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So I'm sure the unfollow came as a surprise to y'all and I'm sorry. It's just the best decision I can do right now for my mental health. I'm under too much stress and I didn't want that to affect my writing. I hope that I'll rp with you guys in the future and please don't be strangers. I'd love to stay in contact with all of you. Love you awesome nerds xoxo. Ps. If you want to know more don't hesitate to ask. I'll answer when I can (:
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                                                              do i blame myself ?                                                                           a b s o l u t e l y .                                                                             is it my fault ?                                                                                       n  o.                                                                   do i know it’s not my fault ?                                                                            s o m e t i m e s .                                                                will i continue to blame myself ?                                                                 A L W A Y S.
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  olliebotwin: Ollie had never thought of the boy...
I plead the fifth...
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  adonis triton, markos obelix & jackson windsor
bren is such a shit for sending all three of his characters jfc
*crying of laughter*
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  You got a lot of white boy/rag doll angst.
Okay but me 2 Wyatt
lmfao same tbh
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what's so wrong about being into men? it's 2017 wyatt !!!!
“There’s nothing wrong with it Hermes and I am perfectly aware of the year. Everyone is free to love whoever they want. I just happen to not be into men, so some of those questions make me a little uncomfortable. But, if you took the time to notice, I have been answering them.” 
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why did you just dump sasha?
“I d-didn’t.” Wyatt was clearly caught off guard. “Well, I mean Sasha and I were never dating. We are just friends. That’s all we’ve ever been. (ooc: liar you’re in love with her) She’s still one of my best friends. So I don’t understand what you mean by dumping her. Besides it’s not like I’m dating anyone else either. So I’m not even sure who you would think I’m dumping her for?” 
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Ollie had never thought of the boy like she should. Wyatt always saw her as a sister and she knew that, understood it even, but where she looked on her friends like Cinder and Drakkar and Viktor as pseudo siblings, she had always been incapable of looking at the rag doll that way. She had always had a crush on him - half the girls back in Halloween town did - but she knew it would never go anywhere which is why she didn’t realize how out of place her teasing him like this could be. Was it wrong to joke like that? About them dating? It had always been something that was out of reach to her, an idea that could never come true, but with the way Wyatt was looking at her now she wondered if he had even put any thought into the idea. Had she planted a seed? And was she happy to have done so? No. She couldn’t hope. Hope bred misery and Ollie had had enough of that in her lifetime. The blonde would take Wyatt however she could get him and she was fine for being his best friend. There was really nothing else she’d rather be if it meant losing the relationship they already had. Though, feeling his arms around her she ached slightly for the chance to hold him as something more. To see him as someone more. “You say that now but wait until I’m eighty years old and the bags under my eyes are so large it looks like my skin got stretched out by one of the Crowe’s inventions.” She teased him. Ollie wrapped her arms around his middle, tucking herself in a familiar fashion against his side except this time it felt a bit different. When she gazed up at him she let her eyes travel slowly from his eyes to his lips and then back up. While he wasn’t looking Ollie let her wildest fantasies run free. She imagined his lips against hers in a way she had only ever read about. She imagined him whispering stupid yet beautiful nothings into her ear. It was a daydream that left a smile on her face. Something rare and wonderful.
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This was so peaceful that Wyatt didn’t want to ruin it with words. Instead he just chuckled a bit at Ollie’s words. As she lay there beside him, he ran his fingers through her hair, something he did naturally. He took solace in the silence that rested between them and he couldn’t think of a more perfect way to spend the day. Wyatt took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, feeling serene. He hadn’t felt like this in a long time. “You know...” The silence was ruined. “It’s a good thing we’re roommates and we don’t have to deal with anyone walking in on this and assuming something else.” He didn’t know why he said, maybe because Ollie had previous mentioned dating, and Wyatt didn’t know what to say. Maybe it’s because he automatically turned everything away from the topic of feelings. 
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92 notes · View notes
You got a lot of white boy/rag doll angst.
“Do I? I’ve never really noticed.” 
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adonis triton, markos obelix & jackson windsor
“First off, again. Not into men. Second of all, kill Markos because he’s too pompous and needs to go. Donnie is too happy for me to be around all the time so I’ll screw with him and leave him. Jackson is actually pretty funny, and slightly more tolerable than the other two. Besides, I could get use to being called a scarecrow, it’s fairly accurate.” 
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  Etienne O'Malley, Oliver Baere & Stephanos Zoiros?
maeve is such a shit for sending all three of her characters jfc
I honestly thought it was fucking hysterical. I cried. 
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aren't you supposed to be scary?? so much for being jack skellingtons son.
“I am not my father, nor will I ever be my father. Don’t you ever compare me to him again. However, with that being said, yes I am scary, at least I was back in Halloweentown. I am the Pumpkin Prince, heir to the Pumpkin Throne. For the sake of you weaklings here at WDA, I try and restrain myself, but if scary’s what you want, scary is what you’ll get.” 
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why have you gone soft :(
“What exactly do you mean by soft? Just because I don’t want to go around fucking women or talking about fucking women? That makes me soft? Why is it that people are so obssesed with sex? Why can’t you people respect women for fuck’s sake? This is why women never talk to you. You’re all pieces of garbage just waiting around for the next girl to come across your path, waiting to break another girls heart. It’s disgusting. Fuck you. Fuck you all for disgracing us with your presence. Go back to the shithole you came from.” 
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why don't you just say fuck, you pussy?
“Oh, um…well it’s not really a nice word in this context, I guess. It seems derogatory and degrading to me to talk about women that way.”
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