new-age-crypid · 4 years
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
if you ever need to be reminded of how creepy c!dream is as a villain, and how much power he had over c!tommy - even after he’d escaped his exile.
the scary thing about c!tommy and c!dream’s relationship, especially right here, is that c!tommy had expected to be punished. he’d expected to be hurt, to have his most dear possessions taken away from him.
c!tommy: “you did this, to all of us, not just to me but to everyone here.”
c!tommy: “couldn’t you have just burned the discs, couldn’t you just have done it to me?”
you can hear the anguish and the confusion in c!tommy’s voice. he genuinely doesn’t understand why everyone else is paying for what he himself perceives as his mistakes. even before c!dream tells him of their little game, c!tommy perceives this as a punishment over him - and not l’manberg.
and what does c!dream answer? that it’s just too much fun. this was fun. destroying l’manberg, destroying people’s lives, homes, pets - it was for fun. the game between him and c!tommy isn’t over, no, not at all. this was just another step in that game, nothing more, nothing less. the destruction of a country was just a bit of fun. and he treats c!tommy’s refusal to play the game as one would a petulant child who doesn’t want to get up. he treats c!tommy’s emotional anguish as just another part of the game.
c!tommy: “listen to me, our story isn’t over. but it will be.”
c!dream: “i don’t think our story will ever be over, tommy, you’re just too much fun.”
and this is the person c!tommy has spent a week with, locked up, and isolated from everyone who genuinely cares. who doesn’t treat him as a toy, who doesn’t treat countries - people’s homes as just another fun part of a bigger game. who his mind has been conditioned to see as his friend, who views and presents all the abuse he put c!tommy through as just childs play.
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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same energy
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
holy shit i figured it out. i figured out their dynamic. charlie and ranboo are each others favorite cousin at the family gathering
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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Techno beats up water for Ranboo . png
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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Pls Sam creating “sam Nook” as a way to allow Tommy to be a kid and still learn responsibility without “teaching him a lesson” through violence and actively protecting him makes me so emotional
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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“Blood For The Blood Bear”
Sorry, Ranboo. Steve is the Main Character now
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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Steve my beloved
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
Thinking about how, on November 16th, just before L’manberg had been blown up and everything descended into chaos, a couple of people suddenly started asking where Wilbur was and Quackity’s face genuinely drops as you can actually see the moment of realization. Thinking about how, while everyone else was confused and disoriented, Quackity was the only one who had put two and two together and knew exactly what was about to happen. Thinking about how Quackity desperately tried to get everyone’s attention, tried to call out for Tommy, and tried to warn everyone and hopefully stop Wilbur, but nobody listened to him. Nobody answered him or listened to him, and L’manberg was blown up and Wilbur died soon after.
Thinking about how Quackity is honestly one of the most clever and observant characters on the entire SMP. Whenever somebody has a scheme or a plan, Quackity is almost always the first to immediately recognize it and try to put a stop to it. He saw right through Wilbur’s one-party trick and was able to use his negotiation tactics to get what he wanted. He immediately recognized that, although burning George’s house was wrong, Dream was blowing things way out of proportion for his own gain. Quackity, before anyone else, fully knew that Dream was just trying to pull the strings and be a puppeteer, and was trying to get himself involved with foreign affairs to increase his own power. Quackity immediately knew that Dream was just trying to turn Tommy and Tubbo against each other and assert his own dominance over L’manberg. Quackity was the only one to realize that something was genuinely wrong with Badboyhalo, apart from everyone else just believing Bad wanted power. Heck, Quackity even figured out that Ranboo was helping L’manberg’s enemy before anyone else even had suspicions. But every time that Quackity tried to explain what was going on, tried to tell people what was happening and try to get them to see the truth, he was ignored or talked over. Tubbo went against his wishes and followed Dream’s command, even yelling at Quackity for trying to go against Dream or insinuate that Dream was manipulating them. Nobody listened to Quackity when he tried to warn them that Wilbur was going to blow up L’manberg, and nobody tried to help him find the button room. Quackity even later expressed his distaste for people constantly not listening to him, when he ranted to Sam about how he knew Dream was bad all along, but nobody believed him.
