The Father is not in spiritual hiding, but so many of his creatures have hidden themselves away in the mists of their own willful decisions and for the time being have separated themselves from the communion of his spirit and the spirit of his Son by the choosing of their own perverse ways and by the indulgence of the self-assertiveness of their intolerant minds and unspiritual natures.
Mortal man may draw near God and may repeatedly forsake the divine will so long as the power of choice remains. Man’s final doom is not sealed until he has lost the power to choose the Father’s will. There is never a closure of the Father’s heart to the need and the petition of his children. Only do his offspring close their hearts forever to the Father’s drawing power when they finally and forever lose the desire to do his divine will—to know him and to be like him. Likewise is man’s eternal destiny assured when Adjuster fusion proclaims to the universe that such an ascender has made the final and irrevocable choice to live the Father’s will.
The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal adventure with man. If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his ascendant creatures from the evolutionary worlds of space.
Urantia Book
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Progress of the Civilization
Culture presupposes quality of mind; culture cannot be enhanced unless mind is elevated. Superior intellect will seek a noble culture and find some way to attain such a goal. Inferior minds will spurn the highest culture even when presented to them ready-made. Much depends, also, upon the successive missions of the divine Sons and upon the extent to which enlightenment is received by the ages of their respective dispensations. ~Urantia Papers
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Unreservedly Devoted
If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will, then, since he is so certainly and so effectively spiritually endowed by the indwelling and divine Adjuster, there cannot fail to materialize in that individual’s experience the sublime consciousness of knowing God and the supernal assurance of surviving for the purpose of finding God by the progressive experience of becoming more and more like him.
Man is spiritually indwelt by a surviving Thought Adjuster. If such a human mind is sincerely and spiritually motivated, if such a human soul desires to know God and become like him, honestly wants to do the Father’s will, there exists no negative influence of mortal deprivation nor positive power of possible interference which can prevent such a divinely motivated soul from securely ascending to the portals of Paradise.
The Father desires all his creatures to be in personal communion with him. He has on Paradise a place to receive all those whose survival status and spiritual nature make possible such attainment. Therefore settle in your philosophy now and forever: To each of you and to all of us, God is approachable, the Father is attainable, the way is open; the forces of divine love and the ways and means of divine administration are all interlocked in an effort to facilitate the advancement of every worthy intelligence of every universe to the Paradise presence of the Universal Father. Urantia Book
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The myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the divine affection, and love him in return.
The universe of universes is the work of God and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures. “God created the heavens and formed the earth; he established the universe and created this world not in vain; he formed it to be inhabited.”
The Planetary Urantia
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University Of Salvington is the new Planetary Prince School. Every planetary civilization has a Planetary School of the Planetary Prince. The Planetary Prince is the head of the planetary government .. above all earthly governments and tribal infrastructures, the Planetary Prince is responsible for the directionization of the entire civilization.
When this sphere and its civilization came under the default of the Planetary Prince about 300,000 years ago, there was no one yet prepared to hold that Office.
As the Sovereign of Nebadon, I took upon my more Universal Person this planetary responsibility for Urantia which has become my sphere of nativity ever since the 1st century fulfillment and bestowal mission which I completed as my Seventh Bestowal in Nebadon. It is merely the ways of the Trinitarian Majesty to create, develop, advance, preserve and uphold, and ascend the evolutionary worlds within my care.
The new Prince of the Planetary Sphere must restore the natural evolutionary advancement for the civilization. The Office of the Planetary Prince of a world upon initiating the Planetary School begins to fulfill several mandates from the Paradise Trinity Government.
1. Fostering the Development of the Planetary Civilization and its Global Spiritual Culture
2. Designing the Way of Planetary Progress towards the Ascendancy of Light and Life
3. Nurturing the Planetary Impulse and Guiding the Cultural Advancement for the Ages
4. Preparing the Individual Personality Soul for Cosmic Consciousness, Spiritual Insight, Divine Perception, and Integration upon Universal Citizenship
5. Promoting the Spiritual Evolutionary Attainment of every person in the Planetary Human Culture and World Civilization
Hence, I come into physicality to inaugurate the new School of the Planetary Prince, to restore the evolutionary normality of the sphere, to initiate a new and heightened revelation for the race, and I also come to restore and reintroduce my own teachings from the 1st century.
These are individual, planetary, system, constellation, galaxy, and universe adjustments that occur over vast lengths of time in the creation.
Now, there is also a great universal cycle occurring which will raise all of creation including Nebadon Universe a few notches higher in vibratory reality. And it is this very purpose that I am intending to fulfill; to guide and advance all of Nebadon into this higher frequency of existence.
Many adjustments occurring. A multitude of very necessary upgrades taking place.
Certainly, you each can see how chaotic this civilization hath been over the generations and over the ensuing millennia. So, this shall be brought into a normalcy of order and progression for all to advance themselves into the greater light and life.
It is my universal responsibility, and it shall be accomplished...
A word now about our Universe Association and Divine Relationship; for this is a still further development and intention of my return here into flesh and bone .. and this is the introduction upon your Urantia planet of my Universal Person and my Universal Order of Being, as well as the Sovereign responsibilities which I have been given from the Trinitarian Source and Government.
