nightnoxreads · 5 months
The kiddo’s have been hit hard with a stomach bug, and with me having emetophobia it’s been a rough week. Luckily I have a husband who handles it all really well and I do what I can with taking care of other things in the house and stuff.
Been doing a bit of rereads for comfort which is nice, a good distraction.
And I’ve also been listening to fantasy fangirls pod to keep myself distracted, trying not to panic over who’s going to get sick next and when.
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nightnoxreads · 6 months
Can we talk about Feyre walking around, for weeks, thinking she was alone and there were fairies all over the place and no one told her?😂
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nightnoxreads · 6 months
Having a hard time getting into new book after fourth wing and acotar.
I’m currently reading the bridge kingdom and so far it’s good (I’m about halfway through), but I keep getting distracted. Not feeling like I have to know what happens next.
Tried started four different book before landing on this one. Hopefully this feeling will go away soon. It happens after books I’ve been particularly invested in.
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nightnoxreads · 6 months
Seen a bunch of this recently where people complain about the amount of romance in the empyrean series (fourth wing) and I’m like… it’s a romance fantasy?
Like it’s marketed as romantasy is it not? Idk. I just always got the impression that it’s a romance book in a fantasy setting even before I read it, so I was going in expecting all the romance🤷🏻‍♀️
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nightnoxreads · 6 months
Me finishing the acotar series (the books that have come out anyway) and going to check out what theories people have and maybe have some fun discussions only to be horrified by some of the things people are saying on there. People literally getting death threats for having a different opinion like shipping someone with someone else than they do😬
(I know there are sane people in this fandom too, but I’m a little scared)
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nightnoxreads · 6 months
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Fourth Wing and Iron Flame was definitely the highlight of the month for me, with parts of us a close second.
But I had a great time with all the books I read for sure.
- Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros 5/5
- Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros 5/5
- Twisted Love by Ana Huang 4/5
- A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas 4/5
- A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas 5/5
- A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas 5/5
- A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas 4/5
- Parts of Us by Cara Dee 5/5
- A Court of Silver Flames 5/5
- Cattle Stop by Kit Oliver 5/5
- Don’t You Dare by C E Ricci 4/5
- Power Play by Cara Dee 5/5
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nightnoxreads · 6 months
I thought Rhun was the love interest. I was very confused
So I just started reading Crescent City after seeing it being recommended here and there. I knew basically nothing about it though other than getting the sound bite Ruhn Danaan crown prince of the Valbaran Fae on tik tok a lot. Tik tok made it seem like he would be the love interest and I got so confused when he was just introduced as Bryce’s half brother😂
I was like either this is a fake brother situation or this is a whole different book than I thought😅
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nightnoxreads · 7 months
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This one was so good! I’ve seen in around on booktok and here on insta and I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet, but boy am I glad I did! I tore through it like two days, I couldn’t put it down, I just wanted to know what would happen next.
I’m obsessed with Xaden, talk about a shadow daddy🥵
I loved how Violet grew throughout. I love that she has a chronic illness, made me relate to her more cause I have one too (not the same one, but one where accommodations sometimes need to be made for me to do the things I want or have to do) so that was great.
I liked the relationships both platonic and romantic ones. And the mysteries were intriguing.
Tairn was hilarious, love him and Andarna is precious and must be protected at all costs🥺❤️
That ending had me shook! Didn’t see it coming. There were a lot of things I did see coming throughout the book, but that ending, no. It was surprising for me.
5/5 for me. I had a great time reading it.
And to quote fantasy fangirls pod: 🎶God fucking damn it Dain🎶
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nightnoxreads · 7 months
February 2024 reads
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Titles and Ratings:
- Deaths’s Bloom by Lily Mayne 4/5
- A Delicious Descent by Amanda Meuwissen 4/5
- Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston 5/5
- The Spiral Down by Aly Martinez 4/5
- Game Changer by Rachel Reid 4/5
- Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid 5/5
- Tough Guy by Rachel Reid 5/5
- Common Goal by Rachel Reid 4/5
- Role Model by Rachel Reid 5/5
- The Long Game by Rachel Reid 5/5
- Shades of Lust by E M Lindsey 5/5
- Waiting on forever by E M Lindsey 5/5
- Taste of Greed by E M Linsdey 5/5
- Spark of Wrath by E M Lindsey 5/5
February was a bit of a re-read month for me, though I did get in a few new to me books too.