Quackity knew L’manberg was going to be blown up. He instantly saw the signs, recognized the situation, and tried to call out to others for help. Nobody heard him, or listened to him.
I wonder what would have happened had things gone slightly different.
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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What do you think gives you power Eret?
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
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Just a thought pertaining to the "animalistic dsmp members can transform" idea
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
starlit dragons
Technoblade finds him balanced on the rooftop. 
It’s cold out, with no rays of yellow sunshine to give the illusion of warmth, just the lightest of snowfalls and a biting breeze, and the palest spattering of stars. Techno is living here, in the cold, because the howl of the winds holds memories of a different time, some of the best years of his life encased in a sheet of ice. And now, with Phil here, those grey and black feathers catching in the breeze, he’s hit with a dizzying sense of déjà vu. 
The night he’s remembering is lighter. There are more stars outside their fortress, up on top of a mountain that seems to almost touch the Milkyway. Technoblade sits on a blustery stone terrace, wrapped tightly in his cloak, a wing draped around his shoulders, feathers tickling the side of his face. Phil is so still could be asleep, except for his eyes, open wide with wonder, gazing up at the constellations in their delicate spirals. 
The sun will rise soon, light already caressing the horizon, but neither of them has slept. It was one of those nights when the voices in Techno’s head grew angry, or bored, or simply loud and too much, too much for sanity, and he had found himself outside of Phil’s door. 
What a wasteland this place would be without an Empire. And what a wasteland Technoblade would be without Philza. He sighs, his head gently butting against Phil’s shoulder. 
“What is it?” Phil asks, returning to earth with a glance. “You alright? Are they–”
But the voices are miraculously quiet, soothed into what is almost silence. Perhaps they too know exactly how sacred this moment is. 
“Phil,” he whispers, and for once he feels like a child, wistfully ridiculous. “Phil, fetch me a star.” 
Keep reading
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
PLEASE watch the whole thing
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
Karl couldn’t breathe.
He stumbled to his knees as he came out of his portal, his head spinning as every part of him felt like it was being pulled in different directions. He had no idea where he was, and he couldn’t lift his head up to even look.
Where was he last? He was already forgetting. He pulled his hand up to his face and stared down at it, stared down at the writing that was carved into the skin.
‘I am Karl.’
He fell back against the ground, the smooth stone under his head cooling him down. That’s right. He was Karl, a time traveler, and he had a mission. A mission to save everyone. He just had to remember where he was, and what that even mission even meant.
“Karl?” A smooth voice came from above him, and he forced his eyes back open to see who it belonged to.
Above him stood Eret. It took him a full second to process who it was, and his brain shot to fear immediately, and he shoved himself back away from them, rolling on the tile as his body still refused to listen to him.
“Whoa- it’s alright, Karl. You don’t look good.” Eret said, staying exactly where they stood as to not scare the other more than they clearly already had, “Do you need help? Can I help? Do you want me to find Sapnap?”
Karl opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything. Eret was supposed to be bad, right? The history book said Eret was bad.
That history was wrong. He knew it was wrong, so why was he thinking like this? Eret wasn’t bad. Eret was a good King, and a good person. Eret didn’t kill George. That history was wrong. That future was wrong. This Eret wanted to find Sapnap- his Sapnap. His fiancé. His best friend. Why was he so scared?
“Karl. Let me get you water, or- anything.” Eret tried, looking anxious as they watched Karl clearly suffer through a moment of mental anguish. They took a step back, but paused as Karl held his hand out, reaching out for Eret to not leave.
“Where I am?” Karl attempted, his voice shaking terribly hard. Eret took a small step towards him before leaning down and reaching out their own hand to hold onto Karl’s outstretched one.
