newwavefeminism · 4 years
it’s been a long time since ive posted, or even logged into Tumblr. I hope you all are doing well, or at the very least, the best you can!
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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Why the fuck does this keep happening? Does there need to be a unit in teacher lisensure school on not making your black children re-enact slavery?
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I don’t understand the point in discussing your parent who decided to carry your fertizlation to term while living in a place that abortion WASN’T banned by law.
She clearly had legal CHOICE in those pregnancies. That’s the point. That people are legally allowed to give birth when they CHOOSE to.
(Also, how selfish and manipulative is it to prop up your struggling parent as some “If she didn’t abort ME you have no excuse” figure)
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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This tweet makes it sound as though the neighbors are upset that the 2 murders weren’t a strong enough deterrent.
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I regularly lurk on the relationship_advice sub reddit, and this post, and many of the comments really struck me this afternoon.
It’s not that I’m surprised, but just so disappointed at how folks really don’t get that fat women are completely aware that they’re fat and how this is perceived. Like, what rock do you think women live under where we don’t understand how appearances are perceived. That is such a huge aspect of our socialization? Like what?
I just wish folks would be less disingenuous about this topic. He is clearly saying, “other women find me attractive and if she doesn’t lose weight I’ll leave her for these more attractive women. How do I convince her to commit to losing weight so that I can stay in a relationship with her?”
If you don’t want to be in a relationship with her because she’s gaining weight just break up with her. His post makes it clear and obvious that she is already struggling with her weight, but he just doesn’t think that she’s trying “hard enough.” Like, maybe if you tell her how YOU feel about her weight she’ll take it more seriously?
So many comments were suggestions on how to trick her to eat less or start accidentally excercising. And then there are the comments on how to reveal to her how fat she has become. Y’all need to stop confronting people for gaining weight like it’s fucking A&E’s Intervention.
Someone in the comments basically said “your goals for her body are not/cannot be HER goals for her body and of course that did not go well. If someone wants to lose weight or make changes to their body, that’s completely fine. But do y’all realize how toxic it is to coerce someone into losing weight and letting them know that despite all they’ve done in the past, they need to try harder or the relationship is over? This is not how already insecure people develop healthy relationships with their body/food.
I really hope folks can just break up with women that you’re not attracted to anymore instead of doing this ridiculous, bending over backwards to make yourself the victim because “i can’t believe they put me in this position and make ME the jerk by getting fat”
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
I’m so utterly disappointed in myself for engaging with someone so willingly obtuse. Next time I’ll just block and move on. Don’t know what for into me
(She literally has a post defending segregation. What is wrong with me)
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On today’s episode of: Jeff Sessions wants to bring back Jim Crow.
Click the source link for the rest of the article, but as you can see Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is wasting no time to roll back civil rights protections and make sure discriminatory policies are etched in stone.
Which is exactly wtf everyone - including Coretta Scott King - warned us he would do considering his history of doing JUST THAT - using his political power for racist ends.
Another reason to be worried, these voter ID laws are used to not only disenfranchise poor voters and minorities, but these populations have been specifically targeted since Obama’s win in an effort to regain republican control over districts around the country.
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
Not only do you not know how to research or fact check, you also intentionally misinterpreted my point.
But I guess that’s what you gotta do when your goal is to support racist policy that aims to disenfranchises mass amounts of people.
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On today’s episode of: Jeff Sessions wants to bring back Jim Crow.
Click the source link for the rest of the article, but as you can see Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is wasting no time to roll back civil rights protections and make sure discriminatory policies are etched in stone.
Which is exactly wtf everyone - including Coretta Scott King - warned us he would do considering his history of doing JUST THAT - using his political power for racist ends.
Another reason to be worried, these voter ID laws are used to not only disenfranchise poor voters and minorities, but these populations have been specifically targeted since Obama’s win in an effort to regain republican control over districts around the country.
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I don’t know why I’m a part of this group because I don’t even teach in Houston. But sometimes they be postin the most backwards and lowkey internalized anti-black shit.
