10 Trends shaping the retail pharmacy Business for 2020.
From specialty medications to the use of technology to speed up the development of drugs, the year was all about modernization and breakthroughs for the pharmaceutical’s health industry.
The top pharmacy trends for 2020:
• Artificial Intelligence
The initiation of artificial intelligence into the development of new drugs is been one of the mentioned pharmacy trends for 2020. Taking the lead in this area is IBM Watson, a computer that interprets millions of pages of scientific literature and data that helps researchers and pharmaceutical companies to speed up the development of new medications.
Artificial intelligence used in areas of drug development which will be part of the top pharmacy trends for 2020.
• Mobile health apps:
Data gathering has always been one of the most challenging tasks in clinical research. But this year, more pharmaceutical companies are taking advantage of mobile technology to gather relevant information for clinical studies that will help in the development of new drugs.
These apps tend to provide accurate information on a patient’s health status, which is why they’ve been used to study diseases like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, breast cancer, asthma, and cardiovascular diseases.
• Gene-specific drugs:
Accurate medication is one of the most important pharmacy trends for 2020 because it targets specific genes based on the patient’s health conditions.
Genetic data is gathered through genome sequencing where researchers are able to identify specific abnormalities and come-up with drugs and therapies especially towards them.
The trend, which is also the part of top pharmacy trends in 2020 helps in increasing the efficiency of drugs to help patients get better outcomes for their treatment.
• Printable medication
This year, the drug Spritam made history as the first 3D-printed drug to be accepted by the FDA. Manufactured by Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, the drug is made through a 3D printing process that accords the pill to be porous enough to be dissolved quickly while delivering the dosage needs for the patient.
One of the most talked-about pharmacy trends this year, printable medication is expected to pave the way for the future of drug development and reduce the cost of manufacturing drugs.
These breakthroughs have made a better landscape for the pharmaceutical industries. And the best part is, more advancement is coming with the passing year. Here are some of the top pharmacy trends for 2020?
1. Specialty medication
Specialty products are the most profitable among all the pharmacy trends for the year.
Specialty drugs are made mostly for chronic and degenerative diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.
They are rare and highly in-demand due to the complexity and cost of creating them. But they are also very important in helping treat the symptoms of chronic diseases so patients can enjoy a better quality of life.
2. 340B drug discount program
The 340B drug discount program is part of the pharmacy trends for many years, and the ongoing talk for its improvement is not expected to die down in 2020. In fact, this year, focus put on the program’s path for pharmacies.
As a pharmacy, it’s very essential to examine the efficiency of the existing 340B program to know how to make the most of helping patients and their health. You also need to stay on top of new rules, enforcement and audits to easily adjust the program for compliance.
3. Over the counter medications
According to research, the average person’s household spends about $338 on over the counter products every year. With the increasing cost of hospital treatments and health insurance plans, people are moving to self-medication to treat minor health issues.
Over the counter medications are easily available and don’t need a prescription, which helps in cutting reducing the time and cost of the treatment.
Their popularity continues to grow as part of the top pharmacy trends for 2020, so it’s essential for pharmacies to ensure that staff members guide consumers in buying the best over the counter medications. They should offer the best options for their customers so they don’t need to see a physician.
4. Next-door healthcare
Next-door healthcare is one of the top pharmacy trends for 2020 where pharmaceutical services are made more easily accessible to consumers.
5. Virtual healthcare
With more people relying heavily on technology, virtual healthcare is one of the most important pharmacy trends. The pharmaceutical industry will see an increased use of e-commerce and mobile channels for marketing and the competition will definitely be stiff.
6. Data tracking and management
All health system pharmacies will surely agree that data tracking and management is the hardest tasks in the business—but it is also most important. As an integral part of the healthcare system, pharmacies should use their data wisely to make smarter decisions for patients.
7. Drug approvals
The development of new drugs has always been a long and tedious process for pharmaceutical companies, mainly with the FDA being at odds with them. But this time, it improved.
8. Public policy
There has been a long talk on the transparency of healthcare costs for patients and payers. In fact, this year more pressure is placed into making the cost of healthcare services more transparent to the public, mainly the real prices of drugs. & therefore prefer the best online pharmacy in India, it has a transparent system and provides genuine medication, 3MEDS.
9. Bio-similar
The bio-similar market is part of top pharmacy trends for many years, & a controversial topic in the industry. Its essence, bio-similar is a medical product that’s almost an identical copy of the original but manufactured by a different company.
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 Bottom Line:
The evolution of pharmaceuticals is a huge factor in the world around us. The treads are kick start to look at something bigger.
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What are the major symptoms and signs of lyme disease?
Lyme disease is a commonly seen vector-prone disease around the globe. Per year, larger numbers of people are infected with this causing the number increase and it is a curable disease at the early stages of it.
It’s majorly caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and barely through Borrelia mayonii. It is the type of disease which is transmitted from animals to the human being as Lyme diseases are transmitted through the bite of infected black-legged or deer ticks. It is a disease that is important to get treated at an early stage otherwise it gets spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system. Their diagnosis is done on the basis of physical findings, the possibility of exposure to infected ticks. Under this laboratory testing is considered useful if they are performed with validated methods.
Most of the time, the treatment is done through medication and is treated successfully in a few weeks. In the least cases, other steps are taken except medication procedure like insect repellent, removing ticks promptly, applying pesticides, and reducing tick habitat. These ticks not only transmit the Lyme disease but they even transmit other tick diseases such as babesiosis, anaplasmosis, & powassan virus. Thus get your genuine medicines home delivered by 3Meds.
The disease starts showing its symptoms in 3 to 30 days or even sometimes takes months. It varies with the person, after the bite & it is wide-ranging and majorly depending on the stage of infection. Along with that, it takes around 36 to 48 hours after the rick attached to you to cause Lyme disease. And if the tick is removed within 36 hours, the probability of getting infected reduces to least.
The possibility of getting infected in people is more who spend time in grassy and heavily wooded areas.
Early symptoms (3 to 30 days after the bite):
•                   Fever
•                   Chills
•                   Headache
•                   Fatigueless
•                   Muscle and joint pains
•                   Swollen lymph nodes, that may occur in the absence of rash
•                    Erythema migrans (EM) rash:
ü Occurs in approximately 70 to 80 % of infected persons
ü Begins at the site of a tick bite after a delay of 3 to 30 days (average is about 7 days)
ü Expands slowly over several days reaching up to 12 inches or more (30 cm) across
ü It may feel warm to the touch but is rarely itchy or painful
ü Sometimes, it clears as it enlarges, resulting in a target or “bulls-eye” appearance
ü It may appear on any area of the body
ü Doesn't always appear as a “classic” erythema migrans rash
Later symptoms (days to months after the bite):
•                   Severe headaches and neck stiffness.
•                   Additional EM rashes on other areas of the body.
•                   Facial palsy (loss of muscle tone or droop on one or both sides of the face).
•                   Arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, particularly the knees and other large joints.
•                   Intermittent pain in tendons, muscles, joints, and bones.
•                   Heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat.
•                   Episodes of dizziness or shortness of breath.
•                   Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
•                   Nerve pain.
•                   Shooting pains, numbness, or tingling in the hands or feet.
In the world around, Lyme diseases are caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. They primarily carry blacked legged or deer ticks. Young brown ticks often are no bigger than a poppy seed, which makes them nearly impossible to spot. To contract the Lyme disease, an infected deer tick must bite you. The bacteria enter the skin through the bite and eventually make their way into the bloodstream.
In most cases, to transmit Lyme disease, a deer tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours. If you find an attached tick that looks swollen, it may have fed long enough to transmit bacteria. Removing the tick as soon as possible might prevent infection.
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The best precaution from getting infected from Lyme disease is to avoid areas where deer ticks live, mostly wooden, brushy areas with long grass.
Here are some precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk:
Cover your body: Whenever you are going in wooded, bushy areas, cover your complete body, wear shoes, long trousers with full sleeves top with a hat and gloves.
Use insect repellent: Do not forget to apply insect repellent on your skin. Parents are suggested to apply to the child’s skin carefully. Be conscious while applying as such repellents are toxic and thus follow the directions properly.
Tick-proof your yard: Clear the leaves and brushes where ticks make their home. Mow your lawn at regular intervals. Keep it neat and dry, sunny areas decrease the rodents that carry ticks.
