nightlaced · 7 years
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             morgan’s skin shows to  BATTLE THE HEAT  of the town.  despite living in a town in ireland  --  it did get hot;  hotter for comfort.  so she’s stripped down a few layers;  and what  !?  it’s not like she’s not used to wandering around half naked.  she preferred it,  even.  still  --  even this brunette is taken by surprise to find her in here,  and her usual snark is covered by pure  SURPRISE.    “   oh  . . .  i wasn’t aware i was having visitors today  ?   ”    //  @sqvirtlesqvad  is lucky i love ‘em.
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nightlaced · 7 years
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                 “   ---  you’re  ENDLESSLY  frustrating.   ”   lorna dane is  DRAPED  over the chair,  green eyes focusing in on the three kittens running around the chair,  one of them tangled up in her jacket.    “   and you’re lucky it’s not raining anymore,   ”   she continues to muse,  her finger moving around and following the movements of the cats.  in that moment the door opens and footsteps enter,  she can practically  FEEL  his gaze upon her.    “   sue me,  ”   she comments,  getting up from her perch on the chair,  turning to face him.    “   a girl bored is one that plays with cats;  now,  you said you wanted to talk  ?  --  OH,  and i let myself in.  hope ya’ don’t mind.   ”   //  @xmenrps wanted a thing.
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nightlaced · 7 years
       alright  !  a lil’ psa:  with the 4th of july celebrations coming up,  my activity will be a tad bit more  SCARCE  than usual.  work has asked me to  work double,  because half of my co-workers are out;  i have to baby sit directly  after  work,  and then my  FAMILY MEMBERS  who i only see 1-2 times a year are coming for my  lolo’s  (  grandpa in tagolog  ) 80′th.  on top of that i also have a summer class to take care of w/ it’s homework,  and financial stuff to work out.    BUT ALAS,  y’all know me  !  i’ll have a running queue,  have it be slow until my family arrives in the city,  and go up faster as family comes in.  that’s all  !  i hope you guys have a lovely weekend.
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nightlaced · 7 years
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❝      a certain  type of  darkness  has stolen me,  under a quiet mask of uncertainty,  i wait for light like  water  from the sky,  and i am  LOST  again.     ❞
      a multi-muse written by deanna. featuring  ocs and canon muses  from the secret circle, the flash, and many more  ! 
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  cooper,  betty  !
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     ‘the most charming person i know, then.’ she corrects herself and laughs at his antics. ‘you stay. for as long as we’re in high school, at least, because i can’t survive here without you.’
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          “   ---  guess that means i better start signing us up for social events then,  huh  ?   ”   he jokes at the blonde,  though he’s more pleased than he’d ever admit.    “   oh,  phew.  i had my life flash before my eyes for a moment;  thought you were gonna say road-trip and car fixing  --  and i don’t know if i could survive your driving,  and car fixing is purely  JUST BETTY.   ”   he reaches over,  tugging at her ponytail a little bit.   “   good thing i’m real good at staying,  hmm  ?   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  masterson,  jo   (  @atomicked  )  !
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     her secret?  it hasn’t been washed in days.  but he didn’t need to know that.  he was just trying to be NICE.  so,  on those grounds,  jo smiles.   ❛  believe me,  it’s so not the weirdest thing i’ve heard this week  —  i mean,  thanks.  your’s is cool too…  ❜  
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        a sigh of relief leaves him,  and he grins at the other blonde.   oh  THANK GOD  he didn’t make much of a fool out of himself.    “   really  ?  damn,  i might have to  DEFEND  any weirdness i got left in me,  at this point.  oh,  thank you too  !  i was,  you know,  born with it and all.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  ferrars,  juliette  !
