nightstorm02 · 1 year
I finally understand why a lot of my favorite people left tumblr/social media...real life kicked them in the ass. So much shit is happening to us and we are physically unable to spend time just drawing and writing about stuff that don't benefit our current situation except the tiniest bit of joy it feeds our inner child....but it's not worth it. We wish we had time to just enjoy drawing and writing. But it takes so much time and effort, and life problems become too much....we're nothing but a husk. Nothing to give and we're so hollow that it feels like nothing could fufill us...
Life isn't treating me well. I finally understand what adulting is like, and it's hard. To a point where I almost felt like crashing.
But I thankfully have people. People who are there for me, they care for me. I'm so blessed to have people actually want the best for me and will actually be there when and if I fall into a pit. By the grace of God, I will try and survive. No matter how much life shoots arrows at me, even if I bleed and feel like dying, I'll push through.
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nightstorm02 · 1 year
im convinced imaginary friends are a lie made up by the american media to sell more mental illness so. participate in my research
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nightstorm02 · 2 years
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I don’t post on Tumblr anymore...sucks to suck :P
I’m on Instagram now, and I’m working on crochet stuff, sooooo, follow me there????
Thanks to ANYONE/EVERYONE who likes my stuff <3
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
sorry this is just so good ^^
I thought I lost my file, guess I’m wrong.
So I’m trying?? but movie maker is killing me
plus it’s my first time editing a vid
Hey the full vid is done! Watch here! https://youtu.be/iQU0vovEDfg
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
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Gaster’s Great Escape continues...
If you wanna read this comic from the very beginning, please see my blog’s pinned post for the link! 😚
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
what's a soulmate? | dream smp animatic
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
I love how intriguing this is.
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"His Story: Dust"
Pg. 37–38
Previous | Start | Next
XD It amuses me how much less time it took for the second page)
The first took eight hours (two days), the second just hour. Enjoy 👀👌🔥
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
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A crochet Dream plushie!!! This was super fun to make and lots of my sleep hours are down the drain. But who needs dreams when you can have DREAM? I really liked how he came out, do you like him??? I did not use any patterns, I like to freestyle my stuff. #dream #dreamwastaken #dreamplushie #crochet #crochetplush #mywork #art #dreamgoat https://www.instagram.com/p/CONXNxXh-gL/?igshid=geadxkyaen4d
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
Did you draw a cyndaquil name phill on a streamer channel named Moxie2d? By the way I love your art!
I didn't, but I'm happy you like my art! Go support Moxie2d too, though! :D
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
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Ranboo, the sweet and traumatized boy. :DDD Please commission me
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
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Please have a reference sheet of the character you want!  I’ll only be taking Kofi/Paypal!  Please DM me if you want to commission me, payment of $10 will be required first before product. Sketch will be made before payment for guarantee of full product. <3
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/erichestnut
Paypal: https://paypal.me/erichestnut2002?locale.x=en_US
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
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Frisk is usually difficult to please, but since Sans is very patient like no one ever have been with them (especially adult), they slowly let their guard down and got really attached to the tall squeleton, to the point that they often laugh unconsciously to his puns and let his actions get through them, even when they don't want to.
Altertale belongs to @friisans
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
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nightstorm02 · 3 years
I absolutely love how much this community had grown in the past year <3
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d1: Flirt (The art of flirting ✨) 
d2: Weather (Rainy day, sunny day.. Create an art piece based off a weather that you like)
d3: Puns (Flirty Puns, punny puns.. ) 
d4: Trust (Trusting each other, sharing a secret.. This prompt can be taken in many ways~) 
d5: Work day (Studying is also accepted!) 
d6: Kiss  (First kiss, accidental kiss, all the kisses… go wild !) 
d7: Valentine’s
February 8th-14th
Please check out the rules: here!
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nightstorm02 · 4 years
we are in the last month of the year, December, no! DREAMCEMBER!
help us to say goodbye to the year as it should be.
Dream encourages you to meet his daily challenge to spend happy holidays full of love and dreams.
So we will forget a little the problems we have in this 2020
please use to “#happydreamcember” nwn
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nightstorm02 · 4 years
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So, this popped up on my feed and I know you guys want to see this
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nightstorm02 · 4 years
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burnout be like
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