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On Sunday April 24, 2011 WikiLeaks began publishing 779 secret files from the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison camp. The details for every detainee will be released daily over the coming month. In its latest release of classified US documents, WikiLeaks is shining the light of truth on a notorious icon of the Bush administration's "War on Terror" -- the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, which opened on January 11, 2002, and remains open under President Obama, despite his promise to close the much-criticized facility within a year of taking office.
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A year on from the Deepwater Horizon disaster, fishermen on Louisiana's Delacroix Island face an uncertain future, as Melanie Burford reports, with support from ProPublica.
The community was already in decline - hurricanes, erosion, the intrusion of modern life and falling seafood prices had all taken their toll.
Now, many of the remaining fishermen fear they may be the last of their kind, and that a way of life will disappear.
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To defeat zip ties, you can either completely break the zip ties, shim them, use a friction saw or with a little forward thinking just be able to slip right out of them.
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Prosecution would be a 'significant step' towards abortion being outlawed, says lawyer for pregnant women's group
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As explosions boom, the town's loudspeakers blare: "Attention! Attention! We are under attack!" Air raid sirens wail through the streets, mingling with the frantic clanging of church bells. Clouds of tear gas waft between houses as helmeted riot police move in to push back the rebels.
This isn't a war zone, but a small town just outside Athens. And while its fight is about a garbage dump, it captures Greece's angry mood over its devastated economy.
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BENGHAZI, Libya—Rebels here have drafted a constitution that calls for full equality regardless of gender, race or religion, part of their effort to convince the world they are committed to democracy and deserve international support.
The document represents a milestone in the rebels' effort to move rapidly from a grass-roots uprising to a government with all the trappings of statehood.
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Japan Dead Zone: Video of search for bodies in Fukushima radiation shadow (by RussiaToday)
Japan's government has ordered the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant to pay some $12,000 to each household forced to evacuate because of radiation leaks. It is estimated the compensation bill could end up topping 25 billion. However, the country's leadership has come in for its own criticism, from those still living in shelters a month on from the quake. They say helps been too little, too late. It comes as emergency response crews are finally carrying out intensive searches for tsunami victims near the nuclear plant, delayed over radiation fears.
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Busby: 400,000 to develop cancer in 200 km radius of Fukushima (by RussiaToday)
Engineers at Japan's Fukushima plant continue work on emptying highly radioactive water from one of the nuclear reactors. The latest tests show that radiation levels in the sea near the damaged facility have spiked. On Tuesday, Japan raised the level of nuclear alert at the plant to the maximum of seven, putting it on a par with the Chernobyl disaster. Recovery efforts came under threat as series of powerful aftershocks hit the area near the power station. It came a month after the massive earthquake and tsunami devastated the country, leaving over 13 thousand people dead. Monitoring stations around the world have been picking up small amounts of radioactive particles spreading from Fukushima.
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(via Anonymous to Sony: "Prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed")
You can check out the complete message below:
GeoHot has taken a settlement with sony. The case has been dropped. In the eyes of the law, the case is closed, for anonymous it is just beginning. by forcing social networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook to hand over IP addresses of those who have viewed GeoHot’s videos, they have performed an act of privacy invasion. We, anonymous, will not allow this to happen. The attacks on the websites of sony have been ceased, sony’s poor attemps to explain the system outages through maintenance amuse us. Therefore we are finding other ways to get sony’s attention. This April 16th, grab your mask, a few friends, and get to a local sony store by you. Use the IRC and the official Facebook page to organize a protest in your area. Make sure the people know the injustices performed by this corrupt company. Boycott all sony products and if you have recently purchased any, return them. It is time to show large corporations and governments that the people, as a collective whole, can and will change injustice in society, and we will make a great example out of sony. Sony. prepare for the biggest attack you have ever witnessed, anonymous style.
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'Depleted uranium's toxic legacy to poison Libya for 40 years' via RussiaToday | Apr 12, 2011
Military experts are accusing coalition forces in Libya of using depleted uranium in their air strikes. The deadly substance can cause cancer and physical mutations in those who come into close contact with it. The claims are surfacing as the ongoing NATO-led campaign is being stepped up with no clear end in sight. Journalist Conn Hallinan says Washington is selling depleted uranium bombs to its NATO allies, and the ill effects of the controversial weapon will be felt in Libya for decades to come...
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The head of INTERPOL has emphasized the need for a globally verifiable electronic identity card (e-ID) system for migrant workers at an international forum on citizen ID projects, e-passports, and border control management. Speaking at the fourth Annual EMEA ID WORLD summit, INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble said that regulating migration levels and managing borders presented security challenges for countries and for the world that INTERPOL was ideally-placed to help address. "At a time when global migration is reaching record levels, there is a need for governments to put in place systems at the national level that would permit the identity of migrants and their documents to be verified internationally via INTERPOL," said Secretary General Noble.
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Radiation caught on tape: RT talks to Fukushima zone stalker (by RussiaToday)
A powerful aftershock has hit northeastern Japan, exactly a month after March's devastating earthquake and tsunami killed over 13 thousand people. Meanwhile the government is extending the 20 kilometre evacuation zone around the Fukushima nuclear plant over risks of long-term radiation. Well video journalist Tetsuo Jimbo braved the area and went within 1 and a half kilometres of the facility to document the dangerous levels of radiation there.
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In a political move that would make John Locke’s head explode, Bolivia is poised to pass a law that would grant nature equal rights with those afforded humans. The Law of Mother Earth is expected to usher in a radical new conservation policy against pollution and exploitation.
Perhaps most beautifully, the law would enshrine nature’s right “to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities.” —JCL
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China's Black Jail (by bonnetwork)
China's system of petitioners taking grievances to the central government has an ancient history. In former times those mistreated by the local potentate would appeal directly to the Emperor in the capital. And even today those who feel wronged by local governments come to Beijing in the hope that the central government will listen to them. Starting earlier this year BON's Tom MacKenzie has spent several months investigating the plight of these petitioners who make that long journey to Beijing - only to find themselves detained, and sometimes beaten and tortured, as they try to seek justice in the Chinese capital.
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Daily Show: Oliver - America's Freedom Packages
John Oliver demonstrates how America's freedom packages will turn any country's civil war into a catastro-tunity.
(via America's Freedom Packages - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 03/21/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central)
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Cat and Dolphins playing together
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The operator of the devastated Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant has made the decision to construct a 120-meter wall in the sea consisting of seven steel sheets and a silt curtain to cut the reactor No. 2 intake from the open sea.
On Wednesday, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, resorted to liquid glass to stop the leakage of water contaminated with radioactive materials from reactor No. 2.
The radioactive iodine-131 reading in the sea near the reactor has dropped significantly to 63,000 times the legal limit, whereas previously it was 7.5 million times higher than allowed.
Nevertheless, the discharge of low-radioactive water into the sea continues. By the end of Saturday, the plant will have poured about 9,000 tons of relatively low-radioactive water into the Pacific to free up reservoirs for even more contaminated water that flooded the No. 2 reactor's turbine building and a maintenance tunnel system underneath.
In the meantime, TEPCO is constantly pumping inert nitrogen into unit No. 1 to prevent yet another hydrogen explosion.
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