Everything Is AWESOME
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
Imma get dat mouse, Vivi. One way, or another (≧ω≦)ゞ
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(via rangda)
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
If you could choose just five people to live through everything, yourself making the sixth, who would it be and why?
Just five?! Oh no no no no no! I can’t do that! I love so many people! ;~;
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
You've heard of Freaky Friday, well, think that but for the duration of an entire week. Who would you rather switch bodies with, for a week, out of everyone at the academy? While you're at it who would you least want to have hold the reigns for your own body? Why them?
Oooh! Ooh! Vivi! He so tall! I’d love to know what that’s like!Day. He... scares me. He has no scent. I don’t trust what I can’t smell
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
Think of every color out there. What color would you pick to describe each of your teammates and why that particular one?
Roman is navy blue. Stern, but true
Suna is green, like nature
Isis is yellow, bright and sunny
Grayson is light blue. Like a sunny day with no clouds. Carefree and fun
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
Go over what you know about everyone in your faction, yourself included. Personal experiences, things you've witnessed, you name it. Which Disney character best fits each faction member (yourself included) and why?
Oh! OH! I love Disney movies!!!!
Roman would be Li Shang from Mulan. He’s tough, smart, and comes from a proud family line that will do what they must for the UTCF, just like Li Shang!
Suna is Pocahontas! Strong, capable, and kind!
Isis is Mulan! She’s strong and has a strong sense of duty to her family. No matter how hard the task, Isis ca do it!
Grayson is Flynn Rider! Kinda a trouble-maker, but he has that heart of gold!
Oh gosh! I guess that leaves me, huh? Well, I guess I’m Rapunzel! I like adventure and my foster parents were awful :D
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
What do the contents of your phone look like? The last people you texted, contact names for those entered, music, alarms, apps, etc.
I have a few contacts, but mostly I try to Internet and play games =3
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
//long gaspA magical tree
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
What's one thing you would go back and change about your life?
I’d have told big brother Tavin about m’ plight at home much sooner
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
What's a fire and how does it burn?
Fire comes from a chemical reaction between oxygen in the atmosphere and some sort of fuel, such as wood or gasoline. Of course, wood and gasoline don't spontaneously catch on fire just because they're surrounded by oxygen. For the combustion reaction to happen, you have to heat the fuel to its ignition temperature using a match, focused light, friction, lightning, or something else that is already burning. When a fire burns, some of the decomposed material is released as volatile gases. We know these gases as smoke. In a wood-burning fire, smoke is compounds of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. The rest of the material forms char, which is nearly pure carbon, and ash, which is all of the nonburnable minerals. The actual process by which it burns varies from fuel to fuel but it is through these chemical reactions that we get the heat.
I hope that helped ya ^_^
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
You come to a cross road. The sign pointing left reads "Eternal Life" while the one pointing right offers "Eternal Bacon." Which of the two would you choose?
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about ... =3
You've heard of Freaky Friday, well, think that but for the duration of an entire week. Who would you rather switch bodies with, for a week, out of everyone at the academy? While you're at it who would you least want to have hold the reigns for your own body? Why them?
Easier to mess with people if you’re small and adorable.
Something she definitely knows too.
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
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You're stuck on a desert island with another person need to survive till help comes. Who would you want with you and who would you absolutely NOT want to be stuck with?
Hm…somehow I believe you meant deserted island. Regardless the question lacks the specifics I’d like to give you a through answer anon, but I’ll answer with a generic scenario in mind.There are any number of people who would be useful in that scenario, but my first choice, all things considered, would be @nikkinabaal​. She’s a medical major who specializes in natural medicine and has a vast working knowledge of plants that will be invaluable in a situation where we’d have to forage for our own food and medical supplies. Being trapped on the island for an unspecified amount of time, a medic is a handy thing to have. More importantly, I’d want someone who’d be receptive to instruction, someone who wouldn’t waste precious time or energy arguing against me as many of my cohorts would. She’s proven to me that she can be capable so long as she’s not a sniveling mess, which I would hardly allow. Yes, she’d very likely talk my ear off but I can think of worse things to live with.As for someone I wouldn’t want to be stuck with…Amadeus. For reasons I can’t clarify at the moment, i’m inclined not to trust him with anything concerning my well-being. 
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
I’d totes sacrifice the old ones. They’re not that great anyway :D
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
//over-extended gasp Them’s m’ cousins! You found them!
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
That might’ve been the butter I rolled in last week. I wanted to be the waffle =3
what do terrans smell like to you?
Terrans scents by themselves are tolerable, but when they begin to apply floral, musky or fresh scents… their stench smells like rotten, putrid earth and leaves, a decaying poison. This stench is prevalent when they use processed chemicals to cleanse themselves. In Laezoeke we have a word for this indescribable stench, ko'l aejadoe. A true scent must be one the body produces and if cleansing is a must, water and time is all that is needed to clean the body.
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
No one wants to ask then no more ‘cuuuuuuz.... I dunno =3
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nikkinabaal-blog · 7 years ago
What do you think of the Terrans? How do you justify serving in their military when there are plenty of planets and alien races and have been discriminated against and suffered under their oppression?
I know that there's a lot of sufferin' goin' on in the galaxy, but you really can't blame ALL of it on all the Terrans. I mean, some of them--most of the ones I know--are really awesome people who would give ya the shirt off their back if they knew ya needed it. One biiiiig Terran family is the reason I have a home and a for real family of my own. So, if I had to give a reason, it's cuz I can't bring myself to condemn them all for the terrible choices made by the few that remain out of their control. Instead, I'll take their collective awesome level of advancement, learn from it what I can, and use it to help the good ones do great things. Things like ending the suffering and discrimination that I would otherwise be powerless against. 
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