closer to his colleague, trying to hear what she just said.
"Ahn, não é nada... só pensei em voz alta..." - Laila quase caiu da cadeira com o susto que tomou ao ouvir a voz de seu amigo.
"Ahn, it's nothing… I just thought out loud…" - Laila almost fell out of her chair when she heard her friend's voice.
A reunião foi finalizada com os sábios pedindo à Brina que iniciasse o quanto antes e ela concordou com um aceno de cabeça, desaparecendo imediatamente após responder.
The meeting ended with them asking Brina to start as soon as possible and she nodded in agreement, disappearing immediately.
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Enquanto isso, Morgaine chegava em casa, após passar o dia todo na escola. O alojamento estava vazio, as meninas ainda não tinham voltado.
Meanwhile, Morgaine arrived home after spending all day at school. The dorm was empty, the girls still hadn't returned.
Ela se sentia estranhamente cansada, mais que o normal. Deixou sua mochila no quarto e foi em direção à cozinha procurar algo para comer.
She felt oddly tired, more so than usual. She left her backpack in the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen to find something to eat.
O cansaço era tanto que acabou deitando no sofá e pegou no sono.
She was so tired that she ended up falling asleep on the couch.
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“De novo isso?!” pensou, assustada.
"This again?!" she thought, scared.
Mais uma vez, Morgaine se viu num lugar estranho… sentia que já havia estado ali mas nada lhe era familiar.
Once again, Morgaine found herself in a strange place… she felt she had been there before but nothing was familiar.
Um enorme castelo, posicionado majestosamente em cima de uma plataforma rochosa, luzes mágicas piscavam aleatoriamente ao seu redor. Algumas pedras levitavam acima dele, sustentadas por uma força ancestral poderosa.
A huge castle, standing majestically on top of a rocky platform, magical lights flickered randomly around it. Some stones levitated above it, supported by a powerful ancient force.
Intuitivamente, ela sabia que estava em Henford, mas nunca tinha visto essa construção antes…
Intuitively, she knew she was in Henford, but she had never seen this building before…
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Deu alguns passos e se pôs em frente à escadaria que seguia para cima como se não tivesse fim.
She took a few steps and stood in front of the staircase that continued upwards as if it had no end.
“Onde estou?”
"Where Am I?"
Morgaine olhava para os degraus e sentia no fundo de sua mente um chamado, uma sensação que pedia para segui-los até o topo. E assim o fez.
Morgaine looked at the steps and felt a call in the back of her mind, a sensation that urged her to follow them to the top. And so she did.
A escadaria parecia não ter fim, mas ela não desistiu. A curiosidade agora a guiava para cima.
The staircase seemed endless, but she didn't give up. Curiosity now drove her upstairs.
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Uma grande porta de madeira e um vitral colorido se tornaram visíveis no final da escadaria que parecia não ter fim.
A large wooden door and a colorful stained glass window became visible at the end of the seemingly endless staircase.
"Finalmente! Está acabando!" disse ofegante. Nenhum condicionamento físico era o suficiente para o tantos degraus.
"Finally! It's almost over!" she said panting. No physical conditioning was enough for so many steps.
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Levantou a mão para tocar a campainha em forma de leão, e como num passe de mágica, esta abriu automaticamente.
She raised a hand to touch the lion-shaped bell, and magicall, it opened.
Caminhou lentamente em direção à figura loira que apareceu assim que a porta abriu completamente.
She walked slowly towards the blonde figure that appeared as soon as the door was fully open.
"Nossa, que demora... essa garota não me parece muito esperta..." Morgaine ouviu ressoar em sua mente e logo percebeu que vinha da pessoa que estava logo à frente.
"Why has she taken so long?… this girl doesn't seem so smart after all…" Morgaine heard it resonate in her mind and she's soon realized it was coming from the person in front of her.
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"Ei, quem você pensa que é pra falar comigo assim comigo?" disse em voz alta rispidamente.
"Hey, who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" she angrily said.
"Opa! Esqueci de cortar a conexão... foi mal... não era pra você ter ouvido isso..." Brina respondeu monotonamente.
"Oops! I forgot to cut the connection… sorry… you weren't supposed to hear that…" Brina replied, sarcastically.
"Quem é você?"
"Who are you?"
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"Brina, e me pediram pra te treinar..."
"Brina, and I was asked to teach you..."
"Treinar? Treinar o que?"
"To teach me what, exactly?"
"É, realmente você não é muito esperta... já esqueceu do seu legado, herdeira de Lana?"
"Damn, you aren't so smart after all... have you already forgotten about your legacy, Lana's heir?"
"Ah não! É sério mesmo? Eu tenho poderes mágicos?" Ainda era difícil para Morgaine acreditar que tudo isso era real!
"Jeez! Seriously? I have magic powers?" It was still hard for Morgaine to believe that all of this was real!