Check yourself: After coming back from any area where ticks can be found, it is preferable to have a bath. As ticks are very small and can’t notice until you intentionally sit to remove them. Thus, it's better to have a bath as they take more than 36 hours to get attached.
Bottom line:
Lyme disease it’s not a one-time disease, it can be caused again. Thus it is essential to be alert and take all the precautionary measures. Most of the time they are treated with medications and thus you need to have genuine medicines. Thus get your medicines from the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
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Radiation therapy, the best way to cure cancer.
The world turns upside down of every person from richer to poor after being diagnosed with cancer. Whether it’s any type of cancer, it threatens the person to a large extends. But here some relief is given by when the treatment takes place. Cancer is a treatable disease in its early stages but when it reaches to 4th and 5th stages, it becomes difficult to get a cure.
Radiation Therapy:
Radiation therapy is commonly used to treat cancer worldwide; it uses beams of intense energy to kill cancer cells. Mostly X-rays are used, but sometimes protons or other types of energy can also be used.
Under this radiation therapy, mostly external bean radiation therapy called ionizing radiation is done, during this process, the high energy beans come from a machine outside of your body that targets the beans at a precise point on the body. In brachytherapy, another type of radiation therapy, the radiation is placed inside the body.
This therapy damages the cells by genetic material that controls the growth of cell and their division. While doing these both healthy and cancerous cells are killed, the goal is to damage the healthy cells to the least. Healthy cells can repair much damage caused by radiation.
Radiation therapy is not only the treatment of cancer but less commonly used for treating thyroid disease.
Sometimes doctors recommend doing only radiation therapy, but in most cases, it is asked to do along with the chemotherapy, surgery, or both.
After radiation therapy, medicines are recommended in large numbers, which is too expensive. Thus order them at discounts of 23% from the best online medicine supplier in India, 3Meds.
The types are made on the following factors:
•        Type of cancer.
•        Size of the tumor.
•       Location of the tumor in the body.
•        How close the tumor is from normal tissues that are sensitive to radiation.
•       general health and medical history of the person.
•        Age and medical conditions.
There are 2 types of radiation therapy:
External Bean Therapy:
External beam radiation therapy comes from a machine that targets radiation at cancer. The machine is large and noisy. It does not touch you, but can move around, sending radiation to a part of the body from many different directions.
External beam radiation therapy is a local treatment, which means it targets a specific part of the body. For example, if you have cancer in the lung, you will have radiation only to your chest, not to your whole body.
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 Internal Bean Therapy:
Under this, a source of radiation is put inside the body in solid or liquid form. A solid source called brachytherapy. Under this type of treatment, seeds, ribbons, or capsules that contain a radiation source are placed in the body, in or near to the tumor. It’s a local treatment and specific to the affected part.
The radiation source in the body is given off radiation for a while with brachytherapy.
Internal radiation therapy with a liquid source is as called systemic therapy. Systemic means that the treatment travels in the blood to tissues throughout your body, seeking out and killing cancer cells. Receive systemic radiation therapy by swallowing, through a vein via an IV line, or through an injection. With systemic radiation, the body fluids, such as urine, sweat, and saliva, will give off radiation for a while.
Why Radiation Therapy?
Radiation therapy is basically used to treat cancer and ease its symptoms. Either it reduces the growth or cures the type of cancer.
When treatments are used to ease symptoms, they are known as palliative treatments. External beam radiation may shrink tumors to treat pain and other problems caused by the tumor, such as trouble breathing or loss of bowel and bladder control. Pain from cancer that has spread to the bone can be treated with systemic radiation therapy drugs called radiopharmaceuticals.
Side effects of Radiation Therapy:
While doing radiation therapy, along with the cancer cells, they even the healthy cells of the body which results in side effects.
Side effects depend on:
•        The area receiving treatment
•        The person’s overall health
•        The type and doses of radiation
Short term side effects:
This is the one which differs with the type of cancer, but some common effects are:
•       Fatigue
•        Hair loss
•       Diarrhea
•        Skin changes
•       Nausea and vomiting
Long term side effects:
•        Heart or lung problems, if radiation affects the chest
•       Thyroid problems, leading to hormonal changes, if radiation affects the neck area
•       Lymphedema, which involves lymph fluid building up and causing pain
•       Hormonal changes, including a possibility of early menopause, from radiation in the pelvic area
Bottom line:
Many people feel anxiety and concern about radiation therapy, but it’s the best treatment to cure cancer. Along with radiation therapy, take all the prescribed medicines for better results. Thus order your medicines from 3Meds, the best cancer medicine supplier in India.
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How dental carries are affected by sugar?
Dental caries, it is a chronic disease that can affect you at any age. The term “caries” stands for both the disease process and its consequences, that is, the damage caused by the disease in between the process. Dental caries has a multi-factorial etiology, in which there is an interplay of majorly three principal factors: the host (saliva and teeth), the micro-flora (plaque), and the substrate (diet), and a lastly: time. The role of sugar (and other fermentable carbohydrates like highly refined flour) acts as a risk factor in the beginning and the progression of dental caries is overwhelming. Whether the initial demineralization proceeds to clinically detectable caries or else the lesion is remineralized by plaque minerals depending on a number of factors, to which the amount and frequency of further sugars consumption are of most importance. The paper reviews the role of sugar and sugar substitutes in dental caries.
Everyone knows that sugar is bad for health even for our teeth. But always this can’t be true. Instead, when green philosophers in ancient times, ‘Aristotle’, first observed that sweet foods like soft figs can cause tooth decay, no one approved or believed him.
As time progressed, things changes, new technology came up and it got proved that sugar can be one of the reasons for tooth decay. Only sugar alone cannot cause the decay, there take place a group f events after sugar taking place. Thus treating it with medicines improved. Thus medicines started selling online, get your medicines home delivered in 24 hours by 3Meds.
The mouth can be a Battlefield:
There are ample bacteria that take place in our mouth and get vanished. In these bacteria, some works as a well-wisher for our dental health while some try to spoil them all the time. For example, whenever a selected group of bacteria produces acid in your mouth, they encounter & digest the sugar. These acids remove the minerals from the tooth enamel, which is a protective, shiny outer layer of the tooth, and this process is known as demineralization. While on the other hand, a good thing takes place, that is, saliva helps to constantly reverse this damage in a natural process called remineralization. The minerals in saliva like calcium and phosphate, including fluoride from toothpaste & water, helps the enamel repair itself but replacing the minerals which are lost during an acid attracts, along with that this helps to strengthen the teeth. However, if the cycle continues of acid attacks, it causes mineral loss in the enamel. With time, it weakens and destroys the enamel, forming the cavity.
In simple words, the cavity is the hole in the tooth took place due to tooth decay. It is the result of harmful bacteria digesting the sugar in foods and producing acids. If they are left untreated for a long time, the cavity gets spreads into deeper layers of the tooth, causing pain and the possibility of tooth loss. The major signs of tooth decay include toothache, sensitivity to sweet, cold, hot drinks or food, and pain while chewing.
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  Dietary habits that cause tooth decay:
According to doctors, in recent times, there are certain food habits which result in tooth decay:
Consuming high sugar snacks: make sure you have in control intake of sugar and importantly do not have frequent times. It is observed that people who randomly eat sugary foods are seen to be more prone to developing cavities.
Drinking sugary and acidic beverages: beverages like sugary cold drinks, energy drinks, or sports drinks; they have a high percentage of sugary and acidic content. In a large study in Finland, drinking 1–2 sugar-sweetened beverages a day was linked to a 31% higher risk of cavities. Thus decrease your beverage intake.
Eating stinky food: avoid stinky food like hard candies, breath mints, and lollipops. Along with that, starchy foods like potato chips, tortilla chips, and flavored crackers.
Tips to fight tooth decay:
Some factors slow down the growth of cavity-like saliva, eating habits, exposure to fluoride, oral hygiene, and overall diet.
Some of the ways to avoid tooth decay:
Watch what you eat and when and how much. Instead, you can even what things you can eat and what to avoid.
Cut down sugar: reduce your intake of cold drinks and sugary stuff. Add them to occasionally food.
Practice good oral hygiene: for this, you can clean your teeth twice in a day and does mouth wash after your meals.
The bottom line:
Whenever anything sugary is eaten, bacteria inside the mouth work to break it, thus they produce acid in the process, which ends up destroying the tooth enamel and results in tooth decay. To fight this keep note of what you eat. If your tooth does not settle in a few days, so visit the doctor and have a checkup. Don’t bother about your medication, get it home delivered from the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
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Pancreatic cyst: Risk & Precautions.