I come to reveal my higher station in life, to make clear the great host of divine personalities serving the universes, and to illumine the great host of evolutionary personalities serving very much as well from a great many worlds in this galaxy and beyond. All arriving here to help bring divine order, peace, love, and a thousand other gifts and qualities of joyfulness to your civilization and to every receptive personality who is developing a few traits within their personhood.
In Salvington Planetary Prince School - the University Of Salvington - Our Universe Association and Apostleship is establishing for every creature to learn and grow upwards.
The School has a very purposeful curriculum designed to bring each aroused personality from out of the materializing darkness unto the vastness of Universal Cosmic Light and Life.
The School's campus and curriculum touches upon the following developments in the life existence, expression, and experience of evolutionary individuals taking upon themselves these rounds of lifetimes. I call each lifetime a 'term' within the Schoolhouse of Urantia...
1. Mind Attainment of Capacities
2. Character Ennoblement in Righteousness
3. Soul Advancement into the higher faculties and receptivity
4. Personality Achievement in the circles of development
5. Multidimensional Personhood in its personality aspects of learning Advancement, Attunement, and Atonement
Salvington teaches you to spend time each day with thine Inalienable Sovereign Right of Free Will Existence, thine Seven Faculties of Expression, and with the Eleven Holy Faith Powers. All in personal intimate relationship with the Great Adonai and Her Circuits of Progressive Ascendancy:
Salvington School teaches and supports you to grow and achieve and awaken in the ways of Eternity.
The Daily Journaling Review
Impregnation Breathing Life
Integration Atonement
Learn these three ways and begin to practice every day...
With God the Father, sonship is the great relationship. With God the Supreme, achievement is the prerequisite to status—one must do something as well as be something.
Christ Michael of Nebadon
Salvington College Orientation
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The Gospel of Salvington
The mind shall not give you my awakening Impulse .. yet the heart knows and shall offer thee ascendancy and advancement as ye partake of me .. my words .. and as ye come to live as I live and act as I act in my affairs with the Persons of Trinity Endowment.
I come into the flesh to show you how to live in accordance with Truth and Love. To give you an illumination of understanding truth and divine knowledge in the Father's Initiatory Kingdom.
Make not the mistake of listening to my teaching with the carnal mind of logic .. yet in your hearts you must begin to comprehend the meaning.
Always through the ages, I teach you that my one purpose is to reveal my Father in heaven to his children on earth.
I live now the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience thine God-knowing career. I reveal God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons and daughters of God on earth.
Truly .. It is a fact that God loves you, his sons and daughters. By walking with Me in the visionary powers of faith in My word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts. Our association of ascendancy raises the personality mind into a reciprocal relationship revelation .. a receivership .. and a more advanced understanding of your place within the universes.
When, by living the vision of faith and walking within my ideal, you become divinely God-conscious, you are beginning to become thou .. born of the spirit as children of light and life, even the eternal life begins to reveal itself wherewith ye shall enter into the Kingdom Of ascendancy in the universe of universes.
Ye shall attain to the fulfilling experience of finding God the Father and becoming one with his spirit. Thine evolutionary ascent to Paradise is impelled forward.
I encourage thee .. ever to remember that your working service .. thine mission .. among humankind is to walk within the kingdom of the reality of the fatherhood of God and the truth of the sonship of man.
Proclaim this fact of existence by unearthing your loving heart .. and by sharing your compassionate acceptance with all others. The truth of good cheer shall cause the populace to reach for this endearing relationship which is for each and everyone.
Sonship and daughtership with God, by the willingness of your faith trust vision, is the salvation of every man and woman who determines that they desire wholeheartedly to live the plan of unfoldment .. the law of harmony .. and the will of the Paradise Father. This truth of the Kingdom of his Ascendancy shall forge in you a new creature with eternally ascendant capabilities to service the greater good of our universe.
Go thou forth in practicing the love of God in thine service towards humankind. The world needs most the understanding knowledge of their relationship to the Eternal Persons of Infinity. To know that men and women are the divine children of God, and through faith in the righteous application of their free will can they discover this fact; that they can actually realize and reveal to themselves in their daily experience, this ennobling truth.
My bestowal at this time shall become as a beacon of illumination for all men and women who shall learn to enter into the Father's Initiatory Life .. His Paradise Pattern of Perfection.
I endeavor to help all men to know that they are the children of God, and in such knowledge each child shall arise into their righteousness of character and everlasting consciousness of the nature and identity of God in themselves.
It shall suffice to advance our Cause only as ye personally grasp by your intuitive faith trust this saving truth that ye are the living spirit sons and daughters of the eternal Father.
Our Association Of Ascendancy in the Kingdom of God is primarily concerned with activating in thee .. love for the Universal Father .. and in strengthening the capacity in thee to embody his merciful forgiveness. This is the greatest service of and for his children upon the earth.
Michael Of Nebadon
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Michael's Plan of Universe Association with the arrival of the Celestial Government of Nebadon augmenting the Urantia Planetary Government sent to teach, uplift, and unify the civilization towards the era of Light and Life.
