nerycastilloh · 4 years
Es liberador 🍃
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Elena Poe.
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nerycastilloh · 4 years
8 Small Happiness Boosters
1. Count your blessings; practice being thankful.
2. Do something small to make someone else smile.
3. Enjoy spending quality time with yourself.
4. Be your own cheerleader and your own best friend.
5. Waste an hour doing something that you really love.
6. Set aside your electronics for an hour.
7. Experiment and try a new activity.
8. Go to bed when you’re tired; get plenty of sleep.
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nerycastilloh · 4 years
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Euri Montero
Instagram | Twitter
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nerycastilloh · 4 years
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And in this moment, I swear... we were all infinite.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
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nerycastilloh · 4 years
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nerycastilloh · 4 years
La importancia e impacto de gestionar tus emociones y ocuparte de vos 💙🍃
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nerycastilloh · 4 years
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
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Mens Fashion // Jump Style © | Assured To Inspire
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
"El día de la despedida de esta playa de mi vida, te hice una promesa volverte a ver así... más de cincuenta veranos hace hoy que no nos vemos, ni tú, ni el mar ni el cielo, ni quien me trajo a ti"
La Oreja de Van Gogh - La Playa
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
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Gambit by Marko Stanojevic
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
[...] "aunque a estas alturas un último esfuerzo no valga la pena, hoy los buenos recuerdos se caen por las escaleras, y tras varios tequilas las nubes se van pero el sol no regresa"
La Quinta Estación - El Sol no Regresa
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
“You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.”
— Philip Arnold
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
"Al almacén donde guardo las penas, no le queda sitio para una más"
Jeans - Estoy por Él
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
"Literal's for the unimaginative"
Anna Madrigal - Tales of the City/Historias de San Francisco
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nerycastilloh · 5 years
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Omar Montero
Twitter | Instagram
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