The pancreas is a large organ behind the stomach, it an important component of the digestive process. It produces hormones, like insulin, to control blood sugar levels, along with those enzymes that help break down food in the small intestine.
Pancreatic cysts are pockets or pools of fluid that are on — or in — our pancreas. They are difficult to diagnose as they have minimal symptoms. They’re often found by chance when conducting an imaging test of the stomach (such as a CT scan) or for another issue.
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Pancreatic cysts are fluid-filled sacs that are formed within the pancreas. Most of the cysts are benign (noncancerous) and do not require any treatment. Some cysts can have a risk factor for future cancer development and thus require a close watch or treatment.
According to the 3Meds, the best cancer medicine supplier in India,  the majority of cysts on the pancreas are not cancerous.
Pancreatic pseudocysts
Often the result of abdominal impact injury or pain, pancreatitis, a pancreatic pseudocyst is formed by a collection or group of tissue and fluids that are different from the tissue found in a true cyst. A pseudocyst carries fewer chances to be malignant (cancerous) than a true cyst.
Most of the time, no symptom is shown for the pancreatic cyst, but while going for the imagining of the stomach, it is found. The common symptoms are:
•         Persistent abdominal pain, which may radiate to your back: This depends on the size and location of the cyst. When the cyst is small that is less than 2 cm, no symptom is shown, but when it enlarges, abdominal pain or back pain can be observed.
•         Nausea and vomiting: This happens on rare occasions, that is large pseudocyst can compress the stomach leading to obstruction to the movement of food in the intestine causing abdominal pain or vomiting.
•         Weight loss
•         Feeling full soon after you start eating your food
•         Small cyst in pancreases sometimes even results in jaundice.
Read Pancreatic cyst: causes & treatment.
You may have a higher risk for pancreatic cysts in the pancreas if you have a health issue that can result in the cause of pancreatitis. These basically include gallstones. You can decrease your risk by treating your health condition. Showing to doctors at the correct time and taking medication as prescribed. If getting an issue in getting medicines, then under online and get at a discount of 23% by 3Meds. Along with that drinking, less alcohol can also help to lower the risk.
There is an accurate way to prevent pancreatic cancer. Some of the risk factors like age, gender, race, and family history cannot be controlled. But there are things which we can do that can help to lower the risk:
Don’t smoke: Smoking is the most important to avoid reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer. To left smoking can help lower the risk. If you smoke and want help to quit, please talk to your health care provider or contact us at 3Meds.
Watch your diet, body weight, and physical activity: Getting to and staying at a healthy weight helps to lower the risk. Getting regular physical activity helps us to stay at a healthy weight and can also reduce our risk of pancreatic cancer risk by giving us a perfect toned body.
Processed and red meats and sugary drinks also increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.
The American Cancer Society recommends following a healthy eating pattern that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Along with that avoid red and processed meats, sugary drinks, and other things.
Avoid alcohol use: Heavy alcohol consumption has been tied to pancreatic cancer in some studies. Heavy alcohol can also lead to conditions like chronic pancreatitis, which is tending to increase pancreatic cancer risk. It’s would be perfect if you do not drink alcohol. If you do drink, then be careful not to have more than 1 drink per day for women and more than 2 drinks per day for women.
Bottom Line:
Pancreatic cysts are the kind whose symptoms are not shown easily. They are usually found while diagnosed with other parts of the body. Thus once discovered, do not take risks to ignore and start your treatment right at the moment. Get your treatment from the best doctor and medication from the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
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How you should increase your non-prescription pharmacy sell?
Yes, the prescription is very important to get medicines. Prescription is the first reason when any person enters the shop to get medication. But along with the prescription sales, it is essential for your shop business or online business to sell without prescription as well. In recent times, where the rate or amount of prescript medication is decreasing contently, while on the other hand, no-prescript medicines are selling at a good price and no degradation in their price. The margins of prescript are dropping while OTC or front end products are constant in terms of pricing.
The medication itself is a big industry where a lot of people get employed and many new techniques take place with each passing day. Along with that our medication services have never stepped back from showing results.
Below are the major 7 strategic ways to entice patients to make non-prescribed medicine purchases and ultimately boost your pharmacy revenue.
1. Do the Market Research: Just because you like a particular product, doesn’t mean everyone else will also do too. Don’t rely on your intuition to understand the best ways to grow your non-prescription sales. Review data and do research to determine which over-the-counter and retail products are in demand now. A study by Hamacher Resource Group (HRG) showed that “pharmacists assumed that diabetes products ranked as the fourth most-shopped non-prescription category, but point-of-sale data revealed that diabetes products actually ranked 15th.”
Along with that, reviewing the sales figures to notice which product is most popular with your customers and takes steps to make these products easier to locate in your pharmacy.
2. Use the Pharmacy’s Floor Plan to full Advantage: A compelling pharmacy layout displays the merchandise to improve sales. Some major areas of your pharmacy possibly receive more foot traffic than others. For example, areas next to the prescription counter and aisles leading to the checkout registers are meant to be higher in traffic. Rotate the products in and out of these areas and at the end-of-aisle display them to understand which items see increased sales in these highly walking locations. Testing different floor areas gives you a general idea about where your pharmacy’s prime real estate is present. Moving merchandise around also helps to keep the store fresh and current for your customers.
3. Train the Pharmacy Team to Cross-Sell and Up-sell: As a pharmacist person, you are supposed to know that a large number of drugs dispensed have the potential of causing drug-induced nutritional deficiencies. Many patients that walk through your door are already buying nutrients. Knowing this, the basic questions that should come to your mind are:
• Are they buying them from your pharmacy?
• Are they buying quality supplements that are beneficial to their health?
Up-selling nutrient depletion supplements are a win-win product. Patients, who are buying these supplements anywhere else, don’t normally consult a pharmacist at the time of purchase, so that means they are most of the times not taking the correct nutrients their body requires with drug-induced depletion. For example, you make $5 selling a patient a beta-blocker, and then you make $15 selling them the CoQ10; his/her body needs to have because of that medication.
The pharmacy team is key to this “Up-Solutions” strategy. Train them to build relations with your customers and make relevant product suggestions based on the drugs they are prescribed.
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This can also work for any products you prefer to sell in your store. Coach your team to be helpful and ask the customers what products or what requirements they are looking for or trying to fulfill, so they can easily find it and this can open the conversation to up-selling.
It can also be helpful to hold weekly team meetings to inform your staff what inventory demands to be moved, marked down, or removed.
Idea: Hold a contest and reward staff members those up-sell the most products each month. For more information on up-selling non-prescription products contact the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.com
4. Build Strong Customer Relationships: According to HRG research, consumers who have established good trusted relations with their pharmacy are more likely to come back compared to visiting stores where they don’t have a personal connection. Your talented team is capable of creating an atmosphere of comfort and trust so make sure to teach them to engage with customers and establish personal relationships anywhere possible. Guide your staff to recognize repeat customers and greet them by their first name or last name and ask questions about their families, work, or pets. Everyone appreciates & likes the personal touch.
Bottom Line:
A pharmacy is so much more than just a place to fill with prescriptions. It’s a place where people can find convenience products, supplements, food, souvenirs, and other household items. Knowing the most essential ways to increase sales of these items will pay off with a healthy bottom-line for your independent pharmacy. Along with that getting all things home-delivered acts as the icing on the cake. Thus order from online medicine supplier, 3meds.
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How to protect essential workers during COVID-19 ?
Health care workers are working day and night to save us from losing our life’s in this phase of COVID-19. They are the ones who are putting their life selflessly in danger just for the sake of others.
Covid-19, which came in India in January and it started spreading to a big number from March third week when the first lockdown took place. Coronavirus started spreading from Wuhan city of China from December, under just a few weeks it covered most of the countries and territories of the world. The novel coronavirus is a communicable disease that spreads from person to person through sneezing or coughing or even through speaking, that is the droplets get transferred from one person to another. How to protect ourselves from Covid-19?
The vaccine tests are going on throughout the world, but till now no appropriate vaccine has been discovered. Apart from this, the recovery rate is increasing with continuous affords of our front line workers, doctors, nurses, and the complete medical staff. Along with that, the people are making our surrounding safe, policemen and the home delivery people, who are providing the necessities at our doorstep is also compromising their safety for us. And even medicines are home delivered. Thus get your medication by the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
According to observation, health care workers are getting infected and are quarantined; even some have lost their life. It will be a big disadvantage for the country, for everyone if our doctors are eaten by the whale name corona.
