newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
In Russia a man named Ivan smashed his way through icy water to save a stray dog from drowning, he adopted the dog afterwards and named him Rex.
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
The only sound we could hear was the song of a Nightjar nearby: the long, almost robotic sound reminded me of my father, who fostered within me a love of our feathered friends. We’d often take a walk in the wide expanse of Sefton Park together after our evening meal, when I was a boy, and we’d listen out for the sounds of the night birds. It seemed unfair to me that we were preparing to soon silence such a soothing sound with gunfire
extract from Prince of the City: Nine Lives
(via mackenzie-brown)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
Our thoughts are like the weather - they’re just passing through. In our practice, there’s no need to cling to them, no need to see them as totally solid. They are thoughts, after all; they’re not the present moment. Let them pass through the big sky of your mind.
Pema Chodron (via cultivating-kindness)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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Hjartdal Kommune | itseriksen
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
Gender Equality is the Tip of the Iceberg
Iceland institutes new laws to punish employers that don't pay women fairly.
“We have been fighting the gender pay gap for decades, we have tried everything,” Ms. Traustadóttir says. She says the most important principle behind the new law is to ensure equal pay for work of equal value.
The pay equity gap has resisted change for forty years - along with other even more serious consequences of discrimination - everywhere you care to look. Sexism is blamed again and again, but the problem seems impossible to resolve. The saying, " Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results isn't sensible, " comes to mind. What also comes to mind is that isms - you know, ageism, sexism, racism ... - have been accepted as causes of unfair practices and attitudes.
Is this habit of categorizing blocking information? What could be missing? Each group is the target of pre-judgment - sweeping generalizations about groups of people without regard for facts or consideration for human rights. I also notice that each group has long fought to gain parity with those who treat them as second-class - but still haven't reached the goal. Could it boil down to one missed point? Maybe the isms aren't causes. Maybe they are symptoms. And every single discriminatory one of them follow a similar pattern - people are reduced to objects of contempt, one way or another. Whether considered only deserving of low pay, not being hired at all, not fit to associate with, or a target to be taken advantage of, the source of the ignorance fits this profile:
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
No one else holds the position to tell you who you are.
Subconscious Thoughts (via subconscious-thoughts)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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A little food for thought
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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Reserve in Namibia, Africa ©
I bet you didn’t know that the Giraffe as a species is in serious trouble since populations have plummeted by nearly 40% in the past two decades across Africa. Why? Well, it’s mainly due to major habitat loss, habitat degradation, and population fragmentation, worsened by illegal hunting and human population expansion. At the end of 2016, the Giraffe was uplisted on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species from “least concern” to “vulnerable”. While other African animals such as the rhino and elephant are known to be threatened worldwide, the Giraffe has not gained much attention at all and is silently slipping towards extinction. What no one realizes is that there’s actually less Giraffe than there are elephants… Rigorous conservation efforts will need to be undertaken in order to restore declining populations. Greater awareness of this issue is the first step.
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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(via Save The Bees: I Painted London Streets With Bee Murals To Raise Awareness About Colony Collapse Disorder | Bored Panda)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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Take notes, kids. (via KevinMieles11)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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Elon Musk says he won’t advise Trump anymore if Trump withdraws from the Paris climate agreement
It looks like President Donald Trump finally did something to really piss off Elon Musk. The Tesla CEO tweeted Wednesday he “will have no choice but to depart councils” in the event the president withdraws from the Paris climate agreement. 
Two senior U.S. officials told CNN on Wednesday he is expected to withdraw. Meanwhile, Trump tweeted he would announce his decision regarding the agreement “over the next few days.” Read more (5/31/17)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
Depression is a Symptom - Please Keep Looking for Answers
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There's an incredible array of conflicting information on the subject of depression - and the situation isn't helping anyone.
Treating symptoms is an expensive, ineffective, and sometimes dangerous, waste of time. No one would think putting a band-aid on a broken leg as an appropriate treatment. Yet in the real world, the equivalent happens - and not just to folks with depressive symptoms. It's likely happened to you and most of the people you know at one time or another. Mistaking symptoms for causes is a frequent occurrence. Read More
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.
Thich Nhat Hanh (via thecalminside)
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newbrain-blog1 · 7 years
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