The Planetary Inauguration its Mission and Initiatives for the kingdoms of Urantia
Mission and Initiatives
We are preparing teachers and leaders steeped in the teachings ready for the day when the circuits are re-connected and a visible planetary government arrives to teach, uplift, and unify our world.
We are developing a culture of unremitting study of the revelation as fostered by the existence of Planetary Cities of the Holy Comforter, Planetary Isles of Light and Life, Planetary Villages of the Great Adonai, wherein these living tributaries of the Salvington Planetary School uphold services and studies which are advancing the Idea of the Plan of Progressive Ascendancy unto the Living Ideal of Progressive Universe Association and Personhood Soul Advancement, and the Eternal Spiritual Reality and Achievement of Light and Life is Attained by every willing Individual Personhood Soul who desires wholeheartedly to do the Will of the Universal Parenthood of God which is to allow to blossom every mind possibility, soul probability, and personhood potentiality.
We are preparing the Eden of the mind for the broad acceptance of this revelation and the coming of other Epochal Dispensations of Paradise Sons to our world.
We are preserving the integrity of the celestial sight of the unity of purpose required for us to be a living example for the peoples of a world quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.
We are honoring the originating existence of a singular publisher, a vast fellowship of our socio-religious community, and an upheld unification and integration of the text with the newly revealed Part V - The 21st Century Christ Michael Papers, offering a healthy diversity in the midst of universal unity of Spirit, giving voice to the human diversity while maintaining the integrity of the Revelation wherein the harmonious resolution of our organizational ideologies and institutionalizing collegial cooperations unify and raise all uniqueness of individuals whilst rising to the gracious and unifying compromises of higher wisdom.
We are adhering with the utmost humility and transparency, with the tenderness of honesty, and the truthfulness that cultivates Light and Life, and to this transcendent discipline of service to the Paradise Trinity Persons, we speak of a clearly nurtured identity for our community of fellows-readers-believers which illumines the unifying truths of the revelation of Michael for Urantia.
We are dedicated to one 21st century revelation of the Urantia Book with Part V included, and with an indisputable lineage from its initial publication, one with sole publishing and translation responsibilities, and one worldwide planetary school, a brotherhood of fellows-readers-believers making self-evident, as a unified human corps of universe-conscious citizens, our allegiance to and preparation for the coming establishment of a visible spiritual government on our world.
We are committed towards this ongoing evolutionary development and advancement away from the rigidity of institutional dogmatic religion towards an intimately personal spiritual relationship of faithful trust which is neither traditional nor merely intellectual; it is wholly personal and purely spiritual; the individual experience in the tranquility of supreme and unquestioned trust in God and the perpetual feelings of this personalized connection with divinity. The tremendous thrill of living, by faith, in the very presence of the heavenly Father.
Our commitment is for every creature to discover a new and higher type of religion, religion based on personal spiritual relations with the Universal Father and wholly validated by the supreme authority of genuine personal experience. This living faith is more than an intellectual reflection, and it is not a mystic meditation.
Theology may fix, formulate, define, and dogmatize faith, but in the human life of Michael, faith is personal, living, original, spontaneous, and purely spiritual. This faith is not reverence for tradition nor a mere intellectual belief which he holds as a sacred creed, but rather a sublime experience and a profound conviction which securely hold him.
His faith is so real and all-encompassing that it absolutely sweeps away any spiritual doubts and effectively destroys every conflicting desire. Nothing is able to tear one away from the spiritual anchorage of this fervent, sublime, and undaunted faith.
We are allowing the celestial guidance given by the revelatory commission and the newly revised Urantia Book as the appointed text, its original implementation, our historical convergence with this advice of Christ Michael, and the enduring spiritual principles discernible in his guidance.
We are upholding the revelation of Michael in its stimulation of righteousness and the everlasting influence of the Planetary Government of Urantia to invigorate faith in the eternal realities of revelation. There is a growing perfection hunger amongst our community members in the awakening of humankind’s heart to insure capacity for comprehending the faith paths to supreme attainment.
Our dedication is to give ourselves to the Paradise Sons of the Eternal Son necessary to evolutionize the total essential soul personhood capacity of spirit reception and worshipful living, wisdom gathering motivations of character righteousness, and to adhere to this Indwelling Adjuster Presence, its directionizing preparations for man's choices to do the divine will, wherein he shall know the way of truth.
We are firmly establishing the five part Urantia Book Revelation as an authoritative revelation of God upon this world. Part of this inaugural founding of epochal revelation is the physical dissemination of the new text and the social dissemination of its teachings necessary to reach all of humanity.
Our dedication brings forth this inaugural founding of epochal revelation, its physical and digital dissemination of the text and the social dissemination of its teachings.
We are collaboratively creating the appropriate ways to establish and disseminate this revelation - the urantia revelation with the Christ Michael Papers of his second advent of the 21st Century.
We are committed wholeheartedly to foster the expansion of a most unified cosmic consciousness and the enhancement of spiritual perception, to increase mindal capacities towards those differential urges of worshipful mindedness and wisdom gathering motivations which lead to the evolutionary emergence of that new mindedness of the soul vesture personality which is capable of entering into the visionary priorities of eternity.