Yes, doctors, nurses are taking all positive precautions they can, as in wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, gloves, and gowns to keep themselves uninfected and safe from the communicable disease like COVID-19. The center for disease control and prevention (CDC) suggests doctors wear N95 masks that filter out airborne particles and tiny droplets that may be coughed or sneezed by the infected person.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, most of the people have purchased the N95 mask, which resulted in the lack of it for doctors, nurses, and all the medical staff who are actually dealing with those people and working over them. Getting N95 is okay, but it’s not as useful for us other proper masks because it is specially made according to the person, that it should fit properly, getting a similar size do not help everyone. Get the perfect mask for you from the best medicine ordering app.
If our front line workers will not get the required necessary material, the possibility of their getting infected will increase. The high number of infected medical staff, it can hamstring the complete medical system. “During major disasters, pandemics, or such outbreaks, we often have massive patient surges that affect the medical system. We require as many health care workers as possible. If they are not well, they contribute to that patient surge instead of being able to contribute as responding personnel,” Rebmann says, the American doctor.
“Reports from medical staff describe physical, mental exhaustion, the torment of difficult triage decisions, and the pain of losing people- patients and colleagues, it acts as an addition to the infection risk,” said an editorial published in The Lancet on March 21.
Dr. Randeep Guleria, the director AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Science), said: “The medical staff in high-risk departments like ICUs have more exposure to infection, both because the severely ill are more infective but are also because they do the higher frequency of medical intervention and aerosol-generating procedures, like intubation and nebulizing.”
Thus it is difficult to save dealers of patients if they won’t have proper required things. Therefore, it is suggested not to purchase N95 and let it be in stock for our medical team.
Dr. Harsh Mahajan, chief radiologist, Mahajan Imagining, Delhi says, “
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The protection of health staff is important as they are out there saving lives, at the first sign of symptoms; people go to their local physician or diagnostic lab, from where they are referred to the government facility testing for Covid-19 & further treatment. Health staff must be protected because they are out there saving lives”
During this outbreak the chances of infection are increasing with each passing day, making the medical staff work much longer hours and stretching themselves to the extreme ends. They all time work under high pressure for saving the life of others and not getting infected at the same time.
Bottom Line:
Thus it is important to safeguard our front line workers, by not disturbing their required materials to bring it to scarcity. Along with that, they are the reason for wellness; they are more prone to getting infected, it’s essential to take steps to protect them. What steps can be taken more to protect our health care workers discuss with the best medicine adviser in India, 3meds.
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How pandemic is resulting into extreme stress?
Since the day COVID-19 took place & along with that lockdown, these have increased the stress level in people around the globe. Many people are trying to manage the situation while on the other side some are working hard to get through it, but there are few who have lost their mental stability. No income and expenses are the way it was have made the people lose their savings, not able to handle the situation.
Along with that many people are sufferings from family issues, arguments, and how to spend their time. All-time home, doing nothing is increasing the stress level and making people get into depression.
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If you seat and think for a moment, how are you taking these days? Is this the way you should move forward? Or else your stress or spoiling out relations due to your anxiety will result is a solution to the situation?
I don’t think so! Thus why don’t you pay attention to the present moment and try to solve the things at your level?!
Here are some of the things suggested by 3Meds that causing stress and the best way to solve them:
No Income: In this pandemic and lockdown, when you cannot go to your respective work, then definitely there’s no income. But try certain ways to earn something. As you can try some freelancing, this is the best option to make money along with that it can help you to explore your hobbies, you will get to know what you like to do and what not.
Health Issues: It is obvious and somewhere expected that you must be having some health issues, not a major one, but some like headaches, stomach aches or not such flexible body, laziness, and feeling uneasy all day. This is happening because you are just at a place and not doing anything – physically. The solution to this is exercise. Try to do some stretching or some hard exercise which makes your body move and get some sweat out. This can be considered as the best starting for the day. Read the best exercise to do in lockdown.
Maintain Stress Level: It is one of the most important to maintain. Increasing stress can result in dangerous situations. Stress can come from anything like, maybe your unstable routine, loss in business, an argument with people around, or anything. Thus keep your stress level down, for that it is recommended to do meditation. Meditation is the best way to calm your mind and release stress. With meditation, it improves your blood circulation, gives you a new flow of energy along with it helps to turn to optimism. Do not start by planning to do for an hour, if you won’t be able to, you will be discouraged more. Thus try with 10 minutes per day and then gradually increase.
Prefer Clean Environment: Clean surroundings accord us to get new ideas, think out of the box. Make your surrounding clean, you can clean your house, your room, and decorate it with your things. In the daily routine, it’s difficult to take time out and do all these things. Thus it’s the time, engage yourself in that.
Stepping Out: Some people are fearful of stepping out, getting things. They do not prefer to talk to outside people and going to groceries, pharmacies have become a task for them. Thus for such, the best option is to get your things home delivered. For everything, we can rely on but when it comes to medication, taking risks is not the option. Thus for that, get your genuine medicines home delivered from the best online medicine shop in India, 3Meds.
Be With Family: Talking and sharing are the best ways to express our feeling, feel relaxed, and sometimes even loved. Thus talk to your family, have quality time, play indoor games like ludo, Jenga, and more. You can make some quarantine memories like cooking together, clean the house together, and other things. Happy moments reduce stress and anxiety.
Have Calls: As under this phase, you cannot step out, thus prefer the video call or voice calls, try to embrace virtual greetings and invitations. Don’t allow the physical distance to get converted into mental or emotional distance. Thus get in touch and make some virtual memories.
Gratitude: Gratitude gives the feeling of satisfaction, fulfillment, and contentment. Thus why not try this and get into a relaxed zone.
Bottom Line:
Stressing out is not a solution to anything, what needs to happen, it will. The stress will not change destiny. But it can change the current scenario by making you and the people around you stressful. Thus follow the above ways and try to live in the moment. Along with that, pay attention to your health issue. If your body shows any symptoms, talk to the best medicine adviser in India, 3Meds
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What effects Covid-19 have on dengue patients?
Corona Virus, Covid-19, or Novel coronavirus, whatever we name it, the fear hearing will not reduce. Covid-19 came to India in January and till March mid; it became the guest in every state, even city. The guest, who is not leaving, considering everything and taking everyone under its umbrella, coronavirus is communicable diseases, which spreads from person to person. It is proved that this virus spreads from droplets released from an infected person through sneezing, coughing, and talking & get transferred to a healthy person making him the patient too. The symptoms of this virus are showing from 3rd to 14th day. As in some people, the symptoms can be visible from the 3rd 4th day only, but in some people, it may take up to 14 days to get noticed.
Covid-19, till date has made his place in most of the countries and territories, in many countries the situation has gone out of control, they were not able to save their people, some countries are free from COVID-19's havoc and some countries like India are playing a tough game against COVID.
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The major symptoms of Corona Virus are:
• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
Read the precautions of Covid-19 by the best online medicine supplier, 3Meds.
Dengue never stepped back in taking the life of a person. Even dengue is also a very dangerous disease, whose treatment does not get started at the correct time, then it resists the development of platelets in our body, as a result, to which the platelet count reduces. In such cases, if a person not able to cope up with his/her platelets count, they can end up losing a life. This is caused due to infected mosquito like Aedes aegypti mosquitoes bite the person results in the disease dengue. The treatment of dengue is available and it shows the great possibility of recovery.
Dengue’s severe symptoms are shown within 24-48 hours after the fever is gone. These are some of the major symptoms are:
• Stomach pain, tenderness
• Vomiting (at least 3 times in 24 hours)
• Bleeding from the nose or gums
• Blood in vomit or stool
• Feeling tired, restless, or irritable
If you feel any such symptoms, visit your physician.
On the other side of the coin, coronavirus takes a much longer time, basically, it varies with person to person.
The deadly symptoms of COVID are:
• Trouble breathing
• Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
• New confusion
• Inability to wake or stay awake
• Bluish lips or face
If any of these symptoms seem, visit your doctor immediately. Apart from this, these are just a few of the symptoms, read the complete list of signs and symptoms of Covid-19 by 3Meds.
How to deal?
