In my head
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nessieh18 · 9 months ago
Demon Hunter: Cursed Hearts
First kiss with Kazuki part 3
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Aww, I love him❤️🥺
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nessieh18 · 9 months ago
Demon Hunter: Cursed Hearts
First kiss with Kazuki part 2
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nessieh18 · 1 year ago
Demon Hunter: Cursed Hearts
First kiss with Kazuki part 1☺️❤️
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Aww, so cute!🥹
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nessieh18 · 1 year ago
Eldarya ANE Episode 20-Nevra illustration
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It's over...I'm sad and disappointed 😞😢😭
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nessieh18 · 2 years ago
I'm replaying the Moonlight Lovers (Ethan route) and this is new for me 😂😌
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nessieh18 · 2 years ago
Nevra’s POV
I was always curious what thinking Nevra, when he saw Guardian again in the ANE. So, I tried write down with in his POV, grab his feelings and his thoughts 👀💖🥰
English is not my native language, grammatical or expression errors may occur. Even so I hope you enjoy it and find it understandable 😊
Season: 2, A New Era
Guardian's name in the story: Genevieve
Crush: Nevra
May contain spoilers
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Note: There is a little change in it. They don't meet at the Central Pavilion, but in the HQ building.
Unusually, the HQ was more bustling that night. He didn’t need to perk up his ears to hear the conversation and the laugh from the Cherry tree. He closed toward the noise with lazy steps and enjoyed the fresh air. He took a deep breath, the scent of cakes and food creeped up in his nose. He could even tell who was there as he slowly separated from each other the smells. However, there was a sweetly intoxicating fragrance which he couldn’t deal with.
Nevra paused, just nearby the Central Pavilion. He watched the crowd silently without moving an inch, his eyes fixed on the statues wrapped in lights. His jaw clenched. It can’t be. He must be imagining from exhaustion. The smell was still there,  preying on his mind, not letting him rest. He slipped away silently, like a shadow. He didn’t want company nor to celebrate now. He walked over the empty market, the pale moon was his only companion and the painfully familiar smell that he obsessively followed all the way to the HQ building. It's madness. Too much sunlight hit his head and now he is out of his mind. Still, he felt the urge to find out the source of fragrance, even if it tears open a thousand painful wounds and memories.
He stepped down on the stairs but stopped in the movement. He watched the graceful figure appear in the dark place. She put on her jacket and freed her waist-length hair. Their gaze met and icy feeling rippled through on him. His heart unintentionally jumped, but he didn’t move. Not even when she desperately moved toward him. Then one more. The girl approached until she was right next to him.
“Hi…”It sounded like a question, not a greeting. Nevra squinted, looking at her from top to bottom and tried to make sure she wasn’t a mirage. That it’s not just a figment of his imagination. He saw her trembling slightly, he heard her heart fast racing. And her expression…The disappointment slowly replaced by despond. She seemed so real. He slowly put the piece together. Probably that’s why the banquet was outside because of her. She was here again. Alive. Nevra licked his dry lips and tried to collect his thoughts and his feelings, which were ready to sweep off his feet.
“Genevieve? Is that you?”
“Yes. I came back from the Crystal. And Leiftan too.”
“That’s good. So that’s why the banquet.” He didn’t say more. He didn’t know what else to say.
“Yes, its because of that” Genevieve replied in a slightly breathless voice. It’s like she might burst into tears at any moment. Still, she pulled herself, like she decided she wasn’t going to cry. “And… How are you?”
“I've been pretty busy recently. They probably said I took Leiftan’s place. And I’m trying to keep my eyes on Chrome. He handles things quite well, but he still needs to learn a lot.” He turned his gaze towards the front door as if anyone came to save him from this situation. “By the way, Have you met him and Karenn?”
“Yes, with everybody. They were very happy to see me.”
He knew his face darkened at the statement. He straightened up and tried to control the bitterness that overwhelmed his heart, driving it away, down to the depths. Where has been forgotten again. However, he couldn’t control his anger that was always there, even if he knew that it wasn't the girl's fault. That she doesn’t deserve this. His voice was sharp in the silent night, the words boiling angrily on his lips.
“Are you implying that I don't show enough emotion?" Genevieve crossed her arms and clamped her lips. 