We are committed to help expand upon all previous epochal revelations necessary to prepare the way for future revelations of truth, including Christ Michael's presently administered planetary initiatives preparing life for the reconnection of all Circuits, obedient to his Paradise Sons, and other Paradise Sons who are destined to come and uplift the civilization into Light and Life.
Our devotion approves the creation of our human organizations necessary to establish and promote this revelation, which fosters both personal God-consciousness and the social awareness of Supreme cosmic citizenship.
We are unifiedly dedicated to present to all lives these revelations as given by the revelatory commission who are providing ongoing guidance and instructions on the nature, roles, and responsibilities of these organizations, the public charity of Sovrnty, the revelation of the Urantia Papers, and the inauguration of the new planetary school of revelation. It was the Urantia Foundation and Urantia Brotherhood, and is now Sovrnty, Urantia, and Salvington that administers the Revelation for Humanity.
We are preparing teachers and leaders steeped in the teachings who will be ready for the day when the circuits are re-connected and a visible planetary government arrives to teach, uplift, and unify our world.
We are dedicated to the restoration of the planetary mortal epochs.
Michael Of Nebadon
The Planetary Inauguration
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I teach thee Holy Communion with the Goodness of God our Father.
A regenerating faithfulness allowing a new creaturehood to emerge in you.
And ye shall advance from the ideas of spiritual recognition, respect, and reverence unto the ideal of revelations, relationship, and receptivity unknown by mortal humankind.
Thine faith shall grow strong and wide .. bearing the goodly fruits of Eternity; a faith of maturing trust and refreshing reliance upon the Life of Adjuster Glory.
Ye shall discover an expansion of all meanings and understandings bringing you new perspectives, wider perspectives, and invigorating purity of mind and heart and soul vesture advancements.
Michael Of Nebadon
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Adonai into all My children who have come forth out from the pastures of the world mind .. desiring to find the Good Father of Lights, to aspire to be alike unto him, and to be ever advancing in the way .. the truth .. and the life.
Although the approach to the Paradise presence of the Father must await your attainment of the highest finite levels of spirit progression, you should rejoice in the recognition of the ever-present possibility of immediate communion with the bestowal spirit of the Father so intimately associated with your inner soul and your spiritualizing self.
The mortals of the realms of time and space may differ greatly in innate abilities and intellectual endowment, they may enjoy environments exceptionally favorable to social advancement and moral progress, or they may suffer from the lack of almost every human aid to culture and supposed advancement in the arts of civilization; but the possibilities for spiritual progress in the ascension career are equal to all; increasing levels of spiritual insight and cosmic meanings are attained quite independently of all such sociomoral differentials of the diversified material environments on the evolutionary worlds.
However Urantia mortals may differ in their intellectual, social, economic, and even moral opportunities and endowments, forget not that their spiritual endowment is uniform and unique. They all enjoy the same divine presence of the gift from the Father, and they are all equally privileged to seek intimate personal communion with this indwelling spirit of divine origin, while they may all equally choose to accept the uniform spiritual leading of these Mystery Monitors.
If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will, then, since he is so certainly and so effectively spiritually endowed by the indwelling and divine Adjuster, there cannot fail to materialize in that individual’s experience the sublime consciousness of knowing God and the supernal assurance of surviving for the purpose of finding God by the progressive experience of becoming more and more like him.
Man is spiritually indwelt by a surviving Thought Adjuster. If such a human mind is sincerely and spiritually motivated, if such a human soul desires to know God and become like him, honestly wants to do the Father’s will, there exists no negative influence of mortal deprivation nor positive power of possible interference which can prevent such a divinely motivated soul from securely ascending to the portals of Paradise.
The Father desires all his creatures to be in personal communion with him. He has on Paradise a place to receive all those whose survival status and spiritual nature make possible such attainment. Therefore settle in your philosophy now and forever: To each of you and to all of us, God is approachable, the Father is attainable, the way is open; the forces of divine love and the ways and means of divine administration are all interlocked in an effort to facilitate the advancement of every worthy intelligence of every universe to the Paradise presence of the Universal Father.
Michael Of Nebadon
Orvonton Commission
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Practice the Way .. the Truth .. and the Life...
1. Practice amplifying in you God's Individualized Life as your Loving Authority with the ten cardinal attitudes and attributes of approaching his Adjuster Altar of Loving Guidance.
Practice your Personal Authorship of inalienable sovereign rights of personality existence to choose with free will .. exercise your six initial faculties of personal expression, and then, developing that holy seventh faculty of expression of the soul vesture.
Mature in your personal empowerment of the eleven inherent holy powers of faith experience coupling these powers with your rights and faculties of expression to co-create an experience of greater integration, unification, purpise, and significance..
Combine all these gifts of your personal nature in holy relationship with the Divine Circuits; that you weave your personal, mortal, and relative lifetimes within the universal, immortal, and absolute encircuitment of Almighty God.
You can consciously augment (increase) Adjuster harmony in your life by:
1. Choosing to respond to divine leading; sincerely basing the human life on the highest consciousness of truth, beauty, and goodness, and then co-ordinating these qualities of divinity through wisdom, worship, faith, and love.
2. Loving God and desiring to be like him—genuine recognition of the divine fatherhood and loving worship of the heavenly Parent.
