this muse has been moved to a multi here
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The surprise on Asanoha’s face was quite visible once she heard Miura’s surname. It wasn’t like she knew many that were from that clan. She could count maybe three if she was counting her own nephew. Once the initial shock wore off, however, Asanoha smiled and nodded. “I see! Miura~” she repeated so it would help her commit the name to memory a little better. It wasn’t too likely that she would forget so easily, though.
“No wonder I haven’t seen you around at all.” Asanoha continued as she placed a hand on her hip and tsked quietly. “I bet it is really nice and peaceful out in the water all of the time.” It was a wistful thought. Being that Kirigakure was surrounded by water, Asanoha definitely had a love for it. But unlike the Hoshigaki, she couldn’t spend all of her time within it even if she really wanted to. “I find all rain comforting, though. It’s definitely comforting. As soon as I saw it start to drizzle, I came right outside… What about you? Is there a reason you’re on land if it makes you so drowsy? Perhaps… visiting someone?”

✂ “It doesn’t make me drowsy if it’s raining. I came out of my river today because it was raining and..” Miura trailed off. “It is kind of silly I suppose. I was hoping to see someone I have a crush on but.. I don’t think he knows I exist. Every time it rains I come out and hope I can see him out and about.” Even though it didn’t make sense, most people stayed indoors when it rained, didn’t they.
“Then.. I thought maybe I should also go grocery shopping but I guess I got lost in thought on the way and met you.” Miura explained, folding his hands in front of him. “So you are just in the rain because you found it comforting?”
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His cousin only said the truth, Miura always had a good head between his shoulders after all. Knowing his part of family would accept him with open arms made him.. a little sentimental. Smiling gently, ruffling his own hair in a shy manner. It was a warm and happy feeling but… things weren’t simple as that. “ I appreciate your feelings Miu miu but, you know how horrible would be for your branch have an criminal on it. I would never put your part of family in the middle of my actions.” Both of their life wasn’t perfect, at least that they had in common about the life they choose. Not wanting to bring an serious and moody mood to their happy day, the missing nin made two signs with hands. Making a little shark shaped water shock over Miura, just like an wave would hit someone in a beach. “ Miura, you should know I’m very proud of following my shinobi’s way. Akatsuki gave me a path when I was lost… and for that I’ll always be grateful. You know how I’m with promises.” He laughed it off, but shook his head slowly. “If Akatsuki ever ends, I’ll think about your proposal of course.”

✂ Miura narrowed his eyes a little and splashed Kisame in the face with water. “You are family, criminal or not- it wouldn’t matter. You think they would care no matter what you did?” Kisame was smarter than that. Blood was blood, of course they’d accept him, even now. If he ever abandoned the group and needed to stay somewhere, they’d let him in.
They protected their own.
Of course life was never perfect and it was a fool who would think otherwise but Miura knew how stubborn his cousin was. He’d hammer the message in no matter what.
If anyone asked their family about Miura, they’d describe him as a gloomy person, an isolated male who had the aura of a rain cloud. But he had goodness in his heart along with the blood thirsty nature of their clans blood. To see him smiling, it was rare.
“I know you’re proud, but I am not happy. I do not trust them, and I worry. I have been here for you since we were very small... if it ends please come back to us....” Miura submerged himself under water, grabbing Kisame’s legs and pulling him under with him, giving him a silent smile once they were both submerged.
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The whole mood felt so peaceful, the sound of the water filling the natural pools and the warmness it brought with it. Kisame leaned his back rocks by the border with arms open. Even if his eyes were closed, he paid close attention in what Miura said. “ Embarrassed? Hmm. Can’t you just go to him and confess? Hehehe, shouldn’t be easier?” Sincerely he didn’t knew anything about love, the little information he knew was from books. A bittersweet feeling took his mind upon the shorter hoshigaki’s words. Looking at Miura’s hair floating in the water as if they were a octopus tentacles was nostalgic, since they many times adventured at kiri’s rivers and ponds together. “ It is perfect! I don’t know if even stopped to relax in the last 10 years, ne.” Stretching his arms, the shinobi dived into water for a second, passing the hand over the spiky blue hair once he emerged to take the excess. His eyes glanced at the sky on that moment, while pondering. “ If I could go back in time there was nothing I would change, I’m living the way a shinobi supposed to live. “ He took a step forward, joining his hands together on water as he spilled water on his cousin direction in a playful way.
“ I’m glad one of us can experience a normal life at least, Miu miu. Failing in love, visiting new places… without being scared of persecution. Ah! Sounds as fun as breaking other’s limbs.”

