nesuneofeorzea · 6 years
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nesuneofeorzea · 6 years
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All healer run of Weeping City 2018/07/26
That was fun! And I love rocking my goth glam on the right.
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nesuneofeorzea · 6 years
Hey I'm in that too!
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I didnt know what to expect from this insanity, but it was fun as hell. All healer Weeping CIty run, 7/27/18.
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nesuneofeorzea · 6 years
Shiro's -and- Nacht's butts are the promised land? Truly we are blessed.
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This is the ritual my map groups have taken to doing to appease RNGesus. Yes, that is Shirojishi’s butt, and it’s all we see every single door X_X
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nesuneofeorzea · 7 years
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Too late to have any bearing on actual content, but glamour is relevant at any point in time.
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nesuneofeorzea · 7 years
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The Dataqi may not stop very long in one place, but they are nothing if not hospitable. The chronicles are told ever on...
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nesuneofeorzea · 7 years
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Our destiny lies written in the stars. But sometimes it helps to stack the deck in your favour.
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nesuneofeorzea · 7 years
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The stars have foretold,
Storms crash on the horizon.
Doma, I’m coming.
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nesuneofeorzea · 8 years
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Trying to show off a bit of the creative side. I think they kinda turned out nice!
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nesuneofeorzea · 8 years
Character Profile: Tera Blackburn
The Basics
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Character Name: Tera Blackburn 
Aliases: Tera
Race: Highlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Profession: Machinist, Gunsmith, and Security at The Drunken Moogle
Apparent age: Early 20s
Hair: Dark Brown, fading into lighter brown at the tips.
Appearance details: No scarring, usually wearing gloves, and tall! (6′2″)
Eyes: Hazel
Personality: Tera is best summed up as aggressively friendly. She smiles easily, and often. She’s also endlessly curious, with a wide array of interests and hobbies that she’s picked up because they caught her eye, even if only for a few days. She’s bright, a bit loud, but has a good heart beneath it all, and even though she’s easily distracted, she’s always willing to be a shoulder to cry on or a friendly ear to listen to another’s problems.
Childhood: Tera grew up in Ala Mhigo, with her loving mother, her embittered father, and a whole slew of issues that came from Ala Mhigo being ruled by an insane dictator of a king. Her mother died, though Tera was young enough that the exact circumstances of how and why are unclear, and her father fled with her. First to the Shroud, where her people were rejected, and then to Thanalan, to the laughable ‘city’ of Little Ala Mhigo. That’s where Tera broke off from her father, and, indeed, from most of her own people, deciding to seek her fortune on her own instead of spending her life in squalor being bitter about a city that, in her eyes, they put the torch to all on their own.
Notable relationships: 
Lacey Grigorias- One of Tera’s first friends, this effeminate male Miqo’te helped heal the bruise she earned from her job interview. She also thinks he’s very cute, and is glad to know he’s okay with the fact that she pets him often.
Strengths, talents, and points of pride: Tera is a crack shot, and damn proud of it. She can, in her own words, “shoot the wings off a vilekin from 30 yalms!” and has the talent to back it up. She’s also a gunsmith, and has a decent array of weaponry that she’s built herself. She picks up new hobbies easily, and learns quickly, and she’s got a quick wit, plus a natural fondness for tinkering!
Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement: Tera is proud of her skills. Too proud, actually, and she’s got a short fuse, especially in regards to feeling personally slighted by others. While she picks up new hobbies easily, she’s just as easily distracted, and forgets what she’s doing with very few exceptions. Her curiousity often gets the best of her, and her sharp tongue tends to escalate situations that could be resolved with calm words.
Favored alcoholic beverage: Anything fruity, she doesn’t like tasting alcohol.
Favored food: Aldgoat steaks
Favored weather or season: Spring, it’s the right mix of pleasant weather and bright colors
Favored color: Red!
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nesuneofeorzea · 8 years
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Fear the old blood
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nesuneofeorzea · 8 years
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Archetype: the Realist.
traits: practical, understanding, honest, brutal, logical, creator, intelligent, sensible, down-to-earth, reasonable
The realist is most commonly used to symbolize the highest possible outcome in a dire situation. They are the ones who have everything planned, and hand out reality checks as if they were pamphlets to those who need them - which, quite honestly, is everyone who isn't a realist. Although they can be harsh (brutal truth over merciful), they are nurturers and care more than they let on. Realists tend to do things that will lead to the best outcome, and use their knowledge of reading people to manipulate situations and problems in order to get out of a rock and a hard place.
Fictional characters that are realists: Hermione Granger, Eddard Stark, Dana Scully, Thorin Oakenshield, Lestrade (from Sherlock), Leia Organa, Willow Rosenberg
Other personality types that go with this: Ravenclaw, Horned Serpent, Poseidon, Artemis
Tagged by: @zanamewrilen
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nesuneofeorzea · 8 years
I love both my bfs.
Me: <posts Rudeism playing Hanzo with a Nerf bow>
Bf: Goddamn Hanzo mains, but I prefer the guy who played Winston with only bananas
Me: That’s... actually the same guy
Bf: Wait what
Bf: Jesus, next he’ll play D. Va with an actual mech
Me: ...
Bf: ...
Me: Um
Me: Well it’s not an actual mech yet but
I heart <3 them.
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nesuneofeorzea · 8 years
“Um, it’s a bit technical, but Lacey can at least enjoy the drawings!”
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“Whatcha Reading?”
Featuring @laceys-ffxiv-blog and @nesuneofeorzea
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nesuneofeorzea · 9 years
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Three Miqo’te, in Repose
© 2016 N. Alnah
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nesuneofeorzea · 9 years
Then it just lies face-down on the plate with its butt jiggling in the air.
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(joking aside though, thank you so so much, @melmitxiv! I’m so excited to have a lil pudgeball to follow me around!)
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nesuneofeorzea · 9 years
Nesune Alnah - @nesuneofeorzea
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Reblog with your in-game names (and alts you frequent) pleeeease~♥
I’m gonna make myself a list. :3
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