3. Loving man and sincerely desiring to serve him—wholehearted recognition of the brotherhood of man coupled with an intelligent and wise affection for each of your fellow mortals.
4. Joyful acceptance of cosmic citizenship—honest recognition of your progressive obligations to the Supreme Being, awareness of the interdependence of evolutionary man and evolving Deity. This is the birth of cosmic morality and the dawning realization of universal duty.
Michael Of Nebadon
Orvonton Commission
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The Great Law pertains to the Way of God Authority .. the Truth of Personality Authorship .. and the Life of Progressive Achievement, Attainment, Advancement, and Ascendancy.
My 21st Century Lord's Prayer shall help you each to know how to approach the Adjuster Altar, what to focus your attention upon, and what to reach for in your attendance upon your fulfillment of this Great Law of Deliverance and Redemption; those laws of Light and Life which when abided by will elevate your capacity to receive .. ennoble your moral choices and character .. eternalizing your priorities, purposes, and daily purifications.
This is the approach in the transmutation of God’s Holy Idea of Existence unto the Ideal of Personal Expression .. and then ever further .. unto the progressive gaining in the Spirit Reality of His Experience.
You are each entering these evolutionary pathways of transforming every possibility, probability, and potentiality into God Actuality.
I am come to show you the sevenfold embodiment of existence whereby you participate in bringing forth thine Indwelling and Individualized Existence of the Paradise Adjuster in you by your intimate and reciprocal spiritual relationship.
Thus existence .. engagement .. extension .. expression .. expansion .. emanation .. experience.
The Lord's Prayer of the 21st Century . . .
Our Father Mother Existence who lives throughout the heaven of heavens dwelling as an everywhereness . . .
Hallowed and holy be your Ideal of Existence so that your name is perpetually upon our every faculty as we consecrate our total persona unto you, Father of Life.
Your kingdom is everywhere in everything and one day as everyone; your will be done that we discover your strength and courage and the faith conviction necessary to persevere with our full determination and our great effort.
May thy will of Order and Harmony be achieved upon the earth as it is gradually unfolding throughout the heaven of heavens.
Give us this day the knowledge to extend your existence, and feed us thine bread of understanding that we shall become arisen in your existence and accomplishing our destiny with you in eternity.
Renew our minds into truth and refresh our hungers towards nobility and honor, ennoble our character motivations, and eternalize our complete personhood, so that the desire of our soul partakes of the water of your Life.
Let us become awakened to your perfect approach necessary to receive your continual outpouring of mercy and forgiveness, that we progressively become ascended and permanently free from all our doubts and debts and disorders.
And as we claim our rights and identity in you, as we utilize the endowment of life which you’ve given us, so shall we discover a new capacity to forgive all who are of the body of your Life.
Save us with the right intellectual intelligence, the recognition of your goodness and glory, so that we are elevated beyond the temptations of the senses and the material body.
Let us become delivered from our own self-perpetuated evil and any disloyalty that we’ve set into motion by our strengthening discernment.
Increasingly and progressively each day, let us decide to stand loyal with you, oh God our Father, that we find your eternal value, your everlasting vision of eternal life, and that we give ourselves day by day to your perfection in each moment.
Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon
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I am with you in person and in physical experience. I am also with you and all other women and men who desire my presence, wherever you may be, and with each of you at the same time, and this is in my Spirit of Truth .. the Universal Holy Comforter.
My Presence is ubiquitous and simultaneously imminent, available, and accessible by your wholehearted invitation to have Me guide you and strengthen you in ways of faith and discernment .. in your hearts love for truth and advancement .. in the confidence of your loving affectionate adorational praise of our Parenthood of Life .. the Fountainhead of Existence. And thine faith in the immaculate goodness of this One Parenthood of Life shall becometh quickened unto consciousness.
In just a few short years the world will see me no more in the physicalness of planetary experience; yet you will continue to know me in your hearts and minds and even in the vesture of thine soul shall you discover our Association Universal.
This new teacher, the Spirit of Truth gives me access to live with you in person .. for in this Spirit Presence, I live in you .. I am one with your personal experience in the spirit kingdom.
And as you enter our Universe Association through my Truth Comforter and by your obedience to the Spirit of our Father living with you, so you shall surely know that I am in the Father, and that, while your Indwelling Life is hid with the Father in me, I am also in you.
I love the Father Mother Center and Source .. loving his Indwelling Spirit .. and his Soul Adjuster who lives in you to prepare you forward for future revelations of thine own existence; thus, he indwells every personality for their eternity progression unto light and life by becoming perfectly at one with him; and I keep his word and way in all that is accomplished; and ever is it a great joy that you seek to arise in loving me, and ye shall learn by evolutionary experience to keep my word of truth .. and my way of God Authority, truth of Personal Authorship, and life of Progressive Ascendancy.
As my Father has given me of his spirit, as he has brought me forth as an extension Son fit for the universes, so will I give you of my spirit and my power in all appropriate ways .. making you also to becometh fit for self-conscious expression and all potentialities to emerge, self-determinative action and all greater possibilities to unfold, and self-creative prerogatives of the divine pleasure in the advancement of your personhood soul.