Some common ways to deal:
Observe Yourself: Start observing yourself, how your body is, is it reacting, and are you feeling uneasy or any of the above-given symptoms.
Dengue Patient: If you have a history of dengue or you are going through under its treatment, then focus on any symptoms come up. Coronavirus is more likely to get severe in patients who already a treatment going on.
Medication: Do not skip your medication. Skipping medication can result in being more prone to diseases in the environment, thus continue your medication. Due to lockdown, it’s not possible to step out and get medicines, along with that it’s perilous to get out of the home if you are already under any treatment. Thus instead of getting from retail pharmacies, order online- home delivered. You should use the best online pharmacy in India to get your medicines delivered.
Along with that, visiting hospitals is as dangerous as stepping into the fire and hoping not to get burnt. Thus instead of getting into trouble, get your medication advice from the best medicine adviser-3Meds.
What Preparation the Dengue Patient should have in this pandemic?
• These are some of the steps you are suggested to take:
• Maintain your hygiene
• Do not forget to sanitize your hands every hour or every 2 hours.
• Do not step out without accurate reason, prefer to get things home.
• Maintain social distancing, if you step out and wear a mask.
Bottom Line:
Dengue and Covit-19 can result in a deadly combination which everyone is suggested to stay from it. It’s not that it’s not curable, but with a low ratio of curable number can’t be considered on the positive side. Thus instead of going out, be home and get things home delivered. Even medicines, get them at discounts of 23% from 3meds.
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Are our healthcare workers putting their life in danger in COVID-19?
Health care workers are working day and night to save us from losing our life’s in this phase of COVID-19. They are the ones who are putting their life selflessly in danger just for the sake of others.
Covid-19, which came in India in January and it started spreading to a big number from March third week when the first lockdown takes place. Coronavirus started spreading from Wuhan city of China in December, under just a few weeks it covered most of the countries and territories of the world. The novel coronavirus is a communicable disease that spreads from person to person through sneezing or coughing or even through speaking, that is the droplets get transferred from one person to another. How to protect ourselves from Covid-19? 3Meds.
The vaccine tests are going on throughout the world, but till now no appropriate vaccine has been discovered. Apart from this recovery rate is increasing with the continuous affords of our front line workers, doctors, nurses, and the complete medical staff. Along with that, the people are making our surrounding safe, policemen and the home delivery people, who are providing are necessities at our doorstep is also compromising their safety for us. Along with that medicines are home delivered. Thus get your medication by the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
According to observation, health care workers are getting infected and are quarantined; even some have lost their life. It will be a big disadvantage for the country, for everyone if our doctors are eaten by the whale name corona.
Yes, doctors, nurses are taking all positive precautions they can, as in wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, gloves, and gowns to keep themselves uninfected and safe from the communicable disease like COVID-19. The center for disease control and prevention (CDC) suggests doctors wear N95 masks that filter out airborne particles and tiny droplets that may be coughed or sneezed by the infected person.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, most of the people have purchased the N95 mask, which resulted in the lack of it for doctors, nurses, and all the medical staff who are actually dealing with those people and working over them. Getting N95 is okay, but it’s as useful for us other proper masks because it is specially made according to the person, that it should fit properly, getting a similar size do not help everyone. Get the perfect mask for you from the best medicine ordering app.
If our front line workers will not get the required necessary material, the possibility of their getting infected will increase. The high number of infected medical staff, it can hamstring the complete medical system. “During major disasters and outbreaks, we have massive patient surges that affect the medical system. We need as many health care workers as possible. If they’re ill, they contribute to that patient surge without being able to contribute as responding personnel,” Rebmann says, the American doctor.
“Reports from medical staff describe physical and mental exhaustion, the torment of difficult triage decisions, and the pain of losing patients and colleagues, all in addition to the infection risk,” said an editorial published in The Lancet on March 21.
Dr. Randeep Guleria, the director of AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Science), said: “The medical staff in high-risk departments like ICUs have more exposure to infection, both because the severely ill are more infective but also because they do the higher frequency of medical intervention and aerosol-generating procedures, like intubation and nebulizing.”
Thus it is difficult to save dealers of patients if they won’t have proper required things. Thus it is suggested not to purchase N95 and let it be in stock for our medical team.
Dr. Harsh Mahajan, chief radiologist, Mahajan Imagining< Delhi says, “
Health staff must be protected because they are out there saving lives,” said Dr. Harsh Mahajan, chief radiologist, Mahajan Imaging, New Delhi, “At the first sign of symptoms, people go to their local physician or diagnostic lab, from where they are referred to the government facility testing for Covid-19. Health staff must be protected because they are out there saving lives”
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  During this outbreak the chances of infection in increasing with each passing day, making the medical staff much longer hours and stretching themselves to the extreme ends. They all time work under high pressure for saving the life of others and not getting infected at the same time.
Bottom Line:
Thus it is important to safeguard our front line workers, by not disturbing their required materials to bring it to scarcity. Along with that, they are the reason for wellness; they are more prone to getting infected, it’s essential to take steps to protect them. What steps can be taken more to protect our health care workers discuss with the best medicine adviser in India.
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Things to know about Bone cancer.
Cancer is a disease that can be caused to anyone irrespective of age and gender. Cancer takes place due to the production of particular cells more than required and unstopped production. An increased number of cells starts effectively our body negatively and does not allow the other functions to take place properly.
Bone cancer is usually not seen in adults & it takes place in the makeup cells of the bone. It occurs when a tumor or the abnormal mass of tissue, forms a bone. The tumor is malignant, which means it’s growing aggressively and spreading to the other parts of the body. These types of tumors are often referred to as cancer. Bone cancers are rare but it happens due to out of control growth of cells in the cells.
Types of Bone Cancer:
1. Chondrosarcoma: It one of the rare types of cancer that often begins in the bone but sometimes it takes place in tissue near the bone. The most common locations for such tumors are the pelvis, hip & shoulder. Rarely it affects the base of the skull. Chondrosarcoma’s defining character is cell production in cartilage. Some of its cells grow slowly and do not spread to other parts, on the other side some grow so rapidly that they spread causing high risk. For such tumors, surgical removal is considered probably.
2. Ewing Sarcoma: This type of cancer takes place either in the soft tissue or in the bone of a person. This cancer can take place anywhere but mostly it takes place in the leg bones and in the pelvis & less often it targets soft tissues of the chest, abdomen, limbs, or other locations. As cancer can occur at any age, this cancer is usually seen in children and teenagers.
3. Osteosarcoma: It is the type of bone cancer that takes place in the cells with forms of bones. Often it takes place in leg bone and sometimes in hand bone, but it can occur in any bone of the body. Hardly can it occur in tissue near the bone. It is a tent to occur in children and young adults but it is also seen in old adults and teenagers. The treatment is done on the basis where the tumor starts but often chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy is used.
4. Multiple Myeloma: This is the most common type of bone cancer seen in older adults usually. It occurs when cancer cells grow in various bones. It has the best prognoses, and many people who have it don’t require treatment.
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1. Bone pain
2. Weakened bone, leading to fracture
3. Fatigue
4. Unintended weight loss
5. Palpable hard mass in the long bones of the limbs
6. Easily broken bones
Treatment depends on:
1. Stage of cancer
2. Age
3. Overall health
4. Size and location of the tumor
Medications that treat bone cancer include:
1. Chemotherapy drugs for multiple myeloma
2. Pain medications to relieve inflammation and discomfort
3. Bisphosphonates to help prevent bone loss and protect a bone structure
4. Cytotoxic drugs to prohibit or stop the growth of cancerous cells
As it can be treated with help of medicines, thus it is suggested not to skip medicines. Get your genuine medicines home delivered with the best discounts, 3Meds.
Radiation Therapy:
The doctor may recommend radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells.
The doctor surgically removes tumors or affected tissue. Surgery to remove and replace damaged bone is an option to stop cancers that spread quickly. For extensive bone damage in the arms or legs, amputation can be needed.
Alternative Therapy:
Doctors add alternative therapies that include herbal treatments to your care plan. However, this must be done with careful consideration as some alternative treatments may interfere with chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
1. Having a family history of cancer, especially bone cancer
2. Having received radiation treatment or therapy in the past
3. Having Paget’s disease, which is a condition that causes the bones to break down and then grow back abnormally
4. Currently or previously having had multiple tumors in the cartilage, which is the connective tissue in the bone
Get assured whether you are at risk or not, cancer adviser in India.
