newdisorder-15 · 10 years
#ND - 2-15
Coming up: Florence + the Machine
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Thank you, Marlena!
Next week, Dhaaruni Sreenivas is going to cover Florence and the Machine. 
Dhaaruni is a math major and she previously contributed this post on Taylor Swift’s New Romantics for our 1989 week.
You can follow her on Tumblr as well as on Twitter, and check out her book/writing blog as well.
See you tomorrow.
— Hendrik
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newdisorder-15 · 10 years
#ND - 2-15
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Based on the sample photograph I am having a hard time imagining how this book could possibly be relevant to anyone’s interests, including the person pitching it.
So glad to be here by Alex
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newdisorder-15 · 10 years
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Buzzy Triptamine
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newdisorder-15 · 10 years
New Disorder
Welcome to New Disorder. 15-2-2015
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newdisorder-15 · 10 years
Australian clothing company
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