The Vajayana Foundation's Ngondro Program at Pema Osel Ling ། ! 2013 Eureka Canyon Road Watsonville Ca 831-751-6266
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Subdue Self-clinging ... the purpose of all the teachings in the Great and Lesser Vehicles can be condensed into a single point: to subdue self-clinging.
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Livestream Ngondro Teaching and Dudjom Ngondro Oral Transmission Saturday, August 8th at 11 am Pacific
Livestream Ngondro Teaching and Dudjom Ngondro Oral Transmission Saturday, August 8th at 11 am Pacific
Dudjom Tersar Ngondro Teaching continuing with the “Four Thoughts” from last month with Lama Sonam Rinpoche. This is a livestream event from Pema Osel Ling.
Saturday Aug 8, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time NGONDRO TEACHING LIVESTREAM LINK

Dudjom Rinpoche Sangye Pema Shepa
For those of you who missed or would like to review Part One, you can find it…
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Q&A with Lama Sonam Rinpoche
Q&A with Lama Sonam Rinpoche
If you are in the Ngondro Program, please join Lama Sonam Rinpoche in a livestream webcast personal setting today, August 5th, at 11am Pacific for the Dudjom Tersar Oral Transmission and Q&A. Look in your email for your invitation. Didn’t receive it? TEXT (760) 895-2620 “Where is my invitation?”

You can also join Rinpoche beforehand for the Vajrayana Foundation Shower of Blessings Daily…
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Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s Seventh Decho Parinirvana Anniversary
Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s Seventh Decho Parinirvana Anniversary
Repost from: Heart Teachings
We’re very honored and delighted that in commemoration of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s seventh dechö parinirvana anniversary, this Saturday, August 1 at 3 pm Pacific Time, Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche will offer a teaching inspired by his profound prayer of supplication to Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, “The Healing Medicine of Faith.”

The fourth descendent of the…
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Three Ngondro Events in August
Three Ngondro Events in August
This month, August, we have three Ngondro Events.

Wednesday, August 5th @ 11am Pacific This will be a special private only for participants of the Ngondro Program, a ZOOM Q&A webcast session with Lama Sonam Rinpoche. Please email your questions to [email protected] by noon on August 4th. Ngondro Participants: Watch your email for details.
Saturday, August 8th @ 11am Pacific Our monthly…
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The fault in not having faith People who lack faith are deprived of the good fortune of being able to practice the Dharma, and their not having faith is therefore an immeasurable defect.
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Teaching and Lung Today, July 16 at 11 am Pacific Click here to get links!
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The benefits of cultivating faith “There are boundless virtues in cultivating and increasing one’s faith. It is the foundation for all virtuous practice.
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LIVESTREAM Group Ngondro Accumulation Session Sunday, July 12 @ 11am Pacific
LIVESTREAM Group Ngondro Accumulation Session Sunday, July 12 @ 11am Pacific

Dudjom Tersar Ngondro Program is inviting you to a scheduled LIVESTREAM Zoom meeting for the July Group Ngondro Accumulation July 12, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) This is an open to all interested in the Ngondro Practice. Link to Join Meeting ID: 418 861 9749Password: yogini Please click here to donate to help…
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Thursday, July 16 @ 11am Vajrakilaya Puja, Tsok and Ngondro Teaching with Lama Sonam Rinpoche
Thursday, July 16 @ 11am Vajrakilaya Puja, Tsok and Ngondro Teaching with Lama Sonam Rinpoche
Livestream July 16, 8 am – Vajrakilaya Daily Puja and Tsok followed by Ngondro Teaching with Lama Sonam Rinpoche Open to all interested in doing Ngondro Practice

Link to the online viewable text which will become live prior to session:
Page turning guide for hardcopy text:…
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Shower of Blessings Daily Puja followed with the Dudjom Tersar Ngondro Lung on July 8th 8am Pacific
Shower of Blessings Daily Puja followed with the Dudjom Tersar Ngondro Lung on July 8th 8am Pacific

Dudjom Tersar Refuge Tree

On July 08, 8 am Pacific, join Tulku Jamyang Rinpoche and Lama Sonam Rinpoche for the LIVESTREAM Shower of Blessings Daily Puja and Tsog followed with Oral Reading Transmission (Lung) of the Dudjom Tersar Concise and the SaTer Ngondro given by Lama Sonam Rinpoche Online live read along Shower of Blessings text which will become live prior…
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Reflecting on the need to guard the mind, which is the root of the Dharma
Reflecting on the need to guard the mind, which is the root of the Dharma
The whole of the Dharma depends on the mind, and the mind is dependent on the precious human body. This is an interdependent relationship of support and what is supported: the mind is the root of Dharma, and the freedoms and advantages are the support or accessory for this. For this reason one need train only in taming the mind, as Nagarjuna advises:
The vital point is tame your mind, for…
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Vajra Guru Mantra
The explanation of the meaning of the Guru’s essential twelve-syllable mantra is explained according to the extensive commentary on The New Treasure Preliminary Practices called The Lamp Illuminating the Path to Liberation
OM, AH, and HUNG are the expression of the three vajras of enlightened body, speech, and mind that begin the mantra. BENZARis…
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Seven Treasures Oral Transmission Time Change
Seven Treasures Oral Transmission Time Change
6 pm TODAY, June 23rd
Register here
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On the benefits of the Vajra Guru Mantra
On the benefits of the Vajra Guru Mantra
“This is the essence mantra of all Sugatas, the accomplishment practice of all Victorious Buddhas in one. By meditating upon Me and reciting the Siddhi mantra, you will traverse the fifteen bhumis and five paths. It is the same as reading all the teachings of all the Buddhas of the three times.” Also, “This will awaken you from clinging to the solidity of appearing existence. It is the…
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The Thief of Meditation
The Thief of Meditation
When thoughts come while you are meditating, let them come; there’s no need to regard them as your enemies. When they arise, relax in their arising. On the other hand, if they don’t arise, don’t be nervously wondering whether or not they will. Just rest in their absence.
If big, well-defined thoughts suddenly appear during your meditation, it is easy to recognize them. But when slight, subtle…
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