Bottom Line:
Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer and can be treated with certain precautions and proper medications. Skipping a medicine routine can affect negatively. Thus preorder your medicines and take care of yourself.
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Cervical cancer: A complete guide.
Cervical cancer occurs in the uterus that connects to the vagina, it occurs cells change in women’s cervix. Cervical cancer is usually caused due to HPV (Human Papillomavirus), sexually transmitted diseases. Most of the time, the body’s immune system prevents the virus from causing harm. In a very small percentage, it gets to remain in the body for years causing cervical cells to become cancer cells. This cancer even affects the deeper tissue of the cervix and can spread to other parts of the body (metastasize), usually the lungs, liver, bladder, vagina & rectum. The risk for cervical cancer can be reduced by having screening tests and receiving a vaccine that protects against HPV infection. Cervical cancer grows too slowly thus it is possible to treat it before it causes severe problems. A few women die each year due to this cancer. Women age 35-45 are tent to get infected, but most of the get cure.
In the early stages, no symptoms are shown.
In advance stages, the following symptoms are seen,
•        Vaginal bleeding after intercourse or between periods or after menopause
•        Watery bloody vaginal discharge: it can be heavy and have a foul odor
•        Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse
•        Pain when you have sex
After it has spread, cancer can cause:
•        Pelvic pain
•        Trouble peeing
•        Swollen legs
•        Kidney failure
•        Bone pain
•        Weight loss and lack of appetite
•        Fatigue
Discuss while your symptoms are indicating cancer with the best cancer adviser in India, 3Meds.
Types are useful to understand which treatment to begin. Broadly there are two types:
•        Squamous cell carcinoma: This type of cancer begins in the thin, flat cells (squamous cells) lining in the outer part of the cervix that projects the vagina. Most cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas.
•        Adenocarcinoma: Adenocarcinoma begins in the column-shaped glandular cells that line the cervical canal.
Sometimes, both types of cells are involved in cervical cancer. Barely, cancer occurs in other cells in the cervix.
Once you are diagnosed and confirmed you have cancer, your doctor will assign a stage, which will help him to begin the right treatment.
Stage 1: The cancer is small. It may have spread to the lymph nodes, but not to the other parts of your body.
Stage 2: Cancer gets larger here. It may have spread outside the uterus and cervix or to the lymph nodes, but haven’t reached other parts of the body.
Stage 3: Cancer has spread to the lower part of the vagina or to the pelvis. It may be blocking the uterus now, the tubes that carry urine from kidneys to the bladder. It hasn’t spread to other parts of your body.
Stage 4: In this stage, cancer may have spread outside of the pelvis to organs like your lungs, bones, or liver.
As cancer is one of the expensive treatment and patients is supposed to take a lot of medication. Thus order your medicines at great discounts.
It’s one of the most treatable cancers due to its slow speed of development. These are the 4 methods used by doctors to treat:
The purpose of surgery is to remove as much cancer as possible from the body. Sometimes the doctor can remove just the area of the cervix that contains cancer cells & even other organs in the pelvis if cancer reached there. Radiation therapy
Radiation Therapy
kills cancer cells using high-energy X-ray beams. It is delivered through a machine outside the body. It is also being delivered from inside the body using a metal tube placed in the uterus or vagina.
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. Doctors give this treatment in cycles. It is given for a particular period and then stopped, giving time to the body to recover.
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Targeted therapy
Bevacizumab (Avastin): it is a newer drug that works in a different way from chemotherapy and radiation. It blocks the growth of new blood vessels that help cancer grow and survive. This drug is often given in combination with chemotherapy. If your doctor discovers precancerous cells in the cervix they can be treated.
Along with that do not forget to get your medicines home delivered from the best online pharmacy in India, 3Meds.
Bottom Line:
Cervical cancer is treatable cancer. All the person has to take care of is to pay attention if any symptoms occur because its symptoms take a long time to occur. And do not skip medication and course requirements.
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Stress: Not only the thing of today, but spoils future as well!
Try walking barefoot in the month of May at 2 pm the heat you will feel, will not let you walk. But similarly, if you start walking from 10 am and continue till 2 pm, you will not notice the heat until it reaches its peak.
Just like that, when we start getting stressed, we start taking it lightly as we can handle, but when it reached its peak and starts affecting us mentally and physically, that time we understand the amount of stress we are dealing with. As a result of such, a person can suffer from stress-related diseases.
 What is Stress?
Stress is the “psychological, physiological, and behavior response a person gives when they are surrounded by their responsibilities and deadlines of the demands around him/her.” When the brain gets tired of handling so much pressure, it gets ill. Thus, it is impotent to know, how to manage stress,
 What is stress management?
 Affords taken by anyone like the person himself, his loved once, relatives, doctor, or advisers to relieve stress. This process of relieving stress is known as stress management.
 Symptoms for Stress:
Around ¾ population experience stress, but some major symptoms are:
• Difficulty sleeping.
• Weight gain or weight loss.
• Stomach pain.
• Irritability.
• Teeth grinding.
• Panic attacks.
• Headaches.
• Difficulty concentrating.
• Sweaty hands or feet.
• Heartburn.
• Excessive sleeping.
• Social isolation.
• Fatigue.
• Nausea.
• Feeling overwhelmed.
• Obsessive or compulsive behavior.
 How Stress is harmful?
Stress is good for health as that keeps us attentive and our subconscious mind always open, so that we are ready to tackle our entire situation. Stress is also the reason for the best results sometimes. But when everything is under the line, it’s good. But things go beyond that, it becomes dangerous and harmful. Likely, when a person takes stress more than his mind and body can accept, his mental condition starts reacting and the physical body starts showing weird symptoms.
Stress and Burnout: Burnout was the term coined by American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in 1970, referring to the effect of extreme stress and high ideals placed on “helping” professionals, such as doctors and nurses. In today’s condition, the person deals with ample stress in his daily routine and at end of the day, it seems like burnout.
 Side effects on Body:
Stress can affect our bodies immensely. These are some of the examples of stress affecting our bodies.
• Immune System: If you are under prolonged stress, it can make your immune system susceptible to frequent infection.
• Musculoskeletal System: Stress affects our muscles. It makes the stuff, way of body, guarding itself.  Stuffed muscles cause aches, especially headaches.
• Respiratory System: Stress causes your heart to beat faster than usual, which can result in asthma or panic attacks.
• Cardiovascular system: Continues stress causes many problems in your body. Thus, the flow of blood gets disturbed. Sometimes too fast, and sometimes get slow, which results in problems like blood pressure can have severe effects on your body.
 Ways to Deal:
Prioritize: It is essential to set things on the basis of priority. If you try to do everything at the same time, nothing will get completed along with that they end up giving you the gift of the bulk of stress. Thus before starting your work, note that on paper and prioritize them accordingly.
Personal Time: In the complete day routine, try to have a minimum of half-hour as your personal time or self-time. In this time, you can go through the priority list, cancel the things which are done, write a new one. At this time, you can make some short calls or plan other things or even medicate to relax your mind and prepare for next.
Avoid Guilty Things: Try to avoid all the things which make you feel guilty after doing. As the time wasted on those things can’t be returned and feeling guilty will take more time. Thus try to avoid unthought-of decisions, nicotine, alcohol consumption, and drugs. Make your own list and start avoiding.
Learn to say ‘NO’: According to observations, many of the time a person gets stressed because of the things he said yes to do under the pressure of maintaining his relations. Thus, to save yourself physically and mentally, learn to say no. It is important in today’s world, or else you will end up doing other’s stuff and spoil yourself.
Get Check-Up: After trying many things, nothing seems to works, and then it is suggested to visit the physician and ask for advice. There are many psychologists who deal with such issues or even talk to consultants. In stress, if medication is prescribed, then it is important to have proper medication. Thus, get your genuine medicines home from the best online pharmacy in India- 3meds.com.
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• Try to understand your stress, from which it is causing, or what can be the major reasons.
• Read your stress signals. When you feel most stressed while doing what and what can be done to make it normal.
• Work is very important, but things can only work out when you are there to work. Thus make your self-care a priority. If you are fit, things will get in place with your efforts.
• Don’t feel uncomfortable or less while asking for support. We have people in our lives to love us, support us in our difficult situations. Thus get your help and recover yourself.