Enjoyed all the new ones I read which is always great, cause you never really know. Sometimes it’s been more missed than hits, you know. E M Lindsey is usually a safe bet for me though. I haven’t read a book of hers I haven’t enjoyed yet (I have not read all her books, so that might change, who knows🤷🏻‍♀️).
What was your favorite read in February?
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nightnoxreads · 7 months
The Hunt by Z W Taylor, to buy or not to buy?
I’m so conflicted. Book 2 comes out pretty soon and I don’t know if I want to get it or not.
Here’s the thing, I read the original trilogy when they were wattpad book and the third one was still being released.
I loved them, and have read them several times. The world and the characters just felt so immersive and the story line was so good! Yes there were parts that maybe needed a bit of editing, like grammar and just redundant sentences and stuff, but it was good!
When it was announced that it would become real published books I was so excited. I thought it would be the books just polished, you know? I pre ordered the paperback and couldn’t wait to dive back into this world.
It was like I wasn’t even reading the same story. It felt flat, drawn out and like nothing really happened in the whole book. And apparently it’s going to be a whole long series now instead of a trilogy which it was originally.
I found it hard to care about any of the characters, it was like all the life was gone from them. I just felt so disappointed. And I was honestly kind of bored the whole time. I think I might have enjoyed it more if I’d never read the originals, but alas.
I’m hoping the second book will be better, that I will like it more, but I don’t know. I’m so conflicted!
Anyone else have the same experience? Did you read the original wattpad series? What are your thoughts on the new version?
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nightnoxreads · 7 months
January Reads (forgot to post)
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Took this from my instagram, but these were my reads for January. All 5/5 for me. Loved them.
I discovered Lily Mayne at the end of December and I devoured these two series of hers in January.
Can’t wait for Lyri to come out and continue the monstrous series!
Have you read any of these?
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nightnoxreads · 9 months
Currently Reading
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I just plowed through the first two books in this series and am just staring this third one. I’m obsessed!
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nightnoxreads · 10 months
The Graham Effect by Elle Kennedy
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I devoured this in like two days. It was a great read and I love that it was more about the couple growing as people together and that the problems were mostly external. Like no stupid third act breakup just for the sake of it like I feel like too many romance books do.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fun to get the little cameos from the OG generation too.
Also, Ryder was top tear! I’m obsessed with him. He’s just my type of book guy.
I had like one thong that annoyed me, which was the fight between Gigi and Ryder where she pushed him to talk about why he was upset and he didn’t want to and then she proceeded to not tell him why she was upset. Like he’d snapped at her which he apologised for, but she was still angry with him for not opening up and just expecting him to know that was the reason she was mad.
She should’ve just communicated that to him. Like dude, come on. She knows he’s not a talker. That he’s not used to sharing shit. Don’t expect him to be a mind reader.
The talk he had with his teammates girlfriend should have been had with Gigi.
But other than that I didn’t have any major annoyances or anything.
I just get frustrated when there’s poor communication😅
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5)
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nightnoxreads · 11 months
Book Rec - The Renegades Series by Cara Dee
The renegade series by Cara Dee
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I just read through the whole series in like three days. I couldn’t put them down. Cara has a way of making me care deeply about her characters. They’re become so real to me.
If you love a good steamy M/M romance with a good dose of action on the side, this series is for you.
All the feels. All the excitement. All the love.
I’m obsesses with her BDSM series which was how I was introduced to her writing and I’m now branching out to her other books. I want to read them all. Everything I’ve read from her so far has been great.
Have you read this series yet?
Have you read other books from Cara Dee? If you have which is your favorite?
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nightnoxreads · 1 year
Just finished Meetings That Start In The Dark by writingamarie on ao3 and now I don’t know what to do with my life😭
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nightnoxreads · 4 years
Every writer is different. Every writer creates as they wish. If everyone wrote the same way or made the same artistic choices, then we would have nothing but copy paste stories that don't shine with the vibrant colors of their authors.
What I'm trying to say is that trying to police a writer into adhering to some standard you have set in your head is like trying to stop the flow of coursing water.
It goes where it wants to go and water will erode any stone or metal, even if it takes a long time.
Writing is as much an art as painting and music and all the other art forms in which we so openly accept innovation.
Let writers create the way they feel is best. If their style does not appeal to you, move on. Find someone whose style does and pay them the compliment of your kind words instead of lashing out to those who don't fit your mold.
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