neveratendermoment · 11 months
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Dang I forgot to post the Halloween card I made for my old boss last year. Here's this year's too:
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neveratendermoment · 2 years
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Dang I forgot to post the Halloween card I made for my old boss last year. Here's this year's too:
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neveratendermoment · 4 years
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neveratendermoment · 4 years
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neveratendermoment · 5 years
Boy I did not nail the very distinct shape of this bricklayer's face from the great Feral House book MUERTE!, but that's pretty obviously not what I was focused on. Sometimes the things you say that you didn't think you meant are truer than usual.
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neveratendermoment · 5 years
From an interestingly captioned photo in Muerte!: Death In Mexican Popular Culture--"The head that was thrown into a cistern."
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neveratendermoment · 5 years
I really like the leprosy and worm face drawings! They're very nice, thanks for showing us :)
Thank you very much for saying so! It's been a long time since I have been able to make myself sit down and draw. I don't draw portraits very well, like as far as getting a real sense of the aliveness and subtle expressions of a person's face. For some reason I find it easier to be convincing when there is something very extreme going on with the face, something that takes up space and that is so unusual that I can draw without a lot of preconceived notions about what it's supposed to look like. Like with a regular face, you might have a lot of habits and personal rules built up around drawing eyes or lips or something, and you can't really hide any shortcomings with all the smooth empty planes of the rest of the face. But if somebody has leprosy, say, you really have to draw each microfeature from scratch. So, it's been a good exercise and I'm going to try some more, thanks for being supportive.
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neveratendermoment · 5 years
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A leper from Death Scenes, the published scrapbook of LA homicide detective Jack Huddleston. I didn't manage to catch up with my dad today, but he once repeated to me something he had heard, that if you really want to learn to draw anything you want, you should copy from a book of skin diseases. This came out ok, even though I accidentally wound up overlapping with my warmup on the upper left, so that has sort of an interesting effect. Happy Father's Day, everybody.
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neveratendermoment · 5 years
thanks for the reblogs everybody, made my day 🖤
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Sometimes the drawing you should stop drawing and the drawings you can’t stop drawing are the same.
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neveratendermoment · 5 years
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Sometimes the drawing you should stop drawing and the drawing you can't stop drawing are the same.
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
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@donnerpartyofone : fake inktober say 4! Couldn’t resist this anthropomorphic haystack, from these sheets of Japanese monsters. What a great collection of things to draw when you’re out of inspiration.
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
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Fake inktober day 3, a lil more on this
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
Bout to spam ya up with my progress shots on this!
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@donnerpartofone Day 3 of my no-prompt Inktober. Riffing on an old fumetti title treatment, filled one letter in with a castle.
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
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@donnerpartyofone : I forgot I was gonna try to do inktober! So here’s two. I’m not gonna do the prompts, I’m just going to draw whatever. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to sustain it with three nights a week of class and the movie blog I obligate myself to do every day of October, but we’ll see. Here’s a Frazetta swipe and a monster head from a poster for something called DRACULA’S LIVING NIGHTMARES.
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
@moviesludge ‘s review of ABSURD on letterboxd reminded me of this old portrait of George Eastman that I think I gave to Harris. definitely one of my last great drawings if I do say so myself.
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check out this cool portrait of george eastman i put in negativepleasure ’s REVULSION COMICS #1!
find revulsion and other darker emotions in the negative pleasure store!
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
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nervous drawing during some czech film i watched
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neveratendermoment · 6 years
It's amazing how closely these new drawings follow the exact compositional "rules" I used to instinctively go by back when I was drawing all the time with my tiny micron. Part of me thinks I could be in a rut, and the other part thinks "it ain't broke!" I started using thicker pens because I felt obligated to try something bigger and less controllable like I was constricting myself by sticking with the 005 all the time, but now I don't know. I have this memory of an art professor deciding to make me use paper twice as big as everybody else's to try to challenge me, but the exercise just bored me. Maybe drawing tiny "ain't broke" either.
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@donnerpartyofone:  i think i’m just stressing myself out by forcing my ass drawings into a completed composition, but it’s also possible that i don’t know any other way to do it! i got really lazy on my imitation of a tacky sculpture of fire, but i think the foliage around the schoolbus kind of got the right impression across. the best part is the woman’s face, which actually came out a lot more interesting than the original painting i was copying; too bad i squashed her into the binding.
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