nikunjdas · 2 months
गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 34 में कहा है कि उस तत्वज्ञान यानी सूक्ष्मवेद के ज्ञान को तू तत्त्वदर्शी संतों के पास जाकर प्राप्त कर समझ।
तो उस तत्वज्ञान अर्थात "सूक्ष्मवेद" के ज्ञान को जानने के लिए देखिए Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Youtube Channel
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Divine feast was successful
A blood donation program was organized in the huge feast and satsang gathering held on the birth anniversary of Kabir Sahib Ji, in which thousands of devotees donated blood enthusiastically.
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Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Under the guidance of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, his disciples donated thousands of units of blood in Satlok Ashrams on the birth anniversary of Kabir Sahib Ji. A huge bhandaara was successful in 11 Satlok Ashrams on 20-22 June 2024.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Peaceful event: The Bhandara organized under the guidance of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj in 11 Satlok Ashrams on 20-21-22 June 2024 was completed peacefully.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Best spiritual Book in the world
available in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati.
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This book is about how the universe created and who made the world and who is supreme god
Please read it once.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Failed attempt to get Kabir Parmatma crushed by an elephant
An attempt was made to get Kabir Ji killed by a mad elephant by making false complaints to Sikandar Lodi. When the elephant advanced to kill Kabir Parmatma, it saw a lion instead of Kabir Parmatma. Sikandar Lodi also saw the colossal form of God. The elephant ran away to save its life, and the king also came down trembling and bowed down to Kabir Parmatma and apologized for his wickedness.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
When Parmeshwar Kabir was conducting a satsang, Sheikhtaki asked the soldier to put a poisonous snake around his neck, but as soon as the snake was put around Kabir Sahib's neck, it turned into a garland of beautiful flowers. Because Kabir Sahib is the Supreme God.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Sheikh Taqi gathered thousands of Muslims and said that we would put Kabir in a cauldron of boiling oil. If he does not die, then we will accept that Kabir is Allah. Kabir Sahib himself went into the cauldron of boiling oil and sat down as if he was sitting in cold water. There was not even a scratch on his body.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18,it is said that Supreme God Kavir Dev(Supreme God Kabir) lives in the third lokof salvation i.e. Satlok in a dome.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
When abandoning thescripture-based way ofworship the devoteecommunity is made tofollow arbitrary way ofworship, at that timeKavirDev (Supreme GodKabir) reveals theTatvgyan (the truespiritual knowledge).
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir) who brings Tatvgyan to the world, He is almighty. He is the giver ofthehappiness and is worthy of being worshipped by all.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Sahib Kabir Ji tells Gorakh Nath Ji that
The earth is not the cap of the God, Brahma is not the tilak of God.
He was a Yogi like Shiv Shankar. He did not learn anything about God.
Sahib Kabir created Satlok with the word of creation, and then Satpurush created the creation of Kaal as well. When I used to live alone, when there was no earth, I knew my cap from that time. Brahma, who is the creator of the bodies of Gorakhnath and his guru Machchhandar Nath and all living beings, was not even born. Since then, I have been wearing the tilak, that is, since then I (Kabir) am the Satpurush in form.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Gorakhnath's siddhi failed in front of God.
Gorakhnath told Kabir Parmatma that he will take a test of his. Gorakhnath said I will hide in the Ganga. Find me. God said brother make up for this also. He jumped into the river and became a fish Gorakhnath. God caught him and put him on the plank and made him Gorakhnath. Then Gorakhnath held the feet of God.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
Gorakhnath's siddhi failed in front of God.
Once Gorakhnath ji sat down with siddhi on a trident about 7 feet high buried in the ground and said to God Kabir that if you are so great then stand up high and talk to me.
Sahib Kabir demonstrated his complete siddhi.
He took out a reel of thread from his pocket and threw one end in the sky. That thread stood straight. Saheb Kabir flew in the sky and sat on about 150 feet high thread and said come Nath ji! Let's sit side by side and discuss. Gorakhnath ji tried to fly up but fell down on the ground.
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nikunjdas · 3 months
क्या आप जानते हैं पूर्ण परमात्मा चारों युगों में आते हैं, अच्छी आत्माओं को मिलते हैं।
"सतयुग में सत्यसुकृत नाम से, त्रेता में मुनीन्द्र नाम से आये, द्वापर में करुणामय नाम से तथा कलयुग में अपने वास्तविक नाम कबीर नाम से प्रकट हुए।"
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nikunjdas · 3 months
तैमूर लंग की रोटी के बदले में कबीर साहेब ने उसे सात पीढ़ी का राज दे दिया और मोक्ष भी प्रदान किया। इतिहास गवाह है तैमूर लंग से लेकर औरंगजेब तक ने भारत में शासन किया फिर उनका राज टुकड़ो में बंट गया था। रोटी तिमरलंग कुं दीन्हीं, तातैं सात बादशाही लीन्हीं।
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nikunjdas · 3 months
द्वापर युग में परमात्मा कबीर जी करुणामय नाम से आए थे और पंथ प्रचार के लिए चतुर्भुज नाम की एक प्यारी आत्मा को चुना। लाखों जीवों तक ज्ञान पहुंचाया और इस प्यारी आत्मा को पार किया।
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