from the night
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Niall Mulloy: 22 year old Scot. Former Gryffindor, now working as a Healer at St. Mungo's in London. Brother to Ian, best mate to Jeremy Wood, and Bint's Knob. Known as Da to Magda Mulloy.LOYAL, CLOSED-OFF, JUDGMENTAL
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niallmulloy · 5 years ago
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God, I hope you don’t fancy Raza. No offense to him ‘cause I know he’s your best mate ‘n all but -pulls an “eh” face- could do loads better than Raza. Bit’ve a dobber if y’ask me. ‘N what are cousins for it not this kind’ve advice, yeah? ‘Specially on said cousin’s roof. -gives him a little smirk and then grabs her cup, shifting so she can reach her arm out over the edge of the roof and dumps out her cold tea into what she hopes is the garden, completely forgetting that her room is above the kitchen area and next thing she knows her mom is shouting out the kitchen window “Cassandra Marlene are you out on the roof again? I swear to–” and cassie winces- Oops. -reaches out and lightly hits his arm- C’mon, let’s go inside before she gets the neighbors attention. -starts clambering back through her window before he gets a chance to answer and gets mostly through before stuttering because OOPS there’s dad in her doorway looking very amused but trying not to be amused- Ah…hi Da. We’re just– -magnus just is like pls stop making ur mom yell at you and cael magnus u know how ur aunt liz is about the gutters idk it’s some weird muggle thing- We’ll stay inside now. Promise. -clears her throat- Actually, was hopin’ I’d be able to go to Lainey’s this weekend, ‘n Cael’ll probably come too, right Cael? Were just talkin’ ‘bout that. Plans ‘n all. Tell Mum we’re sorry. Both’ve us. ‘N Cael’ll try real hard t’learn what doors are for next time. -exit magnus after he gives them a look over and says something along the lines of “i’ll talk t’ye mum for ye ‘bout goin’ t’see Lainey” and cassie gives cael a little shove- Please leave through the door when you go home so she doesn’t lose her damn mind again.
-clumsily crawls after cassie and nearly falls as he tumbles into the room, but immediately straightens all 0:) at magnus, then gives him a little salute like sir yes sir, turns to cassie when uncle mag leaves to be like heyy!!! we stay winning!!! but then shoved a bit- Oof, yeesh. Well shan, mate. S’an offense ye don’t think it’s my primary interest t’make ye mum lose her mind. All o’ this is goin’ t’end with me fallin’ on my arse thanks to some protective charm ‘n m’lookin’ forward to it. Only then when I’ll admit defeat. -ducks back thru the open window just enough to grab the tin, then is a-back!- Pure tidy, that was, by ‘n by. Real smooth. M’sure he thinks we’re just goin’ t’have a proper little slumber party.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
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#the hardest man in the village
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-r o l l s her eyes- Welcome t’havin’ a little brother. He’s a bleedin’ menace sometimes. Mean, I love him ‘n he’s one of my best mates but God, sometimes it’s a bit much, y’know?
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But yeah, do that. Promise t’take him fishing. Anything where he can get all dirty he loves ‘n m’half convinced he does it ‘cause he knows it drives my mum insane. Just like how you’re always clamberin’ up here instead of using the front door. If it weren’t for Da, she’d’ve put Anti-Cael wards up ‘round my window. -smirks a tiny bit- You’re a bleedin’ liar, Cael Mulloy. Know damn well the two’ve you’d distract each other with your dumb jokes and stupid…whatevers ‘n never get anything done. Bleedin’ party animal Lions makin’ a ruckus in the Ministry. They’d call my da on you two b’fore you could blink. Broodin’ ‘n schemin’, though? That’s quiet and unnoticeable. Reckon we’ll be seein’ Cassandra Marlene McKinnon as the name’ve the most competent Ministry intern. -furrows her brows a bit, tilting her head slightly- Properly fancies him? Don’t…don’t think so. Jimmy’s not exactly Ritchie’s type, y’know? Tends to avoid fellow Quidditch players. R’member last year? He was all starry-eyed for Marcus Belby. Furthest you can get from a Quidditch playing bloke if there ever was one.