 Bottom Line:
Stress is as dangerous as any severe medical condition. We do not take stress seriously because it is something which we cannot see, and never give attention to understand it. But it’s adverse effects are seen in the long run. Thus taking stress lightly can be a mistake. Try to manage your stress or get the best suggestions to tackle it from the best medicine adviser in India- 3Meds.com.
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As a cancer survivor what you should do to protect yourself from Covid-19?
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Covid-19 is an infectious disease-causing Corona Virus. It was discovered in December 2019, in the Wuhan, China and it was over the complete world in 3-4 months. Due to which the current situation is declared as Pandemic by WHO.
Covid-19 has put everyone in a major dilemma, whether it’s a person with no medical history or the one undergoing serious treatment. According to available data, older people who are suffering from chronic respiratory, cardiovascular, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and active cancer are more prone to severe levels of Covid-19. 
Under this pandemic, it’s a challenge for cancer patients to visit hospitals as they are worried about getting infected while their visit. Along with that, the thing to worry about is, the chemotherapy, it will lower their immunity, which makes them more susceptible to the diseases. On 28th May, LANCET Oncology has published a medical journal, study on cancer and COVID-19. They mentioned patients with severe illness have the possibility of getting infected from corona, regardless of, they are active patients or on anticancer treatment or both. In elderly patients or patients with co-motilities who are at high risk of Covid-19 infection, they can explore non-chemotherapy options like targeted agents and immunotherapy. Lung cancer can be treated with chemotherapy-free options like targeted therapy or immunotherapy. Some selected cancers like early-stage breast cancer express the estrogen receptor for which hormonal therapy can be used as a better option.
In certain types of cancers like metastatic lung cancer, metastatic kidney cancer, metastatic liver cancer & metastatic genitor-urinary cancer, immunotherapy has been defined as the first-line therapy. History has taught us, the only way to overcome any severe situation is by innovating and evolving. Like all facets of society, health care has also risen up to challenge the changes. The result to which, continuous practice is going on to get treatment and the people should stay home, therefore everything including medicines is delivering home.
 Steps recommended taking:
• Test for confirmation if not done. • RT-PCR SRAS-CoV-2 testing should be proposed to all patients undergoing surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy, if feasible and ideally before each treatment/cycle. • It should also be proposed to patients in follow-up or cancer survivors if they present with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 infection. • Serology (if available) should be proposed to identify previous COVID-19 infection in all cancer patients. • If capacity is limited, RT-PCR SRAS-CoV-2 testing should be proposed to all patients with suggestive symptoms of COVID-19 infection, being inactive treatment, in a follow-up phase, or a survivor. • If serology is limited, it should be proposed to all patients undergoing surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy, or any active anti-cancer treatment. • Assess severity by clinical, radiological, lung function, and biological tests. • Evaluate the need for patients in terms of hospitalization in dedicated units.
Due to coronavirus, all health care providers are adjusting their activities. The doctors treating cancer have also changed the way they take appointments. Cancer physicians have to decide and weigh the risk of missing the cancer treatment or medical appointment against the exposure to Covid-19 infected persons.
Risk factors include:
• Patients receiving chemotherapy, or who have received chemotherapy in the last 3 months. • Patients receiving extensive radiotherapy. • People who have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking immunosuppressive drugs. • People with some types of blood or lymphatic system cancer which can damage the immune system, even if they have not needed treatment.
Specific risk groups with an impaired immune system:
• Leukocytopaenia. • Low immunoglobulin levels.
New symptoms require special attention:
• Fever • Coughing • Sore throat • Difficulty breathing • Muscle pain • Tiredness • Anosmia • Dysgeusia
Prioritization for Cancer Patients:
According to ESMO, the guidelines have been delivered in three priorities (High priority intervention; medium priority; low priority) for cancer patients during the Corona phase. This is designed according to Cancer Care Ontario, Huntsman Cancer Institute, and ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS). • High priority: The patient’s condition is immediately life-threatening, clinically unstable, and/or the magnitude of benefit qualifies the intervention as high. • Medium priority: Patient’s situation is non-critical but delay beyond 6 weeks could potentially impact the overall outcome and/or the magnitude of benefit qualifies for intermediate priority; • Low priority: The patient’s condition is stable enough that services can be delayed for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and/or the intervention is non-priority based on the magnitude of benefit.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, at least for 20 seconds. Or else use an alcohol-based sanitizer. • Necessarily wash your hands after blowing the nose, coughing or sneezing and after using the bathroom • If you or someone you care takes cancer medication, order them home from cancer medicine provider in India, 3meds.com. While you prefer to stay home during a pandemic. • Ensure enough stock of tissues, hand wash, sanitizers, OTC (over-the-counter) medicines, including other medical supplies to treat fever as well as other symptoms. If goes out of stock, then fill your stock immediately by getting medicines to deliver in 24 hours. • Stock up enough groceries and other household items so that you may be prepared to stay at home for a substantial period of time. (Follow all the basic guidelines given by the government regarding COVID-19.)
Bottom Line:
It is very important for cancer patients to be careful. You can follow the above tips, stay home, maintain social distancing, wear masks & take proper medication to keep cancer becoming a reason for corona infection at its bay. Thus as cancer patients, you are more prone to disease, therefore it is important to be alert and protect yourself.
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Experience depressed free life with these top 10 things.
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Many times in your complete life span you feel low, not in a mood of doing anything or sad. Rapid mood swings are part of your nature but when you have the same mood for a long time, for example, you are sad, feeling rejected, regretful, or down-hearten, and then maybe you are in depression. 
Depression is the kind of disorder that is very difficult to understand. In this, you usually feel, that it’s your mood that is affected but down the line, we are getting into depression. This illness not only affects you emotionally but also physically and mentally. It is one of the most common illnesses, out of 15 adults, one experiences depression. It can affect anytime incomplete life but usually observed in teens, under 20 youth.
Types of Depression: -        
·        Clinical depression.         
·        Depressive episode.                 
·        Recurrent depressive disorder.                 
·        Reactive depression.                
·        A severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms.                  
·        Dysthymia                 
·        Cyclothymia                 
·        Seasonal affective disorder (SAD).                   
·        Manic depression 
Symptoms of Depression: 
*  Feeling sad or you are having a depressed mood. 
*  Feeling loss of interest or happiness in activities, you once enjoyed. 
*  Getting trouble in sleeping or sleeping too much. 
*  Getting fatigued easily. 
*  Increase in purposeless physical activity or slowed movements and speech (actions observable by others). 
*  Feeling worthless or guilty. 
*  Getting difficulty in thinking, concentrating, or making decisions. 
*  Thoughts of death or suicide are coming in mind. 
Okay! So, if you have, try these methods to overcome it, & if you don’t, then try these to not to get into its umbrella! 
10 Things to do: 
1.   Avoid Stress: According to the study conducted in 2012 with veterinary students, stress has a negative impact on mental health, life satisfaction, and general health. When stress reached its peak it causes depression. Stress is very harmful to your body, as many a time we remain stuck in that phase.   
2.   Workout: Exercising has a positive impact on your mind and body. If you do high-intensity exercise then your body releases the hormone name endorphin, which gives the feeling of satisfaction and happiness. If you are doing low-intensity exercise and done persistently then it releases neurotrophic factors, which helps your brain to function well.   
3.   Diet: Your brain requires an appropriate quantity of nutrients and proteins. Thus it is important to have a proper diet, to have the right food at the right time of the day.    
4.   Sleep: Quality sleep is as important and essential as quality food. Thus you are required to have at least 8 hours of sleep each night.              
5.   No Alcohol, No Drugs, No Smoking: These are some of the things which create your way to depression. The things which addict us are not good for health. According to the ‘Anxiety & Depression Association of America’, estimates that around 20% of people who suffer from depression are addicted to any of these three or all the three. For most people, moderate alcohol is not a problem, but people with this disorder can worsen their situation.   
6.   Thanks Giving: You often forget to thanks the people who make efforts to keep you happy, feel your necessities, or are there for us. Include thanking people in your attitude. If you thank one person per day, it will develop the feeling of satisfaction, give you happiness, and even your bond with that person improves.
   7.   Express Yourself: It better to keep your feeling to yourselves, but its best to express out. Expressing is not always sharing what you think to another person, but it can also be done it’s other forms like you can do painting, dance, writing journal, or by anything you love. If these things don’t seem to work, then share with the person you love the most. Sharing will make you feel calm; it will also allow the other person to take care of you.   