“You’re in my castle. I’m not so sure how you got here, but you’re safe here.” Eret assured him, and they gave Karl’s hand a very soft squeeze. Karl held tightly onto the hand, feeling calmed by Eret’s presence. Eret wasn’t bad. Eret was a good person, and Eret was a good King.
“When.. did Tommy and Tubbo fight Dream yet?” It was an easy question to ask, when he found himself back in his own time. Was this his own time?
Of course it was. Mostly everyone knew what that meant, and he could base himself in reality better once he knew. He could figure his objective then.
Break the button.
Make sure Schlatt dies.
Save Tommy and Tubbo.
Stop the Blood Vines.
“Yes- a few weeks back...” Eret said with a frown, watching as Karl’s eyes widened. They held onto Karl’s hand a bit tighter, unsure of what he was thinking in that moment.
“And did they win?” Karl choked, a deep fear in his voice.
“Yes; we all went and helped them... Dream has been put in prison now.” Eret pulled Karl into a hug then, realizing that, without a doubt, Karl was not in a good mindset. The younger man gasped at first, but then relaxed as he felt the warmth of the hug come over him. He couldn’t quite remember the last time he’d been held like this. The last time he felt safe.
It didn’t last long.
Karl pulled back from Eret’s hug and forced his legs to start working. He had to get moving before it was too late. He had to make sure Alex didn’t get taken over, he had to make sure everything didn’t go to shit already.
“I have to go, Eret- I’m sorry I busted into your castle.” Karl held up his hands to say sorry, and was shocked when Eret reached out and grabbed at them. Eret flipped his palms so he could look at the words Karl had carved into his own skin.
‘You are Karl.’
‘Don’t forget them.’
“My god, Karl, did you do this to yourself?” Eret asked, looking into Karl’s eyes with worry all over their face. Karl swallowed in response, staring at the carvings himself.
“I lost books, and.. writing would fade away but- but this stays. Pain stays.” Karl whispered back, clenching up his fists and pulling back his arms. He had to get moving, he had to start doing things, and he’d already said too much to Eret.
He hurried away from Eret then, heading towards the castle entrance. He had to find out how much of the egg had spread, and he had to find Alex. If at the very least, he could save Alex, he could make a change. As he made it to the steps of the castle, he couldn’t help but cringe at the sight of the vines growing up the castle walls.
“Am I already too late?” He whispered to himself, and yelped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun his head around to find Eret was still there with him.
“Karl. Too late for what? Please, tell me what’s going on.” Eret pleaded with him, so much care and so much worry in their voice. Karl blinked a few times, but he turned his face away.
Telling people never worked out. He could still feel the blood on his hands from Sapnap’s body. He could still hear the screams from Alex. He could feel the pain of losing them over and over again, and it wouldn’t go away-
“Karl, let me help you. I want to help. You’re scared, I can see that. I am more than capable of handling my own.” Eret grabbed his shoulders then and turned Karl to face them. They pushed up the dark shades on their face to show the bright, piercing eyes, and Karl wasn’t scared.
Eret was showing him that he was beyond a mortal man. Eret was showing him that they understood.
“It’s a long story.” Karl whispered, biting his lip and shaking his head. Was it long? He couldn’t quite remember. Where did it even start?
“Then start with now, and fill me in as we go. What are you too late for?” Eret asked calmly, pulling their glasses back down. Karl immediately appreciated the way this was being handled, and he turned back towards the creeping vines.
“We need to find Quackity.” Karl took a step forward, and Eret was right behind him.
“Then we find Quackity.” Eret nodded.
Karl felt a small smile spread across his face, and he picked up his pace as he made his way down the castle stairs.
For the first time in a long time, he felt like he could breathe again.
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new-age-crypid · 4 years
the end of this arc will be Philza Minecraft goes to the basement and consumes The Egg
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