hi I'm Em, I use any Pronouns, and i like marine biology. I mostly reblog but I also post fish facts occasionally. if you have submissions for fish facts my asks are open.
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I have some people in my insects post claiming that the average person actually thinks about insects as much more than, say, scientists, who don't regard them as much more than machines. Friend.... I WISH I lived in a world where everyone overestimated insects' importance and their capacity to feel pain and emotions and think thoughts TToTT And obviously I don't know every scientist in the world but I'm surounded by insect-loving biologists in my uni, people try to hammer down that insects and other small invertebrates are much much more than what people give them credit for at every opportunity
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just started watching house and I thought yall were exaggerating but no. every episode is just like three wrong diagnoses that almost kill the patient and then house is like "he has underwater skunk herpes" and they give the guy a new butthole and he's cured. and then house chugs vicodin while talking about wanting to rail wilson.
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"how do you tell the difference between a whippet and an italian greyhound" simple. look at it head on. if it looks like a dog it's a whippet. if it's making a face like you've just threatened it with a firearm, it's an iggy
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House drugged that coffee btw
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based off this post by @75screamingtoads that made me start watching. as you can see my art gets progressively worse each panel lol
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So glad I get to experience homosexual desire. One life and thank god I'm not straight
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*in the 2020s* he would do numbers on twitter *in the 2010s* he would get shares on his blog *in the 1990s* he would be a wiz on the multi-user dungeon *in the 1950s* he would get ratings on the television *in the 1930s* he would command the masses on the radio *in the 1880s* he would do dots and dashes on the telegram *in the 1790s* he would do arm signals on the semaphore *in the 1600s* his prints would be distributed widely *in the 1400s* he would sound the trumpet in battle *in the 700s* his words would be passed down by oral tradition *in the 300s* he would do smoke signals in the sky *in the neolithic* his artifacts would enter the archeological record *in the pliocene* his bones would be preserved in the sediment *in the mezozoic* he would do permineralization in mineral rich groundwater *in the paleoarchean* he would facilitate recombination of his genome *in the hadean* his molecules would self replicate in the early ocean *in the matter dominated era* his stellar nursery would collapse into a star and an orbiting cloud of dust *in the cosmological dark ages* quantum fluctuations in his density would form the first cosmological structures *10^-32 seconds after the big bang* his elementary particles would dominate in baryogenesis *in the plank epoch* he would do cosmic inflation in the energy dense early universe *10^-43 seconds after the big bang* he would be
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the most annoying people are people who don't understand storytelling. they be like "oooo how convenient that this thing happened to the main character in the very beginning". yeah no shit. that's why the story begins here
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northern usa comes with a secret fifth season, between winter and spring. it’s called “Gross”. everything is muddy and dead. allergies are flaring up but there’s not a green leaf in sight. the landscape is littered with piles of dirty ice. snow rain mix is probably falling. gross.
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The Panama Canal
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c’mon everybody!!! *runs off excitedly and no one follows me*
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René Descartes once said "I think therefore I am." which leaves me with the notion that by not thinking I can suddenly vanish from existence.
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do you guys even like girls that have this ...
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