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-glances sideways at her to gauge her facial expression, trynna be ~casual af- Yeah. Yeah, I just—I dunno, guess I went full-div with the whole “fancies his best mate” thing, eh? Mean, I don’t... -shifts a bit, still feels very weird referencing this Thing about him even tho cassie knows, then scoffs a bit to cover up that discomfort- I don’t fancy Raza or sommat, incredibly brill bloke that he is. Ye know I’d lay myself at his feet ‘n he takes my breath away with those bloody gobstones skills o’ his but, ah, definitely not gaggin’ for a shag. Would need a fair few shots of Ogden’s for that t’cross my mind. -inhales deeply then exhales sharply on a short laugh- But fuckin’ Merlin, can’t believe I nearly repressed that whole phase. Marcus bleedin’ Belby. Glad to have sommat in my back pocket to take the piss out of him for from the get-go. -leans back to rest on his elbows- Cheers, Cassandra Marlene.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
 Well that’s you covered but not me, yeah? If Michael hears anything ‘bout this, he’ll be itchin’ t’come with ‘n if we so no, he’ll go runnin’ to mum ‘n da. -reaches her mug out to bump it against his arm- Think you can talk him into not blabbin’? -smiles at “flobberworm co-parent” and breathes a small laugh while rolling her eyes- Can only begin t’imagine the mess the two’ve you’d make if you got the same internship. Already make a right mess in class together. Times like those s’when I’m glad t’be down in the dungeons away from you lot. Can only imagine the mess Gryffindor Tower is all the time. And your dorm? -pulls a face- Jimmy s’always going on ‘bout your soddin’ messes. -grins bc teasing and then takes a sip, wrinkling her nose at how her tea’s gone cold and shifts around, looking for her wand before sighing when she can’t find it and just sets her tea aside, instead focusing her attention on some small flower that’s sprouted between the shingles, talking kinda absent-mindedly- Like I said, I’ll reach out to Jimmy. Reckon as soon as we mention Ritchie, though, he’ll say yes. Sometimes I think he fancies him more than me.
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-laughs, scratching absently at his chest- Michael’s turnin’ into a bleedin’ narc. We’ve got to intervene before he becomes one o’ those stuffy gits with a broom shoved so far up his arse the handle’s in his throat. If only for the chokin’ hazard bit. -finishes off the biscuit, contemplatin goin in for another cuz glutton- I dunno, I can promise to take him the next time I go fishin’ with Granaidh or sommat. What d’ye think? He’s practically buzzin’ whenever he hears we’re headin’ out together. Could keep his gob shut. -grins because >:) but also :’) and <3_<3- What a load o’ bollocks. We’d be the most competent interns the department’s seen since the dawn o’ the Ministry itself. Not our fault our lot know how to have a good time. S’a miracle ye’ve not contracted anythin’ from all o’ that mold down there in the dungeons, where your lot does all they’re broodin’ and schemin’. -hums a bit in response, kinda been worried like maybe ritchie has a crush on his str8 best friend???:(- Oi, have ye ever wondered if Ritchie fancies him back? Ye know, actually fancies him.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-snorts softly before shifting to face him a bit easier, taking her mug in both hands again and crossing her legs, smiling a little soft because <3 Jimmy <3- Reckon Jimmy’d be good to go. But Elaine, huh? Know she’d be proper pleased t’be invited. Think we’d be able to pull it over on our folks, though? Both know my da is over-protective as hell and would be the first to sort out we’re off doin’ something we shouldn’t be. -shrugs- But if we can make it happen, reckon we’d have loads’ve fun. Ritchie’s a proper nice bloke ‘n good company. -stares down into her cup- ‘Specially since, like you said, next year’ll be different. Jobs ‘n the like.
