nerys-syren · 11 hours
Autistic girlies when the TNG episode implies that Data does have emotions but he experiences/presents them differently than most people
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nerys-syren · 19 hours
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Quick one!
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nerys-syren · 1 day
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Image ID: a gif from Futurama episode The Deep South. A blonde mermaid (Umbriel) lies in a bed covered with a large maroon blanket, the end of her pink tail uncovered at the bottom. She lifts the covers and Fry jumps in with her. They kiss passionatly under the blanket for a moment before they both pause and Umbriel asks: What the hell is that? End ID.
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sorry. cant stop thinking about this
bonus stupidity round:
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nerys-syren · 1 day
DS9 Episode where senior staff is supposed to be playing the board game Clue, but Quark is determined to make a better version. He teamed up with Garak to make it the best holosuite game, but Rom’s engineering accidentally launches everyone into a game of in person Clue, with one of them programmed to have the role of the killer, and holosuite safeties turned off. They have to play, and meanwhile O’Brien works on the outside to stop it before the police arrest whoever is the killer and possibly doing more. It’s the perfect combination of Our Man Bashir and Move Along Home
yet another galaxy brain concept, idk how you keep doing it. also have you considered: clue-the-movie ft the ds9 senior staff and also garak is there. because a) garak would LOVE a whodunnit where everyone done it, b) that adds a potential twist to the standard holosuite glitch concept, c) why would you have a tim curry role and not give it to garak
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nerys-syren · 1 day
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Julian Bashir has given himself a week to pack his things and tie up loose threads on Deep Space Nine before returning to Cardassia for good. It should be plenty of time.
@circeladyofaeaea requested fics about moving to commiserate with her own move. Best of luck!
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nerys-syren · 2 days
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u guys were so nice about my last Bashir + Obrien post, heres more! lads day out tennis & a pint wheeeey
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nerys-syren · 2 days
The head of the church across the street from the mall is constantly on the manager's back about being able to talk to god directly. he had to call the cops on her when she tried to blow up the kumon bc she was so mad about it (idk if those were around in the 90's, but it's a tutoring center).
when he's not dealing with all the mess from his employees, sisko also has to grapple with the fact that there is a supernatural space time gateway direct to god outside the cinnabon (🎶 what if god was one of us, between the pretzels and the buns…)
Now, you would think 'obviously garrak works at the hot topic' but i say that a more fitting replica would actually be the tux rental place. (More mall rambling below)
It's the only place where actual tailoring really happenes anymore for regular, non-rich people and is only busy a few times a year, leaving him plenty of free time to have very long lunches with julian at the food court discussing the latest releases from the barnes and noble
This is also the kind of mall who would have robot security but like the 80's kind of robot that everyone thought would be much cooler but really just cause problems for O'brien as head facilities engineer. (Like Chopping Mall but without all the murderous rampaging. Except for that one time when a solar flare caused all the robots to go on a murderous rampage, evil holodeck style)
dax manages the radio shack/cd store and has such ecclectic music taste she always manages to know not which cd you want but the one you NEED. She also drives an ancient van with wizards and stuff airbrushed on the side
meanwhile, the previous owner of the mall constanly comes by to sniff 'hate what you've done with the place' and generally cause passive agressive hikjinks (like that one time he swooped in to 'fix' the security system when everyone got locked inside the sporting goods store but it turned out the keys *his* bosses gave him don't actually work)
Jake and Nog regularly hang out at the Jumja Juice (Jamba Juice/Orange Julius)
Quark, the owner of the local Dave & Buster's franchise, is always on the radar of the chief mall cop for unnkown reasons (everyone assumes it's the real backroom gambling that happens under the table but the most commonly whispered rumor is a love affair gone bad though anyone known to spread that particular tale is suddenly given a pink slip)
the religious storylines on ds9 are crazy if you really think about it. imagine being in the mall and seeing the gates of heaven open outside auntie anne's pretzels
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nerys-syren · 2 days
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Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge, Chief Engineer of the 1701-D.
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nerys-syren · 3 days
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nerys-syren · 3 days
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This is a wip I’ve had lying around forever so I decided to just go ahead and post it. Still not over the thought of Kira turning into a blushy mess when Jadzia pays attention to her
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nerys-syren · 3 days
why is weyoun kinda giving A Hardworking Wife and A Mother of 3 Coming Home After A Long Day of Chores and Work to Her Drunk Sleeping Husband and Getting Tired, Thinking of Divorce More and More Each Time....
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nerys-syren · 3 days
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Finished this wip of my favorite liquid cop <3
Alt version under the cut
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nerys-syren · 4 days
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heartwarming: the two most beautiful women you've ever seen are also incredible characters and best friends and have probably kissed
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nerys-syren · 4 days
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I love Love
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nerys-syren · 5 days
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love thinking abt trill being kind of translucent and their insides being like a sort of gel. symbionts just swim around inside their hosts. and bajorans are Very ridgey not just on the nose
anyway here’s The Gals!!
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nerys-syren · 5 days
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His way!!
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nerys-syren · 6 days
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History loves to repeat itself
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