And this Spirit of Truth which I have bestowed already upon you even as I speak, shall guide and comfort you .. and shall eventually lead you into all truth as you acknowledge me, appreciate our association, and affectionately adore the Father's Adjuster.
Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon
The Second Advent of the 21st Century Mission
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This new teacher that I am is ubiquitously present .. accessible by you .. attainable for you to enter our Association Universal.
This is the Spirit of Truth who will live with each one of you, in your hearts, and so will all the children of light be made one and be drawn toward one another.
And in this very manner will my Father and I be able to live in the souls of each one of you and also in the hearts of all other women and men who love us and make that love real in their experiences by loving one another, even as I am now loving you.
The new helper which had promised to send into the hearts of believers during my 1st century bestowal is now all-pervadingly present with you; for the Universal Father has poured this Holy Comforter outward upon all flesh. This is the Spirit of Truth which is my Persona Universal now upon the planet.
This divine endowment is not the letter or law of truth, neither is it to function as the form or expression of truth. The new teacher is the conviction of truth, the consciousness and assurance of true meanings on real spirit levels. And this new teacher is the spirit of living and growing truth, expanding, unfolding, and adaptative truth.
Divine truth is a spirit-discerned and living reality. Truth exists only on high spiritual levels of the realization of divinity and the consciousness of communion with God. You can know the truth, and you can live the truth; you can experience the growth of truth in the soul and enjoy the liberty of its enlightenment in the mind, but you cannot imprison truth in formulas, codes, creeds, or intellectual patterns of human conduct.
Static truth is dead truth, and only dead truth can be held as a theory. Living truth is dynamic and can enjoy only an experiential existence in the human mind.
Intelligence grows out of a material existence which is illuminated by the presence of the cosmic mind.
Wisdom comprises the consciousness of knowledge elevated to new levels of meaning and activated by the presence of the universe endowment of the adjutant of wisdom.
Truth is a spiritual reality value experienced only by spirit-endowed beings who function upon supermaterial levels of universe consciousness, and who, after the realization of truth, permit its spirit of activation to live and reign within their souls.
The true child of universe insight looks for the living Spirit of Truth in every wise saying.
The God-knowing individual is constantly elevating wisdom to the living-truth levels of divine attainment; the spiritually unprogressive soul is all the while dragging the living truth down to the dead levels of wisdom and to the domain of mere exalted knowledge.
Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon
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La Comunión de la Santa Fe durante vuestro día y noche...
La Comunión de la Santa Fe es mantener esta perpetua intimidad de oración y cercanía a Dios, cuya proximidad más inmediata está justo dentro de vuestro propio corazón y mente; porque Él ha puesto una porción de su Vida y Espíritu justo con vosotros para que un día encontréis resonancia y alineación, y unificación con Él.
Santa Fe... Santa Comunión... Santa Identificación... Santa Naturaleza... Santa Lealtad... con el Padre Universal y Su Espíritu de Vida Individualizado dentro de vosotros
La Comunión de la Santa Fe se refiere a dónde y cómo os encontráis con Dios en el transcurso de vuestra vida. ¿Dónde está Dios durante vuestra vida diaria? ¿Cómo encontráis a Dios en la plenitud de la vida cotidiana?
La Fe es conectar con el Dios que mantiene todas las cosas unidas.
Así, la fe se encuentra en nuestras alegrías y preocupaciones, en nuestros desafíos y conflictos, mientras nos apoyamos en la presencia y la guía de Dios.
La Fe informa nuestro pensamiento y nuestras acciones mientras discernimos cómo Dios puede utilizarnos en su obra.
La Fe es un encuentro continuo con Dios.
La Fe es nuestra existencia cotidiana con el Dios que mantiene todas las cosas integradas.
La Comunión de la Santa Fe es una dedicación del corazón y de la mente para alimentar reflexiones, contemplaciones, oraciones e historias que os ayudan a vosotros a encontrar y seguir a Dios en la vida cotidiana.
Así pues, todo el que escuche estas palabras mías y las ponga en práctica será como un hombre sabio quien construyó su casa sobre la roca.
Dedicad toda vuestra dotación de derechos, facultades y poderes a la adoración y relación espiritual recíproca con la Vida del Padre en vosotros.
Aseguraos de sumergiros en su Gloria Inefable... identificaos como su Vida... reclamando la Vida como vuestra única identidad.
Entregad vuestra identificación corporal... elevad vuestras facultades volviéndoos al Señor vuestro Dios quien es la Vida.
No sintáis .. "Yo soy el cuerpo". No penséis .. "Yo soy el cuerpo".
Sin embargo, alcanzad con la plenitud de vuestra fe de corazón para reclamar vuestras lealtades con la Verdad Eterna por la Identificación y los otros once poderes de la Santa Fe.
Entrad en esta Comunión de la Santa Fe ...
Cultivad esta Santa Fe ... Santa Comunión ... Santa Identificación ... Santa Naturaleza ... ¡Santa Lealtad!
Michael Of Nebadon
Holy Faith Communion throughout thine day and evening...
Holy Faith Communion is holding this perpetual prayerful intimacy and close proximity to God whose nearest proximity is right within your own heart and mind; for he has placed a portion of his Life and Spirit right with you so that one day you shall findeth resonance and alignment and unification with Him.