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Well, wouldn’t be right t’let her waste away down in Devonshire all summer. All those mental West Country accents. S’fuckin’ neglect, that. -inhales through his teeth, thinking as he takes another bite- I know my da’s spending Friday night with Uncle Jeremy. Mum’s likely to tag along ‘n stay with Aunt Joce, so pretty sure I’m in the clear with them. They’ll get absolutely blattered now that it’s just me in the house. Won’t know which way’s up the next morning. -glances down, using his heel to brush away some kinda foliage, grinnin to himself a little bit at ritchie talk- Yeah. Yeah, he’s a laugh. Best flobberworm co-parent on the British Isles, too. -pauses half a sec- McGonagall told him about the same internship at the Ministry as me, the one with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They’ve got a couple openings. Be dead braw if we both got it.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-rolls her eyes, amused- Reckon if I went to him like this, Uncle Niall’d turn all splotchy ‘n squirmy ‘n tell me to shut it while your mum lets him suffer through an answer and–Oi! -pulls her tea just out of his reach, setting it down carefully on the other side of her and then shrugs- Suppose if m’not, y’know, dead from blood loss a trip to the city’d be fun. What’s in Glasgow this weekend? And, more important question, who else’ve you asked?
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-says very flatly in imitation of his dad- Haud yer wheesht, hen. -turns a biscuit in his hands then takes a bite, talking once more thru chewing because classy act- Let’s say—I think we’re due for a night out. Mighty fond o’ this place, but the nearest pubs’re filled with all o’ those auld coffin-dodgin’ pensioners. Was thinkin’ we could ask Elaine to come along. Jimmy Peakes. ‘n, er, maybe Ritchie Coote. He lives right outside o’ Glasgow ‘n says he could put us up if we get too rat-arsed. -shrugs- Last summer before seventh year, eh? Next one’ll be filled with loads of borin’ adult shite.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
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The number of years doesn’t define a friendship. It’s about how many times you left everything and rushed to help your friend. It’s about how your friend stood up for you when nobody believed in you. It’s about the nights you spent sharing your deepest and darkest secrets. A friendship can be gold even if it’s just been a month. It isn’t about the months; it’s about the moments. // requested by @herinnerwolf
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-carefully takes her cup and then snATCHES the tin from him, semi-glaring at him and then grumbles into the tin while searching for most of the chocolate ones- Your sort. Pfft. Knob. -sets the tin down between them once she’s content with her selections- Bloating. Cramping. Aching. Bits’ve my insides fallin’ off. Non-stop bleedin’. -looks up at him with a super saccharine smile-Y’know…usual bird stuff.
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-makes a face like Uh Wtf Ew- Yeesh, yeah. Sounds like ye on death’s doorstep, mate. ‘n ye can trust me on that, my da’s a Healer. -reaches over to dip his cookie into her tea, then makes a clicking sound out the corner of his mouth- Anythin’ ye wanna do before ye finally kick the bucket? Was thinkin’ o’ makin’ the trip t’Glasgow this weekend. Fancy comin’ along—or will ye be too weak from all o’ the blood loss?
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-side-eyes him a little but then grunts in response, relenting and grabbing her cuppa before slothing on over to the window- Take this ‘n don’t go letting it slide off or anything. -tugs her oversized comfy af jumper on and then clambers on out the window, plopping down next to him and getting as comfy as one can be on a ROOF- Y’know, usually when you owl a mate and they say they’re dying, folks tend to not appear outside their window and drag them onto the roof.
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-settles on down with a smug grin, placing the tin in his lap and cracking it open to shove a chocolate biscuit into his mouth, eating as he talks- I’ve heard loads about how you birds communicate from the lads in the dorm. What ye really mean is that ye abso-fuckin’-lutely delighted to see me. Couldn’t have wished for a better way to spend ye afternoon. Jig’s up; I’ve got your sort figured out. -swallows the biscuit, grabs another, then passes the tin and cup over to her- So what’re the symptoms o’ ye swift descent toward death, then? What’s it, like—bloating ‘n shite?
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
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M’not wallowin’, m’dying.
