newstorym · 1 year
*Beep Beep*…Sorry the person you are trying to reach is unavailable please leave a message after the tone Long Beep
Ally: Hello Mom..Dad it’s me,… I’m sorry I just can’t put on a fake smile anymore… I can't pretend to be happy…and to wake up believing it is going to get better. Nothing in my life is changing… I-I can't be here knowing… that I am a disappointment and I will never make you proud…but I-I will mi-miss you G-goodbye 
Girl falls from the building
She lands on a car
People start gathering and whispering
Women1: Gasps oh my god, what just happened?
Women2: How could she do this?
Man: How could she do this to the parents? The parents will be devastated when they find out
Women:Her parent’s don’t deserve this pain
Girl: People talk and pretend to know who to blame when they don’t know the whole story in a person’s life. Of course neither I myself know none of their business and isn’t mine to know but, it hurts knowing no one wants to stop or change the problem. It is scary but this is the reality of our lives repeating a cycle that never seems to stop….sigh Why can’t there be an end to this.
The Spirit orb leaves the body and drops down to the girl's hand. It turns into a bright white butterfly and they release it watching it fly away into the night. 
Arlo opens his eyes 
[Arlo’s Mind] Five more minutes
And proceeds to go to sleep
Arlo: Ah! OK I’M UP
Arlo gets up from bed and starts getting ready for school
He heads down to eat and goes in the kitchen
Mom:Finally your up, now go eat your breakfast
Arlo: ok
Arlo sits down and starts eating as the mom is watching the news on the tv
The News: In today's breaking news. Last night, it was reported that a 16 years old girl had committed suicide. She was able to access a tall building roof and took her own life. It is known that she was in a psychiatric hospital and was mentally ill. Nobody knows who she was or how she got out but we will get back to you with more information
Mom:That’s horrible, poor girl. Her parents must be devastated
Arlo:Ya devastated
[Arlo’s Mind]:Yea right! They could have helped her or done something about it but they didn’t.
Arlo:I’m done eating. I’m heading to school now. Bye
Mom:Ok study hard!
Arlo gets up and walks out the door
As arlo walks to school he pass a lake and stares at it 
He remembers the happy moments he had and now there all gone along with his happiness
[Arlo’s Mind]:It really hurts
Arlo continues to walk to school
As he goes inside the school he sees his best friend
Gregory: Hey man how have you been?
Arlo: Great it was just really boring this summer and just working at the coffee shop you know.
Gregory: Oh yea! I had fun too, went to a lot of places and remember the field trip the school was doing on going to Italy?
Arlo: Ya
Gregory: I actually went and it was amazing. I also talked to a lot of people from our school that went and now we are friends.
[Arlo’s Mind]: Now that hurts. It hurts knowing he is meeting new people and now I am scared he will leave or ignore me. What to do?
Arlo: That's a great man. I am happy for you
Gregory: Ya and they invited me to go eat with them at lunch, wanna join us?
Arlo: Nah, I am a good man. I was actually planning to go to the library.
Gregory: Ok well I will see you later bye
Arlo: Oh wait…. What’s your schedule and he’s gone sigh
Arlo Heads to class 
Arlo makes it to first period and takes a seat
Mrs.Hensley: Hello class, who is ready for their last year and finally graduating
The whole class cheers
Mrs.Hensley: Oh kay class settles down before I start teaching each of you is going to get pulled out of class and go to the counselors office to talk about your future ok. Now I am going by last name Mr.Alden
Mrs.Hensley: Ok you are up first head to the counselors office.
Arlo gets up and heads to the office
In the office
Counselor:Hello Mr.Arlo how have you been?
Arlo:good I guess
Counselor: Well that's great..we are here to discuss your future since you are in your last year how do you feel about that?
Arlo:Well ok I guess
Counselor:Well I think you should be excited going into a new journey
Arlo:Ya, I guess
Counselor: Or do you know what you want to be
Arlo: Not really my parents want me to go into business
Counselor: Well that is interesting. But is that what you want?
Arlo: Well I am not sure what I want?