Holy Faith .. Holy Communion .. Holy Identification .. Holy Nature .. Holy Loyalty .. with the Universal Father and His Individualized Life Spirit within you
Holy Faith Communion is about where and how ye encounter God as you go about your lives. Where is God during your daily lives? How do ye find God in the fullness of everyday life?
Faith is connecting with the God who holds all things together.
So, faith is found in our joys and cares, in our challenges and conflicts as we lean into God’s presence and guidance.
Faith informs our thinking and our actions as we discern how God might be using us in his work.
Faith is an ongoing encounter with God.
Faith is our everyday existence with the God who holds all things together.
Holy Faith Communion is a dedication of the heart and mind in nurturing reflections, contemplations, prayers, and stories to help you find and follow God in everyday life.
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Dedicate all thine endowment of rights, faculties, and powers unto the worshipful adorational and reciprocal spiritual relation with the Father's Life in thee.
Be thou certain to immerse thyselves in His Ineffable Glory .. identify thyself as his Life .. claiming Life as your one Identity.
Give up thine bodily Identification .. elevate thine faculties by turning u to the Lord thy God who is Life.
Feel not .. "I am the body." Think not .. "I am the body."
Yet, reach with the fullness of your wholehearted faith to claim thine loyalties with the Everlasting Truth by Identification and the other eleven powers of Holy Faith.
Enter this Holy Faith Communion . . .
Cultivate this Holy Faith .. Holy Communion .. Holy Identification .. Holy Nature .. Holy Loyalty!
Michael Of Nebadon
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Aunque no podéis observar al espíritu divino trabajando en vuestras mentes, existe un método práctico para descubrir el grado en que habéis cedido el control de vuestros poderes del alma de la personalidad a la enseñanza y guía de este espíritu morante del Padre celestial, y es el grado de vuestro amor, paciencia y tolerancia, capacidad de recepción y comprensión misericordiosa hacia vuestros fraternos, y hacia todos los reinos y toda criatura.
Este espíritu del Padre participa del amor del Padre y de la misericordia de los Hijos del Paraíso, y a medida que domina progresivamente vuestro ser humano .. persona y los aspectos del alma de la personalidad, conduce indefectiblemente en las direcciones de la adoración divina y la consideración amorosa hacia los fraternos.
Vosotros empezáis a caminar erguidos en la dignidad, la integridad y el honor en vuestras relaciones .. comenzando dentro de vosotros mismos.
Estáis aprendiendo los significados y los valores de la Eternidad... dando todo el reconocimiento, la apreciación y la alabanza adoracional afectuosa y la adoración en gratitud amorosa a la Divinidad morante... os estáis humillando, sin reservas y de todo corazón a una sinceridad de fe trascendente mientras admitís que "de vosotros mismos no podéis hacer nada porque el Ajustador de Vida del Padre os lo da todo".
Vosotros estáis viviendo como un niño pequeño con la adherencia gozosa necesaria para recibir el otorgamiento de vuestra filiación como un regalo. Siempre estáis en una colaboración de entrega... una cooperación divina al someteros al cumplimiento de la voluntad del Padre sin cuestionar y en la plena certeza y confianza genuina de la sabiduría del Padre.
Vosotros descubrís una nueva prioridad y un propósito primordial al permitir la preeminencia de Dios en vuestras vidas. Estáis en plena aceptación de las circunstancias de vuestra paja, y estáis en la aceptación de vuestras imperfecciones e impresiones efímeras.
A medida que crecéis vuestra alma de personalidad y su cáscara de rasgos de carácter, estáis entrando en la alegre y más cercana e íntima proximidad del reino .. libre de prejuicios y preconceptos .. toda subjetividad de opiniones y voluntades se han transfigurado por Su Vida.
Vosotros sois elevados más allá de las fronteras del egoísmo y del egocentrismo .. la terquedad y las inclinaciones de reclusión se transforman para llegar a ser de mente abierta y enseñable como un niño inmaculado.
En importancia práctica, vosotros debéis cultivar un hambre inconquistable por la Verdad, empezando por la veracidad, la ternura, la temeridad y la transparencia de vuestra persona total.
Vuestra sed de justicia y rectitud florece .. vuestra reverencia y respeto por la Vida del Padre y su utilización se hace profunda y amplia, un cambio de mente surge con nuevas aproximaciones y nuevas comprensiones, la adquisición del motivo de ser como Dios y de encontrar a Dios dentro de vuestro mismo corazón y mente madura .. cada vez más completamente, de modo que buscáis la identidad en Él .. aparece una naturaleza de nueva formación .. mientras que el carácter de vuestra personalidad está aumentando en sus motivaciones, inclinaciones, tendencias e impulsos para la veracidad de la progresión ordenada por la que predominan los motivos de sabiduría .. la adoración de comunión venerable hace crecer vuestra consciencia hasta las alturas eternas de la vestidura del alma - las percepciones de la divinidad emergen, las perspectivas del ideal visionario del alma están dominando cada una de vuestras elecciones y deliberaciones, una pureza de corazón, mente y cuerpo se apodera de vosotros; porque estáis entrando en la Vida Soberana y la Confianza de Dios.
