newaccountnow · 2 years
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Casey Junior tryna introduce his family like
im not sorry
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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After much consideration, I think I’m going to call this AU: “Future Bootyyy Shaker.”  Don’t forget the 3 Y’s!
I see April and Leo being very busy with protecting their underground colony, but they make what time they can for these little family gatherings, if only to help Casey (and also Mikey) feel like they have some sense of structure in their lives.  Even as the rest of world is falling all around them. 
This one was pretty light hearted, but be forewarned, it only goes downhill from here. 
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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More dumb shit w frisbee
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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I feel like she would be really chill about learning about her alternate-future son, and then be really protective of him.
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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Splinter sketches + angst
Click for better quality :’)
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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Not quite the same…
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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a littol casey
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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The blorbofication of Casey junior jones
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newaccountnow · 2 years
What if Splinter was bitten by Raph instead of the rat then...WE WILL HAVE A SNAPPER LOU JITSU-
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Yes This has been on my mind because huray turtle dad.
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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casey art from the last week because he is always on my mind
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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the full baby turtle gif collection
donnie / raph / mikey / leo
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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And then they both cried together probably I can’t seem to find the original post anymore, but it was another from @rottmnt-totally-correct-quotes If you like my art, please reblog :)
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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Like... how the hell do you respond to your mentor/father figure opening up and telling you about how the alien invasion began with him goofing around and then eventually leading to the death of his brothers, father, friends, and like the entire world being destroyed/colonized... 😬
Yeah... me too, Casey... Cowabummer...
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newaccountnow · 2 years
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Casey dump!!!
last two pics based off this tweet
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