✂ “In battle I am quite confident, as you know, but in matters such as these I am a bit of a coward. What if I go to confess to him and he rejects me? How would I live with that shame then?” Miura replied, keeping most of himself under water, up this chin. Drowning people, fighting others, that wasn’t a problem for the Hoshigaki but emotions and expressing affection seemed to be a great ordeal, and not just for him... Most of the clan, from what he observed, handled such things in an odd way. He was afraid of rejection..
Miura sighed. “You could have had more chances to relax if you hadn’t joined that group.. I know what Kiri did to you but you were always welcome in our branch of the family. I worry about you a lot, cousin. You deserve to live a normal life and be happy, and nothing you can say will change that.” It was a bias, a bias toward family of course.
“My life is far from that but I appreciate your sentiment. Falling in love is pointless if it remains one sided and yet I cannot bring myself to act. I do not travel as much as you. And true I do not face persecution but, Kisame, you brought it upon yourself. You chose to live this way, as much as it pains me and worries me...”
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annan water by Rachel Bellinsky
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by Natalie Ina
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Jardim dos Lagos by ClaudiaFMiranda
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Water melancholy by Alina Autumn
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Kelp forest - Monterey Bay Aquarium
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i always look sleep deprived is that hot
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“Ohhh! Long haired? I guess it’s in our family! That’s kinda of my type too.” Nudging the short one with his elbow, Kisame teased with a few giggles. His heart had not been catch by someone yet, but he knew what drew his attention mostly in other people. Kisame traced his own neck with his pinky finger; forging a promise. “ Your secret is safe with me. Would never try to ruin my lil cousin first love like that.” As Miura was changing, Kisame took the change to look over the door again in search of the white haired man just out of curiosity. Hoping they would be easy to approach by Miura. Getting suddenly spook as they had returned. Taking a second to think as he already walked out of the door. “ Hot springs for sure! I prefer to eat when I’m clean. “ With slow steps in route to the another changing room, so the shorter Hoshigaki could follow. Their kimono were left before the termal pools; keeping a towel always over his waist and another over his head. Kisame didn’t waited to get on the water, leaving only his head to outside as he closed his eyes. Enjoying the hot water as it felt like his problems would slowly washed away. “ Neh, you’re coming here for a while. Did you talked with him yet? Miu miu?”

✂ “Runs in the family...?” Oh, Kisame meant that he also liked men with long hair. He didn’t mind being nudged or teased and he even smiled a little bit. The dark haired male nodded, knowing that his cousin would keep his secret. They’d been there for each other since they were small but it always felt like he was so much smaller than Kisame. He didn’t get those tall genes. “Thank you and...”
He looked around and sighed. “Hot springs first sounds good...” Stepping into the hot water Miura sank down until the water was at his chin, resisting the urge to go completely under as was his habit. “No I... have not spoken with him yet. I think I ran into him on accident once and I have been too embarrassed to say anything since then..”
He wasn’t even sure if the man noticed him anymore. “Ah but still... this is nice, for once. I mean spending time with you..”
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It was always this kind of weather that brought Asanoha the most joy, though she couldn’t exactly explain why that was. But for whatever reason it may be, it was why she was outside at this very moment enjoying the cool rainy day. Most people found it a little off putting that she was content like this without an umbrella, but it was only drizzling. Even so, she was sure she would have went out in the pouring rain without an umbrella as well if it meant feeling it against her skin. However, rain was a little different within the cities, and Kirigakure was no different.
When she had spoken those thoughts out loud, she hadn’t expected a response. But it wasn’t exactly unwelcome. Asanoha perked up a bit at the new voice, her gaze leaving the sky and landing on the person nearby who also did not seem to be carrying an umbrella.
“You know the rain well, too, don’t you?” Asanoha asked quietly, her curious gaze not leaving him, “My name is Asanoha. And who are you?”

✂ “My name is Hoshigaki Miura... but you can just call me Miura...” He introduced himself to her. He’d never seen her around here before but it seemed both of them didn’t feel the need for an umbrella. The rain made him feel comforted and he would walk around on land more, and while he was quite introverted, he felt alright to reach out this time. Miura wondered what had brought her here, or maybe it wasn’t really that important.
“I know the rain well, the water in general. I spend most of my time in my river and most often, I feel tired on dry land...” He held out his hands, flat palms to the sky letting the water collect in them. “The rain here is different, it smells, behaves and feels different as well... “ Miura looked up at the sky. “I think.. it’s quite comforting don’t you?”
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“Why is it that our fingers prune when we are in water for so long?” Li asks as he raises his hands above the water in the steamy hot springs. He crinkles his nose slightly. “I do not really like how it feels; It is strange.”

✂ “Your fingers do so you can grip things in the water. Think of it like.. enhanced finger prints. Ridges to help you grip things when wet... “ Miura answered, walking straight up out of a rain puddle.
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@yuki-no-hate said: “Rains smells so different in the city.”
Unprompted. Always Accepting.

✂ The rain was always welcome, for someone who spent most of his time under water, in a river, being on land for extended periods of time made him feel tired. Or perhaps it wasn’t a side effect of being on land but a desire so strong to get back to water. Rain made him feel at least a little more at home even when walking instead of swimming.
“Yes it smells different.... it behaves differently as well..“ He turned to face who was speaking to him. “ Who are you?”
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asanoha deserves a maid outfit & miura too
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