“Nevra, for me it’s like it was only yesterday that I last saw you, that we were in love. I’m here again, after seven years and I try to keep up the pace. I totally understand that you moved on, but this whole thing hit me hard. Again. I feel the same as when I first landed here and I try to stay afloat, but something seems to be pushing me down. So yeah, forgive me if I get the impression you are coming down on me after all this. They said you came to see me every day when I was in the Crystal. Have you visited me in the last couple of weeks?” Genevieve's outburst stunned him for a moment. He looked away and bit his lip. She looked so defeated, when in fact he was the one being defeated.
“I went to see you everyday for a little over a year. Then…I started going less often. I had to move on. I’m so sorry, Genevieve. I wasn’t prepared for this. I’m really, truly sorry, but believe me, I’m glad you are here.” The words burned his tongue. Not only from the bitter truth but also from the confusion raging in his soul. He felt like he was balancing on the edge of a cliff and Genevieve was unconsciously ready to push him down. 
“I understand. It caught everybody by surprise.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.” Silence descended upon them. He had no idea what to say to her, so after a long pause he said:
“You should go back to the others. I have a few more things to do.” Lie. He only had to write the report but he felt so heavy that he was strongly inclined to put it off until the next day. He wanted nothing more than to get into his bed, but he knew very well that tonight would be a restless night. And as he watched Genevieve's receding many chains were wrapped around him that he was slowly crushed.
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nessieh18 · 2 years ago
Some thoughts from my Eldarya fanfiction. (These are thoughts and scenes that I could imagine in the game and I would very much enjoy reading them, so I decided to write them.)
English is not my native language, grammatical or expression errors may occur. Even so I hope you enjoy it and find it understandable. :)
Season: 2, A New Era
Guardian's name in the story: Genevieve
Crush: Nevra
May contain spoilers
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[...]The Sersea was suddenly there again and swam around her in the water. The girl was no longer a prisoner, but she didn’t fight anymore. She felt herself heavy, she closed her eyes. She wanted sleep, she wanted it to be over. To stop this pressure, this tension. Genevieve wished she could say goodbye, because she never could. Is that written for her? Nevra…She wished she could see Nevra one last time…
Genevieve couldn’t tell exactly how much time had passed, but  somebody grabbed her arm. Her hair swam behind her as they got higher and higher. The girl wanted to open her eyes to look who is it, but she couldn’t. She was unable to do it. Then the air suddenly burst into her lungs. She swallowed it greedily, it almost made her dizzy. It was like she woke up from some kind of delirium. Genevieve tried to get rid of the gnawing feeling in her throat by coughing. 
"Are you okay?" It took some time for her to answer.
“Y-yes” It was really cold. Her teeth chattered from shivering, only by the hands that held her tightly seeped some warmth into her. The girl looked at her savior. She almost caught a fit of cough when she saw Lance. In his eyes sat real worry and his strong arms held Genevieve confidently. In other circumstances, she would have pushed him away, but now she was incapable of it. She didn’t have enough strength to keep herself above the surface. She let the dragon swim to the ship with her, where he helped her climb on the ladder. Nevra reached down for her and he almost lifted the girl onto the deck. The vampire’s skin had always been colder than hers, but now she found it hot. Genevieve cuddled up to him trembling.
“It’s all right.” She felt herself rising again whereof her eyes opened and she clung to the boy’s clothes convulsively. They went into the girl’s cabin. “You have to take off your clothes. Can you do that alone?” Genevieve tried to do that, but her fingers were so frozen that it was an impossible task. Nevra carefully pushed away her hands and he started undressing her. She couldn’t be embarrassed. Not that she could show him something new…Warmth surrounded her, it unfreezed her slowly as she was put on the bed. Genevieve felt the vampire’s fingers brush across her face and stroke out a wet lock of hair from her eyes. The pleasurable warmth and the soft touch put her to sleep. [...]
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nessieh18 · 2 years ago
Eldarya fanfiction
Egy kis részlet az Eldarya fanfictionomból :)
Évad: A New Era
Útvonal: Nevra
Spoilert tartalmazhat
Angolul/In English
(Az illusztrációk forrása: Beemoov)
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[...] Végigviharzott a folyosón, de a Sokajtós teremben megtorpant Nevra miatt. A lány szíve nagyot dobbant a látványra. A vámpír alig pillantott hátra a válla fölött.