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"Tem sim, e pelo que sei, a sua linhagem é uma das mais importantes e mais antigas que já existiram... por onde andou todo esse tempo? Fechada em uma caverna?"
"Yes, and as far as I know, your lineage is one of the most important and the oldest that ever existed… where have you been all this time? Closed in a cave?"
"Credo, quanto deboche! Eu não sabia, tá? Eu não conheci meus avós maternos! Pelo que minha mãe me contou, eles faleceram quando ela era bem jovem..."
"Whoa, take it easy! I didn't know, okay? I haven't met my mom's parents! From what my mother told me, they've passed away when she was very young…"
Brina, ao ouvir isso, deu um passo pra trás, estupefata. "Não acredito! Nossos caminhos são parecidos! Foi por isso que Galen disse que eu poderia ajudar... agora tudo faz sentido!"
Brina, upon hearing this, took a step back, stunned. "I can't believe it! Our paths are similar! That's why Galen said I could help… it all makes sense now!"
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses @a-luckyday @natalia-auditore @ratboysims @snuffybucket @starrysimsie @beverlyallitsims @honeyssims4
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Since I'm not around you in RL, at least we can get together in-game…
I love you, guys❣️ ❤️
@bluekatsims @shadowydeathpotter @simscatarina @dariegeem @brinavalberna @a-pinkstar @thesims4-adventure @baddielels @venusuperior
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Cake: @studio-k-creation Poses: @mel-bennett and @bommiesims
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
October is Halloween Time! Occults are everywhere this time of year!
Morgaine Magnolia and her companions Brina Valberna and Ryo Heiga are starring this theme!
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses by @honeyssims4
Magical ball cc by @natalia-auditore
Brina Valberna/Ryo Heiga by @brinavalberna
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Pet's love is purest one, so let's celebrate it!
Mordred and Fleur chilling by the pool.
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Melian and Lilly in a tight hug!
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Pose by @beto-ae0
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Grandpa Michael taking a nap with his grandbabys, Melian and Maedhros. ♥
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Pose by @mstsimsanimation
Michael Magnolia by @islerouxsims
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Os dias passavam com tranquilidade, Ada e Michael curtiam os momentos juntos como se fossem recém-casados. Os anos se passaram mas em nada mudou o sentimento que sentiam um pelo outro.
The days passed with tranquility, Ada and Michael enjoyed the moments together as if they were newlyweds. Years went by but nothing changed what they have felt for each other.
Todos os dias, eles participavam de atividades diferentes: um passeio de barco...
Every day, they took part in different activities: a boat ride…
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Explorar a ilha, à procura de paraísos escondidos, era o passatempo favorito deles.
Exploring the island, looking for hidden paradises, was their favorite pastime.
Assim eles podiam apreciar um ao outro sem a interrupção de estranhos.
That way they could enjoy each other without interruption from strangers.
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Mergulharam observando a beleza dos corais e nadaram na presença dos golfinhos.
They scuba dived observing the beauty of corals and swam in the presence of dolphins.
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Nos finais de tarde, Ada e Michael se sentavam no deck para conversar e relaxar.
In the evenings, Ada and Michael would sit on the deck to talk and relax.
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No último dia de estadia, ao entardecer, foram dar um passeio a pé pela ilha.
On their last day there, at dusk, they went for a walk around the island.
Ao retornarem à casa onde estavam hospedados, Michael notou que sua esposa estava distraída e andava vagarosamente...
When they returned to the house where they were staying, Michael noticed that his wife was distracted and walking slowly…
"O que foi, meu amor?"
"Are you okay, babe?"
Ao ouvir a voz dele, Ada sacudiu sua cabeça como se saísse de um transe.
At the sound of his voice, Ada shook her head as if coming out of a trance.
"N-nada... na verdade, estou com um pressentimento... algo está para acontecer com a nossa filha, mas não consigo saber se é bom ou ruim..." e ao dizer isso, a sensação que teve foi desaparecendo até parecer um tanto irreal.
"Y-yeah... actually, I had a feeling… something is about to happen to our daughter, but I can't tell if it's good or bad…" and as she said that, it faded until it seemed a little unreal.
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"Acho que você está se preocupando à toa, meu amor... Morgaine sabe se cuidar, você sabe disso!"
"I think you're worrying for nothing, babe… Morgaine knows how to take care of herself, you know that!"
Ela sabia que seu marido só estava tentando tranquilizá-la, Michael sempre confiou em sua intuição.
She knew her husband was just trying to reassure her, Michael had always trusted her intuition.
"Venha! Vamos aproveitar nosso último dia no paraíso. Amanhã teremos de voltar à realidade.
"Come! Let's enjoy our last day in heaven. Tomorrow we'll have to go back to reality."
