nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
Still very angry
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
My boyfriend is fucking dead
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
Muddy eyed forest fucker burned all up
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
Flesh incarnate shivers more long hole deep down under the 4000 feet deep full of concrete the fuck did you do that I’m angry stop now go home fuck Korea
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
Tonsil king demanding more broke down in the shower to scream in fear it fucking bit me blood down the drain I hate all of this you fucking greedy basterd
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
The current development is terrifying why did they do this why the gods were helpless the gods were helpless
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
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I drew the goth furry and I feel guilty (don’t follow me)
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
The gods were made immortal s a punishment as they had to watch me and my stupid bull shit
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
My fursona roof woof
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
All though not expected in the least bit turns out not all lights have the same unpf to them u know
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
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Out the closet,?
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
I drank the last bit of tea dirty closet? Cluttered, in the least
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
I’m to busy
I want to kick petas fucking ass
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
Dream#96: was ridan from like metal gear solid but in Vietnam
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
Have you felt that perpetual confusion in the room haven’t you
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nesquick-nesly-blog · 5 years
The summer Olympics being held in a impossibly large and impossibly small space outside my child home although big it took up no lawn space also in the dream my fears of driving was shown to be well as a truck was assorbed by the forest lucky I want technicals in it so I was spared found a musket and btw during the Olympics the funds for next year were collected by passing around a offering plate through the stands I stole 20 bucks I went to bed yesterday at 5pm and woke up at 2am
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