newsbug · 8 years
Today in “you can’t do that,” reports are circulating that border agents are interrogating foreign nationals about how they feel about Mr. Trump. Also, this particular family, before you ask, was not from a country included in the travel ban. This family was from Morocco. There was a kid from Jordan who lives in Texas who was detained and shipped to a detention center in Chicago. Both of these people had valid visas and were not part of the ban, but off they went anyway. Some say the order has emboldened agents and is leading to a de facto “ban” as Muslims are having their bags and phones searched and being denied even though they’re not in violation and/or have a valid visa.
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newsbug · 8 years
Here's my take on the biggest problem with this: the fact that Merkley was able to read uninterrupted means that McConnell was NOT fighting the contents of the letter (or for Sessions' reputation, as he said - the rule he accused Warren of 'breaking' was against 'attacking the character of another Senator'), it was about fighting HER. If it was about the letter, McConnell would have used the same logic on Merkley. He didn't.
“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate.” Mitch McConnell stopped Elizabeth Warren from reading Scott King’s letter in opposition to Sessions’ ‘86 federal nomination, saying Warren “impugned” the motives of Sessions.
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newsbug · 8 years
Hi guys! So, here’s what’s up. 
I moved this summer from Virginia to NYC and started a job there. Ergo, I’m no longer the “Virginia News Bug.” 
HOWEVER: I still need this outlet to yell about politics, so I’ll be retooling this page soon. 
Much love,
Rachel the News Bug
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newsbug · 8 years
Did the two men shot by cops deserve to die? Fuck no they didn't. BUT THESE COPS DIDN'T DESERVE IT EITHER.
This is NOT how you get your voices heard. This is NOT how you make a point.
I was with you, protesters, until shots rang out. This makes you no better than the trigger-happy cops you're protesting.
There's no need for violence like this. Ever.
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newsbug · 8 years
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Delegates wave Bernie Sanders signs while Attorney General Mark Herring speaks at the DPVA 2016 convention.
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newsbug · 8 years
Rules report adopted, but not without some contention. Chants of "let them speak."
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newsbug · 8 years
Delegate Counts:
1,474 delegates total - 856 Clinton, 618 Sanders. District 6 is the only one with majority Sanders.
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newsbug · 8 years
McAuliffe: “The primary is over, we’re on to the general election, and we’re going to elect the first female president of the United States of America!”
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newsbug · 8 years
McAuliffe touts expansion of school meals: “this year, we’ve provided 2.5 million breakfasts to kids,” also says election of Northam to governorship next year is “essential”.
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newsbug · 8 years
Rules and credential committee members chosen, brief pause for committees to convene.
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newsbug · 8 years
DPVA officials speaking to kick off the convention!
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newsbug · 8 years
Whoever is picking the music is my best friend. It’s like my Spotify is playing through the speaker. ^_^
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newsbug · 8 years
Happy to announce I will be LIVE from this year’s Virginia Democrats State Convention in Richmond THIS SATURDAY the 18! I’ll liveblog here and periodically go live on Facebook - follow along!
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newsbug · 8 years
Per your rant about anti-Trump protesters: what makes you think that all or even most of those protesters are Sanders supporters? There are a LOT of people in this country who can't stand the Donald. So what makes you so sure it's Bernie supporters protesting? It could be Hillary supporters,or disgusted Republicans, or it could be people who dgaf about Democrats and just hate Trump. It sounds like you've started buying into Trump's blaming of Sanders supporters. Where's the proof?
In the beginning of my piece, I did mention that it could be any of those. 
And regardless of who they support, my point remains the same. Senselessly beating up people who are leaving a rally for a candidate you don’t like is not the way to do anything. 
I said Sanders supporters because the majority of supporters I’ve encountered (particularly online, but there have also been more than a handful in person) are OK with this behavior and believe those who don’t agree with them shouldn’t be allowed to speak. 
Reiterating my point, I don’t agree with anything Trump says. I think he’s an idiot. But I also happen to think picking fights with his supporters or with the police is a stupid idea, regardless of your political persuasion. I’m proudly unaffiliated because I think everyone involved is making themselves look like idiots.
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newsbug · 8 years
I’ve been watching what’s going down in the West - these anti-Trump protests that are getting violent, the Sanders and Clinton supporters trying to shut him down and holy hell.
Do I agree with ANYTHING that spews out of the mouth of Donald J. Trump? HELL NO. I think he’s absolutely batcrap crazy. I think he’s dangerous and he doesn’t have the slightest freaking CLUE of how to be president. I think he will do irreparable damage to an already damaged country. 
I’m a Sanders supporter. I’m convinced that he is exactly what this country needs. I think Sanders is the best person to elect. I’m not a fan of Clinton, but I’d vote for her over Trump.
Hell, I’d vote for an ear of corn before I’d vote for Donald Trump. 
HOWEVER, I am also a reporter. And as a reporter, I firmly believe in the First Amendment. 
And I believe in the First Amendment for everyone. Not just for people I agree with. 
I believe Trump and his supporters have the same right to speak their minds, even if I think they’re idiots.
And this, I’ve noticed, is a point where I differ with some of my fellow Sanders-loving counterparts.
I don’t like what he says, but he certainly has a right to say it. I don’t agree with the people that collect outside the rallies and protest them with the sole intent of silencing him. I don’t agree with those who attend his rallies just to scream and yell and disrupt the proceedings. 
Because you and I know damn well that those same Bernie supporters would be crying foul if Trump supporters did the same to them.
I believe in a good protest. I do. I camped out with Occupy Wall Street in New York back in 2011. I visited Occupy New Hampshire Primary Day in 2012, and I visited the Occupy Boston camp.
Hell, I argued with a co-worker who disparaged another Occupy protest because I know that protesters are often very intelligent people who are portrayed in the mainstream media as idiots. (I know I’m technically part of the mainstream media, but that’s a rant for another time.)
But, fellow Berners, do you have the slightest idea what protests like those in Chicago/Albuquerque/Fresno/San Diego do to us?  They make us look like children. They give the other side an excuse to point at us and laugh. It gives the GOP something to hold against us. They’re pointing at us and saying “look, you clearly can’t trust them, look how idiotic they look.” 
You want political change. I get it. So do I. 
Violence is not the answer. It has never been the answer. 
Do you realize what you’re doing? 
You're helping Trump. That's what you're doing. I love you dearly, and I feel for you, and I know in my heart that your intentions are good.
But right now, you're part of the problem.
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newsbug · 8 years
Recommended national delegate slate passes, convention is adjourned at 7:35 p.m. #rpv2016
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newsbug · 8 years
7:30 p.m.
Convention sources say Cynthia Dunbar will serve as National Committeewoman. #RPV2016
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