nickrathert · 2 years
RT @leahprime: For someone who hates socialism, Elon Musk sure loves being publicly owned
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nickrathert · 2 years
@Intentionaut I started taking a low-ish dose of Adderall somewhat recently. I was worried about it too, and still am. But I have not noticed any significant mood changes yet. It seems to up my focus a little, so it has been worth trying for me. Hopefully you have zero negative effects.
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nickrathert · 2 years
.@elonmusk is a toxic person. He doesn't need more money or a louder voice. A good way to fight against him is to block/mute all Twitter accounts that post sponsored content and ads. Reduce his ad revenue. And never buy a $TSLA. #musktwitter
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nickrathert · 2 years
@brownorama 100%. It's the one I started to keep track of my LEGO collection.
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nickrathert · 2 years
I feel like I just voted in the second to last election in the US that won't be a farce. US democracy had a good run while it lasted. #MidtermElections #MidtermElections2022 https://t.co/7v7G3L4V0C
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nickrathert · 2 years
@elonmusk @AOC @elonmusk You are not funny. Actually, you're toxic.
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nickrathert · 2 years
@elonmusk @elonmusk Twitter is losing advertisers because they are concerned about the chaos at Twitter. They also don't agree with the way the chief twit represents himself in public. So why would they agree with the way he runs a company? Twitter is losing ad revenue because of you.
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nickrathert · 2 years
RT @TheGalacticGal: Plz share to help anyone @ Twitter who has been laid off!!
The space industry is hiring like crazy! We want and NEE...
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nickrathert · 2 years
RT @SethAbramson: Anyone else feel this way?
If you do, VOTE. https://t.co/5iTAyQcSh3
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nickrathert · 2 years
RT @davidsirota: If you're a billionaire, you must be so gleeful that as you fleece the entire country, the entire country is arguing about...
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nickrathert · 2 years
RT @SethAbramson: I saw someone say Twitter should do the opposite of what @ElonMusk wants and charge only anonymous users for posting here...
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nickrathert · 2 years
@ValKatayev Some entrepreneurship is a picnic. https://t.co/g9XWe8Kauz
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nickrathert · 2 years
But these questions got me thinking about social media in general. Before social media existed, we weren't bombarded with thousands of opinions a day. And we were a lot happier for it.
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nickrathert · 2 years
Because what do we do when presented with an opinion contrary to ours? We defend our position. It's a natural reaction. This reaction also uses a lot of energy, both mental and physical.
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nickrathert · 2 years
And sure, arguing/debating on Twitter doesn't seem like it's using up much energy. People usually check Twitter during down time. But once you start actively engaging with Twitter (or other social networks), it is no longer down time.
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nickrathert · 2 years
Have you ever gotten engrossed in doom-scrolling, then not have time to read the book you were going to read? Or play the video game you were going to play? I know I have. It doesn't seem like a big deal at the time. But it actually is.
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nickrathert · 2 years
Replacing our needs with doom-scrolling or conspiracy-watching takes a toll over time. We slowly become balls of stress and anger. Then we take that stress and anger out on others. It's especially easy to take it out on people you don't really know on social media.
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