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Gentilmente, Michael puxa Ada para perto dele e a envolve num terno abraço.
Gently, Michael brings Ada close to him and wraps up her in a tender hug.
Ele a olha fixamente, estudando cada detalhe de seu rosto perfeito, envelhecido pelo passar dos anos juntos. E a acha ainda mais linda.
He stares at her, studying every detail of her perfect face, aged from the years they've been together. And he finds her even more beautiful.
"Te amo tanto, Ada..."
"I love you so much, Ada..."
Ada manteve-se em silêncio, olhando seu amado marido nos olhos, seus lindos olhos acinzentados, que todos os três filhos também tem. Ela não precisava dizer nada, Michael sabia que ela o amava também, na mesma intensidade.
Ada kept silent, looking her beloved husband in the eye, his beautiful gray eyes, which their three children also have. She didn't need to say anything, Michael knew she loved him too, just as much.
Ele coloca delicadamente suas mãos em seu rosto e a beija apaixonadamente.
He gently put his hands on her face and kisses her passionately.
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses @hellasim @daisymilkshakes @starrysimsie @pandorassims4cc
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Há muito tempo, Ada e Michael pensavam em viajar sozinhos, uma viagem de lua-de-mel, mas devido aos compromissos e a criação dos filhos nunca conseguiram fazer esse plano acontecer.
Ada and Michael had long thought about traveling alone, a honeymoon trip, but due to commitments and raising their children, they were never able to make that plan happen.
Como agora já estavam estabilizados em suas carreiras e seus filhos já estavam crescidos e completamente independentes, decidiram que era hora de fazerem a tão sonhada viagem.
As they were now stabilized in their careers and their children were grown up and completely independent, they decided it was time to make the long-awaited trip.
O destino escolhido? Sulani, é claro. Michael planejou tudo sozinho, ele queria fazer surpresa a sua amada esposa. Um de seus colegas do Llamacorn emprestou a casa de veraneio e com as malas prontas seguiram viagem.
The destination? Sulani, of course. Michael planned everything himself, he wanted to surprise his beloved wife. One of his colleagues from Llamacorn lent him the summer house and, with their bags packed, they went on their way.
A casa ficava em um local remoto onde as estradas estreitas não permitiam a aproximação de carro. Então, Michael deixou o veículo no estacionamento e eles seguiram à pé o resto do caminho. O caseiro do local foi avisado e ele se encarregaria de trazer as bagagens depois.
The house was in a remote location where the narrow roads did not allow the approach of a car. So Michael left the vehicle in the parking lot and they walked the rest of the way. The caretaker of the place was notified and he would bring the luggage later.
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"Chegamos, meu amor!" - Michael anuncia, olhando Ada nos olhos.
"We're here, my love!" - Michael announces, looking Ada in the eyes.
"Que lugar perfeito! Não mais que você, querido..."
"This place is perfect, but no more than you, babe..."
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"Acho melhor tirarmos nossos sapatos para não encher a casa de areia..."
"I think we better take off our shoes so we don't fill the house with sand…"
Ada mal terminou de falar enquanto tirava sua sandália e Michael rapidamente a pega no colo, para a surpresa dela.
Ada had barely finished talking as she took off her sandals and Michael quickly picked her up, much to her surprise.
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"Já que não tive a oportunidade de entrar com você em meus braços assim que nos casamos, então acho válido fazer isso agora..."
"Since I didn't have the opportunity to take you into my arms as soon as we were married, then I think it's worth doing now…"
"Ai, Michael... você não existe..."
"Oh, babe... you're too good to be true..."
"Existo sim, e serei eternamente seu..."
"I'm truly and eternally in love with you..."
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Alguns minutos depois, o caseiro chegou trazendo a bagagem.
A few minutes later, the caretaker arrived with the luggage.
Michael e Ada desfizeram as malas, colocaram trajes de banho e foram ao deck apreciar a paisagem e tomar um banho de piscina.
Michael and Ada unpacked, changed into bathing suits, and went out onto the deck to enjoy the scenery and the pool.
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Eles se deitaram ao sol para curtir a vista paradisíaca.
They laid back on the deck to enjoy the sun and the paradisiacal view.
"Como será que a Morgaine está se saindo na escola nova?"
"How is Morgaine doing at her new school?"
Michael ouviu uma certa preocupação na voz de sua esposa e não pode deixar de pensar nisso também... mas logo afastou isso de sua mente.
Michael heard a hint of concern in his wife's voice and couldn't help but think about it too…but then he pushed it out of his mind.
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"Tenho certeza que nossa filha está muito bem, nós criamos nossos filhos da melhor maneira possível e só podemos confiar nisso. Além disso, você sabe que notícias ruins viajam na velocidade da luz." e riu tentando aliviar a aura de tensão.