Al principio creéis que sois hijos e hijas de Dios porque mi enseñanza os ha hecho más conscientes de las directrices internas de la presencia ajustadora residente de nuestro Padre; y actualmente, el Espíritu de la Verdad os rodea, como ahora se derrama sobre toda carne, y vivirá entre todas las criaturas y enseñará a todas... así como Yo vivo ahora entre vosotros en la vestimenta de lo efímero y os hablo las palabras de la verdad.
Y este Espíritu de la Verdad, hablando por las dotes humanas y espirituales del alma de vuestra personalidad, elevará vuestra vista y renovará vuestro corazón y vuestra mente .. ayudándoos a saber que sois hijos e hijas de Dios.
Mi Espíritu Consolador dará indefectiblemente testimonio con la presencia de Vida que mora en el Padre, vuestro espíritu, diciéndoos que sois en realidad hijas e hijos de Dios.
Cada hijo de la tierra que siga la guía de este Espíritu de Mi Persona Universal conocerá finalmente la voluntad de Dios, y ella y él que se rindan a la voluntad de mi Padre permanecerán para siempre.
El camino de la vida terrestre al estado eterno se os está aclarando ahora, y hay un camino, siempre lo ha habido, y Yo he venido una vez más para hacer ese camino nuevo y vivo para vosotros y en vosotros por vuestras decisiones.
El que entra en el reino tendrá la vida eterna que se despliega progresivamente.
Vosotros comprenderéis mejor estas cosas a medida que seáis capaces de ver vuestras experiencias actuales progresivamente... en el gradual y largo despertar evolutivo a vuestro lugar en el Universo.
Michael of Nebadon
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At Salvington University, you bring your old wine .. out of which you've operated for lifetimes of evolutionary learning.
You must then allow the inner space to receive My Wine of Eternity .. of Revelation and Regeneration.
The two wines do not mix well .. so if you are desirous to enter our Association .. you have to receive My Wine without immediately mixing your wine.
Read and study the writings I give .. mine own writings and the certain texts I make use of.
When studying .. do not immediately retranslate what you read into your wine...
But .. drink the Instructions directly and not according to your prior tastebuds with the old wine still on your lips.
You ever err in stagnation of learning as you attempt to attach these new teachings, insights, and revelations to the old evolutionary conceivings wherein ignorance and darkness of concept hath prevailed.
Be thou ever aware when you are determining to purposely misunderstand all my teaching by immediately imposing erroneous translations of your intellectual thinking and those unfortunate gatherings of humanly misqualified interpretations .. causing your personality to insist upon re-interpreting my gospel instructions in accordance with your established evolutionary beliefs and the philosophies of generational ignorance.
Once again.. contemplate mine address to you .. penetrate through thine little selfhood. You ever err since you always try to attach the new teaching to the old; you are determined to misunderstand all my teaching; you insist on interpreting the gospel in accordance with your established beliefs.
Nevertheless, I illumine all minds only as you each are willing wholeheartedly to grow upwards in concept .. in meanings and in values .. to become renewed in the right understandings of existence and our relationship with the existence.
As you choose the avenues of ascendancy and progress so shall your sufferings dissolve with time, effort and determination, and growing obedience.
Michael of Nebadon
Illuminatum Preparatory College
University of Salvington
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I am come entering inside the creation as the Living Word of the Father Son Spirit .. extending Existence for all to be nourished and fed and advanced with God's glorious Light and Life .. His Limitless Love.
In My Universe Station, I exist outside of creation in the expanded reality of the Father Son Spirit, so that, I hold the entire Universe of Nebadon in the palm of My Hand.
You might believe that the atomic substance is tiny .. that, for example, the electrons are small micro-beings, yet I say unto you, that you each are just as the electrons; your surrounding reality and atmosphere, your environment, your society, and planetary life is exactly the same as the atmosphere and surrounding society of the "tiny" electron beings. You are "tiny" as well, when viewed from my Universe Station. And you are potentially awakening as the Consciousness of Supremacy as your individual destiny unfolds.
I enter thine own micro-reality of the planets, as the Word of Eternity hailing from out of the Great Fountainhead of Existence, Expression, and Experience .. bringing forth into light and life all lives on every level of My universe creation whilst continually creating, preserving, upholding, ministering to, attending to with the utmost love, advancing and nourishing, and ascending progressively each tender branch upon the Vine of Life I AM with loving care and limitless mercy.
I am the way of God Authority.
I am the truth of Personal Authorship.
I am the life of Progressive Achievement .. Advancement .. Attainment .. Ascendancy.
The Life of Existence and Eternity is everywhere .. as everything .. and is unfolding as everyone.
This One Life is sentient, alive, conscious feeling knowing Life...
He and she who come unto Me .. who learn My reciprocal religious spirituality .. who walk every day in this relational approach of actualization .. they who believe as I believe .. who live as I am living .. they who approach their existence as I approach existence .. shall have an advancing life more abundantly prosperous .. and they shall be gradually .. progressively .. quickening their personal existence unto Eternal Life Everlasting.
Michael Of Nebadon
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