nightdelusions · 1 year
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nightdelusions · 2 years
Y'know, I thought I had reverted back to this. And then I went through it and I feel like I learned so much. I'm so much better. I'm not even in the same realm.
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nightdelusions · 3 years
And y'know what, he doesn't even know this exists, but here's a love letter.
Things are rough sometimes, even now, but the thing that gets me through is knowing I'll never lose you. I was so afraid of losing everyone my whole life. It's incredible to know that someone loves me unconditionally. I would die for you if it didn't hurt you. I hope you achieve everything you want. You're well on your way. I love you.
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nightdelusions · 3 years
I forgot I had this. I really did. But I know some people still remember it exists. So I'm here for that.
Thank you for helping me get through my rough patches. I'm in a better place. I'm not perfect, I have my breakdowns, but I'm not who I used to be. So thank you for being part of my journey, whether or not you helped.
And for the few people that ever saw this: If you ever need help, or feel lonely, I'm here. A lot has changed in my life. You got me through some hard times. I'd willingly do the same for you. Good night ❤️
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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3 AM - Halsey
Hope you like these! Like / reblog if you download.
**Warning: my next posts may or may not be all from Halsey's new album MANIC (she is my favorite singer so 🤷‍♀️). If you haven't heard it you should go listen! It's so amazing!**
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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Forever... (is a long time) - Halsey
Hope you like these! Like / reblog if you download.
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Hope you like these! Like / reblog if you download.
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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Clementine- Halsey
Hope you like these! Like/reblog if you download.
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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Ashley ~ Halsey
Hope you like these! Like / reblog if you download.
**Sorry I've been a little M.I.A. lately, I had a problem with the software I use to make these and it took a while for me to find a new one that I felt was worthy lol. Anyway I will try to post more, shoot me an ask if you want me to work on one for you. Hope y'all are staying safe out there! Stay inside as much as you can!**
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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Halsey lyrics
• lyrics lock screens for anon • like or reblog if you use or save
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nightdelusions · 4 years
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100 letters
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nightdelusions · 6 years
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86K notes · View notes
nightdelusions · 6 years
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you have to accept that some people are not made for deep conversations, or for holding you together when you’re about to fall apart, or for keeping you from unzipping your skin, or for talking you out of suicide, or to love you through the worst moments of your life. some people are made for shallow exchanges, and ridiculous banter, and nothing more. and that’s okay. that doesn’t make them horrible people because they simply aren’t able to handle a storm like you. it doesn’t make you a bad person because you won’t divulge all the gritty details of your horror show. it makes you smart. you have to accept that there will be people that cannot give you what you need. it doesn’t mean they are not worth keeping in your life. you just have to figure out who these ones are before you’re disappointed. and you have to keep them at arm’s length. you cannot expect everyone in your life to understand, to be nonjudgmental, to get it. but that’s okay, because not everyone was made to impart wisdom, or wax-poetic, or speak on politics and the depravity of society, or discuss how crucial it is that the stigma of mental illness be abolished. there are times when you have to get away from all that heaviness. you have to. and you will need superficial conversation about kim kardashian’s arse, or a debate on the color of the dress. you will need those ones. so don’t go round cutting people off and dropping your friends. you need people for all your seasons. you need people or you won’t survive this.
- @countlesscupsoftea
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nightdelusions · 6 years
tbh the real advice I’d give to anyone is, do shit alone. go to a museum & go at your own pace & leave the instant you’re done. go somewhere you’ve never been and just wander around, duck into & out of places as it pleases you. linger as long as you’d like.
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nightdelusions · 6 years
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nightdelusions · 6 years
i look at you and i see the biggest galaxies that stretch beyond everywhere I’ve been, and everywhere i will be; suddenly, you are everything to me
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nightdelusions · 6 years
It’s nice to be loved by others but it’s even nicer to be loved by yourself. Embrace yourself. That voice in your head that tells you that you aren’t good enough is wrong. You have always been enough.
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