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           “ He deserves to SUFFER for the pain he’s caused all of us… ” Juliette responds, though slowly, as though Davina’s wishes chip away at her determination. Underneath waits a but she’s too stubborn to yet confront, like mold, a disease, a sleeping sickness in the walls of her resolve. “ Anderson –– Warner’s dad –– he deserves to die first. There’s no denying that. But, Warner… ” There it is. “ He’s not who you think he is… ” 
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                “   he belongs in hell  --  BOTH  of them do.  don’t tell me you’re going  soft  on me now,  juliette.   ”   distaste crosses davina’s tastebuds,  at just the mention of either men.  not everything’s black and white,  she  KNOWS  that   --  but davina’s been planning their revenge,  their suffering,  their lasting deaths for a very long time now.  arms cross,  head tilting up.    “   ---  funny,  i always thought you were one of the only other people to not be blinded by a pretty face;  guess i was wrong.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  dean,  jason  !
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                        “ funny, ‘cause i always thought i had JESSE JAMES thing going, ”  jd smirked, glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes, running a hand through dark hair as he leaned back in his chair, looking over at her, “ plus do i really look like i would suit a man-bun? haven’t you lot ever heard of individual expression? i’ve had the same aesthetic for a few years now and i’m NOT CHANGING ‘cause some privileged audrey hepburn told me i should, ”  jd teased, tongue darting across his lips as he winked at her. 
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              she hums,  dark eyes appraising him for a long moment.    “   ---  uh,  no.  he’s far too clean cut for  ANYTHING  you’re   . . .   attempting at pulling off at this very moment.   ”    long legs cross underneath her dark,  short skirt  --  the material moving up a few inches up her thighs.    “   . . .   PERHAPS,  clyde barrow,  though.   ”    a roll of her eyes,  she twirling her hair.    “   then just call it an  up-do,  wise-ass,  if you’re so  DETERMINED  to be the sad grunge boy,  who believes he’s the darkest to walk the earth.   ”    she doesn’t blink,  leaning forward.    “   no,  hun  --  audrey hepburn’s far too  PURE  for me to take after  --  though i will always,  always admire that little black dress,  and a crystal from tiffany’s.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  klump,  midge  !
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         ❝   you’re  going  to  think  i’m   TERRIBLE   ,   nance   .   .   .   ❞   doe  eyes   DROP   to  wounded  fingers  in  her  lap   ,   swallowing  thickly   .   ❝   i   kissed   reggie   .   .   .   again   .   ❞
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            a gasp.    “   no,  never  !   ”   even if her nose  crinkles  at the mention of the egotistical jock being graced by midge  --  she won’t say anything to  OFFEND.  she hopes.    “    ...  why’d you do that  ?   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  reeves,  mason  !
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                His hand rakes through his hair slowly.    “ Bloody hell, I guess I deserve that for getting you started on memes, huh ? “   Her stupid smile is infectious, though the alcohol in his bloodstream certainly doesn’t hurt.   “ Stop being so bloody cute, christ. You think I can afford a thirteen course meal ? I can barely afford this pint. But you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. “   And God knows Mason would rather go hungry than miss having a pint during Thursday night football matches on the pub telly. 
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          eyes flicker to his hand movement,  before returning to his face.    “   uhm  --  YEAH,  mase.  basically all of my problems are because of you.   ”    she teases him,  nudging him with her elbow before grabbing at the next pint,  bringing the glass to her lips.    “   that’s basically impossible,  i was just  BORN  this cute.  no,  but a girl can dream,  can’t she  ?   ”   a sigh,  she tugs at the ends of her hair absentmindedly.    “   if we end up doing this,  in this exact same spot in ten years,  i’m gonna need you to  SHOOT  me.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
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         “   i know you said you were  DONE  with the circle for a bit  --   ”   and after some seperation from diana,  davina can’t  BLAME  her.  it must’ve been nice,  to travel the world with a worry.  but now diana was back,  and so was the rest of the circle,  for the school year.    “   but you have the right to know,   ”   her words echo what was said to her,  only a year ago.    “   they found us.  the other balcoin blooded witches  --  and they texted me and messaged me on facebook.   ”     //  @dusklaced.
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nightlaced · 7 years
               YA GAL   added some new muses,  so if you want to rp with any of them,  check out  this link  and then comment who you want a starter from  ! 
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  blake,  daphne  !