– Szia... – köszönt Genevieve, miközben felzárkózott a fiúhoz. – Már azt hittem megint késni fogok, de ezek szerint időben vagyok.
– Ne aggódj, a trappolásodat odafentről is hallottuk volna.
– Nem is trappoltam! – tiltakozott a lány.
– Dolgoznod kell a lopakodáson. – Kissé leereszkedően jegyezte meg a fiú, amitől Genevieve megint legszívesebben bokán rúgta volna.
– Igenis, köszönöm szépen, hogy tájékoztatsz – válaszolta csipkelődően Genevieve. Túlzás volt azt állítani, hogy ilyen hangosan futott volna. Nem is beszélve arról, hogy anno a fiú Gárdájában volt és megtanította egy-két
dologra. Tudott csendesen lépkedni, ha akart. Ráadásul a vámpíroknak jobb volt a hallása. Még azt is meghallotta volna, ha csak a nagylábujját érinti a földhöz...
– Mit vársz tőlem? Ez most a munkám.
– Mármint mások provokálása?
– A cinikus megjegyzéseid még mindig magával ragadóak.
– Te pedig továbbra is két kézzel szórod az elismeréseket. – Nevra kinyitotta előtte az ajtót, hogy előre engedje. A lány kedélyes megköszönte és próbált határozottan, egyenes derékkal elhaladni mellette, de mikor elkapta a fiú pillantását, megbotlott. A vámpír fürgén elkapta, hogy el ne essen. Genevieve érezte, ahogy egyre forrósodik az arca. Mintha lángolt volna a bőre az érintésétől.
– Óvatosan. – Olyan halkan szólalt meg, hogy a lánynak el kellett gondolkoznia, hogy nem csak odaképzelte-e. Nem tudott kiolvasni semmit a fiú arcából. Elengedte a derekát, aztán a lépcső felé intett. Genevieve-nek minden egyes lépésére figyelnie kellett, hogy el ne essen ismét. Rettenetesen zavarba ejtő volt a vámpír jelenléte mögötte, még ha nem is hallotta a lépteit. De tudta, hogy ott van. Minden porcikájában érezte. [...]
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nessieh18 · 2 years ago
Eldarya fanfiction
Some thoughts from my Eldarya fanfiction. (These are thoughts and scenes that I could imagine in the game and I would very much enjoy reading them, so I decided to write them.)
English is not my native language, grammatical or expression errors may occur. Even so I hope you enjoy it and find it understandable.
Season: 2, A New Era
Guardian's name in the story: Genevieve
Crush: Nevra
May contain spoilers
(The source of illustrations: Beemoov)
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[...]She ran through the corridor, but she stopped in the Hall of Doors because of Nevra. The girl’s heart was beating fast at the sight of him. The vampire barely looked back over his shoulder.
“Hi…” Genevieve greeted, while she catching up with the boy. “I thought I’m going to be late again, but it would seem I’m on time.”
“Don’t worry, we would have heard your tramping from upstairs.”
“I didn’t tramping!” said Genevieve.
“You need to work on your stealth.” The boy's remark was condescending, and Genevieve wanted to kick him on the ankle again for that.
“Yes, thank you very much for letting me know,” Geneiveve replied. It was an exaggeration to say that she ran so loudly. She was in the boy’s Guard a long time ago and he taught her a thing or two. She can step quietly if she wants. Plus, the vampires had better hearing. He would have heard it even if she just touched the ground with her big toe…
“What do you want from me? This is my job now.”
“You mean provoking the others?”
“Your cynical comments are still captivating.”
“And you still deal out the compliments with both hands.” Nevra opened the door in front of her to let her in. The girl thanked him jovially and tried to walk past him firmly and with a straight waist, but she stumbled when she caught the boy’s gaze. The vampire caught her quickly. Genevieve felt that her face flame up. As if her skin was on fire from his touch.
“Carefully.” Nevra spoke so softly that she was curious if she had just imagined that. She couldn’t read anything from his face. He let go of her waist then he waved toward the stairs. Genevieve had to watch her step so she wouldn’t fall again. The vampire’s presence behind her was terribly confusing, even if she couldn’t hear his footsteps. But she knew he was there. She felt his presence in her bones. [...]
