Nightshade Bath Co
17 posts
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
On #humpday🐫 we like to drop a #bathbomb to get us through to the end of the week. Pick up your Bantha Milk bomb today! #nightshadebathco #banthamilk #starwars #starwarsfans #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #shopsmall #smallbusiness
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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We are SO excited to announce our newest member to the collection: #demogorgon . This creepy little thing explodes in waves of eerie green and slowly turns your tub into the #upsidedown Scented with #dragonsblood this bath bomb will take you to another reality. And the best part.... NO STAINS! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #strangerthings #goth #blackbathbomb
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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We just love when packaging comes together. 👌🛀 Pick up your bath milk today! Link in Bio! #smallbusiness #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #nightshadebathco #bathgoals #bathtime #handmade #metime #milkbath #bathandbeauty
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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A new bath bomb is joining the lineup! Meet Seafoam, or... what it becomes! This little beauty is packed with Epsom salts to ease those achy muscles. And the scent is reminiscent of a #tropicalgetaway with notes of #pineapple #mango #coconut and just a dash of #apricot ! These lovely blue drops of heaven will be available in our shop Sat. May 5! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #shopsmall #smallbusiness
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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There’s still time to order before Mother’s Day! Free shipping on orders over $15! 👉🛀 #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #nightshadebathco #smallbusiness #shopsmall
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
Working on something special! 🙌⭐️🔥 #nightshadebathco #stim #gold #sparkle #glitter #hypnotic #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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Did you know that Cleopatra attributed her beautiful skin to the milk baths she took? Pick up a heavy cream milk bath today! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #shopsmall #smallbusiness #milk #milkbath #nightshadebathco
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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You made it through the week! Reward yourself with a bath bomb! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #smallbusiness #shopsmall
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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We have something exciting coming... And it contains crystals! That’s right! Each bath bomb contains an assortment of crystals, which are yours to keep! The Geode bath bomb is a delightful treat for the eyes and nose! Scents of Rose, pear, and a delicate touch of musk enchant your senses as sweet almond and coconut oils nourish your skin. Follow us, as we will announce when these babies go live so you don’t miss yours! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #smallbusiness #shopsmall #crystal #crystals #opal #emerald #flourite #stones #stone #rocks
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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Raise your hand if you love lavender! 🙋‍♂️ Our Widow’s Kiss bath bomb is an intoxicating scent of lavender and vanilla! Order today! 👉 #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #shopsmall #smallbusiness
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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Did you know, it only takes 1-3 days for an order to get out of our hands, and on its way to you? Free Shipping on all orders over $15! #shopsmall #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #nightshadebathco
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
Tranquility bath bomb in action! Pick one up today! ‭👉 #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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Another long week ahead... another bath bomb in the tub! 🛀 Experience Tranquility one of our most popular bath bombs, and let your stress melt away! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #overwatch #overwatchfanart #overwatchfans #zenyattaoverwatch #zenyatta
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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A new scent is coming! Get ready for some Mayhem! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart #junkrat #overwatch
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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TGIF! 🙌 After a long week, we like to relax and unwind with a relaxing soak! Join us! 10% off with code LOVEMOM! Free shipping on US orders! #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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Drop this purple beauty in the tub and watch her spin and twirl as she unleashes wave after wave of lovely lavender scent. Undertones of vanilla warm up this cold Widow's Heart as she fizzes away in your tub. Skin nourishing coconut and sweet almond oil soothe your dry skin as you relax in a lovely purple soak. #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart
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nightshadebathco-blog · 7 years ago
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"Experience Tranquility" with this bright green, bamboo and tea scented bath bomb. Let your mind wander through a lush, bamboo forest as your stress melts away. Skin loving coconut and sweet almond oil nourish your skin, as the scents nourish your soul. #bathbomb #bathfizz #bathgoals #bathtime #dreambath #metime #bubbles #bathtub #handmade #bubblebath #bathart
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