Age: 48 | Occupation: Owner of Fiore's Slick and Cum Bar / Prize Fighter | Mating Status: Mated/Unmarked | Family: Nicky Fiore - Son | Spn: Alpha Wolf | Pack: Alpha!Fiore | DomTop | Cock Size: 19in. XXXL Thickness, Uncut
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he didn’t need to say anything as he let the man move in and kissed him, clearly picking him up from the bed that he was on and now against the wall. the moment he felt the rip to his lips, he groaned, pressing himself against him and wanting more.
Niccolo smelled the arousal on his mate and it only made him hungrier for the man before him. A growl crept up from his throat, rumbling out and across those bruised lips as he slipped lower, dragging sharp fangs against the man’s pulsepoint. “So... Fucking good. Fuck,” he groaned, bucking his hips against the man so his hard erection was very obvious against him. “Wanna fuck you. So good, so hard,” he moaned out as he nipped at the man’s neck and scented him.
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listening, he let the man just go off on what he wanted to say, he did his own work and now it was up to niccolo to do his. watching him fight something inside, he waited until he saw those eyes again, he can smell the blood and he didn’t care for it at the moment as he wanted to see what was coming out of all this.
looking into his eyes, he felt the hand on him and smiled as he leaned in. “you… you don’t ever have to ask me that ever in you life again - i know you are trying and at the end of the day … i am your mate… so.. please…. kiss me.”
“But I wanted to ask, to make sure it was okay,” he whispered, eyes going red again, but not because of anger. Wasting no more time he kissed him, first soft and tender, then growing in heat and passion. After a few moments he was crowding the other man against the wall of their bedroom, hand slipping from his cheek own to his neck and squeezing just so. The pressure kept building as he kissed him harder, fangs dropping and pricking at the tender flesh of his lips and his grip getting tighter around the man’s throat without him realizing.
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he listened, but also was studying him to see everything that made him tick - the words and how he held himself. he can tell the alpha was holding back and he knew that the man was trying - but how long will it be till he blew up - maybe not on him but on someone. “i can see you are trying.. i can see that, but when will it been when you stop trying and you turn into that man that i saw down there? — answer honestly… “ he said, just then moving in closer from the bed and taking his hand. “then — show me… right now…. how much you want to try… do it … prove to me right now.” he egged on, not sure what he was seeking.
“Hopefully never,” he said, licking his teeth, “but I can’t promise anything if every time I try to do good I get fucking questioned. You told me you forgave me and I asked for you not to so I could earn that forgiveness, but it feels a lot like forgiveness was never an option with the way you speak and act,” he told him plainly.
Feeling the man draw closer it sent all his instincts wild, so many warring emotions roiling in his chest and mind. His eyes shut tight as he tried to focus on that scent more than anything, the scent of mate, of the man he loved. Focused on all the things he needed to do to be better, to be worthy of this extraordinary love that was thrust upon him and he wasn’t ever sure he’d deserve again. Focused on everyone who needed him to make it through this, not just Rocco, but their sons Nicky and Nicco, his pack, everyone. Slowly the fist that was in Rocco’s hand turned over. As each finger peeled back from his palm the sight of 4 claw marks and a small pool of blood appeared before slowly stitching itself back together. “I’m trying really, really hard.”
Slowly his still healing hand reached up to cup Rocco’s cheek as gently as possible. “Can I kiss you...?” he asked, voice uncertain, eyes fading back to their natural hue as his body posture relaxed. This was him trying to be that man Rocco and their family and his pack needed and not the man he’d been shaped into by so much of his life.
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he can tell the man was getting angry, but was holding back and he knew in time the other will snap. “you are only concerned because nicky knows about what happened - he caught you and that is real trigger .. admit it. if it was any other way i’ll still be down there rotting away .. admit it.” he told him, sitting up this time and looking at the man before him. “you have been avoiding all this shit and i can’t help but wonder if you’ll just rather avoid it and play the nice guy to help yourself - or just forget it all ever happened and move on…. so tell me…. what is it going to be asshole… you going to actually try or just forget everything you have done?”
“I’m concerned because I know it was wrong now... Yes Nicky knowing isn’t something I wanted, but in one way I’m glad he knows because it means I have to keep myself in check even harder so he can see I am doing what I can to change. To be better for all of us. He knows that isn’t easy for me,” he said, the subtle hint there being that Rocco should accept that he was at least trying. “I can’t tell you what would have happened. Honestly I might be dead by now because I hated who I was becoming and was drinking myself into a fucking state on wolfsbane whiskey every night so I have no idea what would have happened, and I’m glad I don’t have to wonder because that’s over now.”
Niccolo’s eyes flashed red and air huffed out through his nostrils but he remained as calm as he could, even if his body was reacting his mind was working overtime to keep his mouth and limbs in check. “I am doing. My. Best. Here.” he grit out, fists clenching and unclenching. “I don’t want us to forget, but that doesn’t mean I want to talk about it every minute. I am trying to show you I have changed, not tell you. What is the point of words, actions are what matter. Actions are what created this mess, so actions are the only way to make it better.”
#certianly not to what your standards of wnating him to do fucke dup stuff will be im sure#id imagine hes probablyl yelled or lost his temer or been dismissive and such#but otherwise i think hes still in the phase of Trying to be better since its only been a few days and that would be unrealistic#of him to go right back to full asshole mode already imo
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wanting to counter him - he knew better as he hated how things just were pushed away and not really talked about after all this time so far. “no repeats huh?” he sassed a bit, rolling his eyes and then fighting the hand off him. “i’ll eat later — so you can stop acting like i am a fucking child and chewing the fucking food like i am your fucking pup — i’m your bitch, not you pup… so fuck off.” he didn’t mean the out burst, but mornings weren’t his thing - and today was just a hard day for him, as he was going to be going to get his brother and knowing if his brother heard about all this he will lose his shit – as well, now that the two brothers are out - trouble will come and he knew he had to come up with some plan, also maybe ask for help, but his pride got in the way,.