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nessieh18 · 6 years ago
A következő poszt A Csábításból Jeles problémáival foglalkozik. 4 nyelven teszem közzé ezt az ügyet, magyarul, angolul, spanyolul és portugálul. Szeretném, ha minél több emberhez elérne minél több szerveren, hiszen NAGY problémák vannak.|
The following post deals with the problems of the Hungarian My Candy Love server in 4 languages. HUNGARIAN, ENGLISH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE. I want it to reach a lot of people on several servers, because we have BIG Issues.|
El siguiente post trata con los problemas del servidor húngaro de AS en 4 idiomas: húngaro, ingles, español y portugués, quiero que le llegue a varios jugadores en distintos servidores porque tenemos GRANDES problemas.|
O texto abaixo se trata de problemas no servidor Húngaro de Amor Doce e está em 4 línguas. HÚNGARO, INGLÊS, ESPANHOL E PORTUGUÊS. Eu quero que ele chegue à muitas pessoas em diversos servidores, pois temos GRANDES problemas.|
Mióta kijött az egyetemi frissítés, a magyar szerver nem látott új epizódot a Csábításból Jelesen. A szerver utolsó epizódja (37.) pedig április vége felé lett elérhető a játékosoknak. Hogy miért? Nem tudjuk. Annyit tudunk, hogy „késnek az epizódok”, viszont azóta nem hogy késnek, de még csak egy sem volt.
A pár héttel ezelőtti kérdezz-felelekről pedig nem is merek beszélni. Amíg egy barátom nem említette, hogy ez létezik, nem tudtam róla. Szerintem sokan nem is tudnak erről a szerveren még most sem.
Ami végleg feltette az ire a pontot, az az, hogy bezárják a fórumunkat. Semmiről sem fogunk tudni beszélgetni, mint egy közösség. Nem lesz közösségi élet, csak üzenetben cseveghetünk egymással és semmit nem tudunk megvitatni közösen, nem segíthetjük egymást, mikor szükséges. Szerintem azért ez elég durva és ízléstelen dolog, hogy elveszik ezt az élményt tőlünk. A barátkozás, és a kibontakozás élményét.
És mind ezt miért? NEM TUDJUK!!!! Fogalmunk sincs, mi történik a saját szerverünkkel, de az biztos, hogy nem fogjuk annyiban hagyni!
Készítettünk egy bannert, amellyel meg szeretnénk mutatni, hogy ellenezzük azt, hogy valaki elnémítson bennünket. Nem tudom, illetve nem tudni ki áll a dolgok hátterében, de szerintem túlzás az, amit művel. A bannert a poszt alján találjátok. Kérlek, használjátok, ha ti szerintetek is komoly dolgok történnek.
Ever since the University Update was released, there have been no new episodes on the Hungarian My Candy Love server (Csábításból Jeles). The last episode of MCL (37.) became accessible for the players late April. Why? We don’t know. What we do know, is that „episodes are being delayed”, although not only are they being delayed, there are straight up no new episodes.
I don’t even want to mention the Q&A that was held some weeks ago. If it wasn’t for my friend, I wouldn’t have known about its existence. I believe there are many people on my server that do not even know about it today.
What really put the icing on the cake though, was the fact that our forum is to be closed. Yes you heard me. Our forum is to be closed. We won’t be able to talk about anything as a community. There will be no socialization, we will be able to chat only via messages, nothing will be dealt by us together, and we won’t be able to help eachother out in need. I think it’s a really sick and disgusting thing to take this experience from us. The experience of making friend and expressing opinions.
And why did this all happen? WE DON’T KNOW!!! We have no idea why these things are happening to our own server but we won’t leave it like this for sure!!
We have made a banner, with the help of which we want to show that we oppose being muted. I don’t know, actually, it is unknown who is behind all this, but what’s being done is too much. You can find the banner at the end of the post. Please use it, if you also think mad things are happening.
Desde que salio la actualización de la universidad, no tuvimos episodios nuevos en AS húngaro (Csábításból Jeles). El ultimo episodio (37) estuvo disponible para los jugadores a finales de Abril. ¿Por qué? No sabemos. Lo que sabemos, es que, los episodios están siendo postergados, aunque no es solo eso, si no que directamente no hay episodios nuevos.