Like I get that teaching is hard, and we aren’t appreciated enough, and our work would be so much more impactful if we were supported by all stakeholders: but I get so irritated by how acceptable it is for teachers to write off parents. Especially when we know our work is hard because we work in districts where our students are underserved and needs go unmet.
Parental involvement is alway great but teachers need to realize that it
1) doesn’t always have to look the way *you* want it to as a tool to meet *your* ends and
2) isn’t an excuse for you or the school or district not doing everything they can to meet their needs
Dear Parents,
You have more rights than you may realize
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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Wow, what a wasted opportunity to show what your pigments look like on a spectrum of shades.
Its not even like each row is a different color. It’s literally the same 3 shades over and over again. Each column could have easily been a different tone. Not even a ground breaking, secret concept...
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I used tenants instead of tenets on a post about feeling overly policed and never good enough at my old charter school and this is such a fitting response
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
Clearly I wish I went to this talk lol. I have so many questions that I would love to have asked.
Though I sure that I would have probably took way to long to formulate them, even longer to decide if they were relevant enough to ask, and then convince myself to raise my hand right as they say “this next person will be the last question, thanks to everyone who shared”
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I’ve had this discussion with other folks, that when trying to make change there is a responsibility for there be support (at the very least) from top down.
Leadership needs to genuinely do the work to understand what needs to happen. Performative woketivism that I see in many organizations ain’t gonna cut it.
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I really wish I knew the context of the whole talk. I can see this being a “yes, and” as oppose to an “either or.”
I think of Trump. We’ve talked about his racism to death, and the media allows conservative white folks obfuscate his obvious racism with “well we don’t know his heart” and pull up black folks in congressional hearings to attest to his never being racist. Asking whether or not Trump is racist is a waste of time because old white men are allowed to dominate a conversation they don’t understand to uphold white surpremacy.
However, I do see a value in pushing media to examine how Trump is disrupting racism. Only because this would require more thought and force folks to really confront the work that needs to be done vs “he didn’t really mean SHITHOLE counties” and going in circles
But I still find value in calling him racist.
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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This reminds me of the Jay Smooth TedX talk “how I learned to stop worrying and love talking about race” where he explains that these conversations turn left when the subject gets focused on “what you are” vs “what you DID.”
I find this framework useful in professional settings, when leading workshops with new teachers, or just overall managing dynamics. But I def go back afterwords with black staff members like “yo but so and so is mad racist”
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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This brings me back to working at a charter school that really broke me down. But it was also a charter network with “woke” leadership and “diversity coordinators” at the network level.
Imagine my surprise when my black led leadership structure worked to instill in me that I wasn’t good enough for the work environment. Black leadership and white feminists claiming to be team #blacklivesmatter but only if you’re team #blackrespectability.
We affirm your identity, but not if I can label it as “unprofessionalism”
We build community, so long as you assimilate to our requirements of how to be a respected member of this community
We will cultivate leadership, once you prove yourself worthy via points 1 & 2 above
Again, I think these tenets are important. I think my point is that some organizations practice this in disingenuous ways, repackage it, add some neoliberal flair and turn around to gaslight you with it
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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I saw this on twitter and I agree with interrogating that concept, however I would add:
I’ve seen culturally responsive teaching and education framed in this way as well. What I find is that when you frame anti-racism as an “act” as oppose to a critical ideology, teachers think that their disrupting white surpremacy by putting up a bell hooks quite or including certain texts - all without examining their behavior practices, the way they police black bodies of believe how black children need to be taught.
I understand the push to focus on dismantling racism so that folks can’t use the “there isn’t a racist bone in my body” excuse. But I feel like we need to examine both questions: with the understanding that, for the most part, the answer to #1 is “probably”. You can’t work to dismantle anything if you don’t understand to what extent you are shaped by racist socialization and understand how you’re going to do the work to unlearn that.
But this is a quote out of context so perhaps this was addressed. This event looks interesting, wish I knew about it ahead of time!
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newwavefeminism · 5 years
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They’re really out here arguing, with a straight face, that not all workers deserve wages that allow them to live.
They’re out here acting like a living wage is a six figure fucking salary.
America really does a good job of romanticizing “the struggle” like it’s a feel good Lifetime movie based character building experience - just to justify sooo much oppression
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