ness-allmighty · 2 years
laying this blog to rest ✌✌
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
it really bothers me that so many people on this site treat ableism like it’s black and white.
just now i saw a post where op was like “i’m glad that spinners are popular because it normalizes fidgets and decreases stigma” and someone replied like “no!! it’s absolutely TERRIBLE that neurotypicals are using these fidgets because when they get in trouble they make things harder for mentally ill kids!!” and like you guys do realize that? you’re both right? it isn’t a decisive fact that neurotypicals using fidgets is either good or bad, there are both benefits and consequences that need to be taken into consideration.
a few months ago there was a post going around that was like, *neurotypical voice* why are you bouncing your leg, and somebody reblogged it saying that the post was ableist because autistic kids can get overstimulated by leg bouncing. i go to a school for the mentally disabled, and i’ve been in this exact scenario, my classmate wasn’t able to focus because i was bouncing my leg and although i felt bad i told him that i wouldn’t be able to stop for long because i do it subconsciously due to my adhd. he wasn’t being ableist for asking me to stop, and i wasn’t being ableist for saying i couldn’t, we just both had different needs. in the end, our compromise was that i went to work in the computer lab.
you have to understand that there is always more than one side to issues like these, and that we should be striving for understanding and balance over demonization of one side and blind support of the other. this is especially relevant when people on both sides are mentally ill or disabled, because sometimes symptoms will clash and you just need to deal with it.
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
putting up “HELL IS FAKE” billboards in ohio to start a dialogue
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
See what your followers think of you.
BLACK = I would date you. GREEN = I think you’re cute. BLUE = You are my tumblr crush. GREY = I wish you would notice me. PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. TEAL = We have a lot in common. YELLOW = I don’t know you at all. ORANGE = I don’t like your blog. BROWN = I don’t like you. PINK = I think you are unattractive. RED = I hate you with a burning passion. WHITE = You scare me. RAINBOW = BED PLZ. SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something. MAROON = You taught me something new. CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh MAUVE = You are really talented BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. CYAN = We have very little in common THISTLE = I only just started following you INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it) VERMILION = You make me feel passionate HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname LAVENDER = You inspire me CORAL = You’re a meme UMBER = I want to know more about you FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class SAFFRON = I love your ideas TIMBERWOLF = I trust you FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you PLUM = I’d like to chat with you TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic SAGE = You make me cry CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something! VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
reblog game where you #cancel the previous person for something completely arbitrary
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
my heart aches for a time, so so long ago
where there was this minecraft glitch that’d occasionally make the squids float through the air. Just swimming in the sky. It was a happier time.
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
reblog game where you #cancel the previous person for something completely arbitrary
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
i love the total disconnect between me and random tiktok ads. this one was like “stop spending $200 on sunglasses” brother you would need to put a gun to my head to get me to spend more than $10 on sunglasses
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
Miles Edgeworth epic feminist moment
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
enjoy luna making her biscuits
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
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ness-allmighty · 2 years
Harlequin lilac!!
MOSS YOURE SO SWEET TY <3 will gladly be your insane supplier of unhinged ideas <3
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