nikolawhoresinov · 9 months
I was so wrong about this. I was so wrong. And I haven't even got an "I'm in a relationship" update for you.
I have learned so much about the world and about myself and, yes, I still get lonely, but I have found so much love in places I never thought I'd find it. Mostly in myself. I love deeply and unapologetically and I find that same love in other people. When you look for it, and when you live it, love is everywhere. Love is what keeps us all alive.
i be like: cries bc no girl will ever love me again
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
it's crazy how one minute I'm six years old watching sailor moon on TV before school, and the next minute I'm 18 and I'm in Japan with my school, and she's everywhere, and the next minute I'm 30 and I'm watching sailor moon again with one of my favourite people, and she's everywhere. It's crazy that, despite how hard that little girl life was, she had Sailor Moon, and she stayed with me.
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
honestly the human brain is so small that you *will* forget how much beauty there is out there to experience unless you leave your house every three days. ik its fucked up but i promise its true
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
Yesterday I finished The Raven Cycle. My best friend and fiance at the time introduced me to the series.
He was sick, needed a lot of help. He came to rely on me for that, but I couldn't always give it to him, and so one day I woke up to find he'd chosen to leave my life.
I think about him often. I wonder how he did in Europe. I wonder if he stayed. If he finished university, or ever got away from his dad.
I feel like yesterday, listening to the final words of the epilogue, I finally got to say goodbye to him. Gone is the final thing he gifted me.
Loved you, Luc. You were my family. I hope it all worked out for you.
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
thinking about gerard ways pussy on stage
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
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i corrupted the image file but the cat is almost 100% in tact and has that smug fucking grin like “haha fuckr cant do shit” fuck you cat fuck you fucking grey cat piece of shit cat
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nikolawhoresinov · 1 year
Mary shelly lost her virginity on her mother's grave and I had my first kiss on the night of my mother's funeral so what I'm saying is I'm going to invent a new genre and never be forgotten
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nikolawhoresinov · 3 years
Must scifi be "good"? Is it not enough for the characters to be gay, in space?
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nikolawhoresinov · 3 years
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peak romance
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nikolawhoresinov · 3 years
i love being a lesbian so much i feel like i’ve been born into a really rich legacy full of art and love and strength i feel very lucky
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nikolawhoresinov · 3 years
I'm so glad to see nothing has changed
omg everything's going to the wrong blog but GOD nothing sums up why i quit tumblr more than me calling someone out for being fake woke and them making a personal attack against me and immediately blocking me 😭😭😭
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nikolawhoresinov · 3 years
omg everything's going to the wrong blog but GOD nothing sums up why i quit tumblr more than me calling someone out for being fake woke and them making a personal attack against me and immediately blocking me 😭😭😭
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nikolawhoresinov · 4 years
i love being a lesbian so much i feel like i’ve been born into a really rich legacy full of art and love and strength i feel very lucky
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nikolawhoresinov · 4 years
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nikolawhoresinov · 4 years
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Thinking abt how Dani tends to walk at super speed everywhere and Jamie tends to saunter much more slowly and how they’d have to hold hands if they were walking anywhere together to achieve a speed equilibrium 
- @briightcopperkettles
The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
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