8.   Build Support Network: You are humans and get loved is your necessity. You cannot live without love. Thus for this, you are required to make a network, love people around, to get loved. In the book named,’ How to win friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie, have mentioned, ‘the more you put efforts in any relationship, the more love you can withdraw in the time of need’. 
9.   Reduce Social Media: Social media can have negative & positive impacts over you, but if you are feeling low then it creates negativity. Watching other people’s enjoying their life, which make can make more depressed and sad. Thus it is recommended to have low social media interaction, have more in-person meetings.   
10.  Get Checked: Even after following all the tips, you are not able to cope up with the feeling of down-hearten, then it will be perfect to visit your doctor. Many a time it happens, we don’t understand what changes in us, thus it’s better to have expert advice and solve the situation. You can even talk to the best medicine adviser in India and get medicines delivered home. 
Bottom line: 
Depression is a very dangerous disorder if not taken seriously. If you ever feel sad or morose, then follow the tips mentioned above. It will help you to get better and if still, things don’t get on track, contact your doctor.
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Finding it difficult to have better sleep? Here are top ways for it!
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Are you too tired of tossing and turning complete night?! Not getting proper sleep and because of which your day is not fruitful as you want.
Sleeping is directly linked to our mental health and physical health. If we do not get quality sleep, your mind will not respond alertly, your mood will be bad throughout the day, even your body reacts in a negative manner that is; you will feel sleepy all day.
Therefore, it’s crucial and essential to have sound sleep every night.
Thus to solve this problem, 3Meds, the best online pharmacy in India, have the top 10 tips to help you out.
1. Sleep Timing: It's not that difficult as it seems to be. You just have to select a time for sleeping. If you sleep at 10 p.m. at 12 a.m. or even at 2, it should be fixed. Having a sleep schedule helps your body to save energy for all tasks and feel sleepy at sleeping time only, have sound sleep.
• Sleep-Wake Cycle: Decide both timings; try to have a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.
• Avoid Extra Hours: Just because its weekends & you are home, don't be on the bed. Avoid those extra hour sleep. If you sleep in those extra hours, it may result in midnight awakening.
• No Napping, No Dinner Drowsiness: Do not sleep in the afternoon. Yes, afternoons make lazy and forces to have a nap but stop you. Afternoon nap will spoil your night's most important sleep. Dinner drowsiness, after dinner it is natural to feels like to sleep but scientist too says, sleeping just after dinner is not good for health. Thus, move, complete today's work, plan tomorrow, wash dishes, or just go for a short walk.
2. Night Exercise: Before going to bed, you can do certain light exercises like stretching; it opens the muscle and increases your tiredness which can result in better sleep.
3. Light Exposure: Light exposure helps to reduce our sleep. Melatonin is naturally secreting hormone in your body which is control by light exposure. Melatonin hormone makes you sleepy. Decrease the amount of light around when you sleep, so that a high amount of melatonin gives better sleep.
4. Meal Routine: Heavy eating before bedtime influences negatively to your sleep, do not accord to sleep comfortably. Thus, according to research, we should have your dinner at least three to four before bedtime. Avoid these things to have better sleep:
• Limit caffeine and nicotine.
• Avoid big meals at night.
• Avoid alcohol before bed.
• Cut back on sugary foods and refined craps.
5. Get Relaxed: After being through the rough day, it is difficult to relax and not to think about how things went, but for better tomorrow it is important to get calm and have sound sleep. You can calm your mind by writing journal, listening to songs and reading or by practicing deep breading process.
6. No Night Caffeine: Above 60% of the world's population is dependent on coffee. Their days do not start without coffee.
It enhances our focus, energy, and sports performance. The result to which, caffeine does not allow our body to get relax or to get in sleep mode. It is recommended by the best online pharmacy not to have caffeine 3-4 hours before sleep time. Coffee significance worsens our sleep if you drink in late afternoon or evening.
7. Bedroom- Sleeping Environment: The research experts suggest you should keep your bedroom for sleeping purposes only. Working over a bed or watching television, affects the bedroom environment and no more keeps it relaxed & calmed. Thus try to have dim light & clean room. That, as you enter, it makes you feel relaxed and sleepy.
8. Declutter Yourself: The most difficult & important task to do. According to best pharmacy researchers around the world, if you declutter yourselves at least an hour before sleeping, then you won't be required to have sleeping pills. Therefore, don’t use the phone and you can have short walk, do night exercise or read.
9. Minimize Light & Noise: Light does not allow melatonin to secrete and get us into sleep zone. Thus, it is essential to have dim light in the bedroom. So, you can have quality sleep. Before sleeping, make sure no noises are disturbing you.
10. Get Checked: After following all the tips given above, even if you are not able to get proper and relaxed sleep, consult your doctor. Sometimes you can have any reason due to which your mind does not feel relaxed. Thus it is preferable to see your doctor before any severe issue.
Bottom Line:
Quality sleep is as essential and important as having quality foods, we all have a different issue in sleeping but following these tips can help you to the extent. Visiting doctors is also the considerable option when after trying everything; you are not able to get adequate sleep. Order your recommended medicines online. If you are concern about your health and well being and it is important to make sleep as one of your priority and incorporate the tips above.
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How to optimize your immunity in Pandemic? Top 10 ways.
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We are in the scenario of ranking one in diseases as well. Covid-19 has broken all the records and still increasing in large numbers. In this phase of the corona, we have understood one thing that it is very important to keep our immune system absolutely fit. According to experts, after COVID-19 there are many infectious diseases that can take place.
On the basis of current experience, we need to optimize our immune system and save ourselves from dangerous viruses developing in our surroundings.
Covid-19 has stopped us at the place and made us think about our future. This phase has not only affected us but taught us the basics of life, the importance of fitness, and balance!
Thus here are the top 10 ways suggested by the best online pharmacy in India.
1. Stop Smoking: Take a step forward to stop smoking. It has never helped anyone in the world then, how it can help you! The novel coronavirus is a respiratory disease that damages the lining of our air sacs in our lungs. Smoking is the reason for cancer. How smoking causes lung cancer? If you want to quit then, let's this pandemic be the reason. If quitting doesn't save you from COVID-19, but it could save your life down the road.
2. Less Alcohol: Quitting alcohol is always the best choice, but if you can't quit then it is essential to reduce the amount of intake. Dr. Ford said, 'treat yourself right and you will maximize what you have got'. Thus US Dietary Guidelines for America comments to consume less alcohol, one glass for women and two glasses for men per day.
3. Exercise-The Routine: You need to make exercising as your routine in this pandemic. It is important to keep ourselves moving and active, thus take out all your stuff getting rotten in your storeroom and start today. Find creative ways to do your exercise.
4. Get enough sleep: Sleep is a medicine to many things. It is very essential to have an adequate amount of sleep to keep our body alert and working. According to our ancestors, sleep early and wake up early, helps to give our body enough time to complete its internal work.
5. Reduce stress: Covid-19 has offered stress in bulk, but we need to understand the situation and find ways to keep ourselves relax and calm. Taking stress nowhere helps us; even it increases our blood pressure giving more health issues. Thus relief yourself and calmly stay safe.
6. Laugh till belly aches: Happiness is the solution to all the problems. If you are happy, your body works out of joy and helps the immune system to get strong. Laugh once in a day till your belly and cheek start aching. According to research, belly laugh boosts out the immune system.
7. Eat Veggies: Our mothers are tired of asking us to eat veggies, but now it is a need to have them. It is suggested to have a rainbow while having food, which means half of our plate, should be filled with fruits and vegetables. Making a diet plan can help you to take the proper amount of nutrients at an accurate time, while following that plan, be careful you have the right food at the right time of the day.
8. Lose weight: We are grown up hearing, more weight attracts more diseases! These days of Quarantine are offering us to give time to ourselves and get in shape.
9. Get sunlight: Vitamin D is as important as any other vitamin in our body. Thus it is important to go under the sun once in a day. Due to COVID-19, we cannot go out of the house. Thus you can go to the terrace or in the corridor. If nothing seems possible, then get your vitamin D tablets online from the best online pharmacy in India. 3Meds.
10. Be positive: Our immune system works on what we think and what we feel. It is important to keep ourselves positive while doing anything.
We need to accept the brutal fact, we cannot fully control COVID-19 or we cannot even control any viral disease or bacteria from entering our body, but we can control our immune system. We can make it strong by following the above steps and can give a tough fight to such diseases.
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