Think ye could cling to life long enough to help me finish off this tin o’ Walkers? -gives the tin a shake, giving her a grin thru the GLASS of the half-opened WINDOW bc classic- C’mon, ye can bring ye cuppa out here. Fresh air’ll do ye good.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
‘Lo? Ye still wallowin’ in there?
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-brightens a tiny bit, quickly glances over niall-butt bc ayyyy likes the way he looks and chuckles again, nodding and sitting back in his seat- Seein’ as it’s my go-to drink there, m’hopin’ they still do. Don’t particularly fancy findin’ m’self another Scot owned pub that hasn’t been soiled by loads’o’Brits filin’ in ‘n out.
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Well, then how could I say no, eh? -tappin’ his fingers against the steering wheel, pausing a sec because ksldj making conversation is rough most days but suddenly feels Pressured to make a good impressed wowza???- I’ve been livin’ over in Hackney for the past couple o’ years ‘n there’s one 'round my flat that the toffs seem to stray away from, if ye ever in the area. No shite IPA’s, either. Just good Scottish stouts ‘n ale.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-chuckles lightly, rubbing a hand over his face still a lil’ embarrassed- Never given it a go? S’a good one. ‘Specially when y’go ‘n say it t’Brits. Look at ya like ya’ve grown ‘n’extra head’r somethin’. -clears his throat and leans forward, draping his arm over the passenger chair- Ah, when we get t’the pub, can I buy ya a pint? T’apologize fer havin’ t’listen t’my bitchin’ back here?
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-briefly glances over his shoulder then quietly clears his throat- Aye, well — could be sommat of a dishonor to Alba to turn down a pint. This pub ye havin’ me take ye to, have they got Belhaven? Reckon it all hinges on that.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
-answers his phone and is trying to keep his voice ~~low- What d’ya want, Hugh? Said it was over, yeah? ‘N I meant it. S’over. Don’t–don’t try ‘n talk your way outta this. Nah. Nah, y’know what? Go take a runnin’ fuck at a rollin’ doughnut. Fuck backoff t’fuckin’ Nigel, ya bas. You’re no my boyfriend anymore so don’t go ‘n call me anymore. -hangs up and clears his throat, sheepishly avoiding looking forward- Ah. -clears his throat again- Sorry. 
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Shite — ah, nah, mate. Not a problem. S’hardly the worst thing t’happen back there. -grimaces like uhhh- Mean, I get it’s not great for ye. Haven’t got t’worry about my delicate sensibilitie, s’all. -pauses- But ‘runnin’ fuck at a rollin’ doughnut’, eh? Not bad, that one. Might start usin’ it, myself.
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niallmulloy · 6 years ago
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#good morning beautiful  😴 👌 🔥 😍 [x]
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niallmulloy · 7 years ago
-rolls her eyes- You ‘n Nie are idiots. Smudged upper lipped idiots. News flash: birds don’t find that shite attractive. Right, Lainey? -R O L L S her eyes and reaches across to grab elaine’s book, flipping it back open- Ignore her. She’s bein’ daft ‘n too proud t’ask for help. She’s not understandin’ this bit ‘n I’m no help, so we thought you could have a look. Actually, -stands and shoves her bag closer to elaine’s- sit ‘n help while I run t’the loo real quick, yeah?
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-still blushing lol- There is definitely something to be said about being mustache-less. -halfheartedly glares when Cassie grabs the book- Bint. -raises her voice enough so the people near them can hear- I told you to steer clear of the custard pie at lunch, Cassie. You know dairy just goes right through you. Let’s hope you make it to the toilets in time this go around. 
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-runs his fingers over the stache- Can’t help but see that as sommat of a challenge. -looks back down at their lil set up and sees what subject they’re working on and WINCES a bit but nods his head- Mean, I can take a look but I can’t make any promises that I’ll be much help. -pulls out the chair next to elaine, taking a seat- Arithmancy’s dull as shite. -mouth starts twitchin with a grin at elaine’s words, laughing when she’s done- Aye, I see. So she’s told ye about the family trip to Ben Nevis, has she? Poor bird, it came on so suddenly. Remember, Cassie: tergeo did a right brill job that time.
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