Ni siquiera quiero mencionar el FAQ que tomo parte hace unas semanas, si no fuera por mi amiga, ni siquiera sabría de su existencia, yo creo que en mi servidor hay jugadores que ni siquiera saben de este a día de hoy.                    
Lo que puso la cereza sobre el pastel es el hecho de que nuestro forum va a cerrar. Si me han escuchado. Nuestro forum va a cerrar. No vamos a poder hablar de nada como una comunidad. No va a haber socialización, no podremos hablar por mensajes, nada sera tomado por nosotros y no podremos ayudarnos entre sí. Yo creo que es realmente repulsivo y enfermizo quitarnos la experiencia de hacer amigos y expresar nuestra opinión.                                          
¿Por qué pasa todo esto? ¡¡NO SABEMOS!! No tenemos ni idea de por qué le esta pasando esto a nuestro servidor pero no nos vamos a quedar con los brazos cruzados!                            
Hicimos un banner, queremos mostrar que nos oponemos a ser callados. Yo no se, en verdad, quien esta detrás de todo esto, pero lo que esta pasando es demasiado. Puedes encontrar el banner al final del post, por favor úsalo si crees que cosas raras están pasando en nuestro servidor.
Desde a liberação de University Life, não houveram novos episódios no servidor Húngaro de Amor Doce (Csábításból Jeles). O último episódio do AD (37) foi disponibilizado para os jogadores no final de abril. Por quê? Não sabemos. O que sabemos é que “os episódios estão atrasados”, no entanto, não só estão atrasados como não está havendo lançamento de novos eps.
Eu não quero nem mencionar o Tira-Dúvidas de algumas semanas atrás. Se não fosse por uma amiga, eu não saberia da existência dele. Eu acredito que exiatem muitas pessoas no meu servidor que ainda não sabem da existência dele. O que realmente foi a “gota d'água” é o fato de que nosso fórum será fechado. Sim, você me ouviu. Nosso fórum vai fechar. Nós não poderemos falar de nada como uma comunidade. Não haverá socialização, só poderemos nos falar via MP, não ligaremos com nada juntos e não poderemos nos ajudar quando alguém tiver problemas. Eu acho que é doentio e nojento tirarem essa experiência de nós. A experiência de fazer amigos e expressar opiniões.
E por que tudo isso aconteceu? NÃO SABEMOS!!! Não temos ideia do porquê essas coisas estão acontecendo em nosso servidor e  com certeza não podemos deixar isso desse jeito!!
Nós fizemos um banner, com o qual queremos mostrar que nos opomos a sermos caladas. Eu não sei, na verdade, quem/o que está por trás disso, mas fechar já é demais. Você pode ver o banner no final dessa publicação. Por favor, use-o se você também acha que isto é errado.
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Sok címkét raktam be a figyelemfelkeltés végett.
Putting a lot of tags for attention
Pongo muchos tags para llamar la atención
Colocando muitas tags para atenção
(Special thanks for my friends who helped me translate the texts to 2 other languages <3)
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nessieh18 · 6 years ago
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Nevra? Mit csinálsz itt?
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Nevra: Látod ott azt az ajtót?
(Rámutatott a szárnyas ajtóra.) Igen, és?
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Nevra: Az az enyém, szóval most megyek és lefekszem.
(Elfintorodtam. Ostoba kérdés volt.)
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Nevra: Szeretnél körbe nézni?
A: Persze!
B: Semmiképp sem, de azért kösz.
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(Kinyitotta az ajtót és beinvitált.)
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Nevra: Várj!
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Nevra: Szóval már nem vagy rám morcos? Teljes a megbocsátás?
(Hm… nem tudok teljesen dűlőre jutni…)
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Nevra: Nincs megbocsátás, nincs hálószoba.
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Nevra: Majd egy másik alkalommal összebújunk.
…(Képtelen vagyok mosolyogni rá.)
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Nevra: Túl korai még az efféle komment, mi?
Egy kicsit, igen…
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(Úgy tűnt, szomorúan ment be a szobájába.)
Egyszerűen imádom! *-* /I love him!
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