"I'm sure our daughter is doing just fine, we raised our kids the best we could and we can only rely on that. Besides, you know bad news travels at the speed of light." and he laughed trying to ease off the tension.
"Você tem razão, nós já saberíamos se algo estivesse errado com ela."
"You're right, we'd already know if something was wrong with her."
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"Agora vamos focar em nós dois, é pra isso que estamos aqui!"
"Now let's focus on us, that's what we're here for!"
Ada assentiu e Michael estendeu a mão a ela. Ele se deitou assim que sentiu o toque dela e a convidou para uma acrobacia.
Ada nodded and Michael held out his hand to her. He lay down as soon as he felt her touch and invited her to do a stunt.
Ele sabia exatamente como distraí-la e Ada riu, deliciada com a sensação de estar voando.
He knew exactly how to distract her and Ada laughed, delighted in the sensation of flying.
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"Ter me casado com você foi uma das melhores decisões que já tomei, Ada. Te amo eternamente, minha deusa."
"Marrying you was one of the best decisions I ever made, Ada. I love you forever, my goddess."
Ela se sentia da mesma forma, e ele sabia disso. Ada nunca imaginou que teria uma família como essa e que seria amada dessa forma após todos os anos que passou no orfanato, sonhando com a possibilidade de ser adotada.
She felt the same way, and he knew it. Ada never imagined that she would have a family like this and that she would be loved like this after all the years she spent at the orphanage, dreaming of the possibility of being adopted.
Passaram algum tempo somente sentados lado a lado e curtindo a companhia um do outro.
They spent some time just sitting side by side and enjoying each other's company.
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses @hellasim @starrysimsie @pandorassims4cc
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Festival of Lights, Mt Komorebi.
First, making wishes together.
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Then, cozing up in front of a bonfire...
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... and watching the fireworks...
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I love these lanterns floating in the river. ♥
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Preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses @beto-ae0
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
I think I'm in love with these 2 together... ❤
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses @acha-sims & Toys of Dukeness
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ninaelhino · 2 years ago
Family portrait succesfully updated!
Left to right (standing): Malcolm Magnolia III, Melian Simurton-Magnolia, Maedhros Simurton-Magnolia, Saffron Simurton, Michael Magnolia, Ada Magnolia, Malcolm Magnolia, Marie Magnolia, Malcolm Magnolia II, Melissa Magnolia, Moira Magnolia, Hollie Parker, Danilo McKinnon, Maddox Magnolia-McKinnon, Maggie Magnolia.
Left to right (floor): Morgaine Magnolia, Hisagi Markhel, Mordred Magnolia, Chahrazad Al Habib, Jo (cat), Thor (sitting), Fleur, Lilly.
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Malcolm, Malcolm II, Marie, Melissa, Michael and Maggie Magnolia by @islerouxsims
Saffron Simurton by @islerouxsims
Hisagi Markhel by @familiahenry
Chahrazad Al Habib by @familiakhan
Danilo McKinnon by @familiaberry
Poses @mel-bennett @shijimimechime @beto-ae0 @helgatisha @cassandragrusel86
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
Let's celebrate June as the LGBTQIAP+ with a photoshoot of the perfect couple: Caleb Vatore and Morgyn Ember.
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@tzuhu, what do you think of my version of them?
ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses by @cassandragrusel86 @beto-ae0 @honeyssims4 @9uell
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
His looks, just because… Jay ❤️
Cold weather
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
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Spending time together at Mt. Komorebi. ❤️ (at The Sims)
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
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My new simselfie’s crush. ❤️ Note: Yes, he’s real too. 😏 (at The Sims)
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
Just a random photoshoot with some of teens that I have on my game.
Left to right: Morgaine Magnolia and Hisagi Markhel, Mordred Magnolia and Chahrazad Al Habib, Brina Valberna and Ryo Heiga, Stormi Henry and Cid Al Habib, Samuel Markhel and Aurélia Pomeroy.
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ReShade preset Dove 2.0 @kindlespice
Poses @helgatisha @beto-ae0
Hisagi Markhel / Stormi Henry / Samuel Markhel by @familiahenry
Chahrazad Al Habib / Cid Al Habib by @familiakhan
Brina Valberna / Ryo Heiga by @brinavalberna
Aurélia Pomery by @islerouxsims
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Oh! Thanks for the ask!
So, one of my favorite sim is Mordred Magnolia.
1) He’s never meant to be born (I wanted just a girl for a second child but Ada’s gotten pregnant with twins).
2) Of course, he and Morgaine (twin sister) are inseparable.
3) He loves to practice flirting on a mirror even though he doesn’t have the romantic trait…
4) He became very popular among my friends and there’s a lot of versions of him spread throughout.
5) He’s very charming.
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ninaelhino · 3 years ago
Hisagi greeting a wild rabbit is just so cute! ♥
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