“You are not my-” Niccolo stopped himself from getting angry, taking a calming breath and trying to remain cool. He wasn’t used to being questioned, to having to deal with someone who was on equal footing with him and challenged him truly. “I am just concerned for your health, after all I’ve done I’d rather you not get sick again if I can do anything to help it,” he said through gritted teeth. He could scent the anxiety coming off his mate and he knew they had to both keep cool, more so him. “Look... I am just trying to do something nice for you. This is me trying. I don’t know how to do this mate thing, how to... Make up for what I’ve done, but I’m trying, even if it’s not working,” he said, feeling exhausted even if he really hadn’t done much. Just controlling his own temper and reigning himself in was hard work as it was.
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waking up slightly at the feeling of his mate leaving his side, he groaned and turned over. wanting to keep sleeping as he just tired from the late nights he was having to wake up from taking care of their new pup. he didn’t know how to be a father and he keeps beating himself up for how he was doing things, almost having dropped him a few times or gotten just angry at small things - adjusting to the life here and not use to having so many people around him. once niccolo came in, he turned slightly and looked at the alpha. “i’m…. i’m not hungry.” he told him, rolling back over and just hugging the pillow.
“Well that may be true, but you still need to eat. You’re malnourished right now, especially after having the baby. You need all your strength, I don’t want to have any repeats of that night, I was terrified to lose either of you,” he told him as he sat down next to him and tugged the man’s shoudler to roll him over. “SO here, eat something, even just a little bit to keep up your energy. The baby will up soon, we both know that,” he said, as he had been woken up by it as well, doing his best to take care of it when he could even if Rocco tended to take the lead there. NIccolo did have more experience in that department, but he also knew Rocco had missed this and in some ways probably wanted that time to be with Nicco. “Look it’s good,” he said, taking a forkful of eggs and bacon and chewing it.
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Niccolo had been doing his best to work through everything. It helped that the baby was there to offset a lot of the drama from before it, everyone so caught up with a new heir to the alpha, with the alpha’s mate appearing out of nowhere. They’d not yet had to discuss too much more, but NIccolo was doing what he could to make his mate feel at home and make up for things in what ways he could.
Today he’d slipped out of bed, and Rocco, early to go downstairs and make him breakfast. He’d checked on the baby first, but he was still sleeping thankfully. After making a big breakfast for Rocco and himself he also got a bottle ready for Nicco just in case they needed it and headed upstairs. “Morning my beautiful mate,” he whispered as he came in, bringing the food on a tray to Rocco in bed.
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jax: nah, i don’t think that is true. but with you - it is since you always like to work on shit on your own and not have anyone else help you. have a goodnight.
Nic: That’s just how I was raised. Night then.
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jax: you can’t be serious..
Nic: I am. SOme things an ALpha has to deal with on his own.
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jax: you know you can talk to me, always, right?
Nic: Not about this.
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jax: what you mean?
Nic: Doesnt matter
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jax: do you think you don’t make us happy, sir?
Nic: Lately I don’t know...
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jax: and i said i am not. jax: thank you, it means a lot.
Nic: Anything to make someone in this pack happy.
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jax: not jealous, he just has trust issues. and yes, that is all.
Nic: I meant maybe YOU are jealous
Nic: And alright, I’ll wear the kid gloves with him.
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jax: can you try your best to not look at him like he’s a snack? jax: trust me, i know it’s hard - more so for you - but he’s got really bad alpha trust issues.
Nic: Jealous?
Nic: Well that I can understand. Ill try to keep the leering to a minimum. Is that all?
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“i hope that is true — i really hope it is.” he said, not wanting to push the whole agenda just yet. once feeling the alpha moving in, he felt his warm touch, his scent - and the mate bond rushing in. “i love you .. too… I ……. “ he stopped, adjusting himself right so he can get niccolo’s cock and slide it inside himself - wanting to feel him as he was resting - just like mates do. “hold me… forever?”
Niccolo couldn’t help how warm and happy that made him feel, even if it was still tinged with guilt for what he’d done to his mate. Through it all though Rocco still loved him, still wanted to let him be a art of his life, of their pups life. Niccolo groaned, teeth coming down to clamp against Rocco’s shoulder as his cock slid inside him. “Forever,” he whispered gently, kissing him again as he scooted as close as he could so they were fully joined. “Sleep, rest. Nicky can take care of the baby, it’ll need to sleep just like it’s daddy.”
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“that he is.” he smiled, just looking at both their pups, while he couldn’t help but feel like his life can come together - just a little work and they will a family. “even if he’s not alpha – it won’t matter … right. niccolo?” he asked looking at niccolo straight in the eyes as he cocked his head.
once in the others arms he was happy to be taken up to the room and laid on the bed, the bed he was once in their first time and he took a moment to take a deep breath. “i…. i want you to stay .. of course….. on the bed… with me.”
“Of course not. I love them no matter what.” While it was true, clearly Niccolo wanted an Alpha to continue the line, not making Nicky feel bad and wanting to wait for his true mate were the only reasons Niccolo hadn’t already knocked up another omega to try for an alpha.
“You do? You’re sure?” he asked, not wanting to scare Rocco in any way after all they’d been through. Or rather that Rocco had been through because of Niccolo. Slowly he began to undress, sliding in beside his mate. “I love you...” he whispered, pulling Rocco in close to him and kissing his forehead.
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