neuro-attracted · 8 years
neuroattraction. is. valid.
wow! i almost forgot about this blog! would anyone like to see some neuro attraction flags?
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
please stop making fun of neuro attraction and people who use neuro labels. you're perpetuating stigma and erasing us.
wow! i almost forgot about this blog! would anyone like to see some neuro attraction flags?
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
wow! i almost forgot about this blog! would anyone like to see some neuro attraction flags?
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
You wrote about six attraction types that exist, but I noticed it didn't include procreative attraction (the attraction to make children with someone) it's the only type of attraction I really experience, and I don't know if there is a lot of info about it around, or even if anyone else has thought about it. But i think that is something that could be added?
I wasn’t the one who originally wrote that post. Maybe @jerentheantiaphobe can comment on this ask?
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
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there’s been so much hate around neuro attraction and i feel like everyone isn’t understanding what it is :(( please read this infographic if you’re confused!
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
Isn't this just akoiromantic?
No it's not akroiromantic because it's not a romantic attraction, it's it's own form of attraction.
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
Neuro attraction
Neuro attraction is 1/6 of the attraction types that exist. (The others are romantic, sexual, sensual, aesthetic, and platonic. There will be posts about those too with the tag #attractions)
So, what is neuro attraction? Neuro attraction is simply thinking about someone. The desire to think about someone also counts. This is similar to the feeling when you get a crush and you think about them a whole lot. (The crush part is not included with the neuro attraction.) The act of thinking that way about someone IS neuro attraction.
Examples: If you are a guy who thinks about only guys, you are homoneuro. If you are a non binary girl who thinks about multiple genders, you are likely polyneuro, panneuro, or bineuro depending on which prefix fits your neuro attractions most.
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
Speaking from experience: it's best just to block them all instead of engaging. They don't want to listen anyways.
thank you for the advice! but yeah these aphobes are so close-minded it's not like they'll ever listen
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
this is so mean! why would you say this about neuro attraction :( i’m too tired to write about neuro attraction right now but would anyone like to back me up? @acerecourse @vaspider @discoursegrips @lgbtrainbowdolls @asexualli @grace-and-ace @nice-enchanter @sparklingkittycat @kankrithesjw
Neuro attraction
Neuro attraction is 1/6 of the attraction types that exist. (The others are romantic, sexual, sensual, aesthetic, and platonic. There will be posts about those too with the tag #attractions)
So, what is neuro attraction? Neuro attraction is simply thinking about someone. The desire to think about someone also counts. This is similar to the feeling when you get a crush and you think about them a whole lot. (The crush part is not included with the neuro attraction.) The act of thinking that way about someone IS neuro attraction.
Examples: If you are a guy who thinks about only guys, you are homoneuro. If you are a non binary girl who thinks about multiple genders, you are likely polyneuro, panneuro, or bineuro depending on which prefix fits your neuro attractions most.
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
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there’s been so much hate around neuro attraction and i feel like everyone isn’t understanding what it is :(( please read this infographic if you’re confused!
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
Complex orientation labels are just as valid as simple ones <3 Love yourself and be proud of all of your orientations.
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
Neuro attraction
Neuro attraction is 1/6 of the attraction types that exist. (The others are romantic, sexual, sensual, aesthetic, and platonic. There will be posts about those too with the tag #attractions)
So, what is neuro attraction? Neuro attraction is simply thinking about someone. ON A REGULAR BASIS. The desire to think about someone also counts. This is similar to the feeling when you get a crush and you think about them a whole lot. (The crush part is not included with the neuro attraction.) The act of thinking that way about someone IS neuro attraction.
Examples: If you are a guy who thinks about only guys, you are homoneuro. If you are a non binary girl who thinks about multiple genders, you are likely polyneuro, panneuro, or bineuro depending on which prefix fits your neuro attractions most.
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neuro-attracted · 8 years
This is a really good explanation!
hey!! i’ve made this sideblog to document the evolution of “neuro attraction”, which is a term that me and a couple of friends coined on a discord server.
basically, it refers to the act of liking the idea of a relationship with someone. it might not make sense at first because, hey? isn’t that just having a crush? however, there are many aro-ace people who have stated that even though they aren’t actually attracted to people, they often find the idea of having a relationship appealing, even though they would never pursue such a relationship.
if you’ve ever had a crush on somebody that was essentially just a thing to fantasize about, but you never really cared for the idea of being in a relationship with them, then what you experienced might be considered neuro attraction!
it’s still something that we’ve only just thought to describe, but hopefully as time goes on, more people will describe similar experiences so that the idea of neuro attraction becomes more coherent.
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