Counselor:Well it’s about what you want and I suggest you figure it out fast because, it won’t take much time till you start applying and figuring your college.
Think about it ok
Arlo got nervous and scared hearing that
Arlo: O-ok
Counselor: Well are time is up I wish we could have talked more but I have other students coming in,have a nice day.
Arlo:you t-too
Arlo got up and went back to his class
Time Flies and he is now at lunch sitting alone
A group of boys walk up to him
Boy:Hey, the loser is all by himself.
Boy2:aww did your friend finally abandon you.
Boy3 pours milk on his head
Boy3:I'm so sorry I thought you were the trash
They all start laughing
Arlo gets angry but doesn't react instead he gets up and heads out the cafeteria 
As Arlo was heading to the office Gregory started to call him
Gregory: Arlo! wait up man.
Arlo: Annoyed, what do you want?
Gregory: Hey why are getting mad at me
Arlo: I don't know maybe because you abandoned me to hang out with your new cool friends
Gregory:I invited you to come eat with us but you said NO!!
Arlo: Raises voice YOU KNOW THAT I CAN'T DO THAT
Gregory: ME TOO,...
 know wonder why everyone was right about you being a pathetic, depressed, and loner
Arlo was so angry, all he saw was red he wants to punch Gregory but can't and so he walks away and leaves the school
Arlo is so mad and frustrated and is walking through the forest, as he is walking he sees the lake and all his anger and frustration goes away. For some reason instead of fear he feels comforted by the lake
That's because this is where he met the only person that really understood him.
Arlo:I need to stop with these memories it will only bring me more pain 
Int. (Interior) Vintage Shop - Woods- Mid Day-
As Arlo continues to walk in the forest the air starts turning cold and the sky starts getting stormy he suddenly looks to his left and sees a little shop. It looks old and he looks through the window. His body is drawn into the shop. He enters and starts to think. 
Arlo’s Thoughts
Why is there a shop in the middle of the forest?
Arlo continues to roam around the shop, he sees something to his left, there is a table with a phone from the 50s and it looks new and looks like the owner takes good care of it, he then proceeds to look around and for some reason he feels like his feet are taking control of him. He then proceeds to walk to a table with old pictures he feels a little weirded out because who would want to collect old photos then his hand reaches out for a small purple album and in the front it has a golden plate that says 1980 he opens it but there is nothing. None of the folds have a picture. He started to flip through them until the last fold that had a picture in it his eyes widened and started to water as he was looking at the picture and out of nowhere a girl's hand appeared behind him and reached out to hold his shoulders. Arlo feels the hand and gets startled which makes him drop the album and it falls to the ground, he is scared to turn around but for some reason he feels like he has to turn around and with the little bravery he still has left he turns
Old Man
“Do you need any help?”
no I am good just checking out the stuff
Old Man
If you need something don't be afraid to ask
Ya thank you
The old man walks away to the cash register
Arlo's Mind: That scared me 
Arlo pics up the album and heads to the register
Arlo:I want to buy this please
Old Man: Nice choice that is a very good photo album. Do you want me to take any photos out of the album? Some customers forget to take out the pictures
Arlo: It is ok there were no pictures I checked
Old man:that would be 40 bucks
Arlo's eyes want wide 
Arlo:4-40 bucks just for this small album
Old man: of course that album is very vintage and old
Arlo:Oh,of course here you go
Arlo holds out the 40 bucks and gives to the old man
As the old man grabs the 40 arlo holds on it tightly
Old man: what are you doing your suppose to let go
Arlo: Right Ha
He let's go and is very sad about his money
He walks out and looks at the album which brings back his smile and proceeds to put it in his bag and starts heading home
Psychiatric Hospital-Panic-Night
Nurse:This is bad, what are we going to do?
Nurse2: I don't how did she even get out of the facility
Doctor: we have to tell the parents
Nurse: Ok I will call them
Doctor: Nurse Shelley 
Nurse shelley:Yes
Doctor:... Go check please
Nurse Shelley: Ok
Sniffle sniffle
??:I know it's all my fault…please stop
She wanted her… freedom. Please..It's my fault but she’s happy now
 sighs in relief
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