Never Mind the Wanderer
125K posts
Just pretty pictures, fandom stuff, and things I think are funny. This is a main blog if you're confused about something one of the sideblogs is doing.
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nevermindthewanderer · 32 seconds ago
Like fighting a mirror
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 minutes ago
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The snow outside - Kaoru Yamada 
Japanese , b. 1975 -
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nevermindthewanderer · 36 minutes ago
you know even if a homeless person or a starving person is in that position because of their own "bad decisions" i don't care. it doesn't matter. no supposed financial misstep is enough to condemn someone to homelessness or poverty.
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nevermindthewanderer · 37 minutes ago
i love seeing cardinals and bluejays together i’m always like “hehe.. evil siblings”
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nevermindthewanderer · 58 minutes ago
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happy it's spring, sir!
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nevermindthewanderer · 1 hour ago
I pray the next book you pick up & begin reading, engulfs you in the best way possible
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 hours ago
im so glad nobody on the modern Tumblr Left ever changes their url or icons unless they get deleted and remake because back in The Day (2012) we did that all the time and it made keeping track of who was who nigh impossible. remember halloween urls? man, we used to- [i break out into a fit of raspy coughs that leave me wheezing for air while desperately flailing for the nurse call button] [you notice that my coughs are staining the bedsheet with flecks of blood]
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 hours ago
i'm sorry we've fallen out touch it's just that i've been in a very bad spot mentally (2011-present)
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 hours ago
"Do you want garlic bread?" Fuck yes, you idiot. I have never wanted anything more than garlic bread. If it were feasible I would consume only garlic bread until the authorities came to scrape my delicious smelling corpse off the futon.
Ever since the collapse of Western civilization, I've been coming to Olive Garden a lot more frequently. And not all of it is because I'm being forced to, despite what the haters have to say. Yes, it is pretty weird that they're the only restaurant that survived the initial nuclear strike. I think it's because this used to be a Pizza Hut, and the hatlike shape of the roof bounces all the horrible death stuff back out into space. They've also got a lead-lined bunker under the restaurant full of a century's worth of frozen garlic bread. There's a sign at the entrance saying not to ask too many questions about it.
Sure, payment is kind of expensive, because the whole financial system took it in the pooper, too. Money is worthless. Luckily, I'm a pretty handy guy, and I can fix vent hoods, ovens, coffee makers, and up-armoured, modified muscle cars in case someone wants to drive the Wastes. In fact, the only thing I can't fix is microwaves. If you need another one of those, you're just going to have to head to the Wal-Mart on route 6 and fight off whatever radioactive hellspawn live there now.
Sorry, hold on. The waiter is coming back. What do you mean, you can't "reheat" the garlic bread? I thought you were doing this shit in the regular oven. You're telling me this sumptuous texture, this pillowy softness, is from a microwave? You fool. There was garlic bread enough for us both! It's not fair!
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 hours ago
Why was I today years old when I learned that lead compounds taste SWEET and THAT'S why kids eating paint chips back in the day was a concern?
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 hours ago
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nevermindthewanderer · 2 hours ago
you guys life is worth living i think and all it takes is constant communication with your friends and your favorite tv shows on the air and fanfiction you can read at work and as a bedtime story and for the hundredth time and watching very good or pathetically bad movies to talk about on a podcast and seeing some live music and planning halloween costumes and strangers smiling and a great big stretch up and then down and then side to side and then a warm drink and then the first soup of the season and then inside jokes and then a trip to the library and then a botched but still perfect birthday dinner and then a spreadsheet with currency conversions and then barbie movies and then writing a song and then submitting to a literary magazine and then painting a bad art piece and releasing a bug outside and a little kid learning a new word from you and doing some crazy makeup and watching the sun rise and seeing constellations you’ve waited all year for and finally tidying something that’s been on the back burner and buying someone dinner unexpectedly and getting a little too high and nice nurses at the neighborhood clinic and softer lighting and whispering a secret and getting glitter on your work clothes and talking a little too fast until even you don’t know what you’re saying and making lists of options you have or things you want to do or people you love or flowers you read about and saying We and meaning it and stopping for a little treat and smelling the wind and rolling your shoulders back and using the good china and loving recklessly and accepting your best and understanding your worst and pumpkins at the farmer’s markets and county fairs and the field you pass on your way to the grocery store and handmade christmas gifts and heartfelt cards and making an occasion just because and taking a leap and smiling in the rearview and thanking the trolley conductor and the tour guide and the receptionist and good-natured arguments and telling a story over and over and baking an extra cookie and swapping the laundry and letting someone else choose and giving grace and unclenching your jaw and a weekly cry and showering in the dark and realizing the next table over is a first date and hugging your stuffed animals and basking in your pride and making the effort and letting them pass and holding the door open and using your favorite color at bingo or trivia or pictionary and sighing really deep and trusting the ground and and and
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nevermindthewanderer · 4 hours ago
To clarify: I care about gay people. I don’t think the Democrats do.
I have this theory that the reason Berniebros hate Democrats more than Republicans is because of this shallow priority of authenticity. You see Democrats as being inauthentic. And you could make the case that being liberal in America means being checkered with inadequacies; your Prius doesn’t save the planet, your fair trade coffee doesn’t end third world poverty, your charities are insufficient in the face of a crumbling safety net. And because purity is what you care about the most, fascists don’t make you that mad. Because they’re not hypocrites, they talk about brutalizing everyone they hate and they do it with gusto. The fact that Democrats are the only party to make material gains for LGBT people, and are in fact the only party with LGBT people in any positions of prominence, means nothing to you because you sense there’s an inauthenticity to it. Maybe some of you even admire the right-wing, they’ve achieved a level of purity you can’t help but respect.
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nevermindthewanderer · 5 hours ago
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How to Assemble a Layer Cake (Video)
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nevermindthewanderer · 5 hours ago
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cat summer begins the literal millisecond they see one (1) spot of sun
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nevermindthewanderer · 5 hours ago
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Poob has it for you
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nevermindthewanderer · 5 hours ago
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Crocuses in a nearby garden. For the person who said to post every flower I see. ;-) I won’t but it’s a fun idea.
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