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            “ Groovy doesn’t need to be a thing. It’s my thing! ” Still, her arms cross, and she wears her indignation and defensiveness like her eyeliner, sharp and striking. “ It’s ENDEARING. People think it’s cute. I think it’s cute. –– No… Groovy. ” 
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           “   it sounds like someone hasn’t been to enough cities  !  ”   a feigned laugh,  she leaning forward dramatically,  and the laugh echoing.    “   you know,  where anybody who matters go too.  cute just doesn’t  CUT IT  in real life.  you can ask betty cooper about that.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  blossom,  cheryl  !
         thin   arms   cross   underneath   her   bust   and   a   perfectly   sculpted   brow   raises   —-   tread   carefully   ,   veronica.   a   scoff   escapes   the   blossom’s   lips   ,   disbelief   clearly   present   upon   her   features.   ‘   —–   this   is   my   signature   red.   ’  digits   run   through   auburn   curls   ,   tongue   darting.   
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                    ‘  i’m   the   only   person   in   the   entire   world   with   this   exact   colour   and   formula.   it   was   made   specifically   for   me   in   paris.   ‘
               a roll of her eyes,  veronica not once backing down from her stance in front of the redhead.  she’s trying to  HELP,  she swears on her father’s pearls  !    “   then someone in paris lied to you.   ”   
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              “  it clashes with your hair,  and half the red clothes you own  !  and that,  combined with the translucency of your skin,  it just washes you out.  it looks like you ate a tube of  SALT & VINEGAR  pringles,  whilst simultaneously having a cold.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  bolin 🔥  !
@nightlaced // liked
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               ‘ you think i’d know the streets better from living here my whole life but NOPE – i am stupid, so stupid. What is this West or East? ’
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          “   ---  usually i just follow my brother,  clarke,  or lincoln around  --   ”    she admits with a blink,  twirling dark brown hair around her finger.    “  whatcha looking for  ?   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  watson,  mary jane  !
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       ❝   WHOA there, don’t get ahead of yourself, petey-o, i didn’t say all that. oh yeah?? what were you thinking, i can put in some reservations?? i’ve been feeling awfully italian these past few days. that’s exactly why i thought it would be weird, listen – i was just trying NOT to trigger your vigilante ptsd. now that is what i like to hear.   ❞
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         “   it was  COMPLETELY  pg-13,  mary jane,   ”    he informs her,  brown eyes  SPARKING  with mischief as he adjusts his footing.    “   italian does sound  PRETTY  good right now.  not olive garden,  though.  i think that’ll be a trigger for me until about ten years after i reach  inevitable death.  what can i say  ?  sometimes  INTELLIGENT  things come out of my mouth.   ”
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nightlaced · 7 years
✴︎  blake,  daphne  !
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                             ❝ dawn , listen …  you associate with daisy && that is A DEATH WISH on it’s own. ❞  not that she expected the other to agree  ( after all , she didn’t get daphne like delilah )  but still ,  the youngest did have a point .  sort of .  rosebud lips part in slight surprise  —  not at daisy’s behavior , though at the fact that it was directed towards dawn .  ❝ — really ??  thats … well , can’t say the bitching part surprises me but i never thought daisy would be this rough with you .  did you ask her hubby about it ??  && …  really , you want to do some investigating ?!  that’s– that’s awesome ;  it’ll be like solving a mystery !! ❞
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                her hands are thrown up in the air,  dark eyes rolling up.   “   look,  there’s just  SOME THINGS  you can’t avoid,  when you’re not the baby of the family,  daph.   ”   a tired grin on her lips,  she pushing locks of red hair up,  and twisting it into a bun.  all this family talk was already  exhausting  for the redhead.    “  well in her defense,  i suppose,  i did come on a day that ended with the word  DAY.   no  ?  no offense,  but i didn’t want to open a line for her husband to text me rants about her.  i don’t have time in the day to respond.    “  ---  mild investigating,  daphne,  lets not get  CARRIED AWAY.  i just want some  ...  receipts for the near future,  is all.   ”
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